//------------------------------// // 08 - The Apple Festival Part 2 // Story: Through the Looking Glass and into Wonderland // by Babroniedad //------------------------------// The girls woke to find Fae and Mrs. Orange standing over them, smiling. “What, did something happen?” asked Sunset groggily. “Nope, just time for school,” smiled Fae. “We were just noting how adorable you all looked, all snuggled together like that.” She grinned. Sunset smirked and rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She gave her sisters a hug then rolled out of bed, heading for the bathroom. Orange woke, looking around. Spying her mom smiling at her, she ran over to hug her, then followed Sunset into the bathroom. Aiko smiled watching them, then gave Fae a high five on her way to the bathroom too. A few moments later, washed up and relieved, the three girls returned to get dressed. Fae and Mrs. Orange had gone to the kitchen to start breakfast, so the girls joined them at the table. “One more day of school, then it’s time for the festival,” crowed Aiko. “I am so looking forward to wearing my kimono again. That’s going to be so fun.” Sunset nodded. “I bet we are the only ones there in kimono’s,” she added. “Maybe,” mused Aiko. “We’ll see.” Ailene’s little robot rolled out with plates and sliced fruit for everyone, along with the cups for their coffees. Fae brought the coffee over and poured cups for everyone, adding cream and sugar as requested. Mrs. Orange was a bit concerned at her daughter drinking coffee, but was satisfied when Fae assured her the girls’ coffee was decaffeinated and would not stunt her daughters growth. She then led them in a quick grace, thanking the Maker for their blessings and committing the day to her, then served up the fruit. While everyone enjoyed their breakfast and chatted, she went back to check on the porridge. Returning with the porridge, she served it up, adding sugar and cream to suit everyone’s tastes. When everyone was finished, Fae and Mrs. Orange cleaned up while the girls went to brush their teeth and wash up. They then fetched their book bags, running to the door where Fae and Mrs. Orange were waiting. They took the elevator down to the lobby where Ailene had a limo waiting for them. Waving goodbye to Orange’s mom and Fae, they left for school. School finished for the day, the girls rode the limo back to their condominium, Shimmer now with them, and of course Orange as well. They planned to work at the mission tonight wearing their kimonos so Father John and Sister Mary could see them, then go to the apple festival first thing in the morning. So it was decided the sleepover this weekend would be at their condominium rather than at the Orange’s. Of course, with the Orange’s temporarily staying with them, it kind of was at the Oranges, sort of. Arriving, Ailene let them in. They found Fae and Mrs. Orange waiting for them, both dressed nicely for dinner. “Wow, how come you got all dressed up?” asked Aiko laughing as they all went into the bathroom to clean up for the day. Fae insisted they all take a quick bath before wearing the kimonos to keep them as clean as possible. “We figured with you girls getting all dressed up in your kimonos, it would be nice if we dressed up as well. Then we will match, sort of,” laughed Fae. “Come on, get in the tub. And don’t any of you dare splash. I’d like to stay nice too.” “And what will you do if we do?” grinned Aiko. “Then I will tickle you until you shriek with laughter and leak!” teased Fae. “You wouldn’t!” challenged Aiko, grinning. “Try me,” dared Fae back with a smirk. Aiko grinned through the entire bath, but didn’t push her luck. The girls laughed and giggled the entire time, Orange decidedly more relaxed about being bathed than her usual, then they quickly dried off and dressed in their kimonos. Fae and Mrs. Orange did their hair up in the traditional bun, with perl hair snaps made to look like pins. Then they all headed downstairs to the limo for the drive over to the mission. “Wait! Let me get a picture of you all!” said Mrs. Orange as they were about to get into the limo. She lined them up beside the limo, their driver standing by the open door, as the girls stood arm in arm. After taking several pictures, including one with the girls all making funny faces, they entered the limo and sped off to the mission. Father John was waiting for them when they got there, greeting them with smiles and hugs. “You girls look fantastic! Those are perfect for you, and the wooden sandals too!” He beamed at them, welcoming them into the mission. “Thank you, Father John!” Sunset smiled. “They really are awesome.” They headed to the kitchen where Sister Mary was busy putting together dinner. She was working over a large mixer when they walked in. “Can we help you, Sister Mary?” asked Aiko, trying to see what was in the mixer. Sister Mary looked over and saw them. “Oh, look at you girls! You look so adorable!” she gushed. She took Aiko by the hand, leading her back over to the others. “No mixing duty for you girls tonight. We have to keep you clean and pretty. You can help rack up the food and put things out. The coffee is already out, how about you take the rolls out and the butter and jelly so our regulars can snack while we finish up the rest of dinner?” Fae and the girls started pulling the rolls out of the warmer while Mrs. Orange watched, trying to help out where she could. Orange and Shimmer were not sure exactly what to do, but they copied their friends and it worked out fairly well. “Mrs. Orange, would you mind going into the fridge and pulling out the cart with the butter and jelly on it? We’ll need that as well. The fridge is the big metal door over there,” requested Fae, pointing at the large metallic door on the other side of the kitchen. “Wow deary, you really know your way around here, don’t you?” smiled Mrs. Orange as she crossed to the fridge, opening the door and marveling at how large it was. “A bit, yes,” laughed Fae, helping the girls in loading up the trays of rolls. Mrs. Orange rolled the cart out, shutting the door behind her. She joined the girls and Fae as they wheeled the now full tray cart out to the dining room, where Father John was waiting with the regulars, chatting as they sipped their coffees. Everyone looked up as they walked in, noticing their dresses. “Girls, you look absolutely stunning!” Father John smiled at them as the entered. “Don’t they?” he asked everyone around him. They all nodded and answered in agreement. “They look kind of fancy to be serving food in a mission kitchen,” groused a young man sitting at the table. “I bet those dresses cost a lot of money.” “I’m sure they did,” agreed Father John amicably. The young man scowled. One of his friends nudged him. “Hey, Scott. Don’t be like that. They look wonderful and are having a good time. Nothing wrong with that. And they are here helping us.” He turned to the girls. “You look wonderful, girls. Thank you for being here tonight.” The young man, Scott, grew cross. “Sure! How wonderful! I sleep on a stupid sidewalk or in an alley by trashcans, get beat up twice a week, would be robbed every time, but I don’t have anything worth taking anymore. All because there aren’t enough beds for me to sleep in the shelter. But Noooo! It’s wonderful if some girls get to spend lots of money to play dress up, then come slumming it acting like it’s some kind of field trip! Come to look at the homeless, girls! Better than the zoo, right! How do you like us, better than the monkey exhibit, right?!” he yelled out at them. He mimed scratching his head and rubbing his nose, acting like he was a monkey. The girls stopped in shock. All the conversation had stopped, the entire room staring at the man. “What!” the young man yelled. “You’re all thinking it too! Don’t tell me you aren’t! Look at the girls come slumming it with the homeless monkeys!” His friend was smacking his arm, trying to get his attention and get him to stop. Father John stood up and leaned over the table, looking down at the man. He stopped, looking intimidated. “Scott, right?” asked Father John. The young man nodded. “Right, new to the streets, if I recall. And this is your first time at the mission, yes?” Father asked. Scott nodded. “Okay, Scott. Let me introduce you to these girls. Girls, come over here, please,” Father requested. Sunset and Aiko came over to stand next to Father, looking confused. “Scott, I’d like you to meet Sunset and Aiko. They are my kids. No, I didn’t make them, if that’s what you're thinking. “They came to me homeless, and I took them in. They are my wards. I’m their protector. And yes, they don’t live here anymore. They have money now. But do you know what?” Father leaned down, looking into Scotts eyes. “Do you know where they are most evenings? Here. And doing what? Helping. Cleaning. Cooking. Serving. They were here almost every day, never complaining, happy to help and cheerfully serve. “Yes, they have money now. Yes, they have a place to live off the streets. But they started here, and on the street. And they deserve some respect and consideration. So, I’ll thank you not to ride their case about having pretty dresses, and instead enjoy how beautiful they look and be grateful they are here serving you. “You’ll find an attitude of gratitude in life will take you a long way.” With a final glare, Father sat back down. Dejected, Sunset spoke up. “He’s right, you know,” she said. “He most certainly is not,” answered Father. “No, he is,” continued Sunset. “I get that we’re allowed to have dresses and look pretty. He’s not right about that. But, he is right that it’s wrong that we sleep in our own home while he sleeps on the street. He is right that we aren’t doing something about that,” Sunset replied. “Look, kid. I was just pissed. It’s not like the cost of a dress is gonna make more beds in the shelter. Sorry, I was just pissed about being stuck on the street is all. I didn’t mean anything I said about you and your friends,” apologized Scott. “I can do it,” said Sunset. She turned to Father John. “I want to do it, He’s right. We need more beds. I want to get you more beds.” “Are you sure?” asked Father John. “Yes! I am sure,” nodded Sunset. Aiko nodded as well, looking between Sunset, Father John, and the young man. “Okay,” sighed Father. “We’ll do it,” he agreed. “Wait, what? You can do that? How the heck much money do you have?!” asked Scott in amazement. “We found a treasure,” answered Aiko, looking at Sunset and smiling. Scott just looked dumbfounded. “Okay, that’s settled then. I’ll have Steward go over the particulars with you later,” agreed Father John. “So, that's finished, let’s all have some dinner.” Sunset crossed over to Scott, taking his hands. “I’m sorry you’ve had a rough time. I know how that feels. I hope things get better for you.” She gave him a hug, then returned to Sister Mary. They went back to setting out the jelly and butter on the table, then serving plates and rolls to anyone who wished them. A chastised Scott thanked the girls for his roll. Sunset handed a roll to Father John, “Father, I’m serious. I don’t want anyone to have to sleep on the street even one more night. I know it takes time to build new stuff, but isn’t there something we can do now?” she asked him quietly. “We do have the loading area. We can put a tarp up over it maybe, and get some cots and bedrolls in for people to sleep there. I can sleep out there with them so no one bothers them. That might work until we can get something more permanent,” Father thought. “But what about when you need to get deliveries, like when the food comes in the morning?” asked Sunset. “I can have everyone up and inside by then, and we will put the cots and bedrolls away and roll up the tarp. It won’t be in the way of the deliveries,” Father thought out loud. “Do you need me to help with anything?” asked Sunset. Father John smiled at her, cupping her chin. “Sunset, you already have. Thank you!” He gave her a hug. Smiling, Sunset resumed serving the dinner rolls to the regulars. Still smiling, Father excused himself for a few minutes to make some calls. When dinner was ready, they brought the trays out and set them up to serve. Father John led them all in grace, then they served up everyone. With the abundance of helpers she had this evening, Sister asked the four girls if they would mind being hostesses for the night, talking to the regulars and asking them if they needed anything, then fetching it for them if they did. Fae and Mrs. Orange helped with the serving line, with Fae serving coffee at the tables when one of the girls came back with a request for coffee or refills. The girls got to bring everyone their desserts, to the delight of the regulars. Everyone enjoyed seeing the girls happily running about in their exquisite kimonos and wooden sandals. Once dinner was finished, Father stood to make an announcement. “Okay everyone, this is normally the point where I bid you goodnight, and those of you unfortunate enough to not have a place here tonight would have to leave to spend the night on the street. But at the suggestion of my little Sunset, I’ve ordered bedrolls, cots, and a tarp so no one has to leave if they don’t wish to tonight, and from this point forward,” announced Father. The regulars cheered. “Tonight we won’t have the cots and tarp, but we will at least have the bedrolls. We will be sleeping in the receiving area. Which, while it is very much like an alley, it’s at least fenced in and private, so we won’t be bothered by the local gangs looking for someone to beat up and rob. “And I will be joining you, sleeping out there with you, so if anyone does come looking for trouble they will have me to answer to.” That got laughs and applause from the entire room. Nodding to everyone, Father sat back down, looking to Sunset and the girls and giving them a thumbs up. Sunset turned to Fae. “Can we sleep with them tonight?” She turned to the other girls, who all nodded as well. Fae turned to Sister Mary, who looked pensive. “We would have to get some bedclothes for you. I wouldn’t want you sleeping in your fancy dresses,” Sister mused. “I’ll call Ailene and have her send some over. She has everyone’s measurements. And some smaller sleeping bags for you girls,” supplied Fae. She turned to Mrs. Orange. “Would you like to spend the night with us on the pavement, Mrs. Orange?” she asked. “I’m not sure my old bones would do too well sleeping on the pavement,” sighed Mrs. Orange. “Don’t worry, you can share a bed with me,” replied Sister Mary. “We can fit two in my bed. The girls used to share the bed with me when they got here.” “Okay, that sounds fine by me,” smiled Mrs. Orange. Fae called Ailene and explained their plan. Ailene arranged the necessary outfits and supplies, including toiletries and sleeping bags for Fae and the girls, dispatching a driver to bring them to the mission. About forty minutes or so later, Fae got a message. She took one of the carts out to the front of the mission. She returned a bit later with four small and one large sleeping bags as well as several overnight bags. She rolled them down the hall and into Sister Mary’s room, returning to the girls and everyone still chatting and enjoying each others’ company. A short while later Father led everyone out to the loading area, where a flat with bedrools was waiting for them. Those that were sleeping outside all took a turn picking out one of the bedrolls while the rest of the group bade them goodnight and returned to the dormitory inside to sleep. While that was going on, Sister Mary pulled aside Mrs. Orange, Fae and the girls, taking them into her room to change and get ready for the night. They all took a turn in the bathroom, then changed out of their kimonos, which Sister carefully hung up. Mrs. Orange changed in the bathroom while the girls and Fae changed in the room. Once everyone was dressed ready for sleep, Sister Mary and Mrs. Orange said goodnight to them, then Fae led the girls out to the loading dock carrying their sleeping bags with them. Father John greeted them, having saved a place for them to sleep. The girls giggled happily, laying out their bags between Fae and Father John. They climbed in and snuggled up, falling asleep happily next to each other as they looked up at the stars overhead. The next morning they woke early to the sound of people talking. Looking around, Sunset saw everyone was rolling up their bedrolls and placing them back on the pallet they got them from, then heading back into the mission for breakfast. Giggling, the girls climbed out of their sleeping bags, rolling them up to take with them. With a hug for Father John, they followed Fae back into the mission and into Sister Mary’s room. There they used her little bathroom, then changed into their kimonos and wooden sandals again. Their hair was no longer done up fancilly like the night before, but Fae helped them comb the out the tangles at least for breakfast, then dressed herself. They all followed Fae out to the kitchen where they found Sister Mary and Mrs Orange serving up coffee and danishes. “Hey! You started without us!” frumped Sunset. “You were busy keeping everyone company outside. It seemed only fair you get a bit of a break today,” grinned Sister Mary. “Want to help serve breakfast?” The girls nodded happily, so she invited them behind the serving counter where they helped pass out plates of eggs and danishes. Fae circulated the tables, filling coffees and getting water as requested. Once everyone had been fed, the girls were served breakfast, joining Father John, Sister Mary, Mrs. Orange and Fae. They enjoyed their breakfasts while the rest of the regulars chatted together until they wandered off to wherever they planned on spending the day. Once they were finished, Sunset and Aiko jumped up and started cleaning up, starting with their own breakfasts. Smiling, Sister Mary teased them. “You two are such wonderful helpers,” she acknowledged. “But isn’t there somewhere you are supposed to be today?” She grinned. “We can take care of this. Time for four little girls and their guardians to start the day’s fun, don’t you agree?” Sunset looked to Aiko and grinned. “Okay,” they both agreed, taking the settings they were clearing to the dish cart, then returning to the table. Fae rose, addressing them and their friends. “Go back to Sisters room and clean up, then we will do your hair and head out to the festival,” she instructed them. The girls happily fled down the hall, taking turns using Sisters' little bathroom then sitting on the bed to wait their turn for their hair styling. Sister Mary, Fae, and Mrs Orange joined them, and together started on the girls hair, combing it out then putting it back up in the traditional buns they had arrived in last night. Once all their hair had been set and placed, with perl faux pins set, Fae called for their ride. They packed up the sleeping bags and supplies they used the night before then waited at the front of the mission for their ride. Several people in the street and driving by called out and waved to them while they waited, charmed to see the four little girls dressed so fancily in their Kimonos. When the limo arrived, Sister Mary had them pose for a picture in their dresses in front of the mission, and then again in front of the limo. While they did that the driver loaded their sleeping and overnight bags into the limo’s trunk. Pictures taken, they all piled into the limo and took their seats. “Do we have to stop by home to drop off our stuff?” asked Aiko. “Nah, the driver can drop it off after he drops us off. We’re heading straight out to the festival,” answered Fae. The driver nodded, pulling out into traffic and heading out of town towards the Apple Family farm where the festival was held every year. There was very little traffic on the highway out of town, so it only took them a little over fifteen minutes to pull up to Apple Acres, the Apple family farm. They had cordoned off a fallow field in the front acreage off the driveway as a parking area. The lot was already half full, with people leaving their cars and heading towards the barnyard and main acreage where the festival was being held. Their limo continued past the lot, continuing up the driveway slowly with the arriving people. When they arrived at the main house he stopped in front of it, getting out and opening the door for them. A small crowd gathered to see who was arriving in a limo while they exited. Seeing the two women dressed smartly with four little girls dressed in traditional Japanese Kimonos, they smiled, though puzzled as to who they could be. A little girl came running from the house, dressed in overalls with a cowboy hat. She ran down the steps and pulled one of the girls into a tight hug. “Orange! How the heck are you, cousin! I haven’t seen you in a stretch! And what’s this getup y'all are wearin’?” the little blonde girl called out as she continued to hug her. “Hi cousin Jackie!” the little blonde girl in the kimono greeted in return. “Girls! This is my cousin Jacquelin I told you about. Her mom and dad own this place. Isn’t it cool!” The rest of the girls gathered around them, hugging them both, while Fae and Mrs. Orange walked over to the parents. As she was walking away, the driver leaned over to Fae. “I’m going to be here for a awhile. If you need anything, just call Ailene or stop by and I will assist. I’m going to wait until there isn’t any foot traffic on the drive there before I head out. I don’t want to inconvenience everyone by heading out while they are trying to use the drive to head in.” “Very considerate of you. Thank you!” smiled Fae. She joined Mrs. Orange with the blonde girl’s parents. Mrs. Orange had just finished hugging them both and was talking their ear off, happy smiles on all their faces. She turned when Fae joined them. “Bright Mac, Pear Butter, this is Fae. She’s the girls’ Nanny, and from what I have heard stanchest protector. Fae, this is my cousin Bright Mac and his wife Pear Butter,” she introduced. Fae laughed. “I don’t know about stanchest protector,” she grinned. “I really think Father John would take that prize. He was the one that kicked the door down when the girls were taken.” “The girls were taken?!” said Pear Butter in shock. “Oh gracious! When did that happen?” “It’s fine. Father took care of him but good. He won’t be coming around anymore. He was a lowlife who grabbed the girls off the street,” explained Fea. “They were homeless, like I was at first. But Father John and Sister Mary took them in, then made me their Nanny. So they’re fine now. We even have a nice place to live.” “That sounds like one heck of a story,” noted Bright Mac, watching the girls dance around with Jackie. “So all three of them are your charges?” he asked. “Oh no, just the two. The little Japanese girl, Aiko, and one of the two redheads that look like twins. The one in the golden kimono. That’s Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. And in the weirdest inexplicable coincidence, the girl that looks just like her has the same name. But they aren’t related. They met when Sister Mary looked up her name to try to find her family, and contacted them. They aren’t her parents, but as their daughter was adopted, we’re guessing they were separated at birth. We can’t even understand how they ended up with the same name though. Totally wild, right?” Fae grinned. Jackie was leading Orange and the girls back into the house, so her parents, Fae, and Mrs. Orange followed them back into the farm house. The crowd had scattered by this point, correctly concluding they were friends and relatives of the Apples’. The limo driver parked the limo by the side of the house then turned off the engine, reading in his seat while he waited until he could safely leave. In the house, Jackie was leading the girls around in a tour. “Wow, how odd is that!? Ya’ll both are named Sunset Shimmer, but ya ain’t sisters or nothin’? Woo-wee… that’s something. “This here’s the family room. It’s got a TV and internet. And this here is the stairs to the upstairs. My brother and I have rooms up there. And so do ma and pa, and grannie. Ma brother is Big Mac. He’s named after ma’ pa. I’m named after an aunt or someone. I don’t think she is alive now ‘cause I ain’t never met her. Big Mac’s out tending the animals and getting stuff ready for the festival with the helpers. Ya’ll get to meet him later…” Their voices trailed off as they headed up the stairs as a herd, then down the hallway towards Jackie’s room. “Well, they sure hit it off well,” smiled Pear Butter. Mrs. Orange and Fae laughed with her as they faded from hearing. “Should I go check on them?” wondered Fae. “Nah, there’s nothing they can get into up there. They’re fine. Come sit a spell. We’d love to get to know you,” invited Pear Butter, leading them all over to the dining room table, a large long oak table that looked like it could comfortably sit twenty. “I’ll get us all some coffee and we can sit for a bit,” offered Bright Mac, heading into the kitchen. “Wow, how large is your family?” laughed Fae as they sat. “There’s just the two of us, Jackie, her big brother Big Mac, and Grannie. We do have the extended family over for holidays and special occasions, and the help eats with us during harvest season. So the table is a bit larger than we usually need,” answered Pear Butter with a laugh. “Wow, it’s just like I imagined a farm house would look,” smiled Fae. She took the cup of coffee Bright Mac offered, thanking him and taking a sip. “Thanks, I think,” laughed Bright Mac as he finished passing out the coffees and took a seat next to Pear. “So how can we help out? I know the girls would love to help, and I would be happy to as well,” asked Fae. “Not much left needs to be done, ‘cept the officiating and making sure everything goes well,” smiled. “So basically, all that’s left is actually doing everything?” teased Fae. Pear Butter laughed. “Yup, something like that, But we got it covered. You and your charges can join our Jackie in enjoying the festival and having a good time. But thank you kindly for the offer.” Pear Butter changed topics, asking more about the girls, and how they ended up all friends. Fae was happy to tell their tale. “This room is all yours?” asked Aiko, looking around. The bedroom window looked out over the front of the house, guests milling about enjoying the start of the festival. There was a large dresser up against the wall next to a nice sized writing desk. The bed and a freestanding closet were along the other wall with plenty of room left for the girls to move around. “Yup. Ma brother has the next room over, and Ma and Pa are down the hall. The guest rooms are across from ma brother and Ah’s rooms,” answered Jackie proudly. “I think your room is a bit larger,” offered Orange. “I don’t know. I think this room might be bigger,” responded Sunset. “Ya’ll got a big room too? Where ya’ll live?” asked Jackie. “We live in the Towers downtown,” said Sunset. “It’s really nice. We can see the whole city at night while we fall asleep. Almost the whole wall is a window, and it can turn clear or dark if we want it so no one can see it. And it’s high up so no one can look in from the street.” “That sounds right fancy,” noted Jackie. “Yeah, but your room is way homier,” responded Aiko. Jackie looked at her confused. “That means it looks more like a girls bedroom and less like a hotel room. I like our room, but it looks more like a hotel room than a bedroom like this,” explained Sunset. “Ah. Thanks!” smiled Jackie. “I’d love to see your room though. I bet that’s something else, looking down on the city and all like that.” “It is pretty cool,” admitted Aiko. “You’re welcome to come over anytime you want to visit. Just let us know and we can do something together.” “Well much obliged. I reckon I will,” smiled Jackie. “So, ya’ll want to see the rest of the house?” “Sure!” smiled Sunset. Jackie led them back out, taking them through the rest of the impromptu home tour. The girls entered the living room where the adults were still sitting and chatting. “So Jackie, did you give girls the full tour?” smiled her mother. “Sure did! An’ we all can’t wait to go have fun at the festival, ain’t that right girls?” Jackie replied. The girls all nodded, smiling. “Okay then, ya’ll have fun,” her mother smiled. “Stay outta trouble, and don’t go buggin’ yer brother much, he’s supposed to be helpin’ out.” “Okay! Thanks ma, pa!” Jackie said. Waving and bowing, the girls turned to join her heading to the front door to go explore the festival. “I’d better go with them and provide at least a little adult supervision,” stated Fae. “Nah, they’ll be fine. Not much trouble to get into ‘round here. Just lots of fun,” assured Bright Mac. “Okay,” said Fae, sitting back down hesitantly as the girls left. The first thing Jackie wanted to do was take the girls to meet her big brother. They roamed through the festival asking where he was and ended up at the corn maze, where he was supposed to be working. The worker waved them in on account of them being guests of the Apples. Entering the maze, they wandered through it looking for Big Mac, Jackie’s older brother. Not that they weren’t having fun too, getting lost in the twists and turns of the maze and jumping, screaming and laughing in surprise when they stumbled across one of the scary props. Coming around a turn to yet another dead end, they came across a scarecrow propped up against the corn stalks. “That’s funny, I don’t recall a scarecrow lookin’ like that in the corn fields,” mused Jackie. Sunset and the girls went over to have a closer look. “Wow, it looks so lifelike!” said Aiko. “Sure ‘nuff does,” said Jackie suspiciously. Sunset reached out to touch it. The scarecrow suddenly threw out its arms, leaning out towards them. “Brawwww!” it growled loudly, launching itself off the corn wall towards the girls. Shimmer and Orange shrieked in terror. Sunset and Aiko launched themselves at the scarecrow, knocking it off its feet and onto its back. Sunset reached up and ripped off the course bag covering its head. A smiling young boy looked back at her. “Howdy!” he smiled. Sunset growled. “No one tries to hurt my sisters!” she called out, her hand clawed above his face. “Girls, stop. Sunset, jus’ stop,” said Jackie. “Girls, we found him. I’d like ya’ll to say hi to ma’ brother, Big Mac.” From her position on the other side of his chest, Aiko grinned down at the older boy. “You're kind of cute,” she smirked. “Ah, thanks?” the boy blushed, smirking back. Jackie stormed over, pulling Aiko then Sunset off her brother and helping him up. “Don’t ya’ll be flirting with ma’ brother,'' she growled. “Now don’t get like that, sis, she weren’t flirtin’ none. She was jus’ being nice is all,'' laughed Big Mac, holding his sister back. “Howdy all! Name’s Big Mac, happy to meet ya’ll. How ya’ll enjoying the festival?” he asked kindly. “It’s pretty fun so far,” laughed Aiko. “Nice scare. Had me convinced you were some kind of trouble.” “Then I was doin’ ma’ job right,” laughed Big Mac back. “I’m Aiko, and this is my sister Sunset. And her twin here is Shimmer. And Orange you know,” introduced Aiko. “Well howdy all! How ya’ll enjoying the festival so far?” smiled Big Mac. “We’ve been having fun,” answered Aiko. “Yup, so far we had the full tour by your sister of the house, and have ran all over looking for you. And the maze has been awesome,” replied Sunset. “Sorry about tackling you. And here is your mask bag back,” she offered, holding the bag back out to him. “Much obliged,” Big Mac grinned, taking his mask back. Smirking, he put it back on, tucking it back into his shirt. “Brahh! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!” The girls all laughed. “Can’t rightly do ma’ job right without it,” Big Mac laughed. “Welcome to the festival girls. I’ll catch up with ya’ll later. Ya’ll go and have a good time. And I love yer outfits. Japanese, raght?” “Yup!” smirked Aiko, giving him a bow. Sunset followed her sister’s lead. “We’re wearing the traditional clothes of the Cherry Blossom Festivals from my home. We wanted to honor your festival by wearing them,” explained Aiko. “That’s right nice,” smiled Big Mac. “And those there’re right pretty. Thanks!” “Dōitashimashite!” said Aiko and Sunset, bowing again. “Gesundheit,” smirked Big Mac. “No, it means Your Welcome,” said Sunset. “He knows,” growled Jackie, glaring at her brother. “He’s jus’ tryin’ ta be funny!” “It was pretty funny,” admitted Aiko, winking at Big Mac. He laughed, waving to the girls. “Ya’ll have a good time! Jackie, don’t be such a stick in tha’ mud. Have some fun, sis!” He wandered back into the turns of the maze. “I think I like him,” laughed Aiko. “Me too,” grinned Sunset. “Come on,” groaned Jackie. “Still more ta’ see. Les’ go.” Everywhere they went, people enjoyed the sight of the little country girl in her hat with her four friends in their kimonos and sandals. The girls enjoyed the attention, especially Aiko and Sunset. Aiko hammed it up, speaking in Japanese and bowing and smiling to everyone, with Sunset following her lead. Orange and Shimmer laughingly copied them, but not speaking Japanese. They just smiled silently while they were showing off. Jackie just grinned and nodded, with a kind, if exasperated, wave and smile. “You’re dressed up in a festival costume just like us? How come you seem annoyed?” asked Aiko after yet another couple wanted pictures of them all. Jackie sighed. “This ain’t no costume. This here’s ma’ work clothes, jus’ all cleaned up. I jus’ wanted to look like a farmer really looks, and this here’s it,” she explained. “That makes sense. You’re wearing the clothes appropriate for your festival,” nodded Aiko. “And where I come from, this isn’t a costume. These are the clothes we really wear at our festival, just like yours. So I understand your frustration. It’s not an act. This is who you really are. Just like this is who we really are.” “Yeah, that ‘bout sums it up,” agreed Jackie with a sigh. “But Ah’ don’t hold it agains’ ‘em. Just frustration’ is all.” Aiko pulled her new friend into a hug. Sunset and the rest of the girls joined them. Feeling better, Jackie looked up from the middle of the huddle. “How’d ya’ll like to make some homemade apple pies?” she offered. The girls were laughing and smiling together, each of them putting together an apple pie from mostly scratch. A large group of festival-goers were joining them, working on their own pies while a larger group surrounded them, cheering them on and taking pictures, especially of the girls in their cute dresses, and especially the redhead and the japanese girl speaking with each other in japanese. “Kore wa shijō saikō no appurupai ni narudeshou! (This is going to be the best apple pie ever!)” laughed Sunset, mixing the cut apple slices into the sugary apple glaze then pouring the resulting pie filling into her pie crust. “Iya, koreha shijō saikō no appurupai ni naru yo! (No, this is going to be the best apple pie ever!)” laughed Aiko in reply, mixing her own filling. “Kore o yūshoku to issho ni taberu to īdesu ne. (I hope we get to eat these with dinner.)” said Sunset, smoothing her filling over, then placing the crust strips across the top as they were instructed. “Mazuwa kore o yaite miyou to omoimasu. (I think I’ll bake mine first.)” snarked Aiko. “Baka! Watashi ga iitakatta koto wa wakarimasu ne! (Stupid! You know what I meant!)” laughed Sunset. “Hai!” agreed Aiko. “Demo, karakau hō ga zutto tanoshīdesu. (Yes, but it is much more fun to tease you.)” “Gaki! (Brat!)” Sunset laughed, finished up with her crust. She placed it into the provided box. “Hitotsu o shiru ni wa hitotsu ga hitsuyōdesu. (It takes one to know one.)” smirked Aiko, finishing up her pie as well and placing it into a box. They both wrote their names on the top, and handed them one of the helpers who placed them on a cart. The other girls were finishing up as well, with varying degrees of finess and success. Once all their pies were done, the helper took them as well, and placing them on the cart rolled them back towards the farmhouse. “Naze kanojo wa son'na koto o suru nodeshou ka? Kanojo wa watashitachi no pai o doko ni motte ikimasu ka?” aked Aiko. “Watashi ni hanashite imasu ka? (Are you talking to me?)” asked Sunset. “Why’s she doing that? Where’s she taking our pies?” asked Aiko in english. “She’s taking them to my ma. She’ll bake them for us so we can eat them after dinner,” replied Jackie. “Ah, awesome!” smiled Aiko. Everyone finished, they cleaned up and headed off to their next fun task. Jackie led them to a small covered stage that had been set up in a small clearing, sitting in the front row with her new friends while the stage was set up. When everything was set, Bright Mac came out, waving and smiling to the small crowd. “Howdy all! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! Ya’ll having fun now?” he asked happily. The crowd cheered in assent, especially Jackie and the girls. “I’m here to sing for you now, just a few little tunes that ah’ grew up with. Ah’ hope ya’ll enjoy ‘em,” he encouraged. A stage hand brought out an acoustic guitar, plugged into an amp behind him. Bright Mac strapped it on and strummed a few cords, then gave the stage hand a thumbs up. Strumming a few chords, he launched into a popular old tune, the crowd singing along with him at his encouragement. From there he segued through several other popular old tunes the crowd could sing along with. Several minutes later, he paused at the end of the song. “This last song is special to me. This is the song I sing for my little AppleJack, my youngest. Now it might not seem the most appropriate song to sing to my daughter, but it’s all in good fun. Speaking of my youngest, she’s right here with us now. Everyone, give a nice welcome to my daughter, my AppleJack. Jackie, stand up an’ take a bow, darlin’,” Bright Mac called out. Blushing brightly, Jackie stood and faced the audiend, then bowed. They all clapped and cheered for her. She waved and sat back down, thoroughly embarrassed while her father continued. “So without further ado, here is my little AppleJacks song.” He strummed and started singing. The crowd joined in as he belted out the refrain. Even the thoroughly embarrassed Jackie joined in on the refrains, singing out with her friends. When the song was finished, everyone cheering, he called Jackie up to the stage with him, giving her a huge hug picking her up hugging her tight. “Everyone, I present to you my dearest AppleJack!” he called out, hugging her. The crowd cheered in response, including the girls clapping and stomping enthusiastically. Jackie cried happily, holding on to her father. When the set was over, Jackie gave her father a big hug, then ran back down to be with her friends. Wiping her eyes, Sunset smiled. “Wow AppleJack, that was amazing. Your dad really loves you!” “That’s jus’ his nickname for me, nobody actually calls me that,” smiled Jackie. “I think we should! All of us should call you that. He gave you that name from the love he has for you. We should honor that!” agreed Aiko. “Ya’ll really think so?” asked Jackie hesitantly. The girls all smiled and nodded. “Well, alrighty then. AppleJack it is,” smiled Jackie. The girls were hungry after the little concert, so Jackie, now Applejack at the girls' insistence, led them to a booth that served delicious apple fritters. A few moments later, fritters in hand, they wandered looking for more fun things to do. Applejack suggested they could do the apple picking, just like she and her brother did to help out her dad. They ran to the section of the orchard set aside for picking, getting into the line. A few minutes later they were racing happily through the orchard, bags in hand, pulling down apples to fill them. They spent the better part of an hour going through the trees as Applejack showed them how to find the ripe fruit. Sunset and Aiko hiked Orange onto their shoulders to pick some of the fruit while Shimmer laughed. Orange was nervously fliching, grabbing onto the tree branches to keep from falling while passing the fruit down to the girls below. Applejack just shook her head laughing watching their antics, then showed her technique. With a well placed kick, she shook the tree, knocking down several of the ripe apples. She was on her fourth or fifth kick when one of the hands came over, scolding her and reminding her that her father had asked her not to do that. Blushing, Applejack nodded, helping the girls pick up the rest of the apples she had knocked down. They moved on to another tree, where Applejack lifted Shimmer up onto her shoulders so she could work with Orange to get the higher apples. Laughing and jostling around, to the terror and delight of Orange, who shrieked and laughed in turn, they moved through the trees, filling their bags. Bags full, they returned to the farmhouse, Shimmer and Orange still riding their mounts, Shimmer holding on tightly while Applejack held their bags, and Orange holding on for dear life as Aiko and Sunset raced after them, one arm holding Orange and the other clutching their bags. They entered the farm kitchen, girls still mounted and laughing, setting their haul down on the kitchen table. Mrs. Orange, Pear Butter, and Fae saw them and laughed. Fae shook her head. “Leave it to you girls to find new ways to surprise me,” she chuckled, helping the girls down from their mounts. “We just needed a little extra height to reach the really good ones,” grinned Sunset. “And Orange was the lightest.” “And the bravest,” noted Fae, giving Orange a hug. Orange smiled and blushed, returning the hug. “So, do you girls want to do something special with those apples?” asked Pear Butter with a smile. The girls all nodded excitedly. “Then after dinner, how about I show ya’ll how to can some apples?” she suggested. The girls all cheered. “They ya’ll go wash up. We’re about to eat lunch, and we can get started right after. The girls raced down the hall to scrub up then returned, taking places together at the table to eat. Pear Butter noted they were all calling her Jackie Applejack, which prompted the girls to launch into the story of the concert, talking over and interrupting each other in their excitement to tell the story. Applejack just blushed and nodded, supplying the occasional “Yup,” as they told the tail. “Oh Applejack, that’s just wonderful. I agree, and I think you’ve made some wonderful friends here,” Pear Butter smiled, giving her daughter a side hug which was happily returned. “Applejack it is then,” she agreed. A simple lunch of salad and apple slices was served, quickly consumed in the girls desire to start with their next fun project. When everyone was finished, they washed up again, then returned to the kitchen to start. Pear Butter had them wash several colenders of their apples, then setting the collenders of apples before them, showed them how to peel and core the apples then slice them, the adults carefully monitoring and helping them as they cored and cut them. When all the apples had been sliced up and placed in a large tureen, the water, sugar, lemon juice and other ingredients were added and the placed on the stove to simmer. The girls all took a few turns stirring the mixture before the adults chased them out, telling them to have some more fun while they took care of the rest of the process. The girls happily agreed, returning to the festival together. They returned to the stage, where they watched a talent show where one of the farm hands juggled apples, then carved them into funny faces while telling jokes and stories. He passed the carved apples out to the children present to enjoy as he finished each one. The girls let others have the turns, already feeling quite fortunate with the preserves their parents and guardians were making for them back in the kitchen. When the entertaining farm hand finished, two ladies took the stage and had a quick cooking show with apple themed recipes. They prepared apple pie, apple fritters, apple filled scones, apple turnovers, and apple cobblers, finishing by passing out samples of the prepared treats to the audience, especially their younger enthusiasts. The girls did partake of these, taking two of the small sample servings each to enjoy. They decided next to try the handful of rides at the festival. A small ferris wheel was running on the far side of the barn, next to a carousel mounted on the back of a large truck. From the top of the ferris wheel they could see over the orchards back to the country road leading into the city. The carousel was very small - the five girls took up most of the seats, leaving room for only three more riders. That didn’t stop them from thoroughly enjoying themselves. Kimonos hiked up to their shorts as they rode astride their mounts, moving up and down to the canelopie’s music. Aiko was clowning around so much her sandals flew off, and she had to fetch them after the ride. They then raced over to the dirt track, where children were waiting in line for a chance to race small electric cars around the course laid out through one of the orchards. When their turn came, they all took off together, two to a car, Applejack with her cousin Orange, Shimmer with Aiko, and Sunset on her own. They raced through several laps of the course as a group, calling out to each other happily as they jostled each other through the course. Giving their rides to the next group in line, they headed back to the barn where a hay bale tossing contest was being held. This wasn’t open to the public to join, the contest only being between the hired help. So it was really more of a show than a contest. Big Mac was competing with them, so Applejack and her friends rooted him on during his efforts. Despite his youth he did end up taking the second place prize to their delight. He joined them afterwards, taking them to the back orchard where he had built a treehouse complete with a rope bridge between two trees. The girls had to leave their sandals behind in the treehouse, as they were less than useful on the rope bridge. Barefoot, they scampered happily back and forth through the branches, laughing with each other in delight. Eventually, Big Mac had to return to help with the rest of the festival, so they joined him, returning to the festival in time for a pie eating contest. Wearing a bag over themselves to protect their dresses, they joined in. When the buzzer sounded to start the contest, they dug in, Shimmer and Aiko taking a quick lead, followed by an enthusiastic Sunset and Applejack. Orange was thoroughly enjoying her hands free apple feast, but with nowhere near the enthusiastic abandon of her sisters and cousin. Despite Sunset and Applejack giving the two frontrunners a good challenge, Shimmer ended up taking first place, followed closely by a very pie smeared Aiko. Applejack came in third, with Sunset winning the consolation prize - a small apple plushie, which she happily gave to Orange with a hug. After helping each other clean up, Aiko taking a bit longer due to them having to pick the evidence of her enthusiasm from her hair, they returned to the farmhouse to see if they could help with dinner. Pear Butter thanked them gratefully, putting them to work on the apple peelers while Fae supervised. When they finished peeling the apples, Fae helped them cut them up then mix half of them into a fruit salad, and the other half into a garden salad, both of which they would eat with dinner. When they had finished with those, they watched from the table with Fae as Mrs. Orange and Pear Butter finished the rest of the dinner then joined them while it all finished cooking. While the adults talked, the girls excused themselves, heading up to Applejack’s room to play for a bit while dinner finished cooking. After they had been playing together for a while, Aiko looked up with a question. “Applejack, you seem nice. Would you like to be a sister with us?” she asked. “A what now?” asked Applejack, confused. “A sister,” replied Shimmer, Orange and Sunset nodding and smiling. “We decided that we were all going to be sisters. Do you want to be a sister too?” Applejack smiled. “Well shucks. I reacon I might. Don’t have me no sister yet, though ma’ and pa’ say I might eventually. Sure, I’d love to be a sister with ya’ll. “Hey, ya’ll want to have a sleepover with me tonight when this here’s all over?” asked Applejack hopefully. “We’d need to get permission,” noted Shimmer. The girls all nodded, so they raced back down the stairs to ask. Seeing the giggling horde descending back on them, Fae laughed. “What do you need, girls?” she asked, smiling. “Can we please spend the night with our newest sister?” asked Sunset hopefully. “We didn’t know her then, so she didn’t get to spend the night with us yesterday.” “I don’t mind, do you?” Fae asked, turning to Pear Butter and Mrs. Orange. They both nodded and smiled. “I guess we’d better check with the Shimmers then.” She pulled out her cell phone and dialed them. When Mrs. Shimmer answered, she asked then placed her on speaker phone so they could discuss it together. The girls looked on, hopeful expressions plastered on their faces. “Another sleepover tonight? What do you think, dear?” Mrs. Shimmer asked her husband. “Well, this does seem like a rather special occasion. I wouldn’t want it to be how things are normally done but I certainly don’t see any harm in them doing so tonight. Don’t you agree dear?” answered Mr. Shimmer. “I do, dear,” agreed Mrs. Shimmer. “I take it you are all fine with it, given you called us,” observed Mrs. Shimmer. The girls cheering and hugging Applejack and each other drowned out the sound of the rest of the adults conversation. The girls raced back up happily to Applejack's room to plan out the sleepover. “So, ain’t never been to a sleepover. What in tarnation do ya’ll do besides sleep?” asked Applejack. Aiko laughed, throwing an arm around the farmgirl. “Well first off, even though it’s called a sleepover, sleep is about the last thing you do,” she smirked. The other girls laughed at that. “You mostly just play games and tell stories,” added Orange, hugging her cousin from the other side. “And do fun stuff, like watch movies and eat popcorn,” added Aiko. “And play games,” added Sunset. “And do each other's make up,” smiled Orange. “I don’t have make up, and ma likely won’t be none to happy with me if I asked her for some,” noted Applejack. “Don’t worry, we brought some we can all use,” grinned Aiko. ‘How’d ya’ll get yer hands on that?'' asked Applejack. “Sunset stole it from our nanny,” teased Aiko. “I did not steal it! I just borrowed it!” protested Sunset. “Without her knowing,” smirked Aiko. “That was one time,” protested Sunset with a huff. “And she said it was fine after that. She even gave me some to practice with.” Aiko cackled as Sunset laughingly wrapped her sister in a headlock. “So, anyways, we have some we can practice with. It’ll be fun,” smiled Shimmer. “Alrighty then. Guess ya’ll can show me how ta do makeup,” grinned Applejack, watching Aiko tickle Sunset to break the headlock, both girls laughing loudly as they rolled around the room. “You do know, Fae is going to be cross with you both if you mess up your hair before dinner,” smirked Shimmer, watching them as well. They both stopped, still laughing as they straightened their hair. “Good point,” laughed Sunset. She stuck her tongue out at her sister Aiko. “Brat!” Aiko returned the gesture with a laugh as she fixed her hair as well. They picked out a board game, then played it together on Jackie’s bed while they waited for dinner to be ready. The girls raced down the hall and stairs, sandals clunking and clacking through the house as they hurried down into the bathroom then to the table for dinner. The adults were all smirking at the amount of noise the girls could raise with the wooden sandals on the hardwood floors. “New house rule,” smirked Pear Butter. “No clogs or wooden sandals in the house.” The girls took their seats, blushing. “Sorry,” said Sunset. “No problem. New rule for next time you stay over. Now, let’s eat. Bright, care to lead us in grace?” she asked her husband. “Yup,” he said, bowing his head. Everyone followed suit, hands folded before them. Bright Mac led them in the traditional harmonists thanksgiving prayer, then everyone passed around the food, digging in. “So, do you girls want to go back out to the festival after dinner?” asked Pear Butter while they ate. “There’s still the light show and a D.J. before we close up for the night.” “Light show! Heck yes!” agreed Sunset! The rest of the girls nodded, Aiko doing a fist pump. “And dancing too then?” asked Aiko. “Yes, though only with a chaperone,” replied Pear Butter. “No problem. I’ll go. I wouldn’t miss it,” smiled Fae. “Okay then,” smiled Pear Butter, “it starts in about half an hour. You should have plenty of time to finish and clean up.” They enjoyed the rest of their dinner, then cleaned up and joined Fae following Applejack’s directions to the open field, joining a crowd of revelers surrounding a soundstage set in the open field. Laser lights all around the field pointed into the night sky, lines drawn by the colorful lasers through the early night mists. “Woah!” exclaimed Aiko, looking around at the lasers pointed skyward. An electronic beat was looping through the speakers. The girls could feel the beat pulsing in their bones. “Awesome!” called out Shimmer, leading them all to an open spot before the stage where they watched the DJ at work. A few minutes later, she looked up, smiling. “Alright! Sweet Apple Acres! Are you ready to rock your roll?!” she called out. The crowd yelled back the affirmative, jumping up and down waving their arms. “Then lets rock this farm so hard they can hear us back in Canterlot! Bring it, Sweet Apple Acres!” The crowd roared in delight as she segued the beat into the first song, lasers unlocking from their upright positions, cutting wild shapes and patterns into the fog above. Heart of Glass pounded out, the crowd dancing jubilantly, the girls and Fae clustered in their midst as they jumped and stomped, waving their hands to the beat, giggling and hollering in delight. Five songs and an hour later they were joined by Bright Mac and Pear Butter, Mrs. Orange waving from the seats on the side. Bright Mac and Pear Butter danced right along with them, laughing with Fae at the girls' tireless antics. An hour and a half or so later, the DJ called out the last song, apologizing that she had to go, but thanking them for being such a wonderful crowd. She played a slow song, allowing the couples to have a dance for them finally. Pear Butter snuggled up into Bright Mac as they danced, hugging each other close and smiling into each other’s eyes, with occasional laughs and grins at the girls as they danced together in twos and threes, bouncing back and forth hugging each other and laughing as they copied the older two. Fae danced with a grinning Big Mac, watching them and laughing as well. The dance over, the smiling adults shepherded the girls back to the farmhouse as the crowd dispersed. They left the DJ and her crew tearing down the lasers and equipment as they headed back into the sound stage. The girls all headed upstairs and straight to the bathroom to clean up. They then went to Applejack’s room, where she lent them all some of her nightshirts to sleep in. Fae, Mrs. Orange, and the Apple’s came to tuck them into bed, with all five girls snuggled together in the bed. Laughing, they left the girls in bed, turning out the lights as they left. The girls were out in less than two minutes. Fae and Mrs. Orange took the guest bedroom across the hall, thanking their hosts for a wonderful day. Bright Mac and Pear Butter bid them goodnight, then went to their bedroom as well. The next morning, Sunset woke to the sun shining into her face. “Ouch,” she squinted after opening her eyes, rolling to her other side and noticing that Applejack was no longer there. She untangled herself from Orange, then carefully slid out of bed, leaving her sisters to their slumber. Pulling back on her dress, she picked up her shoes and slid into the bathroom, then quietly slipped down the stairs and looked for anyone else up. Seeing no one, but hearing something outside, she stepped out the back kitchen door, slipping on her sandals and heading down the back steps to the barnyard. There, she could see Big Mac and Applejack feeding the farm animals. Applejack was scattering feed to the chickens while Big Mac was slopping the pigs. Sunset walked up next to Applejack. “Good morning Applejack? What’re you doing?” she asked, smiling. “Gotta feed the critters, every morning and evening. Best to get it done before everyone gets here,” replied Applejack with a grin. “Wanna give it a try? Just toss out small handfuls to them, an’ they’ll jus’ peck it up from there.” Sunset nodded, scooping out two handfuls then copying Applejack in tossing it out to the waiting chickens. They scrambled over to the fallen feed, pecking it up and clucking happily. “Wow, that’s kind of fun,” smiled Sunset, watching them peck up the feed and eat. “Reckon it is,” agreed Applejack, tossing out the last of her feed. “Still gotta feed the sheep and goats. Care to give me a’ hand?” “Sure!” agreed Sunset, following her over to stalls where she gathered several pails of feed, handing two to Sunset. Taking the others, she led her over to the goats. “Just dump each pail into one of these here feed troughs, tryin’ to make sure ya get it spread out mostly evenly. Only one pail ta each,” she explained. “I’m gonna go toss these out to the sheep, then we can go give Big Mac a hand with the larger critters. Sunset nodded, following her instructions carefully. When they were both done, they returned the pails and joined Big Mac. “Hey girls, want to help out?” he asked. “Like ah have a choice,” snickered Applejack. Sunset just smiled and nodded. “Ah got most of this covered,” grinned Big Mac at Sunset. “But we get done quicker workin’ together. Feeding the cows next, just scatter the bales so every critter can get some after I drop them into the feed troughs.” He hefted a bail, carrying it over to the cattle troughs. Applejack and Sunset used sturdy sticks to pull them apart, scattering the feed around so all the cattle would have a chance to eat. Big Mac brought over two more bales that they gave the same treatment. For the horses he gave them both two pails of oats, taking two in each hand for himself. Together the scattered them through the feeding troughs for the horses, the returned the pales. “Now we jus’ gotta water ‘em,” instructed Big Mac. “Jackie, show yer friend how we do it while i start cleaning this all up so we can get some breakfast.” Applejack nodded, taking Sunset and showing her how to fill up the water tanks that filled the water troughs. Once Sunset was started, she took the other hose to fill up the rest of the tanks. When all the tanks were filled. Applejack removed the hoses and curled them up to return to the barn. Sunset reached over to carry one. “Nah, ah’ got this, Sunny. Don’ want ta get your fancy dress there all mussed’,” smiled Applejack, placing both the hoses over her shoulders. Together they walked to the barn, hanging the hoses on the wall then joining Big Mac in returning to the farm house. As they entered they noticed that everyone was up, washed and seated at the table waiting for breakfast. “Go wash up and take a seat!” called out Pear Butter from the kitchen. “Breakfast is almost ready.” Big Mac and Applejack hurried into the bathroom, wiping down their overalls and washing up in the sink. Sunset washed up after them, then joined them all at the table, sitting down in the open spot between Aiko and Orange. “I woke up and you noticed you and Applejack were gone. I wondered where you went,” noted Aiko as they sat. “Living on the farm, your livestock have to eat before you do. Jackie and Big Mac take care of them in the morning and late evening. I guess Sunset was helping out this morning,” responded Bright Mac from his place at the table. “Sure ‘nuff she did. She came wandering out when we’d jus’ stated, offered to help. Right good friend you are, Sunset,” added Applejack with a smile. “Anything for a sister, right?” smiled Sunset. “Yup. Anything for a sister,” agreed Aiko, Shimmer and Orange nodding as well. “And you’re our sister now too,” added Shimmer. “Well, alrighty then. Recon’ I am,” grinned Applejack. The adults smiled at the exchange. Pear Butter came in, a tray of pancakes held in both hands. She set them down before Bright Mac, then returned with a tray of eggs and bacon. Bright Mac served up helpings of all three onto plates, passing them around the table. Pear Butter came in again with a tray holding syrups and butter, which was passed around the table as well. Once everyone had a plate of food before them, Bright Mac called out. “Okay everybody, bow yer’ heads. Time for grace.” He led them in grace, then they all laid into the meals before them. “Hey, Orange. Do you want my bacon?” asked Sunset. “Why, you don’t want it?” asked Orange, swallowing the pancakes she had in her mouth first. “No, vegetarian, remember? I don’t eat meat. Happy to give them to you if you want though,” smiled Sunset. “Okay. Thank you,” replied Orange, taking them carefully from her plate. “Thanks, Orange. And you’re welcome,” smiled Sunset, laying into her eggs. “I don’t quite get it,” wondered Applejack. “If’n yer vegetarian, how’s it yer eaten eggs?” “Fair point,” replied Sunset. “I guess if you wanted to be particular about it, I’m an ovipescitarian.” She took a bite of the pancakes. “These pancakes are wonderful. Thank you for breakfast, Mrs. Apple.” “Ovi-pecker-what-now?” asked Applejack, confused. Fae almost spit out her orange juice, snorting and coughing instead as she hurriedly put down her glass and wiped her face, then patted her chest. “Thank you, Sunset,” acknowledged Pear Butter. “You’re welcome. Fae, are you okay?” Fae just smiled and nodded, still coughing. Bright Mac smirked. “Ovipescitarian. It’s a fancy word for someone who is a vegetarian who eats fish and eggs as well. It makes it easier to stay healthy with enough protein in my diet. I just basically don’t eat animals that had to be killed to be my food, except fish,” responded Sunset. “Why’s that?” Applejack asked. “Just don’t,” replied Sunset. “It’s how I was raised, basically growing up.” “Huh, okay. Was jus’ wondering. Thanks for explainin’ it,” nodded Applejack, finishing up her pancakes and starting on her eggs and bacon. “I can’t imagine not wanting to eat bacon, but to each her own.” “Yup,” agreed Sunset, finishing off her eggs and moving on to her pancakes. Having finally caught her breath, Fae smiled. “Okay girls. After breakfast you need to say your goodbyes then we need to get you all back home. Our ride will be here in a little less than an hour.” “Ah shucks. Ah’m gonna miss ya’ll. So what’re ya’ll donin’ for the rest of the day?” asked Applejack. “My parents are Harmonists. We’re going to church services today, then we spend the rest of the day doing stuff as a family,” answered Shimmer. “Sister Mary and Father John are Harmonists too. We help out at the Mission, then have a service before dinner. And after that we help out with dinner, too,” answered Sunset. Aiko nodded, her mouth too full of eggs to reply. “And we will be going with Sunset and Aiko,” replied Mrs. Orange. Orange nodded happily. “Well, shucks. Ah wish Ah could go with you. We’re jus’ doin’ more ah the festival today,” responded Applejack. “You know dear, you could go with them if ya’ wanted,” smiled Bright Mac. “We got it covered here.” “Really?” Applejack turned to Aiko and Sunset. “Do ya’ll think I can go with you today?” she asked hopefully. The girls turned to Fae, smiling. “If your mom and dad, don’t mind, I don’t see a reason why not. We’ll just have to get you back home after dinner, if that’s okay,” smiled Fae in reply. “It’s fine by me,” Pear Butter smiled at her daughter. Bright Mac smiled and nodded. “Wah-hooie! Ah’m a gonna help out at the mission!” exclaimed Applejack. The girls and Applejack finished up their breakfast, then hurried back to Applejack's room to pack their things up. When the limo arrived, they all thanked the Apples for having them and for the wonderful time they had at the festival. Then they piled into the limo, a very happy Applejack in tow, and headed back into the city. Shimmer was dropped off first. The girls all hugged her goodbye, including Applejack, then she ran to her parents, talking a mile a minute about everything they did at the festival. The girls waved as they drove off, Shimmer happily waving back. “That’s a right nice house they live in,” noted Applejack as they were driving away. ‘Yes it is,” agreed Aiko. “And they’re getting a pool soon.” “They are?” asked Applejack, surprised. Sunset smirked. “They haven’t said yes, yet,” “They will. Shimmer has been working on them,” Aiko grinned. “With your help, I’m sure,” smirked Sunset. Applejack looked back and forth confused. Orange grinned. “Sunset and Aiko are buying them a pool. They just haven’t said yes yet,” she explained. “Wow, that there’s a heck of a gift for a friend,” noted Applejack, surprised. “Sisters take care of sisters,” said Aiko with a smile. “Yes, they do,” agreed Sunset, nodding. “Well, okay then,” commented Applejack. “So, still living in the condo with yer’ ma, Orange?” she asked. “Yes, but we are living with Sunset and Aiko for a little while,” replied Orange. “Really? Why’s that?” asked Applejack, curious. “I don’t really want to talk about it,” said Orange, looking down ashamed. “Hey now, sorry there cousin! Didn’t mean to pry none,” said Applejack, giving her cousin a hug. Sunset and Aiko pulled close as well, rubbing her back. “I’m sorry,” said Orange, tearing up. “I’m just so ashamed and embarrassed. I just can’t talk about it right now.” “And you don’t need to. It’s okay Orange. We’re all sisters here, and we’ve got your back,” comforted Sunet. Fae slid over and wrapped the girls in a large hug. Mrs. Orange looked back from her seat next to the driver. “Girls, are you okay back there? Orange honey, are you alright?” she asked in concern. “I’m okay mom,” Orange answered, drying her eyes. “It’s okay. I’m feeling better. My sisters are helping me,” “Okay dear!” replied her mom, smiling. “If you need anything, let me know.” “I will mom, I promise!” smiled Orange. Smiling at her daughter, her mom turned back around. “We love you, Orange,” reminded Sunset. The other girls nodded and smiled as well. “Yeah, I love you too, Orange,” agreed Applejack. “An’ Ah’m sorry I asked. Forgive me?” “Of course, Applejack,” smiled Orange, hugging her. Hugs delivered, the girls sat back in the seat next to each other. “So, where we headin’ next?” asked Applejack. “We are heading back to our condominium to change and drop off our stuff, then we are all heading out to the mission for the day,” replied Fae. “Oh, so I’ll get to see where ya’ll live. Nice,” noted Applejack. “Well, part of it anyway,” agreed Aiko. “We won’t have time to see the pool of the movie theater, but you can see the apartment anyway.” “Oh, so ya’ll live in an apartment,” noted Applejack. “I was wondering what a con-do-whatsit was.” “Condominium. And it’s kind of like an apartment. But we don’t rent it. Sunset and Aiko own it.” corrected Fae. “What now?! Ya’ll own it? Ya mean your parents like own it, right?” corrected Applejack. “No. Sunset and Aiko own it. We just take care of it and them,” corrected Fae. “You don’t just take care of us and the apartment. You are family!” insisted Sunset, hugging Fae. “You’re a sister, too!” Fae hugged Sunset back. “Forever, Sunset,” she agreed. “Huh,” mused Applejack. The limo pulled up before the Towers. Applejack's eyes grew huge. “Ya’ll live here?” she gasped. “Yup!” grinned Aiko, giving her a hug. “Wait until you see the inside. And meet Ailene.” “Who’s Ailene?” asked Applejack, confused. “You’ll see,” smirked Aiko. The limo driver opened the door, smiling and nodding to the girls and Fae as they exited. They entered the lobby, Applejack looking back in surprise as the driver loaded their bags onto a cart for the valet, then climbed into the limo and drove off. “Hey now, ani’t he suppose’d to wait for us? How we gonna get to the mission?” asked Applejack in surprise. Aiko hooked her arm in Applejack’s, pulling her along. “Don’t worry about it. Come on, you don’t want to get left behind. And you don’t want to miss this.” She pulled her across the lobby and into the waiting elevator. Applejack turned to face the doors as they rose. Aiko poked her in the side. “Turn around,” she suggested. “Why?” asked Applejack, turning around. Seeing the open glass back of the elevator, and the city spreading out beneath them as they lifted into the air, Applejack's knees buckled and she clutched onto Aiko. “What in tarnation!” she exclaimed, getting back on her feet and looking out over the city, still clutching onto Aiko. “Whoa…” she gasped. “Quite a view, isn’t it cousin?” asked Orange, smiling. She took her cousin’s hand. Applejack held her hand tightly, looking out over the city in wonder. The elevator dinged as the doors opened behind them. The girls, Mrs. Orange, and Fae exited, heading across the foyer to their front door. “Ailene, we’re here. Let us in, please,” called out Fae. The door opened, Ailene’s voice calling out from inside. “Welcome home, girls, Fae, Mrs. Orange, and visitor.” They all stepped inside, Applejack looking around. “So, Ailene is your housekeeper?” Applejack asked, seeing no sign of her no matter how hard she looked. “You could say that,” agreed Ailene, her voice coming from the living room. Applejack ran into the living room, still seeing no sign of her. As she turned, she noted the window walls and the city below and she dropped to her knees again, clutching the coffee table tightly. “Sweet Harmony! We’re so high up!” he voice cracked as she stared out in wide eyed panic at the city below. Fae came over and gently lifted her off the floor and into her arms. “Oof, you're a right solid kiddo,” she grunted as she held her. “Come on, Applejack, come see the bedrooms.” Applejack nodded, holding tightly to Fae as she half carried her back to the bedrooms. Ailene had darkened the window in the room after seeing Applejack’s reaction to the view. Fae set her down and she rejoined the girls as they packed. “So, this here’s your room?” asked Applejack, looking around. “It’s nice. I can see why you said it was like a hotel room though. It’s all modern like a’ clean. Not much stuff out.” “Yup. We don’t have a lot of personal stuff. When we first got here, all we had was my backpack and the clothes we were wearing,” said Sunset, changing out of her dress and into her work clothes, a jumper with a skirt and her boots. “Yeah, we basically just had each other,” agreed Aiko, changing as well. Both hung their dresses in the little closet. “Got here? In this apartment?” asked Applejack, confused. “No, this world,” answered Sunset, combing out her hair and putting the pins away. “She means the city. They were on the street, like I was,” replied Fae, helping Orange comb her hair out. Mrs. Orange came in, taking over with a smile and nod. “Ya’ll were homeless?” asked Applejack in surprise. “Yeah, basically. We were on the street, in an alley,” replied Sunset. “Fae found us, and took us to Father John and Sister Mary.” “And they took care of us. And Father John and Sister Mary asked Fae to care for us, because she already was,” continued Aiko, finishing with her hair and putting her brush away. “And his brother bought us this place,” added Sunset. “Well, that was right generous of him,” noted Applejack, looking around. “He didn’t pay for it, Sunset did. He just bought it for them,” corrected Fae. “Say what now? How in tarnation did you do that?” asked Applejack. “She found a treasure,” answered Fae. “Okay, go wash up and we’ll head out, girls.” “Well that was a lucky break,” noted Applejack, following them all out to the bathroom. “It sure was! I have to use the bathroom. I call firstsies!” replied Sunset. The rest of the girls waited while she went in. After everyone who needed to used the bathroom they finished washing up, then headed back downstairs together with Fae and Mrs. Orange to the lobby. Applejack stayed facing the door, not wanting another episode of the panic she felt at seeing how high up they were. As they exited, they were escorted into a waiting limo. The driver shut the door for them, then got in and drove them to the mission. Jackie was quiet on the ride over to the mission, trying to wrap her head around what she had learned. She was afraid of heights. She never knew that. She had never been higher than the top of the trees in the orchard, or the barn roof. She never realized how high up things could be. Truthfully, she never realized she could be that afraid of anything. She wasn’t happy about that. She would do something about it. Sunset and Aiko were the richest people she knew. Not their parents. Them. She was trying to wrap her head around that. And they were homeless. Orphans maybe? How did that work? She had no idea. And Fae wasn’t their older sister, but she was a sister like her, and she took care of them, even when they were on the street. Her opinion of Fae went up several times higher than it already was. They found a treasure. On the street? And were allowed to just keep it? And what did Sunset mean by ‘came to this world’? Her and Aiko sure were smart. And they were kind too, looking out for their own. Their family, sisters. That took character. Her opinion of them went up too. Her musings were cut short by their arrival at the mission. The driver opened the door for them and they piled out, heading into the mission to find Sister Mary already working on breakfast for their regulars. She greeted them as they entered the kitchen. “Good morning girls, Fae! And you brought reinforcements,” she grinned at them. “Wash up and come on over! I’ve got plenty of work for everyone,” she laughed. They washed up and went to work, cracking eggs into the tureen and washing and shredding potatoes for the hash browns. Once the eggs were all cracked she set Fae and Mrs. Orange to making french toast from the leftover bread from yesterday while she and the girls made scrambled eggs. Jackie and Orange she put to work making a large vat of orange juice from concentrate they pulled from the freezer. Sister filled the two giant percolators with coffee and set them to brewing, then pulled the donuts and danishes from the fridge, placing them in the oven to warm. She then returned to the stove where she began frying bacon. Sunset wrinkled her nose at the smell of the sizzling meat. Leaving Mrs. Orange still making french toast, Fae rolled the now finished coffee out to the dining room, setting them up on the cart by the serving table. She returned, loading the now warmed trays of donuts and danishes into the serving cart and wheeling it into the dining room then placing them out on the serving table next to the coffee, placing a tray of cups and a tray of cream and sugar next to the coffee. Father John arrived with his flock of regulars, greeting her with a hug then helping serve his hungry flock. Smiling, Fae returned to the kitchen to help with the rest of the breakfast. “Father’s here with regulars,” she announced as she returned to the kitchen. She returned to the grill, helping Mrs. Orange finish the rest of the french toast. When they ran out of bread, they scrambled up the rest of the sweetened eggs and placed them into a serving tray, placing the trays of french toast and the eggs onto a serving cart. Finished with the bacon, Sister entered the large fridge, pulling out a cart with syrup and butter while Fae loaded the still sizzling trays of bacon onto the serving cart as well. The girls and their friends helped them wheel the carts out to the dining room where they set everything up to begin serving breakfast. “Looks like we’re about ready to begin,” smiled Father. “If everyone would bow their heads, we’ll thank the Maker for our food.” He led them in Harmonic Grace, afterwards helping Sister and her friends serve up breakfast while Fae and Mrs. Orange circulated, filling coffees and helping out the regulars. Everyone was delighted to meet the girls’ new friend to Applejack’s delight. Once everyone was served and sated, the girls and adults served themselves, sitting down at the tables, laughing and chatting as they enjoyed their breakfast. Sister and Fae finished first, disappearing back into the kitchen while the girls and Mrs. Orange finished. Father thanked them for their help, giving the girls a quick hug then circulated among his flock, smiling and chatting with them as they finished their meals. Sunset and Aiko finished, clearing their plates to one of the carts, then circulated among the others, clearing dishes, smiling and chatting with the regulars as they did. Orange and her mother joined them as soon as they finished. As the cart filled they wheeled it into the kitchen where Fae and Sister loaded the dishes onto racks to run through the washer, while the girls returned with the empty cart to the dining room to gather more dishes. Eventually, all the dishes had been gathered, and the unserved food returned to the kitchen to be processed into leftovers and refrigerated. The coffee and sugar were left out for anyone who desired. When everything was finally cleaned and put away, the kitchen restored to pristine spotlessness, the girls and their friends gave Jackie a tour of the mission, then hung out in Sister’s room while the adults went off to chat elsewhere, giving the girls a chance to play together. Sunset got out a few board games, and they took turns picking one to play, laughing together as they did. “So, this here’s where ya’ll stayed when you first came to town?” asked Applejack as they played. “Yup! Fae and Father John saved us from the pervert man after we landed in the alley,” nodded Aiko. “Woowie, that sounds like quite a story,” replied Applejack. The girls responded with a tag team rendition of their arrival and adventures, ending with them sleeping in this room with Sister Mary. “Wow, that there’s quite a story,” said an amazed Applejack. “An then ya’ll met Orange?” she asked, nodding to her cousin. “That was on our first day of school,” responded Sunset, launching into that story, while Orange smiled and nodded. The tales continued, the girls describing their sleepovers together, Applejack smiling and nodding. Eventually Sister Mary entered, asking the girls if they wanted to help with lunch. They enthusiastically agreed, putting the games away and following Sister Mary back to the kitchen. The day progressed, the girls happily helping out when they were allowed, playing games and swapping stories when not. Applejack enjoyed the Harmonic Service and dinner, sad when the time came to leave. She was mostly lost in thought the entire trip back to her farm, rousing from her musings when they drove under the Sweet Apple Acres sign. Hugging them tightly, she thanked them for the day, then exited, heading into the farmhouse to tell her parents of the wonderful new friends she had made. The girls, Fae and Mrs. Orange returned to their condominium where the girls took their bath, playing and laughing in the bubbles, then dressed and climbed into bed, where Fae and Mrs. Orange tucked the three of them in. The lights out, they looked out the window over the city, snuggled together as they fell happily asleep.