//------------------------------// // Might Have Found A New Best Friend // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// Working and working all day, the Cutie Mark Crusaders already finished cleaning the pig pen at Sweet Apple Acres, and they were already sweating. Unfortunately for them, this was only the first chore they were doing today, the rest would be helping out in the fields, herding the sheep, and planting some new apple tree seeds in the orchard and getting rid of the the trees that were withering away out of old age. "I don't know how much longer i can keep this up." said Sweetie Belle, panting from exhaustion. "Yeah, I feel like we are working like slaves right now." Scootaloo wiped a few drops of sweat off her forehead. "Look, it's hard work." Applebloom admitted. "I did some of Big Mac's chores, but i think we kinda deserve it." she bowed her head in shame. "He was asking for mercy and we didn't listen to him." then she let out a sigh. "Rarity was right. Two wrongs don't make a right." "It's not like we were going to through him into a furnace until he's cooked." Scootaloo pointed "I know." said Sweetie Belle. "But come on, let's just finish the rest of the chores so we can relax." "Now I know how it feels to be Big Mac." Scootaloo said "Me too." said Applebloom before they both went back to work with the chores. The second one was an actual chore. The three of them had a little difficulty pulling the plough in the crop fields because they were three fillies against a plow made more for grownups. The more they worked, the sweatier they were becoming. Alas, this was their punishment for tormenting Gumball by tickling him over and over again. The sooner they would get these laborious chores today, the better. The worst part of it was; it would be for one whole week. Of course, as for Big Mac himself; he was enjoying his week just relaxing and enjoying time to himself since this was a week off from his normal duties. Yes, he was sitting on his bed and napping. The strong stallion was glad to have been taken this kind of time off for himself. Everyone needs a vacation time every once in a while in their lives, otherwise; they would burn themselves out. As the Crusaders were enduring their punishment, Gumball was reading some Power Ponies Comic books that Spike gave him. He was a little weirded out by the plot and realized that he shouldn't be surprised since ponies are the dominant species in this universe. For some reason, he keeps forgetting that key fact within him. Drinking some orange juice, he turned the next page, and Fluttershy gently poked him with a hoof. "Wah! What?" Gumball shrieked. "Oh, i'm so sorry." Fluttershy said in her meek and adorable quiet voice. "I didn't mean to frighten you." "Nah, i've seen scarier things." Gumball reassured her. "I told you about Carrie, and Tina." "Right, you did mention them to me." the yellow pegasus remembered. "But you'll make plenty of friends here. I promise. You already have made some." "True. Still I wish Darwin was here to see this." "Maybe we can ask Celestia or Luna to help us with that... or Discord." "Good idea. But i don't want to face the wrath of my angry mother. After what happened before, she is going to murder me big time, and i might be grounded for life when she sees me again. And I have dreams of being an actor or being successful with this handsome face. Mom can ruin all of that for me!" "Gumball!" Fluttershy said. "You're spiraling." "you're not going to slap me, are you? Because I might need that." "Heaven. No. Why would I do that?" Fluttershy sounded surprised. "Well that's how it works in my world for spiraling people sometimes." Gumball flatly said "Why?" "To snap them out of it. It works sometimes." "I'm sure there is a better way to help somepony in need of regaining their sanity besides hurting them." Then she looked at her front door. "Like having some fresh air to inhale in our lungs. Nothing like enjoying the outside to help ease our tension." "Sure, why not?" Asked Gumball. They both walked out the cottage together and Gumball was liking the air already just coming out in the atmosphere again. As he was being greeted by Fluttershy's critter friends, a small colt that was white with brown spots on him approached. "Hello." Said the colt in a British accent. "So you're the cat from another world I heard about." "Yes. That's me." "Name's Pipsqueak, but my friends call me Pip." "Names's Gumball." Said the blue cat boy. "Heh. You were named after a candy?" "Well my real name is Zack, but using my real name almost destroyed me on the inside." Pip couldn't help but laugh. "You're funny. Do you read comic books?" "I love comic books. What boy doesn't?" "I know!" Said Pip. "I have lots of comics in my own room to read from." "How many?" "I stopped counting after fifty of them." "Wow." "Yeah there is just so many that I lost track. I probably have around a hundred of them." "cool." "So wanna get some cookies from Sugarcube Corner?" "Maybe later. I was just about to finish the end of the comic where the Power Ponies are about to beat High Heel in foiling the great show heist. "Ooh! Can I read it with you?" "Sure. Why not. It looks very cool and action-packed." "When it comes to the Power Ponies, anything is possible!" Pip said in excitement. Then both boys ran in together to read the last part of the comic. Fluttershy smiled at how adorable it is to see Gumball made a possible new best friend. Yes, it can look like a new beginning for him.