
by LuminousRabbit

Chapter one: Aurora Aura

Chapter one: Aurora Aura  

I stalked through the claustrophobicly narrow service shaft, trying my best not to trip on the thick lengths of cable that ran along floor, walls, and low, cream-coloured roof alike. They ran vertically and horizontally in a seemingly random pattern, sometimes criss-crossing into my walking space, making it extra difficult to move.  

Powerboards hummed at me from all directions, and little multicoloured lights blinked on and off in their own intervals from places along the cream-coloured walls. Little things buzzed and blipped, off in worlds of their own, like there was nothing else. I could feel the magic flowing through all of them, the power that ran the Interface and everything Twilight Sparkle had created.

I concentrated, and a smallish 10 by 10 holographic, yet solid screen appeared in front of my eyes. More concentration, and with access to the Interweb's databanks that surrounded me, I pulled up the plans for the building.

I'd almost memorised it. Very nearly. With Twilight Sparkle's ludicrous original plans that somehow made sense, and of course the dozen renovations the data building had had since then, no two rooms, corridors, or service shafts - such as the one I was in - were the same. So I'd almost committed it to memory.  

After a glance at the map, and a quick calculation of my position, I dispelled the hologram and came up to the next intersection. With a small grunt, I leaped over a bunch of green wires and approached the control panel that regulated the flow of magic in this sector.

I then used the Interface to bring up on my hologaphic screen the live security camera system for this sector. Enter password, the thing bleeped at me. I scowled and repeated the twenty-two didget number in my head that was the password. Password accepted, it said.  

The administrators of the building were always changing passwords on me. I don't know why they did it, and I really thought they would have found the virus I installed by now.  

Oh well, it was just too bad for them if they hadn't. The virus sent me a message via the interface every time the password was changed, including the new password and the details of who had changed it, so that I could exact revenge on them if I wished.

It was really pointless of them to try and keep me out. They couldn't even keep me out of their building, let alone their computer system. Mind you, half the workers there were so clueless, they would have trouble keeping me out of the Royal Canterlot Palace, even if they had the whole guard at their service. And they did once, too. I still got in.  

Once I had my sights set on a location, it really was too late. And so I had been accepted at the data building as a find of friendly ghost, or poltergeist was perhaps a more accurate term, given for my love of mischeif. There was one place, however, that I had never been able to get into, sector G of this very building, and that's why I spent the majority of my spare time here.

Once I had brought the cameras onto my screen, I was able to create a map of where everypony in this sector was. The staff appeared on my screen as tiny flashes of movement, flicking from the view of one camera to the next. I quietly made my way to the closest service door and sat myself there, waiting to open it at a moment's notice.  

I was in Sector D5, quite close to the edge. That was bad, because I'd have practically no prior notice if somepony was going to come by me. Made it more fun though. Behind the door that stood in front of me was the sector. If I swung it open...

My eyes were caught by a sight on the screen. Multiple ponies were approaching quite quickly, flicking in and out of view of different cameras, changing position on my screen. I could see them approaching the very door I was behind. The corridor I was (nearly) in was dark-walled, smooth, and made of plastic painted with an alloy that was polished so meticulously that you could almost see your reflection in it.

I flicked off my screen. Now it was just a matter of timing, at which I was a master. Three... Two... One...   I swung open the door with my magic, leaped out, and screamed "BOO!!" Several ponies jumped, and one gave an amusing squeak. The Administrator, who happened to be among the pack, gave me a furious look as I burst out laughing. "Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

As soon as I stopped, I noticed that the last pony of the pack hadn't given any reaction at all. I looked at her poutily, sticking my bottom lip out, before I realised exactly who 'She' was. My eyes widened. "Princess Celestia, dear, how lovely to see you! How was the trip? My, you look well. Visiting the gym often?" I just barely choked out my natural response to an unexpected arrival.  

"This is our rash, Aurora Aura," said the Administrator dryly. The Administrator of the Interface headquarters and databanks was an earth pony, but she had an implant and a fake horn that enabled her to work magic just like me. She had a royal blue mane that was neatly-cut. Her coat was pale pink.

"That's a new one. Your analogy, no doubt, that I'm an irritation that clings to the skin, then? Because I really do get under it, don't I?" I gave the Admin my evillest grin, before turning back to the Princess, "Lovely to meet you. I'm Aurora Aura, the one and only Faithful Student," I said, running a hoof through my mane, before holding it out to her.

I shook her hoof with an enthusiasm only mustered by the truly reckless. Celestia gave me a small smile in return. "You study under old Auburn then?" I nodded.
"Well, it is the truth that Equestria needs a clown here and there," she said, turning to the Administrator.  

While Celestia's back was turned, I poked my tongue out at El Adminno. She scowled lasers in return. "We were just showing the Princess around. Care to be not here, if you don't mind?"
"Certainly!" I replied, "I'll be stalking you through the walls. While I'm here, do you want me to turn the lights on a bit more?"  

"They are a bit dim," the Princess admitted.
"They're always like this," said Le Admin.
"That's because I'm always here breaking them for you. However, since we have a visit from royalty today...?"
The Administrator growled. The only reason she (and most of the other workers) tolerated me here was because I was the Faithful Student, and someday I'd inherit all this. But the place still held secrets, and I wanted to find them out, not have them gift-wrapped and handed over.
"Turn them on."

"Thank you. Princess, can I get you a coffee?"
"We don't have a coffee machine," said the Admin.
"No," I said, "You don't. You used to. Now I have a coffee machine. And where do you think everyone gets their coffee then? It doesn't just appear. Actually, sometimes it does, but not always. I ask again: Princess, would you like a coffee?"  

"No thanks," she said.
"Shame. How about you, Phil?"
"Sure," said the brown earth pony at the back of the group.
"Well, I'll be seeing you!"
"See you too," said Celestia.
"Uh, no," I replied, "It doesn't work both ways. I watch you, you wonder if I'm watching. But I'll tell you a secret: I'm always watching."  

Celestia laughed. Adminny rolled her eyes. And with a flash of magic, I was gone.