//------------------------------// // Crusaders Being Punished // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// Poor Gumball was endeavoring more tickle torture from Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. He was laughing and laughing as he begs the crusaders to stop tickling him. Alas, these attempts still fell on deaf ears to the girls, as they continued tickling him with feathers. "I can't take it anymore!" Gumball laughed some more. "Hahaha! please! ah hahahahahaha! let me go! i beg of you! ha ha ha!" "You want more?" asked Applebloom. "Does he want more, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked the tomboy pegasus filly. "I think he does want more." they all grunned evily again as they continued to tickle him further and further. At last, Gumball felt his gut being a little sore from all of this uncontrollable laughter. "Ah! my ribs! ha ha ha!" he shrieked. "I think i'm going to bust my spleen!" At last, the Crusaders had their fun and stopped tickling him (mostly because they were getting a little out of breath.) Were they done? were they finished torturing him in a playful way like this. Suddenly, the door was knocked three times and the Crusaders looked at it in surprise. "Hello?" It was Fluttershy. "Girls, are you in there? I hope i am not interrupting anything." Sweetie Belle was the one to answer thr door with an "innocent" smile on her face, along with her friends. Gumball was panting and clutching where his stomach was, like it was about to burst out of his own body. "Yep, nothing unusual going on." said Applebloom. "We weren't doing anything to Gumball if that's what you're thinking." Scootaloo tried to help. She got her left torso bumped hard by Sweetie Belle. "Ow!" she exclaimed. Fluttershy didn't exactly know what to make of this, and peeked over to find Gumball, and it looked like he was hurt or injured, but in reality: he was just all worn out by the tickling and laughing. The yellow pegasus gasped and flew over to the blue cat boy. "Gumball!" she gently touched him. "Are you alright?" "I'm... fine." Gumball said. "Are you hurt? Are you sick?" "No, i'm neither one of those things." said Gumball. "Those stupid so-called horses assaulted me by tickling me all over!" "Hey!" the Crusaders sounded offended when they got called so-called horses. "We're not stupid!" Applebloom said. "Girls," said Fluttershy, sounding a little stern. "Is this true? did you tickle attack him?" "No!" the three fillies blurted out. Fluttershy, however, was no fool and she just raised her left eyebrow at them, clearly not buying their response. At last, knowing they wouldn't be able to lie themselves out of this one. "Yes." they said in defeat. Fluttershy looked appauled and said: "what? how can you do this to Gumball?" "We just wanted to teach him a lesson." said Scootaloo. "Yeah for pranking us with thay drone thing." Applebloom added. "We weren't really going to hurt him." said Sweetie Belle "Ah, well my gut feels like it's about to explode because of you guys." Gumball got up. "Ah!" he felt the cramp come back to his left side. "Ah, feels like an alien snake is going to pop out of me." "Are you hurt, Gumball?" "I just described it to you a few seconds ago." Gumball grunted. "Oh, right." Fluttershy meekly said. "Here, maybe some ice can help with your gut." then she looked the Crusaders with a disapproving loom, whom knew were probably in trouble. "I'm going to have to speak to your sisters about this, girls." The three fillies gulped, knowing that they were going to have to be given a lecture by their elder sisters... again. "Come on, Gumball." said Fluttershy. "Maybe a nice dip in a hot tub will help that boo boo in you." "Boo boo?" said Gumball, "i'm only twelve." "I know. But it's not a serious injury." "True." Gumball rolled his eyes. "Good thing there isn't a fire alien inside of me." "Goodness. That's a little morbid." Fluttershy said. "Sorry, just making a point." So Fluttershy hauled Gumball back to her cottage and she gently sat him on the bed and Gumball gently clutched at where is side was sore. "Bag of ice, coming right up." She did just that, and went into her freezer to get some ice for Gumball's sore gut. Immediately, he felt the cramp feeling slowly go away from his side, and the cst boy sighed in relief. "Yeah, that hits the spot." the kid slowly turned his head on the sofa. "Thank you, Fluttershy." "Happy to help you." Fluttershy proudly said. "I'll make sure their sisters know about this." "OK. No one tickles me in a sneak attack and gets away with it." "I have another idea." the yellow pegasus pointed. "You are more than welcome to use my humidifier." "Humidifier?" "Yes, the ones like in a steam room." Fluttershy said. "Nothing like warm steam to clear up sinuses or heal your gut." "Sure, i'll try that." Gumball smiled. "So how did you get into animals so much?" "It's my special talent." said Fluttershy. "I didn't know that i could do when until my later life as a filly." "Ah." The cat boy continued to gently press the ice bag down on where the gut was still a little sore. Later on in the day, Fluttershy told the crusaders' sisters (or sister figure to Scootaloo) what had happened and what they did. As expected by the fillies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack were not happy one bit about it. "Applebloom," said Applejack. "You know that it was wrong to prank Gumball like that, right?" "Yes, but- he pranked us first." said Applebloom. "We just Wanted to teach him a lesson." said Sweetie Belle. "Two wrongs never make a right, darling." said Rarity. "I mean, remember the pranks i pulled before the zombie?" said Rainbow Dash "We do." said Scootaloo. "He did apologize to you guys first, did he?" asked Twilight. "Yes." said Sweetie Belle. "He did." "but the least we can do is call it even." said Applebloom. "But i am afraid y'all are still going to have to be punished." said Applejack. "You are all going to have to do all of Big Mac's chores for a week." Rainbow Dash and Rarity nodded in agreement. "All of those chores?" said Scootaloo. "We're not as big as he is." "sorry, girls." said Rarity. "But it's the way it has to be."