//------------------------------// // Nicole Begins To Go Crazy // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// In the Watterson household, Richard was getting a little worried about his beloved (but angry) wife. Darwin and Anais were also getting worried about Nicole since Gumball ran away with a bunch of adorable ponies from another world. As of now, Nicole was sitting on the dining table and having some bottles of vodka, obviously getting drunk and pouting about believing that it was her fault her firstborn son got "kidnapped" like this. "Uh... dad?" Said Anais, "maybe you should go talk to mom and see if she's ok." "Why me?" Asked Richard. Whispering in one of Anais' ears, he added: "look at her, she is a mess and you know how scary your mother can get when she's mad." "Yeah, but you're her husband and you usually know how to calm Mrs. Mom down." Said Darwin. "You know how to make her happy again and she's drank too much of that stuff." "Ok, ok, I'll go talk to her." Richard looked afraid but took a deep breath before walking over to his wife. "Hi honey!" He tried to sound as happy as possible. Nicole just gave him a scary scowl in return. "Hello Richard." She said in a slurry voice. "I still can't find Gumball anywhere." Then she made a hiccup. "Well honey," Richard still kept his smile, "I know you're still feeling down right now but-" "Down?" Nicole said, "down?!" Then she made a laugh. "Come on, I am as happy as I can be! As happy as working at my cruddy job for chump change, and now losing my firstborn son to a bunch of colorful horses from another dimension? Hahaha! Yep, I am so a winner." Then she had another sip of her vodka "Come on honey, you shouldn't be upset." Richard said. "Well why not?!" Nicole suddenly snapped. "Why shouldn't I get gosh darn upset?! Just look at me! I am definitely mother of the year material. Ha! I'm the worst mother in history." Richard made a gulp and tried not to feel uncomfortable. "You're not a bad mother, Nicole." He tried cheering her up. "You said it yourself; there's no such thing as a perfect parent or perfect family." "Oh please." Nicole doubted. "I am no good mother. Do I really scream that much? So I really lose my temper that much? Or- or- do I really get angry that much." "No!" Richard said. "No no no no no, of course not. You are the greatest mo-" "Liar!" Nicole blurted, startling Richard. "Mom, calm down!" Anais said. "Calm down? Hic! Who am I kidding? Gumball, my- my firstborn baby gone like this, all because of me." She faceplanted her face on the table with a thud. "Mrs Mom, we're worried about you. And Gumball." "Oh, who am I kidding?" Asked Nicole before breaking down into tears. Mood swings were a common thing about being inebriated after all. "My little Gumball, my Gummypuss, my own firstborn gone all because of me! It's all my fault. I am not a good mother." "But you're a good mom, Mrs Mom." Said Darwin, trying to console her. "Don't lie to me, Darwin." The female cat brushed off. "I know a lie when I see and hear it. Now because of me, he's never coming back." Then she faceplanted on the table again while crying some more. "But hey," She suddenly got her head back up with a demented smile on her face. "Maybe that will be one less kid to worry about. Yes! I still have you guys. Who- who needs Gumball anyway? Hahaha! He was always a spoiled, insensitive twerp who is never grateful for anything!" The rest of the family became a little weirded out by this change of behavior. "Yep, I am better off without him. Mwahahahahaha!" She began spazzing out on the floor and moving around like crazy as she was laughing crazily and maniacally. Richard, Darwin, and Anais looked on, feeling completely weirded out by Nicole's supposed loss of sanity. "I think her mind just snapped" Anais quietly said to Darwin "Are you kidding?" Asked Darwin. "She's lost it! She's gone completely bonkers." "let's give her some space." Richard quietly said to his kids. "Maybe we should call the police on her?" Asked Darwin. "Are you kidding? This is mom we're talking about." Said Anais. "She hates tattletales, hates them more than dad's ponytail." "Hey! It's not my fault I grew hair like that one time." Richard sounded offended. "Things like those happen out of nowhere. "We gotta do something about Mrs Mom." Darwin pointed. "If we don't call the cops, what can we do?" "Let me try something." Said Anais. She went up to her mother still spazzing and losing her mind as she was laughing hysterically like a crazed maniac. "Mom, I think you had enough vodka for one day." She gently held her mother by the right hand. "Maybe we should get you to bed." "What?!" Nicole got off the floor and looked offended. "I told you not to talk to me like I'm hysterical!" The today three family members looked scared at Nicole losing her temper as usual. The mother of the family realized what she had just did. "I- I'm sorry. I am just so sad about what happened with Gumball." "We all are." Said Darwin. "Maybe we can get aunt Penelope to help us." "No! Never!" Nicole barked. "I want nothing to do with that hippie! Penelope is nothing but a deadbeat, nature-obsessed loser!" In Equestria, Gumball and Pipsqueak were enjoying some comic books for themselves. It was the first time Gumball and seen the Power Ponies series newest edition. "So Pip, what's it like in Trottingham?" "The ponies are very nice and welcoming." Pip answered. "A little different from Ponyville. But it's a nice place. Me and my parents always go there for a few weeks in summer." "Nice." "Who wants apple cider?" Fluttershy brought in two glasses of the drink. "Yay!" The boys exclaimed in joy.