//------------------------------// // Winds Of Change // Story: Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Winds Of Change // by BronySonicFan //------------------------------// The Meeting A month has passed ever since Bernie and Jules' son was born. As the Hidden Village prepared everything for the ceremony that not only officially made him part of their people, but also the ceremony to see if he'll be the chosen one to defeat The End, Longclaw herself watched over the Chaos Emeralds, making sure they stay in place until the ceremony. She couldn't believe that she was now an aunt! Well, that's what Bernie says, anyways. Although it was sort of tradition, anyways, so even if it wasn't weird, Longclaw still felt a bit strange about being a hedgehog's aunt. She also had a strange and fuzzy feeling whenever she was close to that infant. It filled her with joy, true... But it was a different kind of joy. Have you ever felt like you feel you know someone for as long as you can remember, but you literally just met them? That's Longclaw everytime she's close to Sonic. Maybe it was nothing, and as the little hedgehog grew up, it would fade away... Or so she believed. "Perhaps I should think on making up with someone in my tribe already..." Longclaw suddenly told herself, since she was watching over the Chaos Emeralds on her own. "I have to give my people a future leader, after all... But none of the owl guys around here are something worth it." She rolled her eyes. The truth is that she's not interested in anyone. As a matter of fact, she's happier single, but she's aware that she needs to keep her tribe's traditions alive. Now, who's she gonna make up with? Not even her knows yet. What seems to be even worse, is the fact that she's terrible when it comes to be romantic. Sure, she can kick ass like no one else in her own people, but this doesn't changes the fact that she's not that great when it comes to dates. Even worse is the fact that she has never successfully make up with anyone in her tribe. "It's time to face it, Longclaw: You're a terrible match for anyone to consider you a partner." Longclaw sighed a bit frustrated, even rubbing her head with a hand. "Am I too scary for people to even like me?" "That's a plausible theory!" A male voice spoke, and Longclaw turned around defensive, but then calmed down when she saw that the one approaching to her was Jules. "Still at the edge of attacking me as usual, aren't you?" "Ugh, July!" Longclaw said a bit annoyed, although she eventually smiled. "You scared me! I thought we talked about this: Don't sneak on me, or I may cut your head by accident one day!" "Longclaw, let's be honest with each other: You wouldn't choke me even if you tried." Jules deadpanned. "Want me to find out?" Longclaw asked rhetorically. "Nope. Not even a single bit." Jules replied with a smile. Longclaw only chuckled, and after that, the two leaders of their respective tribes hugged each other tightly. They loved each other as siblings, after all, hence why they like to mess with the other like there's no limit. "I hope you were not so bored while watching over the Emeralds." Jules said after braking the hug. "Eh, it's fine, really. Bernie and Sonic need you more than they needs me." Longclaw pointed out. "Besides, making sure those things remain in their place until the ceremony is crucial. We're just a month away from it, and I'm already having a strange feeling regarding your son." "You think he may be the chosen one?" Jules asked. "If he is, you two must be prepared for when the time to visit Equestria comes." Longclaw pointed out, but just as she named 'Equestria', the 7 magical jewels all reacted and began to shine. "If it comes at all, that is." Jules replied, crossing his arms. "He still can't be the one that goes to face off The End. Although, if you ask me, I don't really think that The End's gonna escape the Ancients' Cyberspace just like that." "Our ancestors believed the same... And they were proven wrong." Longclaw pointed out. "Tupanka, the oldest of my ancestors I have any knowledge of, said that a blue hedgehog would defeat The End, that the power of the Chaos Emeralds would wrap them on a golden light and finally bring peace to the souls of our fallen ancestors. We've known this for generations, Jules. And if it's true, the Chaos Emeralds will show Sonic as the chosen one, or his successors." "I know this is knowledge from way before we were born, but... It's pretty scary to think that my son could one day face a giant purple moon." Jules replied with concern. "If you were in my place, and you find out your son, or daughter, was chosen to destroy a giant enemy from ages ago, how would you feel?" "...Terrified." Longclaw replied honestly. "If I discovered that a child I carried on my belly for 9 months was throwing themselves to a mission that might kill them for the greater good? I would be terrified... probably as terrified as you are with the simple idea of Sonic facing The End on his own." "Yeah... But not as terrified as Bernie is, though..." Jules replied with concern. "How's she doing?" Longclaw asked worried. "She tries not to think about the idea of our son fighting an unknown enemy." Jules replied. "We may know what The End is capable of, but that thing being destroyed by our son? As cool as it sounds, the mere though of just loosing my boy to them, to never be able to see him ever again... Longclaw, I never have felt so scared before." "...I may not imagine the idea, but I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're afraid." Longclaw recognized. "...You know? If I ever was to give a child one day, which I have to anyways, I really hope they get along with your son just as fine as we get along." "Our tribes have been together for ages, Longclaw." Jules pointed out. "Some of our ancestors even got married and made mixed children, but that was long time ago..." "And I'm glad it stays like that." Longclaw said with a mocking smirk. "Seriously, I could never make out with you. I've known you since we were kids, and honestly? You're not my type." Jules looked at her and deadpanned. "Aren't you the one that was crushing so hard on me when we turned 12? Bernie even says you used to make drawings of us together on your notebooks~" Longclaw's face went as red as a tomato after hearing that, and she quickly shook her head. "D-Don't say that kind of things when we're being serious over here!" She demanded flustered "You started it!" Jules pointed out with a laugh, which made Longclaw roll her eyes and look away flustered. "In all honesty, though, I would've make it out with you... But it's too late to talk about that kind of stuff again, don't you agree?" Still a bit flustered, Longclaw just sighed and nodded. "Yeah... I think that if any of us talked sooner, maybe things would've been different today." "Agreed." Jules replied with a sad smile. "Maybe in another life, or in another universe." "You say it like if you were disappointed." Longclaw teased with a smirk. "Or are you still worried for your son?" "A little bit of more, just leaning more to the latter." Jules replied, then sighed. "Guess I just... I wish to know what awaits him, you know? See what Equestria is like, the kind of people that is there. Sure, our ancestors faced feral ponies, but... Maybe things are different." "Yeah... I wish we could see how things are, as well." Longclaw agreed. And just like if her words were heard from afar, the Chaos Emeralds behind them shone even more brightly, now floating in the air and twirling around. When the two leaders noticed this, they turned around with wide eyes, and they also stepped back, just in case this was some kind of bad sign. "What in the name of Chaos?!" Jules said panicked, but also frowning slightly. "Is this normal, or something about the Chaos Emeralds we don't know?!" "No clue!" Longclaw replied with concern, then she took out a spear and pointed it at the Emeralds' direction. "But we better be ready in case this is something bad!" Jules just nodded in agreement, took out his spear, also pointed it at the Emeralds, and then stood in defense, being as ready as Longclaw is to fight if necessary. Yet after the Emeralds kept twirling for a while, they joined together and made a flashlight. This made the two leaders close their eyes, but once they opened them again, they realized that they had a white portal in front of them. And, at the side of said portal, they could see... A lighthouse. Not an enemy, not an army, not something deadly and dangerous... Just a lighthouse that stood on top of a hill, in what seemed to be a beach town, but it was hard to tell from here. "...A lighthouse?" Jules questioned. "I was expecting some kind of world-threatening menace, not a lighthouse." "You sound disappointed again." Longclaw replied. "You wanted this to be something deadly and dangerous?" She deadpanned. "No, but a little bit of action from time to time isn't so bad now and then, is it?" Jules replied with a mocking and confident smirk. "Well, maybe you can actually get your action at the other side of this portal." Longclaw pointed out, then she put her spear aside, and then flapped her wings to enter the portal, making Jules panic. "Longclaw, what the heck are you doing?!" Jules muttered to himself, since it was around 4:00 A.M., and the last thing he wants is to wake anyone up. He then began to look back and fort between the village and the portal, then facepalmed and groaned. "If we come back from this and Bernie finds out I was gone, I'm a dead man!" With that being said, Jules put his spear aside as well and crossed the portal, which strangely remained open. Whatever Jules expected to find at the other side, it sure wasn't not touching the ground. The moment he was at the other side of the portal, he began to scream in panic like a little girl, as he was approaching the ground at top speed. He could've just curl into a ball and Spin Dash towards the ground, but he was probably too busy panicking over the fact that he was falling. And then, he was not falling anymore, but instead being grabbed from his arms by a pair of legs. He looked around confused, then looked up and sighed in relief when he saw that Longclaw saved him. "And here I thought I wouldn't make it!" Jules said happily. "You know you could've just Spin Dash to the ground, right?" Longclaw told him with a mocking smirk. "I was too busy panicking since I was falling, Clawy~" Jules replied with a flirty grin that made Longclaw go red. "Y-You haven't used that nickname on me in years!" Longclaw said flustered, then rolled her eyes and groaned. "I can't believe you choose to use it again in a situation like this..." "I'm unpredictable, Clawy. You should know that by now!" Jules replied with a grin that made Longclaw roll her eyes again, but she was still blushing. Soon she descended and carefully placed Jules in the ground, although she also smacked his head once she landed and then passed by him. Jules groaned and looked at her with a bored expression, but still followed along. They were now heading towards the lighthouse, both being extremely careful with their surroundings. "Doesn't seem to be a dangerous place so far..." Longclaw pointed out with a slight frown. "It better not be, or else––" Jules tried to say, just when they heard steps behind them. They both immediately turned around, and while Longclaw took out her spear again, Jules turned on his electrical powers and pointed his fist forward with some electricity already charged. Yet big was their surprise when, instead of finding something dangerous like an enemy, they instead found a couple of ponies in front of them, looking at them with their jaws dropped. These ponies in specific were Earth Ponies, and judging by the strangely big rings on their right hooves, they seemed to be married. One was a cyan stallion with blue mane and tail, brown glasses, a slight blue beard, purple eyes, grey hooves a wood collar with a six-point star crafted in the middle, and a star with a rainbow trial as a tattoo on his right flank. The other pony, was a blush pink mare with light purple mane and tail, yellow and orange strikes painted in her mane, lemon green eyes, a golden star necklace, a compass as her tattoo, which was also on her right flank, and light purple hooves. If there is ponies here, then it could only meant one thing: The Chaos Emeralds guide Jules and Longclaw to Equestria, now it was a matter of discovering why they were guided in here at all. The couple of Earth Ponies stared with disbelief at Longclaw and Jules. They looked back and forth between them, like if they were trying to study them both, while Longclaw and Jules were not sure on how to feel about this, but they kept standing in fighting positions just in case. "...Argyle?" The mare spoke first after a while. "You're seeing this too, right? I didn't just casually went nuts over here..." "Yes, Star... I'm looking at an actual Owl, and an actual Hedgehog from the Ancients' stories..." Argyle, the stallion, replied. "Yeah, so what?" Jules asked in anger, not daring to turn off his electrical powers. However, the answer he got was Star suddenly squealing in excitement, while Argyle held his head tightly and seemed to be as excited as his wife, although he was trying to keep his cool. "...I was honestly not expecting... whatever kind of answer that was..." Longclaw confessed. "Ditto." Jules replied with a very confused expression, since he was trained all his life to never trust anyone outside from the village... But this was new for him, and for Longclaw as well. "Okay, okay, okay! This is happening! This is actually happening!" Star told herself, rubbing her face with her hooves. "Just stay calm, don't explode yet, be serene... Oh gosh, I can't! This is way too exciting!" "It's okay, honey! We just gotta stay focused!" Argyle said, excitement filling his voice, but also remaining calm while placing a hoof over his wife's shoulder. "Just breath in and out, alright?" Star nodded and started to do that precisely, while Jules and Longclaw had no idea of what was happening. "...Jules, what the heck is going on?" Longclaw asked, now putting her spear aside with a confused look. "I was hoping you would answer that question, Longclaw..." Jules confessed, deactivating his powers. "Uh, can you two give us the context? Why are you so excited instead of, I don't know, want us death or something?" "Want you death?" Argyle asked confused, almost sounding shocked as well. "Oh, you must be talking about what our really, really, really old ancestors did to yours so many years ago, right?" Star asked with a sheepish smile. "In behalf of our ancestors stupidity, we apologize. We are not like them, though. If anything, we've been dying to meet an owl and/or a hedgehog since our foalhood!" "Foal what?" Both Jules and Longclaw asked confused. "Is the pony word for 'childhood'." Argyle cleared. "By the way, my name is Argyle, Argyle Starshine. This beauty over here is my wife, Shining Star." "And we are so excited to finally meet a real hedgehog and a real owl!" Star squealed in excitement. "...Well, uh... Pleasure to meet you, I guess?" Jules said with a sheepish smile of his own. "I'm Jules the Hedgehog, and she's Longclaw the Owl. We're both the leaders of our tribes––" Yet as soon as he felt Longclaw's deadly stare, he stopped talking. "We shared enough info. Why did you wanted to meet us?" Longclaw asked with a frown and crossing her arms, although it almost sounded as if she was demanding the answer rather than feeling curious about it. "We're researchers!" Argyle replied with a smile. "Our job is to, well, research about history." "Although we do tent to try and make everyone see the true story instead of believe a lie that's been spreading over generations, but it's a tiny little detail that shouldn't matter to you." Star added with a nervous smile. "The reason why we wanted to met you is, well... It has both a simple and a complicated answer." Argyle pointed out. "The simple answer is: We don't really understand why our ancestors saw an enemy on your tribes, really!" Star began to explain first. "It just doesn't make sense to any of us!" "...That... Actually, that sounds like a good subject to study." Longclaw confessed. "In all honesty, our tribes never understood that, either." "And if you ponies have no idea of why your ancestors kicked ours to the Starfall Islands, I guess that means the reason is lost in time." Jules pointed out, now genuinely intrigued in the subject. "What's the complicated answer?" "That would require you to follow us, but you can wait for us first before telling you about it!" Argyle replied with a smile. "Why would we have to follow you, exactly?" Longclaw questioned with suspicion. "Because we have something that may interest you both! Or, well, to you, Jules." Star replied. "Hmm..." Jules rubbed his chin. "I'm quite intrigued to hear about this, but I'm afraid that if it matters to me, it may also matter to Bernie, my wife." "Then bring her over!" Argyle suggested. "If you both have to hear it, then so be it!" "Now hold on just a moment!" Longclaw interrupted. "This is all going fast, you know? You can't just ask us to help you and not explain why in the first place! We literally just met!" "...Well, that's true..." Star confessed, now scratching her head a bit embarrassed. "We're sorry, is just that we are so excited to have finally met an actual owl and hedgehog!" "And when we get excited, well, we tent to let ourselves go with the flow." Argyle added with a sheepish chuckle. "While it's true that this is going too fast, and that we just met, I'm intrigued with whatever you gotta show me." Jules confessed, gaining a deadly glare from Longclaw, but excited smiles and sparkling eyes from Argyle and Star. "And knowing my wife, she'll come over as soon as I tell her about you two." "Jules!" Longclaw scolded him. "What are you doing?!" "Hey, just because their ancestors made mistakes doesn't mean we have to threat them like if it was their fault." Jules pointed out. "I'll bring Bernie over, but you can stay with them and 'watch them' if you want." With that being said, Jules boosted at top speed away, then rolled over a curvy hill, and then jumped in the air to traverse the very same portal that brought him and Longclaw here. "You saw that, right?!" Star asked Argyle in excitement and shaking him a lot. "Argyle, my love, please tell me you saw that!" "Yes, Star. I saw it." Argyle limited himself to smile. The excitement fill his body just as much as his wife's, but he was kinda concerned at the fact that Longclaw doesn't trust them just yet. "I only hope whatever you gotta show is worth it." Longclaw told them, then she gave them her back. "It is," Argyle nodded. "I promise that it is." The Artifacts Inside the lighthouse, Longclaw was impressed with all the kinds of artifacts Argyle and Star found. After Jules came back with Bernie, since she immediately agreed to come over here once she had context, the five adults and the baby entered to the place. And yes, I said the baby because Bernie brought over Sonic in fear something happening to him while she was over here in Equestria. She trusted her people, but she didn't wanted to run any risk, so she brought Sonic over as well, and Star allowed her to keep him around the house so long as she never let him go, which she didn't planned to. Meanwhile, Argyle went to a part of his studio to look for what he wanted to show Jules and Bernie in the first place, while Star keep them busy by showing them something else just as impressive: The crystal that Star hd on her left ear, which wa actually a magical jewel called the Earth Pony Crystal. "So let me get this straight..." Jules began, as he held the crystal on his hand. "The three pony tribes split up after this 'Twingie Spurtle' or however she's called's kingdom fell, and to ensure that magic wouldn't be the cause of more split ups, she grabbed all that magic, put it in three crystals, this is one of them..." He pointed at the crystal. "And now you want to bring back that unity to restore magic?" "By also putting that Crystal along the Pegasus and Unicorn Crystals respectively, but yeah, you actually managed to tell most of the story pretty well!" Star replied with a smile. "And you have no idea why the split happened, right?" Bernie questioned. "We have our theories, but since there's no solid information that can confirm any of them... Yeah, we technically have no idea." Star confessed. "What we do know for sure is that somepony was against Twilight. Sparkle." She was clear with the words for Jules, who rolled his eyes annoyed. "That somepony made all the Pegasi hate Unicorns and Earth Ponies alike, and so on with the other two groups as well." "For years, Star and I have fought to prove that everypony can be together, but we haven't been lucky so far." Argyle added, as he came back while holding a chest on his back. "If the trick hasn't worked yet, then why are you still trying?" Longclaw questioned next. "Some fights are worth fighting, even a million times." Star replied instead with a confident smile. "Some may have give up ages ago, but we never got that word on our lexicon, so here we are!" "Well, that, and the thing that we want to show you also has something to do with why we keep fighting." Argyle added. "And what is that thing?" Jules questioned, his curiosity now flowing to the surface. Instead of replying with words, Argyle put the chest he had on his back over the table, then opened it and brought out an Earth Pony themed blanket with a throne, crops around, and an Earth Pony and a equidna. Yet here's something else that called the attention of the Mobians: A blue backside that looked like a hedgehog's. "This blanket has been passing down my family for over 10 generations." Argyle started to explain. "At first, no one ever pay attention to it because, well, is a blanket." "However, when Argy and I started to investigate about Equestria's past, we started to connect dots with the blanket's look!" Star explained next with a smile. "Look: This figure is an Earth Pony stallion, but that background over there? That's Zephyr Heights, the pegasi city!" "The figure at the pony's side, you can tell what it is?" Argyle asked the Mobians. The three visitors looked closely at the blanket, and then they all gasped when they recognized it. "No way... Is that an echidna?!" Jules asked in shock. "I thought they were extinct!" Bernie said amazed. "But wait, what is this?" She pointed at the blue backside drawn over the blanket. "The reason why we wanted to meet you is because we think this could be a hedgehog. A blue hedgehog." Star pointed out. "That backside looks just like yours, Jules. We think... No, we know that this blanket was crafted a long time ago, that it represents something to come in the future!" "We're confident this blanket is, well, the very reason why our tribes come at peace." Argyle added. "Not only Pegasi, Unicorns and Earth ponies, no... We're talking about your people as well." Of course that the shocking news were hard to swallow, and by some kind of instinct, the three Mobians lay their eyes over the sleeping baby Sonic in Bernie's grip, since he apparently got too tired of sucking his thumb, and now he was on the realm of dreams on his mother's lap. Of course, despite the fact that Sonic looked too damn adorable while sleeping, this didn't calmed Bernie's and Jules' nerves, because their biggest fear ever since Sonic was born seemed to become a reality. The fact that they were in Equestria, plus the blanket that seems to hide a premonition of what's to come in the future, and summing up Tupanka's prophecy about the blue hedgehog that would destroy The End with the power of the Chaos Emeralds and turn into a golden god... All pointed that Sonic may be the chosen one. Bernie, of course, began to wonder why her son of all people had to be the one that had to risk his life. It was inevitable that this would happen, but she would've loved if it the chosen one wasn't her son. Jules wanted to cry right now. All pointed out that his son was going to become a hero, yet the idea of loosing him terrified him in levels he wasn't even able to describe over to Longclaw earlier that day. It's like if the universe wanted to launch a curse, or a punishment, over him, and he hated it with every inch of his body. As for Longclaw, she couldn't help but worry as well. Sonic may not be her son, but he's just a child, and if he is the chosen one from her ancestor's prophecy, then she also fears for what can be of him when he grows up. "This is a lot to take in, right?" Star asked with a sympathetic look. "You probably think we're just baffling and––" "I believe it." Jules suddenly interrupted them. That made Argyle and Star's eyes open wide in surprise. "Y-You do?!" Argyle asked in shock. "Yeah." Jules nodded. "I don't know why, and I don't know how, but... I believe that you are telling the truth. Which actually terrifies me! I mean, the idea of my son fighting a world-ending threat, plus being a key to restore a thousand-year old status quo? That's... dope and scary at the same time." "...I believe in your words as well..." Bernie confessed. "Like Jules said, I don't really know why, I just... I know that something big awaits, that something's gonna happen in the near future... And if what you tell us is true, then my dear Sonic is gonna be a part of said future." She smiled while looking down at her sleeping son. "I have my doubts, but... I firmly believe in my Ancestor's vision." Longclaw spoke next. "I can't say for sure if what you tell us is true or not, but I know that anything is possible... Even what seems impossible." "W-Wait... Hold on, this is... wow..." Star said surprised. "I-I was so convinced you three would dismiss us and say we were saying a lot of crap or something like that, but the fact that you believe in us is... wow..." "I agree." Argyle said. "This is a big surprise, but a very welcoming one. "Well, now that we know this, what do we do now?" Bernie asked. "I think... I think we should keep talking within each other." Jules stated. "This thing with the blanket can't be the only reason you wanted to meet us, and honestly? I'm in the mood to answer some questions. If you two want us to answer them, that is." This surprised Argyle and Star even more. "I... We... Yes!" Star agreed immediately. "Of course! We'll love to get some answers!" "And if you don't mind us to, we would like to make some questions of our own." Longclaw added, now with a little smile. "Absolutely! Is a fair deal, actually: You answer our questions, and we answer yours!" Argyle declared with a smile. "Splendid!" Bernie smiled as well. "We'll have to go back to our dimension right now before the portal that brought us here closes, or before anyone in the village realizes we were gone for so long." "Well, we also had a ceremony to prepare in order to present Sonic to our tribes, but until then: I really hope we can see each other far more often from now on. And who knows, maybe our son will meet yours if you ever decide to have one!" That comment made Argyle and Star blush a lot, and they both chuckled awkwardly before looking away. "Y-Yeah, um... The thing is that we've been married for only three months?" Star pointed out nervously while making circles in the air with her hoof. "Having a kid is not on our to-do list just yet, heheh..." "Yeah, we still want to wait until we're ready." Argyle added. "And is not only being ready to be parents, but also to be ready for what awaits them out there. Let's just say that we're not so welcomed in our town because of our research." "But we're fine, really!" Star assured, now with a normal smile. "Nothing's gonna stop us from our mission! And nothing's gonna stop magic from coming back, either." "Wish I had that kind of optimism." Jules confessed with a smile, then he sighed and stood up. "Welp, time to go. It was a real honor to meet you, Argyle and Star. Really, I can't believe I'm glad to having met ponies." "Oh believe me, Jules. The pleasure is ours!" Argyle said with a smile, extending his hoof, while Jules smiled back and shook his hoof with his hand. The Tragedies It seems that the very month the couple and the Mobians talked was just a calm before the storm. The month after they met, Jules and Bernie were brutally killed by Dr. Robotnik, leaving Sonic as an orphan that's on Longclaw's care now. She choose to stay with Argyle and Star in their world for a while with the Chaos Emeralds, at least until she felt she was ready to go back into Green Hills and raise Sonic there. In the end, Sonic turned out to be the chosen one to defeat The End, just like his parents and Longclaw feared, but now the poor baby has no parents to grow up with, only Longclaw. Then, two years after this tragedy, Star gave birth to a beautiful orange filly with lavender mane and green eyes. They named her Sunny Starscout, since she seemed to be so giddy and happy, just like her mother. Unfortunately, after two years, Star embarked on a quest to restore magic, promising she'll return one day... She never did. Argyle could've been depressed if it wasn't for Longclaw. No, they didn't fell in love with each other, they just knew they had someone that understood the pain of loosing someone they loved with their souls. Despite having romantic feelings for him once, Jules was Longclaw's brother for as long as she could remember, and when he died, a part of her died with him. Star was Argyle's light of hope whenever there seemed to be none, and now that she was gone, he feared to never feel hope ever again. Yet both Argyle and Longclaw not only still had each other, but they also had their kids. Longclaw had Sonic, what remained of his own legacy; and Argyle had Sunny, who physically looked so much like Star. With this knowledge, Longclaw was ready to go back into Green Hills to rise Sonic on her own, and so was Argyle with Sunny. They knew that, in order for them to keep going, they had to start by not running away anymore and face off their fears, hence why Longclaw is going back to Green Hills. But the very same day that Longclaw was about to leave, things happened. "I find it amazing that you're willing to leave despite everything that has happened around for the past two years. I honestly was expecting you to stay." Argyle confessed to her while helping to get her stuff out of the lighthouse before she opened the portal back to Mobius. "While staying in here is a tentative offer, I have my own business to deal with back home." Longclaw replied. "Jules and Bernie's death marked me a lot, but I can't let their deaths affect me forever. Besides, if that family blanket of yours is anything to go by, then Sonic's gonna meet an echidna before meeting an Earth Pony, and there's only echidnas back home. Take it or leave!" "I guess I can see your point." Argyle admitted. "Still, it would be nice if you stay. I bet Sunny would love to have Sonic as her big brother!" Longclaw chuckled after hearing that. "Honestly, I believe they're gonna become very good friends once Sonic comes on his own because of The End." She admitted with a smile. "Who knows? Maybe they'll be brothers as well!" "That would be incredible..." Argyle admitted with a smile. "Wish I could see what their lives will be like, though..." And just when he said this, the Chaos Emeralds suddenly appeared in around them, twirling around while jingling, which startled the earth pony and the owl. "Longclaw?" Argyle called out confused. "Is this normal behavior from these things?" "I-I don't know!" Longclaw replied honestly, and a bit panicked. "The last time this happened, they opened the portal to Equestria the day I met you and Star! But they were not surrounding me nor Jules when it happened!" After a while, the Chaos Emeralds entered their bodies, then their eyes turned fully white, as they had a vision... 23 Years in the future, Sonic and Sunny will meet. When this happens, they'll became the bestest of friends, practically siblings, and they'll fight side-by-side against a threat that could destroy entire realities if it wanted. She'll become an Alicorn of hope, a symbol to protect ponies when they mostly need to be protected, and he'll become a light of hope and inspiration. They'll bring back peace and unity across Equestria, they'll join forces to protect those in need, they'll bring hope in the darkest of times, and they'll do their part, hoof to heart. When the vision ended, the Chaos Emeralds left their bodies and landed in the grass. Both Longclaw and Argyle seemed to be completely shocked and speechless at what they just witnessed. They literally just saw the future, everything that both Sunny and Sonic will live once the latter meets the former in Equestria, and how they'll be so much more than any of them could even imagine. Argyle felt a mix of pride and sorrow, because judging by his absence in the vision, he had the feeling those flashes images of Sunny being a hero were the closest he'll witness to see her in action. Longclaw was in a very similar position, because she didn't saw herself on the visions either, which meant that she wouldn't live to see her adopted son become the hedgehog that both Jules and Bernie hoped he'll become. Worse of all, it seems that all those flashing images are the closest she'll get to witness him in action as well. They were confused and scared on why they had to see all of that... But they didn't took long to figure out that this was written, that they were meant to meet, that Sonic and Sunny were meant to meet each other. "You saw what I saw, didn't you, Longclaw?" Argyle asked her a little bit concerned. "Yes... I did..." Longclaw replied, still trying to process it. "That wasn't a dream, was it? What we saw... It's actually going to happen..." "It seems like it." Argyle nodded. "Our kids will meet one day, Longclaw... They're gonna become great people..." "...And we won't be there to see it with them..." Longclaw realized with sorrow, as tears began to fall from her cheeks. Argyle's ears fell after realizing this as well. It was a crushing revelation, to learn that your own daughter will become an amazing pony as an adult, yet you won't live to see her become said pony. And even if Sonic was not Longclaw's son, she loved him as one, which only crushed her soul even more. "...Maybe is for the best that they both have a normal childhood... Don't you think?" Argyle said suddenly, calling Longclaw's attention as she looked at him confused. "W-What do you mean?" She asked, wiping away some of her tears. "If what we just witnessed is real, if what awaits them both is what will happen... Then maybe is for the best they don't know it yet, not until they meet when the time comes." "...What do you suggest?" Longclaw questioned. "You said that Sonic's mother ask you to lie to him about his origins, about his parents, and not tell the truth until the time to come into Equestria arrives, right?" Argyle asked, and Longclaw simply nodded. "Then maybe you should do that exactly. Let him be oblivious about our existence until the time to come arrives. Meanwhile, I'll raise Sunny to love everypony by who they are, not by what." "So treat them like normal kids, even though we know they aren't, and then tell them the truth when they're ready?" Longclaw asked one last time. "I think it's time we face the truth that they will never be ready for what's to come." Argyle pointed out. "The best we can do is tell them the truth, and then hope for the best outcome." "I can see your point..." Longclaw confessed. "But what if they grow and hate us? I could never see Sonic to his face ever again..." "They won't hate us, Longclaw." Argyle assured her. "They may feel mad that we never told them as kids, but I know none of them could ever come to hate us. I just know it." "I hope you're right, Argyle..." Longclaw said. "In any case, I'll leave a message for Sonic, just to make sure that he and your daughter will learn about what awaits them." "Maybe you could do that message in a few years." Argyle suggested. "Know your son first, teach him to control his powers. Then, once his speed is under control, you can record that message. It could also include some words about him that you can see just by looking at the way he acts with his surroundings." "That... Sounds really good, actually." Longclaw admitted, then she smiled at Argyle. "I... I can't put into words how grateful I am for you letting me stay with you these past two years, Argyle. I promise you that one day, I will make it up to you." "There's nothing to make up for, Longclaw." Argyle stated with a smile. "I just did my part, hoof to heart." "And I'll be thankful with you because of that, forever." Longclaw smiled again. After that, they embraced each other into a hug. Even if they'll still see each other in secret, so their kids won't find out just yet, they're still gonna miss each other's company very, very much. They failed to see, however, that the little Sonic and Sunny have fallen asleep while cuddling together. Perhaps these two are not going to meet on the distant future, and of course that they won't recognize each other, but at least their bond as future siblings has been already sealed. The Message Three years have passed ever since Longclaw moved back to Green Hills. Just a week ago, Sonic had his first encounter ever with Dr. Robotnik, his parents' killer... Her tribe's killer as well. Just finding out about this made her panic, and knowing that Sonic came back without a scratch didn't relieved her. If anything, it panicked her more... Because it meant he was ready. She knew this was the time to make her move, to record the message she talked about with Argyle years ago. So, one night when Sonic slept on his bed, she went over to one of the farthest mountains in Green Hills. Once there, she picked up the Blue Chaos Emerald, then the Earth Pony Crystal – which she obtained from Argyle a few days ago after explaining everything that happened to Sonic – and then place it over the Chaos Emerald. With that, the silver jewel glow in blue and scanned Longclaw, meaning it was a go to record. "Hello, Sonic..." Longclaw spoke with a warm smile. "If you're watching this, then it means that something happened to me, and that now you're navigating the roads of this life alone... Just as it was written... I pray that you're not watching this alone... And that Argyle's daughter is with you watching along. There's a truth I never told you... About your past. Your parents... Your origins... You might have born in Mobius... But your ancestors? The Chaos Emeralds? They're from the land you have arrived, Sonic. They're from Equestria." After saying that, she explained the entire story of the Chaos Emeralds, about the Owls and Hedgehogs, their escape to the Starfall Islands, the arrival of the Ancients, The End, the escape to Mobius... Once the story was done, she decided to leave the history lesson aside and focus again on the message's point. "Sonic... There's something else I never told you..." Longclaw confessed. "Your parents never got rid of you... You were not ditched because they were afraid of Robotnik's machines... They ran away because they wanted to save you. Your father... He jumped straight to his dead just to save you and your mother... I never told you this before because your mother asked me to. And I know that you might be mad with me..." She took a pause, then proceed to explain about his powers, how some foxes and echidnas around the globe also got similar abilities, then proceed to explain about how she discovered Equestria and how she met Argyle and Star along Sonic's parents, before getting back on the track with the message's purpose. "After your parents died and Star passed away giving birth to her daughter... The Emeralds gave Argyle and I a vision." Longclaw confessed once again. "We saw you and his daughter, Sunny, joining forces, meeting each other, years in the future... We were so confused and scared at the time, but eventually... We realized that it was written. That you and Sunny were destined to meet each other... And I think it has accomplished if you are watching this..." She added with a sad smile. She was still so scared to what could happen. Sonic may never get this message, or he may get it. Is hard to tell, because life works in mysterious ways, and she could barely understand it sometimes. Then, Longclaw sighed. "Sonic... I don't ask you to forgive me for never telling you any of this. I'm asking you to understand. Understand that all of this, your life, your actions, your destiny! It was all meant to happen." She then proceed to explain Sonic about Robotnik, the monster he is, how careful he has to be around that guy... She had the feeling that Sonic would encounter him more times in the future, and while disliking the idea, she knows now that he's more than capable to deal with him. "My dear, dear Sonic... You're not just some guy, as you might believe... You have the courage to do launch into battle to protect others, regardless of what it means to you. You have overcome challenges that many call impossible. You've become a bigger hero than you could ever imagine." She resisted the urge to cry, even though she wanted to so badly, then continued speaking. "You were chosen by the Chaos Emeralds, to do greater things..." Longclaw stated. "My dear Sonic, you have a heart like no creature I've ever known. Always willing to help, no matter how hard the circumstances might seen... I'm so proud of you, and even if I'm not Bernie... I'm so glad I could be your mother. Because I love you as such." She took a deep breath and passed a hand through her head, then continued. "I know it's going to take you time to process all of this... but know that, even if I'm not with you anymore, I'll always watch over you. I have to go now, my dear Sonic, but know that we'll see each other again, one day..." Longclaw finished narrating her message. "I must go now... Stay strong, my dear Sonic... And never stop being who you are... Goodbye..." Once everything was said and done, the Blue Chaos Emerald stopped 'scanning' Longclaw, and it slowly descended until it landed in the ground, where the Earth Pony Crystal fell as well and went back to be silver. Then, Longclaw grabbed the Emerald and the Crystal, then she closed her eyes, making the other six Chaos Emeralds to appear around her. She concentrated, and the Emeralds danced around her, with the one in her hand floating and joining the others, and then, the seven of them combined to open a white portal. At the other side, she saw a lighthouse over a hill, and she nodded to herself before crossing the portal. She flew down and landed at the top of the lighthouse, and then she whistled a melody quiet enough so only whoever was inside the lighthouse could hear it. Soon enough, the lighthouse's front door opened, and out of the lighthouse came Argyle, who whistled back the melody, and soon enough, Longclaw landed behind him with a silent thud. However, he still heard her, and when he turned around to face her, he smiled warmly. "I expected you to arrive sooner, Longclaw." Argyle mocked up. "It took me a while to put Sonic to sleep." Longclaw replied after an eye roll. "And I needed to record the message for him and your daughter to hear." "Yeah, well. It's still hard to believe that my little Sunny will meet your son and have all kind of adventures." Argyle said with a sad smile. "Even worse is to know we won't be there for them..." "I know, Argyle... But the sake of our worlds depends on their meeting... And so, we must leave this for them." Longclaw explained. "I understand." Argyle assured. "So, you have the message, right?" "Right here." Longclaw replied with a smile, extending the Earth Pony Crystal to Argyle, who carefully took it with his hoof. "You'll make sure it reaches them... right?" "Don't worry about it." Argyle assured with a smile. "Both Sonic and Sunny will get this message. I'll make sure of that." Longclaw nodded relieved, and then she tried to hold her tears back. "Argyle... I can't thank you enough for this..." "I should be the one, thanking you, Longclaw." Argyle said with a sad smile as well. "Thanks to you, I know for sure that ponykind in Equestria will reunite not only because of Sunny's efforts, but also because she gets help from an amazing friend like Sonic." After that, they both shared a quick hug... the last one they'll ever share. They agreed that after this, they would never see each other again in order to raise their kids properly without rising suspicions. Then, they departed ways, with Longclaw flying back to the portal, but not without turning to see Argyle one last time with a sad smile. Argyle smiled back and waved his goodbye, while Longclaw nodded with sadness and finally crossed the portal back to Mobius, with the portal closing behind her. Later, Argyle went back inside the Lighthouse, and placed the Earth Pony Crystal over his desk, since he needed it to make the lamp for Sunny, and to make sure that both her and Sonic eventually get Longclaw's message. The Future Sunny was devastated after her best friend almost threatened her with ending their friendship. Now, outside of her closed Smoothie Stand, Sunny watched two Foals running after each other until they saw a poster of a bad pegasi. One pretended to be a pegasus, chasing after the other foal. Seeing this, Sunny sat down on a nearby bench and looked up to the sky. "I wish you were here, Dad..." She said sadly. The silence is interrupted, however, when a stallion runs behind Sunny, panting to catch his breath before screaming and running off. Sunny didn't look up, but a mare running made her look up in confusion. More hoofsteps drew her attention, and she looked around to see a crowd of ponies running away in a panic. "What the...?" Sunny muttered confused. More and more ponies came running towards her, and she tried to figure out what was happening. "What's going on? What's happening? Ugh!" She's knocked down by somepony, and she takes a moment to recollect herself. When she looks up, however, she gasps in shock: A purple Unicorn mare with blue mane and purple eyes named Izzy and a blue hedgehog with green eyes, red shoes and white globes named Sonic looked down at her. The First Encounter Right there, standing before Sunny, were a unicorn and a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog. "Hi, new friend! My name's Izzy!" The unicorn exclaimed. Sunny's mind was reeling, and she couldn't believe it. A real unicorn! "U-Unicorn!" She exclaimed excitedly. More ponies screamed in terror and ran away. Some decided to hide while others tried to get as far away as possible. This made Izzy curious. "Ooh, is everypony playing hide-and-seek?" She said while watching a stallion hiding behind an ice cream stand. "I see you!" "Ah! It's a unicorn!" the stallion screamed, then jumped into the sea. Sunny was about to say something, but another voice spoke up. "I know I said I was expecting this kind of reaction, but this already seems exaggerated," a blue hedgehog said, turning his gaze to Sunny. She had no idea what to say, much less how to react to… whatever he was. "So… what's up?" Once again, the mare couldn't speak. The shock of having him there was too much to handle. Hitch seemed to speak suddenly, but she didn't heard him. She was just amazed at the sight of Sonic for some reason... But then she saw Izzy walking towards the sea, not realizing she was walking straight toward one of the traps. "Wow! Is that the sea? I've never seen the sea!" exclaimed the unicorn. Sunny was about to warn her, but a blue blur zipped toward the unicorn and brought her back alongside Sunny. She was confused by how the unicorn got from over there to next to her instantly. "You good, Izz?" Asked the blue hedgehog, while she just nodded to him. "Great, because that was a close one. Try to be more careful, okay? I don't think we're so welcome here." Sunny didn't understand what was happening, but she wouldn't find out by standing there. "Guys, follow me!" she said while running away and dodging the traps. Izzy happily followed while jumping, and Sonic stayed behind the mares in case somepony decided to go after them. "I've gotta get you out of here!" "Earth ponies are serious about games," Izzy giggles, running alongside Sunny. "They're not playing! They're terrified!" Sunny explained, making Izzy gasp. "Oh no! Of what?" "You! You're a unicorn! Earth ponies hate unicorns!" Sunny explained. "Really? That seems a little harsh..." Izzy says sadly. "Just like I said before..." Sonic said from behind Izzy. "These ponies have lived in fear for far too long, and they treat pegasi and unicorns like monsters." "Hey!" Sunny exclaims, catching the hedgehog's attention. "Who are you? WHAT are you?" "Listen now, kid, I know you have tons of questions right now, but let's focus on what matters here, okay?" Sonic answered calmly. "I can disable those traps; I have experience with that. You take Izzy out of here, and I'll catch up with you girls later." Sonic ran off, ready to destroy the machines and the boxes, but Sunny stopped him. "Wait!" she called. "Before you go, can I at least know your name?" Sonic looked at her, slightly confused, but he smiled. "Name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!" He answered, immediately running away and getting rid of the splat-a-pults. There was something about Sonic that seemed familiar to Sunny. For some reason, she believes that she has seen him before, a very long time ago even, but she couldn't come up to the reason why he seemed so familiar, yet so strange at the same time. Has she ever seen him before, or she's just seeing things now? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter at the moment. Now that Sonic's gone, Sunny saw this as her chance for her and Izzy to escape to her lighthouse. While running towards her lighthouse, she couldn't help but notice the high speeds Sonic could reach while destroying the traps. In ten seconds flat, the splat-a-pults were destroyed. Sonic jumped onto the roof of a building and ran after Sunny and Izzy. The ponies dodged more traps on the ground, but once Sunny thought they were safe, she turned to find Izzy walking toward the theatre. "Ooh, I haven't seen this one yet," she said in a happy tone, but she didn't realize that there was an active trap in front of her, and it sprung up around her. Sonic screeched to a stop, seeing the box where his unicorn friend was trapped. He needed to come up with something quick to rescue her... Hitch came running around the corner, and when he saw the unicorn trapped, he confidently smiled. "All right, citizens, calm down. The threat has been neutralized. The unicorn has been captured. You may now cheer." The ponies did precisely that, cheering for the unicorn's successful capture. Sunny, of course, was planning on setting Izzy free, something Hitch saw. "Sunny!" he barked, making Sunny flinch, but she kept moving closer to the box. "What are you doing?" Looking at the red button on the side of the container, Sunny reached a hoof towards it. "Don't even think about it!" Hitch berated. Before Sunny could even touch the button, though, all the other traps were set off by seemingly nothing. Everypony looked around in confusion, and Hitch was starting to panic before his thoughts were interrupted by a new voice... "Well, those were all the traps!" Sonic said while leaning against Izzy's cage, his arms crossed and a smirk plastered to his face. All the other ponies started to whisper and stare at the hedgehog in fear, but Hitch stood firm. "Hey! How dare you come into our town, you freak?! Who and what are you?!" Hitch said, slowly walking towards the blue hedgehog. Sonic decided to have a little fun with the sheriff, zipping over to lean against Hitch with one arm on his back. "Oh, you know. Just a blue hedgehog from another dimension that loves adventure and high speeds," Sonic said, then ran back to Izzy's cage. "By the way, there's this mustache guy back home who has a terrible security system. Yet, somehow, yours is even worse." Sonic smirked, watching Hitch's reaction turn offended as he smacked the release button with the side of his fist, setting Izzy free. "So, your name's Sunny?" Izzy asked, having heard Hitch while inside the trap. "Well, at least we don't have to introduce ourselves anymore," Sonic said with a smile. Seeing the unicorn was free, the earth ponies screamed and ran in random directions. Using the chaos to their advantage, Sunny guided Izzy and Sonic away. "Bye!" Izzy called out to the earth ponies, waving a hoof goodbye. "It was nice to meet you all!" "Yeah, it was fun!" Sonic called out happily. "Hope we do that again sometime!" The First Conversation After running away from Maretime Bay, a musical number between the three friends happened. the trio stood before a sprawling mountain range, the tips hidden by the bright snow and clouds illuminated by the setting sun. Far in the distance, on the tallest mountain, was Zephyr Heights, the city of Pegasi. "There it is," Sonic said. "Yup," Sunny replied. "We just have to walk a little longer, and then we'll be there." "Great," Sonic said, stretching before laying against a lone tree. "Now, I think we should sleep before we head up there; we have a big day tomorrow, and we'll need all the energy we can get." "You're right, Sonic," Izzy yawns, the day's activities finally catching up with her. She plops down beside Sonic, and Sunny joins her friends by the roots of the tree. Before long, the ponies fell fast asleep, but Sonic was still wide awake. Thoughts raced through his mind, and try as he might, the hedgehog couldn't stop thinking about Tails and Knuckles. Sonic could still see the despair and sadness on Tails' face when the hedgehog was pulled through the portal clear as day. He couldn't help but wonder how his brother and friend were doing. 'He's okay, Sonic,' the hedgehog assured himself. 'He's still strong when you're not around. Even if you can't find a way back home, he'll work day and night to bring you back to Mobius... Or that's what I hope.' Sonic looked over to the slumbering ponies, and a small smile crept onto his face. The past few hours had been hectic, but he'd made two new friends out of it and was going on a new adventure with them. Zephyr Heights loomed in the distance, the lights from the city acting like a beacon, beckoning to the hedgehog. 'Don't worry, Tails,' he thought again. 'I'm gonna help my new friends here in Equestria, and I will find my way back home.' The hedgehog thought about what could be happening with his best friend as his drowsiness started to take over. Closing his eyes, Sonic soon joined the two mares in the realm of dreams. Or he tried at the very least, because the constant memory of Tails' scream right before he crossed the portal still haunted him, even on his dreams. It was hard to get over with it, and he eventually had to open his eyes again to stare at the stars in the sky, a sight that reminded him of a song which always calmed him down. Yet when he was about to start and sing said song to calm down, her noticed that Sunny, who's sleeping at his right side, was whimpering on her dreams, and that made him think she's having a nightmare. He had no idea of exactly what to do at first, so he decided to stay quiet and not disturb her. After all, she may calm down eventually and sleep peacefully once again... Yet that didn't happened, because instead, her eyes shot open, and she gasped panicked as she sat down on her place. She looked around confused at first, but then her eyes stopped on Sonic, who looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Couldn't sleep, either?" He asked with a smirk. "...S-Sorry..." Sunny apologized. "Did I woke you up?" "Nah. I couldn't sleep." Sonic replied while shrugging. "Let's just say there's too much in my mind for me to sleep right now." "Well, at least you didn't had any horrible nightmares..." Sunny said concerned. "The place I was in in my slumber was... not a place I wish to ever go, nor dreaming nor in reality." "Can I know what happened?" Sonic asked. "I know we met just a few hours ago, and that I may not understand why you had the nightmare you had, but I've always been good at listening!" "...I, um... I was just revisiting the day that my father died..." Sunny replied with a sad look and tone, and Sonic's mood changed as well. "He was on the fourth stage of cancer, and we realized it too late. At least I'm happy knowing that he died sleeping, even though I was right at his side when his heart stopped bumping." Just hearing that made Sonic's eyes shot open, and he tried to reply something, but since it was really a situation he could not understand because of how horribly Longclaw died, he shut his mouth and looked away. "Is okay if you have nothing to say, Sonic." Sunny assured him with a little and sad smile. "I have nightmares like that one often, way more often than I would like, but hey, nothing can ever be perfect in this life, can it?" "...Right..." Sonic said, as he began to play around with his fingers. But then, an idea popped into his mind, and he smiled a little bit. "You know? This may sound silly and all, but I remember that someone used to hum me a lullaby when I was a kid. I can't really remember who sang it for the first time, because their face is blurry in my mind, but... I know that they taught me said song to sleep." "I was thinking that, well, maybe it could help you out to sleep better?" He suggested with a sheepish smile. "If it's awkward and silly for you, I'll get it––" "N-No, no! I-It is not!" Sunny assured him with a nervous chuckle. "I, um, I actually appreciate the fact that you want to help me out, even if you don't really understand why I had my nightmare." "Well, that's just my thing!" Sonic said with a smile. "I help anyone in need when necessary! That's the whole reason why I ended up in Maretime Bay, actually. I was helping Izzy getting there since she always wanted to go. My intention was asking for directions to go back to my home, but well... Now we have this whole mission of restoring magic, so that can wait." "Oh!" Sunny said, a bit impressed to see so many coincidences. "Well, if that's the case, I'm sorry that I dragged you away from your mission of getting home..." "No, no, no! Don't do that!" Sonic told her, but still with a smile. "You did nothing wrong! I came here on my own, it was my decision. And, I was the one that mentioned the Pegasi earlier, remember? You got the idea from me, so technically I dragged you." Sunny giggled after hearing such a thing. "You really like to find the good side of everything, don't you?" "That's me!" Sonic pointed himself with a thumb and a smirk, also winking playfully at Sunny. "And get used to me getting cocky and playful all the time, because that's not going anywhere!" "Poor me!" Sunny joked with a quiet laugh to not wake Izzy up, and Sonic laughed along. "You know, Sonic? Maybe we haven't interacted that much the past few hours, but the little I know about you tells me already that your friends are lucky to have you in their lives." Sonic's smile faltered a bit, but it remained. He turned away from Sunny and sighed, looking up to the stars in the sky again. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm the lucky one to have them. Seriously, if not for them, I wouldn't be the man I am today. well, I could say the 'hedgehog' instead, but... You get the point." Sunny chuckled after hearing him. "I can say the same about Hitch..." Sunny confessed with a sad smile. "Even if we have our crashes, specially when it comes about the subject of unity among ponykind, I'm really happy having him as my best friend. I... I don't know what could've been of me if I never had him." Sonic managed to notice a slight blush on her cheeks as she talked about Hitch, making him arch an eyebrow. "Are you sure he's just your best friend?" He teased her. That made Sunny's blush increase a bit, and she quickly shook her head. "O-of course he is! W-Why would he be anything else?!" She crossed her hooves and looked away. "I don't like him or anything!" "I never insinuated you did." Sonic pointed out with a smirk, making Sunny's eyes widen and her face go red, then she groaned and covered her face with her hooves. Sonic just chuckled at her attitude, then looked forward and sighed. "Want me to sing that lullaby now, or you rather go to sleep on your own?" "...W-Whatever..." Sunny replied while puffing her cheeks. "Whatever helps is fine, I guess..." Sonic smiled, then cleared his throat and memorized the lyrics for a second before starting to sing. Sonic: Take off, at the speed of sound Bright lights, colors all around I'm running wild, living fast, and free Got no regrets inside of me Not looking back Not giving up Not letting go I'll keep on running! I'm gonna reach for the stars Although they look pretty far I'm gonna find my own way And take a chance on today The sky with stars so bright The colors feel so right I never felt like this I'll keep on running! The sky with stars so bright The colors feel so right Just take my hand We're gonna reach for the stars Tonight Tonight Sunny tried to not pay much attention to the lyrics of the song, but she still did anyways. The fact that Sonic had a really nice voice also helped. Sure, he showed off his musical voice earlier with the song they had together along Izzy, but she was still impressed in the end. However, as much as she enjoyed the lyrics, she actually started to feel tired, because she let out a yawn, and her eyes were starting to close on their own, so she started to put herself comfortable again. Wake up living day by day Do what I want, and I'll do it my way The world is flying right below my feet Got no regrets inside of me Not looking back Not giving up Not letting go I'll keep on running! I'm gonna reach for the stars Although they look pretty far I'm gonna find my own way And take a chance on today The sky with stars so bright The colors feel so right I never felt like this I'll keep on running! The sky with stars so bright The colors feel so right Just take my hand We're gonna reach for the stars Tonight Tonight Once he finished to sing the lullaby, he yawned tiredly himself, even stretching a bit after he got tired because of his own song... Yet his eyes widened when he felt something on his right side, and once he looked over there, he felt surprised to see that Sunny fell asleep on his shoulder. Of course, this was a bit awkward for him, specially considering that Sunny is still a stranger to him... Yet it also felt soft thanks to her fur, and kind of familiar for some reason as well. Sonic can't really tell why, but from a few hours ago 'till now, he has started to recognize her. Well, not really. He simply has the strange feeling that he has seen her before, yet he can't exactly tell how does he know her, nor when did he know her. He only knows she's familiar from somewhere... Perhaps it was nothing, and his mind and body were just making up stuff... But if they weren't, then he seriously had no idea on how to react about it. Have they really met before, or this is just the first time? "Great, another thing to add to my never ending list of mysteries to solve..." Sonic muttered annoyed... then he unconsciously wrapped an arm around her back, and then smoothness of her fur felt strange. However, it didn't felt wrong, either. He has felt this before, years ago, when he was just a two year old. He remembers that he used to have a plushie this soft, but Longclaw says he lost it one day... Could it be possible that he never had a plushie, and that Sunny was actually–– He stopped the idea half-way and shook his head, almost slapping himself, even. He sounded so silly and stupid right now that he would rather cut his throat before finishing that stupid sentence. "This is just a coincidence, Sonic... Nothing to worry about." Sonic told himself. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, and this time around? He managed to fall quickly into the realm of dreams. The Reformed World It's been a week ever since magic was restored to all of Equestria thanks to Sunny, Sonic and their friends. In the process, they almost destroyed an entire kingdom's regulatory system; almost got themselves killed by Unicorns; Sonic discovered he has electrical powers; a pegasus got a crush on him; Sunny's lighthouse was destroyed, and everypony was friends with each other once again after so many years. Of course, now that this week has passed, Sunny's lighthouse is getting remodeled, even getting a complete new aspect that Sunny herself request to be done over her old lighthouse. The lighthouse will be bigger now, with more rooms, a bigger kitchen, a massive storage room, and even a big room at the top where the Unity Crystals, the source of all Equestrian magic, will be located, spreading a rainbow light that keeps magic alive as long as everypony is 'vibing' with each other. Sunny was over the Luna-moon with her fillyhood's long dream finally coming true. She wished her dad was here to see it, but she knows for sure that he's looking over her, wherever he may be. Sonic, on the other hand, decided that he'll stay in Equestria for a while, or at least until he can find the Chaos Emeralds and restore their power to go home. Not like he had any rush to, anyways. Even if he's concerned for Tails, he's positive the young fox can take good care of himself. Speaking of Sonic, he was resting at the trunk of a tree with his eyes closed, his legs crossed, and his arms crossed behind his neck. He's supposed to help with the new lighthouse, but he choose to take a nap instead. Noticing this, Sunny immediately went over with him and cleared her throat, making Sonic open an eye and look at her a bit annoyed. Is not that he doesn't want to help, since he told before he's up for any task as long as he can help. However, a little nap after a wild week didn't seemed so bad, not to him anyways. "Can't a guy sleep in peace over here?" Sonic asked a bit annoyed. "Not when you're supposed to be helping with the Crystal Brighthouse!" Sunny pointed out with a little frown. "Have I told you that name sounds like if you were creating a castle instead of a bigger lighthouse?" Sonic asked mockingly. "If not, well, this place looks more like where that Twinkle Sparky - or however she's called - used to live." "Is Twilight Sparkle for your information, Sonic." Sunny deadpanned and rolled her eyes. "And the name is supposed to resemble the fact that this will the HQ for all friendship and unity in Equestria, hence why the Unity Crystals are here!" "It still sounds too fancy for a lighthouse..." Sonic rolled his eyes. "And why exactly you want my help, again? I may have super speed, but I cannot use working tools at such speeds like mine. Besides, you got pegasi with ridiculous strength and unicorns that can levitate things ever since last week!" "Sonic..." Sunny scolded. "No, seriously, have you seen how insanely strong Pipp really is?!" Sonic asked with wide eyes. "I have to see a pulsed game between her and Knuckles sometime. I bet she wins!" "Why are you always like this...?" Sunny sighed frustrated while rubbing her face with a hoof. "What? Charismatic, handsome and cool?" Sonic asked with pride. "Irritating, annoying and exasperating!" Sunny said with a frown. Sonic deadpanned. "Those words all mean the same." He pointed out. "Look, we've been working on your new lighthouse non-stop for the past five days. I get that you want to go back into the comfort of your own house, but don't you think you're being way too extreme? Heck, even Izzy seems tired at times!" Sonic pointed to the rest of their friends that were still working in the Brighthouse's construction: Izzy was taking 5 to take a sip of water... A sip where she emptied the bottle instead. Hitch was still trying to lift a heavy piece of metal, but his exhaustment could be noticed by the eye bags under his eyes. Finally, Zipp seemed to have no problem with the work, but even if Pipp was strong, she wasn't used to so much work, hence why she took a moment to breath every 10 minutes. Noticing what Sonic meant, Sunny's ears fell on her head, and now she began to feel bad for yelling at Sonic just a few moments ago. She was so focused on getting her home ready that she didn't even considered how tired all her friends were feeling, specially because they've been working 5 days nonstop like Sonic said. Sunny sighed, and so, she choose to sit at Sonic's side on the tree. "...I'm sorry for that..." She apologized. "Is just... Now that magic's back and everypony is together again, I just got too excited with the idea of living with my new best friends in this place. With most of my dad's stuff missing, having you all around makes me feel safe... But it seems I haven't been as nice as I thought." "I can't really blame you for being excited about us moving in, Sunny." Sonic said with a little smile. "You're also happy to see your dad's dream come true. And as a plus, you got Alicorn powers and a rainbow streak that looks good on you!" "Aww..." Sunny said with a smile. "However, how about trying to be less noisy? Let us rest for an hour or two, and then you'll see we'll be ready to be back on track!" Sonic assured her with a smile and a wink, once again preparing to rest over the tree. "After all, we still have a bright future ahead of us. Who knows what we'll encounter!" "You're really good to inspire everyone around you, you know that?" Sunny told him with a smirk. "Seriously, Izzy told me that if you never thought about the possibility of an Earth Pony Crystal, neither her nor the sisters would've been inspired enough to come along back to Maretime Bay! Believe it or not, you changed everypony's lives in here just as much as I did!" "Maybe I did, but most of the credit goes to you, Sunny." Sonic pointed out. "If you never took that first step to make a change in the world, maybe those ponies would still have their boring lives living separated from each other." "But if you never came, Izzy and the sisters might never had come over here, either!" Sunny pointed out. "Eh, I'm sure they would all the same. I was just a... pushing point, to call it some way." Sonic stated. "So? You're gonna give them that break or not?" Sunny looked back at her friends for a moment, then smiled and looked back at Sonic. "Actually, I do. Come on! You're gonna help me with this!" She stood up and grabbed Sonic from his hand, almost forcing him to stand up and follow her. Sonic just chuckled and stood up anyways, then followed her along. The Bond A year has passed ever since magic came back to Equestria. With that, a lot of stuff happened: Tails and Knuckles arrived into Equestria; Sonic got a crush over Pipp as well; they made a new friend called Misty; Eggman also got into Equestria; they defeated robotic versions of themselves; they saved Christmas; and they prevented magic from being destroyed by Discord. All that crap was tiring, but also very rewarding in the end. After all, it allowed the group to grow closer as friends and as a family, even though the Discord incident almost made them split up. What is surprising, even, is that Izzy and Knuckles became a couple just two weeks prior! It was a shocking for everyone, but a very welcome one. Now it was a matter of time to wait until Sonic decided to made a move with Pipp, Tails with Zipp, and either Sunny or Hitch with each other... Yeah, love is in the air for our heroes. Right now, in Maretime Bay, many ponies brought their mothers over to spend Mares Day with them. Turns our Mares Day is the equivalent to Mother's Day... You may know what is coming. It was all fun and laughs, or at least in the main area of the beach, because far away, in a corner almost nobody dared to visit, Sunny was sitting all alone, as she had her gaze lost in the ocean. She was definitely feeling down, to the point even her Cutie Mark seemed all dull and black. Suddenly, however, Sonic arrived, slowly walking towards her, until he stopped right at her side. "Hey, Sunny..." Sonic greeted with a little smile, which made Sunny's ear perk up, and she turned to see him, a bit surprised that he found this place. "Hitch told me you'll be here. Mind having me as your company?" Even if she clearly wasn't in a good mood, she still gave him her most honest smile and nodded, and Sonic sat at her side, also staring at the horizon now. They stood in silence for a while, but Sonic could tell that Sunny was not feeling, well, sunny at all, because she was looking at the sand with sadness. So, Sonic sighed and decided to finally brake the silence. "...You know? I'm not an expert at reading people, but... I know when my friends are not feeling well. And you clearly aren't feeling well." He pointed out. "So, I'm gonna tell you this: If you're feeling bad and want to talk about it, then I'll listen. And if you don't, that's okay. I won't pressure you." He smiled. Sunny's ears perked up again, and she turned to see him, smiling at him with a bit more of joy. "...I guess you already know it, but... today is Mares Day..." Sunny reminded, once again feeling sad and looking back at the floor, while Sonic only nodded at her statement. "...I used to celebrate it with my dad all the time since... since my mom died after I was born..." Sonic looked at her a bit surprised when she confessed that, and he actually got a bit more worried about her. "But after dad died... This day only gets even more emotional to me... No father nor mother to spent it with makes me feel... lost and alone, even if I know that I'm not..." Sunny kept explaining. "I always come here on Mares Day to try to distract my mind. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... And I think today's one of the times it doesn't..." "But... You looked very happy last Mares Day..." Sonic pointed out. "Well, not absolutely, but you did looked more like yourself than today." Sunny chuckled a bit at that. "That's because we were helping Zipp and Pipp to surprise Queen Haven, Sonic..." She pointed out with a sad smile. "My mind was distracted, and with us doing her Royal stuff to help her relax, I barely had time to think on my parents... Unlike this year, though..." Sonic looked at her with concern once again, and he looked back to stare at the horizon. He hated to see his friends feeling down, even if it's normal. He allows everyone to feel what they had to when they need to, but still, he hated to see them suffering or feeling sad. And with Sunny, a cheerful and optimistic girl, feeling so dull and sad right now, he couldn't help but feel like if somethings was clearly wrong. And then, he had an idea, one that Sunny herself gave him without even noticing it: Last Mares Day, she was distracted with helping Queen Haven to relax. So, maybe distracting her would cheer her up a bit, and she could still mourn her dad's absence if she wanted, but she would also show his spirit that she's not alone. So, Sonic quickly took out his phone, texted both Tails and Hitch, and after explaining them everything in a big paragraph, he putted his phone away and stood up, extending his hand to her. "Well, then. How about we go and distract our minds?" Sonic suggested her. Sunny looked up at him and raised an eyebrow confused. "Hey, your dad may not be here anymore, and you can feel sad about that..." Sonic pointed out with a compassionate look. "But you can also still enjoy this day. Either to 'distract your mind', or just to honor the old times... It's up to you decide on how it is. But I'm pretty sure that he'll like to see his Sunny-Bunny all happy, cheery and helpful as always!" He added with a smile, as he rubbed her mane a bit and messed it up, which actually made Sunny giggle a bit, as she pulled him apart with a hoof. "So, what do you say, Sunny?" Sunny looked back at the floor, thinking deeply about it. Then, she looked back at the ocean and the horizon, before looking back at Sonic and smile at him. "Okay... Maybe I should give it a shot. BUT, I don't promise I won't feel down, though." Sunny told him with a little smile. "Trust me, Sunny-Bunny! You'll be good as new at the end of the day!" Sonic assured her with a smile. Moving to Maretime Bay, Sonic decided to take Sunny around town to keep her distracted. First off, he surprised her by taking her to her smoothie cart, that already had a small row of ponies, since Tails was attending the cart in her place. And yes, he was also in Electronic Tails, because the one attending the cart was a clone, but don't worry, he's not gonna vanish, and he can interact with physical objects, so everything's fine. In the daylight Gonna go fast Gotta beat the red light Ain't no time lapse Sunny did felt very surprised to see that a Tails' clone was taking charge of her stand, and she looked at Sonic with a confused expression, but Sonic just shrugged with a smirk at her. Once they both got their smoothies from Tails' clone, Sonic smirked and started to sip his smoothie faster, almost daring Sunny to finish it before him. With a determinate smile, Sunny decided to play along, and so, she also started to sip on her smoothie a lot faster, and as surprising as it might sound, she actually won against Sonic, who looked at her in shock once she was donde with her smoothie. In the night time I'ma keep on Racing the shooting stars til the dawn Sunny smiled with pride at first, but soon enough, her expression cringed, and so, she grabbed her head in pain, since she suddenly had a brain freeze. Sonic laughed at her at first, but he suddenly also got a brain freeze and started to complain in pain, grabbing his head with his hands. At that, Sunny laughed at him, even is she was still in pain on her own brain freeze. After their brain freeze was over, Sonic took Sunny to Mane Melody, where they were attended by Jazz and Rocky. Sonic got a full massage treatment, while Sunny's mane got a new treatment, now having two pigtails instead of just her regular one. We can be friends, but I won't team up If you wanna come along, then try to keep up Then, both Sonic and Sunny start to try out different outfits, as they pose and take several pictures with their suits. At some point, they even started to match their looks so their pictures could get more and more silly with time. Jazz and Rocky had a really hard time not bursting in laugh at their show, but eventually ended up loosing their cool and fell backwards, as they laughed loudly at how ridiculous Sunny and Sonic were looking... probably because they were both wearing shirts that matched perfectly. Sunny's shirt said 'If lost, return to the idiot', while Sonic's shirt said 'I'm the idiot'. I'm the fastest, I'm the fastest alive Need no practice If you insist I'm a liar However, none of them noticed that and looked at Jazz and Rocky confused, or in Sonic's case, with a bored expression. But then, they look at each other, and when they notice the other's shirt, and then theirs, the look at each other again, before burst out laughing as well Then, Sonic took sunny back to the beach, just that he took her to the more public zone. As they walked by, Sunny couldn't help but notice a little filly playing in the sand with her mother, as they both builded a Sand Castle together, before the mother picked the filly up and twirled her in the air a bit, as she finished by nuzzling her cheek with hers. That brought back a bit of sadness to Sunny, who looked at the ground with low ears and sad eyes... However, she had no time to mourn again, because her face suddenly got hit with sand, which made her eyes open wide. How's about you watch me now? I'll prove you wrong in a heartbeat She looked behind her, and she saw Sonic just whistling innocently, as he looked around and just crossed his arms. Of course, Sunny knew it was him, and so, she threw a bit of sand to him as well. Sonic shook his head and looked back at her, who was smirking mischievously, also holding a ball of sand on her hoof, and Sonic smirked back, as he quickly made a ball of sand again and threw it to her. Never gonna tell you how Speed just runs through my bloodstream Yeah Soon enough, they both were having a sand fight between each other, as they laughed loudly and just kept throwing sand at each other. Then, that sand fight turned into a little tag game, were Sonic chased down Sunny on the beach. Of course, he wasn't actually going as fast as usual, because he just wanted to enjoy his time with Sunny. Then, Sonic took Sunny to the snowy mountains of Equestria, were Hitch was already waiting for them with winter gear and snowboarding tables. Sunny's eyes sparkled, not only because they were going to snowboard, but also because Hitch was also here, which made things a lot better to her, and Sonic could notice that, so he smiled. I can't even explain it But I know I'll never stop this feeling Then, the three of them started to snowboard downhill over the mountain, with both Sonic and Sunny doing some bold and more risky tricks, while Hitch decided to go in a more safe manner, but he still was happy to see that Sunny was feeling a lot better now. The speed in my soul The speed in my soul In fact, Sunny had sparkling eyes as she kept going downhill, while Sonic positioned at Hitch's side with a smile. And their smiles grew wide thanks to the fact that Sunny's Cutie mark not only got it's color back, but it was also starting to shine a little, which meant that Sonic's plan on distracting her mind was working, and she was actually enjoying this day now. So, Sonic and Hitch looked at each other with knowing smiles and winked, before going downhill to catch Sunny, who was way ahead of them at this point. After that, and as you might expect, Sonic took Sunny on a run across Equestria. Well, he was running, because Sunny was flapping her wings in her Alicorn form at a very fast paste, actually flying just as fast as Sonic moved. And I can't even restrain it So I'm gonna keep, keep on running The speed in my soul Sonic started to make some tricks out of fun with rocks, trees and plants as they entered to a forest, while Sunny dodged tree branches, some birds, and even a few trees too, replicating Sonic's tactic of just doing it for the sake of having fun, as she giggled happily while doing so. Then, as they got out of the forest, Sunny started to fly a bit above Sonic, while Sonic himself curled into a ball and jumped over her, as they kept doing this while laughing, clearly just doing it for the sake of have fun and live life to the max, just like Sonic likes it. And nothing's gonna stop me I'ma keep on running, oh! Then, Sunny started to fly lower again, but as she did so, Sonic stared at her Cutie Mark, and he smiled brightly, because it was glowing bright now, clearly showing that Sunny's sunny side was back, and that she was feeling incredibly happy right now, just having fun with her friend. Sonic's smile grew wide, and so, he putted on a determinate look, before boosting towards Maretime Bay. Sunny noticed that and smiled with sparkling eyes, as she also boosted with her wings, being right behind Sonic. Once they made it back to Maretime Bay, they stared at the sun setting in the horizon, as they sat on the beach with smiles on their faces. I can't even explain it But I know I'll never stop this feeling The speed in my soul The speed in my soul Then, Sunny leaned and rested her head on Sonic's shoulder, while Sonic rested his head over hers and sighed happily. After all, his plan went exactly like he expected it to go, and now Sunny was once again in her bright and sunny mood, which just made his smile grow bigger, if that was even possible. Back to the Crystal Brighthouse, Sonic and Sunny were laughing a lot. After all the things they did today, they went back to the Brighthouse and started to tell stories of when they were kids in the living room. "You seriously think you were a bird?!" Sunny asked in-between laughs. "I know, I know... I was just a kid back then!" Sonic pointed out with a smirk. "Yeah, but... You literally stick leaves in your body!" Sunny pointed out with a giggle. "Aren't you the same filly that pretended to be a pegasus on Nightmare Night when you were, like, 10 years old?" Sonic pointed out with a mocking smirk. Sunny rolled her eyes at that, and looked back at him with a smirk. "At least I didn't broke my father's favorite vase~" she mocked back. Sonic groaned and covered his face with his hands, which only made Sunny chuckle again. "Thanks for taking me out of there, Sonic..." Sunny thanked him. "I had a lot of fun today! And, even if I did remembered dad... It didn't felt hurting anymore. In fact, I kind of prefer to remember him and all the fun stuff we used to do with a smile, rather than just sit in the beach and mourn about it." "Hey, I just like to help, Sunny!" Sonic said with a smile and a wink. "Besides, I couldn't just left you all alone the entire day. Life is too short, and you need to live every second as if it was the last! Taking you out there to have a little fun made me realize how much I love to live life to the max with my friends being around. And honestly? I couldn't have it any other way..." Sunny smiled brightly at him, and so, she hugged him tightly, with Sonic feeling a bit startled at first, but then smiling and hugging her back. Everything went perfectly as he planned. Heck, even better in his opinion, and he was glad to see that she was back to her old and happy self. The Present A month has passed ever since Opaline was defeated, and the entire multiverse was saved. Now, Sonic and Sunny's main concern was restoring Equestria after the lost of magic caused a massive collapse in all the three cities. Citizens deaths, questions flowing like a disease, some minimal damage to property, and the whole Opaline thing to be explained... this month has been wild. But even with all of the chaos in the three cities going on, Sonic still managed to craft something with some workers help, which didn't charged him and used this gift to thank him and Sunny for saving their world. With the charge out of the way, Sonic went over and made the workers place the gift they helped Sonic to craft in the Community Garden, replacing the original statue that was in the middle before. With the gift now in place, Sonic covered it with a huge blanket, then went back to town in search for Sunny. It took him around 10 minutes, but he eventually found her in the Sheriff Station with Hitch and Sparky. He had to buy her for a moment and started to drag her towards the Community Garden. Yet he also covered her view with a towel just in case, because he wanted to surprise her for real. "Alright, 'big bro'." Sunny said with a mocking tone. "What is this surprise you want to show me about?" "If I tell you before showing you, is it really a surprise anymore?" Sonic pointed out mockingly, also making sure he was grabbing her hoof and guiding her without trouble towards the Community Garden. "I can always act dumb and feel surprised to see the final product!" Sunny pointed out. "That's no fun, Sunny." Sonic said with an eye roll. "Seriously, just be patient! I promise you this is worth the hype!" "I hope so, because I was having a very nice moment with my coltfriend and my son back in the Station," Sunny pointed out. "Yeah, yeah, your stallion can wait while I show you this!" Sonic stated. Once they both reached the Garden, Sonic let go of Sunny's hoof, and Sunny herself stopped moving, while Sonic went ahead and made absolutely sure that his gift/surprise for Sunny was covered with the blanket, once he did, he smiled, then he turned back to see Sunny. "Alright, sis. Remove your towel!" Sonic called out. Sunny chuckled by the way he called her, and when she looked ahead, she raised an eyebrow when she saw the fountain of the Community Garden covered, while Sonic grabbed the blanket with a smile. "You really want to hype me up, huh?" Sunny asked with a smirk. "And as I said, it's totally worth it!" Sonic re-assured. "Behold!" With that being said, he removed the blanket, and when the gift/surprise was finally revealed, Sunny gasped loudly in shock, even covering her mouth with a hoof: It turns out that Sonic decided to make a statue of both Longclaw and Argyle, standing tall and proud with smiles on the crafted stones with their figures. The fact that Longclaw had her scarf and Argyle his necklace with Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark made Sunny had to fight back her tears from coming out, because she was beyond emotional right now. "S-Sonic... T-This is..." Sunny tried to say, but no words came out of her mouth. "Let's just say that I was thinking it was time to give our parents some proper recognition." Sonic said with a smile, as he walked back with her and stood at her side. "If not for them, we would've never met and, well, restored magic and everything. They met before we did, you know? And recently, I discovered something else that makes our bond stronger." "...Sonic... I-I don't know what to say!" Sunny said with a mix of happiness and confusion. "H-How did you––" "Some ponies wanted to thank us in some sort of way for, you know, saving the entire multiverse?" Sonic said with a smirk. "That's why I asked them to make this, for the Community Garden! So anytime somepony comes over here, they'll look up to the two real heroes that started it all." Sunny couldn't help but sob happily, then she turned over to Sonic and hugged him tightly, while Sonic smiled and hugged her back. There was no words to describe how much she loved her older brother, no matter if he was another species and from another dimension. One way or another, he was her brother. But then, she suddenly remembered something else and broke the hug. "Hang on... What's that thing you discovered that makes our bond stronger?" Sonic smiled, then took out a picture from his quills and give it to her. When she grabbed the picture and look at it, her eyes widened again: The picture showed them both as babies... nuzzling together on Sunny's crib. "...W-What... is the meaning of this?" Sunny asked in shock. "Turns out Longclaw lived for a while with Argyle, meaning we used to sleep together." Sonic replied. "When I turned 5, I asked Longclaw what happened with one of my soft plushies I used to sleep with as a baby. She always told me I lost it years ago, but... Turns out that you were the plushie." Sunny was speechless for a good while after this revelation, but then she spoke as well. "S-Sonic... I-I used to ask the same to my dad... H-He always said the same, that I lost that plushie... B-But it was you!" Sonic snorted a bit before extending his open hands to Sunny, while she placed her hooves on them. "Yeah... Seems like we're home again, sis..." He smiled, and a lonely tear ran down his cheek. Sunny sobbed for a second, but then she began to laugh and hugged Sonic again. This revelation, as shocking as it is, was also wonderful for them both, because it really meant that destiny had planned their meeting, years before they even know how to talk. They were truly siblings, blood related or not. Now, with the multiverse safe and their homes at peace, they were happy, and they were home. THE END