The Blessed Pegasus - A Magical Story

by Asterisk-Star

Chapter 12 - Dynamic's Longings

Asterisk was in her room, reading a book and her baby sister was sleeping on the bed in Asterisk's room. Flower Magic entered the room to see what Asterisk was doing and saw that she was reading a book.

“Shiny!” Flower Magic called out from near the door of Asterisk's room. “Isn't it fun to have a sibling? What was everything like when you were the only child?”

Asterisk looked back at her aunt and replied cheerfully, “Yes, Auntie, having a sibling is fun, but I have to look after my sibling too and that's my extra responsibility from now on. Still everything was alright when I was the only child, but I had some problems like feeling lonely while staying in a room alone and hoping to have someone to play with.”

“Yes, Shiny,” Flower Magic said. “what you said is true, but you could get someone to play with even if you were the only child now also. Astral Star Shine had made friends with you a few months ago. So you could have played with her. Because I have seen that your Parents are busy all the time, doing one work or another.”

“Auntie, my Parents aren't busy all the time. You know, Dad is a Graphic Designer and Mom assists him in doing some other work like writing quotations for making Motivational Videos, too.” Asterisk replied, trying to make her aunt understand everything clearly.

“OK, Shiny. I understand.” Flower Magic replied. “You know, Bluebob is so shy.I don't even know why he stutters while talking to you and nopony else! He also started to long for a sister after you got one! How strange is this! You hate him so much that you don't want to be like him, but he likes you so much that he wants to be like you!” She added, laughing.

“But he doesn't maintain eye contact while talking to anypony, Auntie!”

“I'm sorry, Shiny. I didn't tell you to act as a spy on Bluebob!”

I'm very sorry, Auntie! I never act as a spy on anypony!”

Suddenly they heard hoofsteps and knew that somepony was coming there.

“Alright! I think Bluebob is coming! Stop!” Flower Magic shut Asterisk up.

Dynamic Flight entered the room, confused about what was going on. Needless to say, he was a shy pegasus and felt awkward whenever he had to talk face-to-face with Asterisk, just because she hated him, due to which he stuttered while talking to her.

“Mom, what's going on?” Dynamic asked Flower Magic.

“Bluebob, were you near this room when we were talking?” Flower Magic asked.

“No, Mom. I was downstairs when you were talking. I was helping Uncle and Auntie.” Dynamic replied.

“Oh, such a shy pegasus! With what were you helping them?” Flower Magic said, to make Dynamic blush.

Dynamic blushed so much that he had to hide his face by hanging his head and looking to the ground, so he stuttered shyly, “Uh... uh... I-I was helping them with cooking. I was c-cutting vegetables for them.”

“Shiny, I see that Bluebob stutters while talking to somepony if that pony makes him blush. Did you do something to make him blush?” Flower Magic whispered to Asterisk.

“Yes, Auntie. I think that I not only made him blush, but also made him feel embarassed by telling him that I hate him.” Asterisk whispered back.

“Bluebob, do you feel awkward when you talk to an alicorn?” Flower Magic asked Dynamic.

Dynamic blushed and replied, “No, Mom. I-I feel awkward when the alicorn hates me or makes fun of me.”

Flower Magic said to Asterisk, “See, Shiny.” Then she again turned to Dynamic and asked him, “Bluebob, don't you long for a sister?”

“Mom, I long for a sister, my own sister, who wouldn't be adopted or something like that!” Dynamic replied longingly.

“Alright, but I'm sorry to ask that if you are copying Shiny by wishing for a sister? Do you think it's that easy to get a sister? Do you think that you will get a sister just like Shiny in a short time?”

“No, Mom, I am not copying Shiny! I just feel lonely, so I long for a sister.”

“Will you be able to look after your sister yourself, just like Shiny does?”

“Maybe I will... But I'm not sure!”

“Oh! But this means you are not so confident about your abilities!”

“Mom, you alicorns have magic, which is a very wonderful thing. But I don't have it!” Dynamic said sadly.

“You had it! You were an alicorn, just like us till you were 10 years old. But then a spell casted by me went wrong and you became a pegasus. But I've told you, Shiny will turn you into an alicorn.”

“But she doesn't want to do so! Why can't you turn me into an alicorn?”

“You know the spell rules, Bluebob. We will make Shiny understand it. Then she will surely turn you into an alicorn.”

“Oh, yes!”

Dynamic Flight left the room and so did Flower Magic and Asterisk. Asterisk's sister had woken up by then. Then the three of them - Flower Magic, Dynamic and Asterisk went downstairs to help Glitter Bright and Glowing Mist with the cooking and many other things.

~To Be Continued~