//------------------------------// // applejack stayed with her aunt and uncle orange and become, Orangejack, a spoiled brat that speaks sophisticated, wears elaborate outfit with tons of makeup and her mane styled into a large beehive shape // Story: What If... // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// Rarity stared at Orangejack and her large beehive shape style mane. It was a very large beehive, and she was almost certain that there were actual bees contained within. Orangejack wiggled her brow. "Darling darling, darling." Rarity gasped. "Why, I never! Three darlings in a row? What are you? Some kind of Canterlot nobility?" Orangejack summoned a pair of sunglasses as she (somehow) made a double finger-guns gesture at Rarity. "Right on, my fair maiden." If it weren't for the incorporeal ether having banished her for unspeakable crimes only half an hour earlier, Rarity would've left the physical realm right then and there. A lone bee buzzed out of Orangejack's large beehive shape style mane. "Darling, you have a--" "Bee, yes, I am quite aware," Orangejack nodded along. "Now please, get along and lay out the carpet for me. I cannot go anywhere without my red carpet!" Historians say that that was the day an earth pony first learned self-propelled flight.