Promises of Protectors

by WinterMoonWatcher

Help Wanted!

Dear Wax...

I know you will probably throw this letter into the trash with the rest, but despite our differences there are some things that can’t be ignored. Unlike you, we DON’T have this ‘luxury’ you have deluded yourself in your past bragging. However, I will be the better pony in putting aside our differences. I hope you have not forgotten the true reason of why you left in the first place.

I also hope you have not decided to ignore our problems, because I WILL drag you back home. Oh, sorry. ‘Home is anyway but with you,’ remember? I’m sure THEY have not forgotten, because I certainly have not! Anyway, things have gotten worse, no surprise there. Good news for you though, you don’t have to suffer with us anymore. Do I sound bitter? Not like you were any better.

Feelings aside, we need your help. I’m leaving again, and in case something happens then please remember our promises. At least...come back for them. It’s the least you can do.

Look back and away. Understand our blood. Never forget. Always remember.

From, Wane.


It was the posters that got his attention.

The hood-covered pony was confused by the crowd that seemed to gather everywhere he went. It was strange, Canterlot was popular but not to this extent. Even as he continued to the train station his curiosity grew as he looked over the many ponies in the area. It was impossible not to hear the excitement and awe as many of the conversations he heard talked something about harmony, elements, a high-paying guard offer-wait.

Stopping for a moment as the crowd moved fluidly around him, it was easy to hear what everypony seemed to be heavily focused on. Namely that the Elements of Harmony had been found, they were used by six mares, and that they lived in a town close to the city.

It was very interesting to hear, considering the fact that the elements were considered a foal’s tale. And yet it was undeniable that the figure on the moon had disappeared, with an unnatural chill that permitted the air for a short time before suddenly disappearing. No pony seemed to know what exactly had happened, which helped rumors to spread like wildfire.

He didn’t know if he should be glad or disappointed that the night didn’t last longer.

Deciding to see what all the fuss was about the unicorn silently grabbed one of the many posters that dotted the walls in a magical grip. Hovering it over the heads of the crowd and lowering it to his face he scanned what paper to see what it showed.



“...And that’s why I’m here.”

Crescent smiled at the mare before him as he finished his tale. Fidgeting slightly at the raised eyebrow that seemed to stare into him he settled himself once again on the comfy chair. The white-coated mare had a couple of papers scattered across her desk as she looked down and wrote something that was too small for him to read. The name plate on the desk read Raven Inkwell.

Looking around the room again for the hundredth time Crescent began to wonder if he had made a mistake. He had thought that an interview for such an important position would be done in a much fancier area, but the room was empty except for the desk and chair. Barren walls and a single window were all that greeted him.

It was somehow more intimidating than the long line of ponies that went all the way outside the castle. Hours of anxiously waiting for his turn felt less tense than the silent mare and desolate room.

This is not worth it. I can’t believe I’m so close to-

Raven had finally finished whatever notes she jotted down and placed her pen back on the cluttered table. Looking up towards him he forced himself to relax as she stared with no visible expression showing, “You say you just found out about this job and came straight to the castle in hopes of getting the position. Why exactly do you want this job, Crescent?”

A simple question. One that he could not answer with complete honesty.

“Well you see, I am quite a talented spellcaster. Yes I am aware that there are many here who would say they are powerful or intelligent, but my skills in both magic and mind are quite capable. I can confidently say I would be a good choice in protecting the Elements of Harmony and the ponies that use them. The same for any innocent civilians that may be in danger for any reason.”

“Those are admirable traits with a moral mindset. You did not answer my question.”

“Ha...” Crescent chuckled as his nerves returned with a vengeance. Turning to look at one of the blank walls he carefully thought about the best way to secure a high opinion from the princess’s secretary, “What can I say that every other pony before me have already told you? Or all the ones after me who will likely boast of their own skills and such?”

She raised an eyebrow again, and Crescent took a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts, “My family isn’t exactly the wealthiest around. Hasn’t stopped them from doing their best to teach and train me to be a powerful guard,” at Raven’s inquiring look Crescent shrugged, “We never had too many bits, so they decided that helping me prepare for a position in the royal guard would be a good idea.”

“So you are a capable fighter and are aware of your surroundings, including those around you.”

“Yes, and I would try my absolute best to watch over the Element Bearers alongside my companions.”

“That is good to hear. You have not answered my question yet.”

Crescent shuffled his body in a nervous energy as he swallowed the saliva building in his mouth. This mare sure knew how to act intense, “I want this job because I believe myself to be one of the best pony’s to protect them.”

Raven leaned forward, “Explain.”

“I can’t say what the reasons all of the other ponies have for wanting this job, but I will take this position because I wish to protect six innocent mares who now hold artifacts of incredible power. I do not know them, but I know the real dangers that may befall them, from both monsters and the public.”

Crescent leaned forward as he continued with a steady voice, “I am well aware that public image can be very important. Their social life is in a delicate position, and the dangers that can come from fellow ponies are as dangerous as the monsters that may wish them harm. I know that not everypony has a malicious or questionable reason for being here, but in my experiences I know better than most.”

Raven picked up her quill and began to write down what he hoped was positive praise, “And if this is what you believe, how far will you go for their protection?”

Now came the risky part. Hopefully this sealed the deal, “I could be cheesy and say how I would give my life to protect them,” he joked lightly before returning to a serious answer, “Instead I will say that I would protect them from everything, even the other guards chosen for this task if I find them to have malicious intentions.”

Raven looked up with a hint of surprise in her expression, “You would suspect that the other guards alongside you may be dangerous to the Element Bearers?”

“Perhaps not intentionally. Since the offer entails that we will be staying in Ponyville for at least a couple of months I am aware that possible friendships or rivalries could form, and I would not take chances if it meant somepony would use this to their advantage. Even if it is one of the other guards.”

Raven nodded slowly, “That seems to be quite a cautious mindset, bordering on paranoia. However you are not wrong about the fact that even a guard assigned to protect them may try to take advantage of their position. I would not lie about the fact that it has happened before, that is one of the reasons why I am conducting these interviews.”

Crescent internally breathed a sigh of relief. So far he seemed to be hitting all the right spots. He would even say he might just have this in the bag! Glancing down at the desk Crescent looked at the paper that was plastered all over Canterlot.

Help Wanted! The Princess wants six volunteers who will come together to protect the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony. If chosen, the select few shall be stationed in Ponyville and will watch over the six mares who now wield the elements.

Talent and skills are necessary. Come to the castle for an interview with the princess’s secretary. Very high pay for those who are chosen. For Equestria!

It was a bit gaudy and vague in his opinion, but it got the message across. He idly wondered just how many ponies actually knew what the Elements were. Looking further down he stared at the picture that was shown on the poster.

It was a picture of Princess Celestia standing near six mares, each of them wearing what he presumed to be the Elements of Harmony. Five of them were what appeared to be a necklace with symbols engraved in them, yet it was the sixth mare that got his attention.

She had a purple coat, with a dark indigo mane aside from a single streak of amethyst and pink. Her violet eyes stared happily at the princess as a gold-colored tiara rested on her head with a star shaped symbol atop it.

Twilight Sparkle, the most recent protégé of the sun princess. He wondered just how powerful she must be for the princess herself to have been teaching her.

Patiently waiting for the next question Crescent closed his eyes in an attempt to relax himself. It seemed almost convenient that Celestia’s own pupil now held one of the Elements. If he didn’t know any better...

Leaning back he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. A grey ceiling was all that greeted him. He was glad that this interview was not as formal or personal as he had originally thought. Looking towards the window he wonders if he’s been here longer than most of the other candidates. That was good news for him, right?

“This interview is over.”

Eyes widening in surprise the unicorn took a moment to find his words, “I...we’re done? That...did not take as long as I thought.”

“What did you expect?” Raven looked up from her notes, “This interview is simply to figure out the better candidate choices. If you end up being one of the chosen candidates to return for a more detailed talk, then congratulations. If not, then my apologies. Either way, have a nice day.”

He had questions, but decided to leave quickly as Raven had returned her attention to the papers on the desk. He could only hope he made a memorable first impression.

Stepping out of the room the royal guards pointed him towards the exit. Crescent followed the pathway to the castle’s exit as he passed by the very long line that extended well beyond the castle walls.

Are they all staring at me? Then again they stare at any pony that is leaving, even the ones in tears.

Ignoring the many looks he got Crescent simply lifted his cloak’s hood over his head. Moving at a casual trot he simply left the castle grounds. It was only until he found the train station that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking into one of the many shop windows he lowered his hood and gazed over his reflection. A light royal blue coat with a fully black mane greeted him. Aquamarine eyes with a hint of grey stared back with small dark bags under his eyes. Throwing cloak over his head again he headed for the train station.

That was too close, I can’t believe I actually went there. I mean, seriously, what are the chances of me being chosen? It would be awesome if I was but it’s not as if the princess herself chooses who watches over her pupil...


Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow at the massive pile of papers on the right side of her desk. She glanced towards the small pile on the left before commenting to Raven, “I would say that the smaller stack are the ones that you believe to be worthwhile?”

“Yes, these are the ones that I consider to not be completely useless for a monumental task such as this,” she tilted her head slightly at the papers, “It is your choice, your majesty. I hope you are satisfied with today’s choices.”

Using her magic to envelop the recommended papers in a golden hue Celestia idly glanced at the possible options before her.

Raven cleared her throat to get her attention, “Pardon me your majesty, but I would like to ask why you wanted such a simple interview for something so important. I know you have your reasons for doing so but I fail to see how not conducting a full and proper investigation into these candidates is a good idea. Especially considering the questions you had me ask many of them.”

Celestia turned to give her secretary a warm smile, “No offense taken Raven. I will admit that my instructions were slightly unorthodox, but I believe that Twilight and her new friends need something more than just guards to hover over them,” she smiled at the notes written before her, “They are civilians who hold incredible power. However, it would not be a good idea to simply have guards stationed at Ponyville for the sake of their protection.”

Behind her Raven looked towards the notes she had previously written on with a hesitant expression, “So you wish to choose these specific ponies to act not just as guards, but as...friends?”

“In a way,” Celestia calmly replied. She picked out one of the papers and turned towards Raven with it held out, “Tell me about this one.”

Raven stepped forward to read what she had written about, “His name is Crescent Descent. He is a unicorn stallion who entered my room wearing a dark coat. He was nervous but answered by questions with a confident air. I admit he was intriguing in his answers to me, despite his fidgetiness he did not shy away from the idea of possible deceit and manipulation.”

“Ah, so you say that he is of a cautious sort?”

Raven snorted, “If I may say, with the way he continuously glanced all over the place he seemed almost paranoid.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, “Perhaps his nerves were getting the better of him,” she chastised gently.

Raven bowed her head in apology before continuing, “He was careful in his words, saying how he would not make false promises about protecting Twilight and the other bearers, even going so far as to say he would protect them from the other guards if he felt the need to. Of course, we would not choose any pony to watch over the elements without some knowledge of their background.”

The princess smiled at the papers before her, “That seems to be a difficult endeavor, seeing as how you have written down his comments about a poor family outside of Canterlot. And yet he still came all the way here...interesting.”

“Princess?” Raven asked in a questioning voice.

Celestia lightly hummed as she looked over the other descriptions, “Tell my sister that I will be busy tonight. If she asks, tell Luna I am looking for potential guards to watch over Twilight and her friends.”

“Of course your majesty,” Raven hesitated before speaking up, “No offense princess, but are you sure assigning six chosen ponies to guard the elements is the best choice?”

The room became silent for a moment. Just as Raven was ready to leave Celestia finally turned to her a smile, “Not all of them are complete strangers, Raven. I am not that trusting of my ponies intentions, especially for my dear student.”


Dear G...

I am afraid something has happened, and I must stay away for some time. Hopefully it is nothing, but in the insane case that it is not, then please know it will be some time before I send another message. Please let her know, and remember, I have not forgotten the stories.

From, Wane.