//------------------------------// // Pinkie Pie // Story: Brony convention // by bowsero3 //------------------------------// We all stared Pinkie Pie over for a second to see if it was really her. Sure enough she had three balloons and confetti as a cutie mark, pink hair, and big blue eyes. "Hi how are you my name's pinkiepie what's your name do you want to come with me to Ponyville? It will be so much fun!" She said really fast without a breath. I didn't even get to answer one question. "Yes please take us to Ponyville" Eric said still surprised. "O.K. follow me!" She said enthusiastically and turned around and ran. Me, Eric, and Josh had a hard time keeping up, but Joey kept up just fine. "Hey guys, wait up," I said exhausted. Pinkie Pie and Joey stopped immediately. We ran right in to them and everything went black. I don't know how long I was out, but next thing I know Eric's big green head was in my face saying, "Zyon, wake up we're just about there!" I got up and said, "Joey, I really hate you!" "Hey, you told us to wait up," he said laughing. I look forward and I see that we are on top of a hill. I look down the hill and see an amazing village. I stammered "I..is that-" "Ponyville," Josh finished for me. "Lets go," Pinkie Pie said happily. "O.K."