//------------------------------// // Eric and Zyon Take to the Skies // Story: Brony convention // by bowsero3 //------------------------------// Eric wasn't that hard to find. He was still asleep when we found him. Snoring my ears off. He was green with blackish brownish hair, and probably blue eyes. What surprised me most was...he was a pegasus. 'Hey, Earth to snorezilla... WAKE UP!!!" I shouted. I learned last brony convention you can't be gentle with him when you wake him up. He snapped awake right away. "Who you calling snorezilla, dumbo?" He asked with his eyes still closed. "Wow, good comeback," I said sarcastically. He got up and stretched his hooves then opened his eyes and looked around. 'Wow, how much My Little Pony did we watch? Everything is so cartoo-" He shut when he looked at me. "Zyon? Your a m-" I cut him off saying: "You are too," I told him as I got the gem I secretly picked up earlier out of my backpack. "Hey! That's my diamond!" Josh said angrily. "Its not a diamond, its a gem, rock head and it's mine now" I snapped. Rock head shut him right up. It always does. Eric admired himself in the mirror and said: "Hey I'm a pegasus! Wait a second..." He said looking me over. "You're a Unicorn and a pegusus!" he said shocked. I looked at my hips and right there were a pair of red feathery wings. Then I touched the top of my head and sure enough... their was a horn. "W...wh...Whats going on what am I?" I cried out in shock. "I seen this episode before." I forgot what its called." Eric said trying to comfort me. "Right lets find Joey first" Josh chimed in. I was a little shocked but I managed to choke out "O.K." "Hey me and you are pegusus, right Zyon? So why don't we fly and find him?" Eric suggested. "Wait, so you're a flying expert now?" Josh asked. "Well, no, but it can't be that hard," Eric said as he got in a flying position. He started running, then flapping his wings. Then he took off. "Cmon Zyon, you try" Eric said. And soon enough I was flying with Eric. "You stay here Josh. We will be back when we find Joey," I said and Eric and I flew off... unaware we had just begun our quest.