//------------------------------// // FI // Story: Feathers On Ice // by Lulamoon-Crystal //------------------------------// For their Ice skating performance coming up. Pipp took Jazz and Rocky to the frozen lake nearby.It was huge, even if there were fifteen other ponies there. They’d have plenty of room of their own. The relaxing and calm surroundings, the short distance from the bay and even the big hills perfect for sledding nearby made it pretty popular. When magic returned many pegasi had abandoned the ice skating rink in their city, preferring the one out in nature. Despite the distance away from Zephyr Heights. But the rink still stayed in business. For those who preferred in’s doors or for sport, performances, parties or any valid reason. However, only a handful of unicorns would go to the big lake, preferring the one in Bridlewood. Which was fine, that one was good too, especially at night with the glowing crystals surrounding it. Pipp happily put on her pink and lavender ice skates, watching as Jazz put on her own. Pink with purple music notes, matching her hoof polish. “Meet you on the ice, Jazz!” Called out Pipp as she jumped on and gracefully slid across. Winter cape and beanie fluttering in the breeze. “Uh…” Rocky nervously looked onto the ice. Adjusting his purple and golden scarf. Hoping this time, he’d be better at it, watching his friends get on. He took a deep breath. Putting on white skates with pink lighting bolts on it. They were old one of Zipp’s that Pipp got her hooves on when Zipp got new ones she liked better. There was a purple stain on one of them, but they were in great shape, otherwise. He forced himself to get in the ice, hooves slipping imminently. But he caught himself. Heart racing as he slowly slid away from the snow, slowly. He was simply sliding and not moving his hooves much as he slid across the ice. Getting slower and slower as he shivered a bit. Knowing ut would hurt to slam on the ice. "There we go... A nice and slow start." Rocky smiled slightly before Jazz exclaimed. "Hey Rocky! Hurry up!" Jazz waved. Quite a whole away from where he was. Heading towards a tree on the other side of the lake. Why so far? "Oh! Okay, I'll be right there!" He exclaimed, raising one of his forelegs. As soon as he tried going faster, he almost tumbled forwards, but caught himself. He smiled as he sped up, he grinned as he moved across the ice, unaware of the position of his hooves. Suddenly both his forelegs slipped sideways, making him bonk his jaw on the ice as he slid to a stop with his butt in the air. Getting a taste of the ice in the process. “Ouch!” He lifted himself back up, looking down at the ice. He stayed up a bit longer than last time, at least. Where he completely ended up on his stomach in a blink of an eye when he first touched the ice. But he wasn't going to give up, he stopped himself from slipping once more. The ice felt somewhat slippier than before. “There we go!” He smiled a bit as he skated himself a little forward. Not too fast and wings spread for balance. Keeping his hooves straight. He was getting better, Pipp was right! The two mares were skating circles around each other before they stopped and watched as Rocky slowly moved closer. Skating one hind hoof gently like a skateboarder to keep himself going. But slowly. Not wanting to lose control or have his face flat on the ice again. “Wow, Rocky! Look at you go!!” Jazz exclaimed. Of course it was nothing exciting. But at least he hadn’t given up yet and was not flopping everywhere like a ragdoll. Which was what basically happened on the first time he was on the ice in seven years according to him. That was when he was about 16 if Jazz’s math was correct. “Y-yeah!” Rocky cheered along. His legs wobbled as soon as he slowly slid to a stop. Right after he saved himself from faceplanting he gained a bit of a smile, looking at Jazz who was cutely cheering him on. Until his hind legs suddenly slipped away from each other, sending him straight onto his rump. "Ah!" He yelped on impact, quickly sitting up, his butt freezing cold as he rubbed it. Somebow despite wearing ice skates. It felt like somepony slapped it with a plank of wood or something. “Okay, Rocky, follow our lead!” Pipp exclaimed with a smile and started to skate, Jazz went behind her. They were a little faster than he was going, much to his displeasure. After a nervous gulp, he did a big kick, sending himself faster. Nervous but focusing on the two in front of him. The first thing they did was do a wide turn to the left. Like a half circle! It looked easy, but Rocky found himself slamming against the ice because he leaned too far! He slid on his side for about a metre before he game to a stop. He was unharmed, but his left wing felt like it was frozen, while his fur was slightly damp where he was on the ice. “Ugh…” He groaned Jazz and Pipp making sure he was okay. “You okay?” Jazz asked. “Y-yeah. I think I have learnt from that…” he muttered. Hoping he would not end up on the ice again. “Okay Rocky, follow us.” Pipp said with a smile. Hoping he’d succeed, he followed the moves of the other too, skating once again to keep his speed. He gasped in delight when he succeeded, he happily felt the breeze in his hair, it wasn’t perfect but at least he was still on all four hooves. “Yes!” He then noticed the other two doing a big jump. He barely succeeded in a small jump from last time. So why were they moving to big ones already? Was this training or actually their skate dance routine? It was too soon! He still needed to learn to skate properly! He was stuck in thought and snapped out of it when he saw himself heading towards the edge of the ice. Right where the snow was. He was going a high speed, no time to stop of slow down. Tripping over and tumbling. Hitting the snow face-first. Apparently scaring a snow hare in the process. Who gave him a good thumping on the head with its hind leg before hopping away. "Rocky! Are you okay?" Jazz called out. He was grateful it was soft snow and not hard ice this time. Snow was all over his face as he lifted it, shaking his head to remove the mustache made from snow that was on his face. Looking back at the snow hare that had come back for more. Squicking and jumping up and down, a female nearby protecting a few frightened kitts. "Yeah! Just fine!" He exclaimed, ignoring the hare as he got up and getting back on the ice. The hares watching him like hawks, revealing he had destroyed a hidden food source of theirs. Getting back on the ice came with a few problems. He started slipping around as soon as he got back on the ice, trying to find his balance. “Now, focus this time, Rocky.” Pipp said, slightly annoyed. “Y-yeah. My bad there-“ He noticed the other two skating away. So he kicked again. Trying to catch up. "Hey! Wait!" He called out. Watching them stop at the other end of the frozen pond. He skated faster towards them before realising he was not going to stop in time. Unless you break. Which he forgot to do. “How do I break!?” She shouted, lifting his wings. Forgetting how to simply break with all the things going on this month, so much was on his mind that he forgot how to break… "Okay, you two!" Pipp smiled standing right in Jazz, neither of them hearing Rocky till he came closer. Then her smile dropped as Rocky zoomed right past her. She sighed as Jazz giggled, watching him do a loop around them, zooming right back towards them. Jazz taking a little too long to realise one detail… “He’s coming right for me!” She squeaked in horror, trying to get out the way. “Rocky! Stop!” She cried, seeing him dash right towards her, trying to break in the high speed he was going in. How he managed to get that fast could be anyone’s guess. “I’m trying!” He cried. “Rocky!” Jazz squealed as soon as he slammed into her, the two ponies tumbling and sliding across the ice. Jazz on her stomach like a penguin as Rocky laid across her. “Rocky! Jazz!” Cried Pipp. Seeing Rocky lift himself off from the top of Jazz as she groaned. “S-sorry.” Rocky apologised quickly, blushing and wondering why his breaking did not work in time before he hit her. “Be more careful, Rocky!” Pipp scolded and rolled her eyes. Noticing him face her with a nervous expression. She sighed. “As I was going to say…” She fluttered her wings. “Alright! I think it’s time we practice our twirls!” She exclaimed, “It is rather tricky, so you need to focus. “Our what!?” Rocky exclaimed in surprise, almost slipping. “But I’ve only just learned the basics!” “Which you seemed to have forgotten!” Jazz scoffed with a pout, bringing up the incident a few seconds ago. “Who forgets to break!?” She shouted at him. “Relax!” Pipp said with a smile. “You are pretty talented at dancing around in the salon. How hard can this be? Sure, you made a few mistakes today. But no pain, no gain.” “You’re right, Pipp. How hard can it be?” “Allow me to demonstrate!” Pipp exclaimed as the two stood next to eachother. Jazz and Rocky watched with awe as Pipp picked up some speed, with help of her wings. Before hopping onto one hoof, balancing upright, allowing herself to do a twirl with her forelegs tucked in and other hind leg out. Much like a ballerina! She was so skilled at this. After twirling for a few seconds, she leapt into the air, legs spread out along with her wings. Landing on all fours. Stopping right near the two “Show me what you’ve got, Jazz!” She smirked and gained some speed. Since she had no wings, being an earth pony. She did not use those. She got prepared the earth pony way. Almost nailing it as she got up and started twirling, not before almost stumbling as she got on her hind legs. Much like Pipp, she was like a ballerina. Not as graceful as Pipp, but still good. She finished off with twirling in place and striking a pose, almost falling flat on the ice, but catching herself. “Woo! Jazz!” Pipp exclaimed as Jazz chuckled. “That was such an improvement from last week, you totally got this!” “Thanks, Pipp!” Rocky started to do the same. Gaining speed, he tried to raise on one hoof, but almost stumbled, catching himself. “C’mon. I can do this!” He told himself. Gaining speed again. Getting up on one single hoof and twirling. He was doing it! He gasped in happiness as his surroundings span around him. But he was starting to feel a little dizzy. He could not stop spinning. Then remembered how Pipp ended hers. So he leaped into the air with the help of his wings. It happened so fast. The next thing he knew, he was slipping back as he landed on the ground, trying to catch himself with his hooves. But he ended up going backwards, falling to the ground with a hard ‘thud.’ “R-rocky?” Jazz’s voice shook as he opened his eyes. He groaned as he reached uo at the two Jazz’s and two Pipps. “Jazz?” He groaned, slowly coming to his senses and his vision coming less disorted. “There’s two of you?” “That was a hard fall. Are you okay?” She asked. “I’ve been better…” He groaned as he shook the dizziness away the best he could as he got up, slipping on his face as he tried to do so. He slowly got up, looking glum and exhausted. “Give it another go! You might get it this time!” Rocky was losing confidence. “I… Guess so?” His legs were shaking slightly before he started skating across the ice again. Jazz and Pipp following to cheer him on. Gaining a lot of speed before he breathed in and out. “Here we go…” He said, not noticing Jazz’s exclaims as he started to bring himself to his hind legs. “Rocky!” Squealed Jazz. But her warning was useless. He ended up flinging over the log that had fallen, or been dragged onto the ice. Sending him tumbling across the ice. Rolling like how in cartoons where a character would roll away like a wheel. Pipp and Jazz stopped in their tracks. Watching in horror as he tumbled and slid, a rock sending him flying into a den just beyond the ice. “Ooh…” Pipp whimpered “Ugh!” Rocky groaned before screaming in terror. He somehow managed to get his skates off quickly. He galloped out of the small cave and ran across the ice without slipping.There was soon a noise of a very angry roar. “Bear!” He screamed, only to slip and slide. A bear growling he dodged it’s swipe as it exited it’s den and quickly went back in, keeping an eye on him. Looking happy as he crashed into a tree, a beehive fell from it. Landing in the snow. Jazz noticed a few fly out. “I thought bees hibernate in winter…” Pipp thought. “Well. I am sure they will be extra unhappy being woken up!” Jazz screamed. “Rocky! Look out!” Rocky shook snow from his head as he rubbed a sore spot. Soon noting a bee land on his foreleg. “Huh?” He questioned as he looked at the small thing. Noticing she was wearing a scarf and did not look or sound very happy. He was quick to notice the swarm emerging from the hive. Making him ran from them in a hurry. Screaming for dear life. Only to manage to slip on the ice again and crash into another den. By his loud shriek, followed by a disgusted grown. It wasn’t pleasing. The bees also joined in attacking. “This reminds me of that My big Horse: Bonding is Magic episode “Winter Wrap Up” Pipp thought. “When Dusk Twinkle Backed into snakes and got frightened and ended up in a skunk’s den…” ”What?” ”Oh, never mind, Jazz. Just an old cartoon I watched as a filly” Jazz whimpered as she watched the bees fly out the den. Hoping Rocky was not too baby hurt. She almost made a sigh of relief as he walked out. ”Just my luck!” Screamed Rocky. Jazz and Pipp went towards the den Rocky fell in with concern, he grumbled, covered in porcupine spines, Pipp was slightly relieved but still worried. At least it wasn’t any worse of a den… Jazz skated over to him as he sat down on the snow. Sighing in defeat. Wincing in pain as he pulled out a spine from his fur. Multiple bee stings were seen, too. “Oh Rocky.” Jazz said softly, sitting down next to him. Pipp soon joined them, noticing he looked really down. “G-guys. I appreciate you helping me but…” He winced when Jazz pulled a spine from his cheek. “Ow!” He sighed and looked down at the ice in front of him. “I don’t think this is going to work out… Honestly, I wasn’t all that great either, seven years ago, I doubt I’ll be any better now…” It wasn’t like Rocky to just give up hope like that, Jazz put a hoof around him. “Maybe if we practice a bit more, or take you to any skating class if there’s one on?” “Yeah! It’s only uh a week or two until the ice skating performance!” Pipp exclaimed with a smile. “Seven days!” Jazz corrected. Rocky stared at Jazz, chocked. If he only had stopped flopping onto the ice every few seconds after 3 weeks of practice. Then there’d be no way he could master a twirl in only seven days! That’s crazy! “I appreciate it but… I’ll need a lot longer than that to learn how to ice skate like you two. Pipp, you’ve been ice skating regularly since you were about ten! I remember as a colt I used to watch you in foal ice skating contests and plays!” He looked down, then at Jazz. “Jazz, you’ve been ice skating every winter, and sometimes in the other seasons, depending if you could access a rink or not. Since you were about 14! Well, that’s what you told me!” “Surely you have some skill left over from when you ice skated seven years ago!” Jazz pointed out with hope. “Yeah… About that, actually…” Rocky chuckled. “I quit at the time because I did not have any luck with it and uh… Other stuff…” “What!?” Jazz exclaimed. “Well, at least we are teaching you!” Rocky nodded. But was silently annoyed at the fact they didn’t get to the point. “I can keep practicing but I’m not confident I can master this. Or at least pull it off good enough on the day! I’m not good at this!” He shouted. “I can’t skate!” Pipp and Jazz stared in shock, watching without a word. He sighed as he looked back onto the ice. “I’m sorry… you guys a better off finding some pony else to take my place…” “Rocky…” “No… I can’t do it. I can’t like tap a hoof and be good overnight… I’ll need to train and practice for weeks!” He exclaimed. I’m sorry…” “Wait!” Jazz exclaimed. “Have you ever watched the movie, Rocky? About this pony who starts out really bad. But trains himself and believes in himself. He gets better and better, as he practices more and more! Eventually he wins the boxing tournament!” She exclaimed. “Because he never gave up!” Almost hitting him multiple times as she demonstrated. “Well… That’s what I remember of it.” Rocky stared at her in shock, mostly because how he almost up uppercut and punched by her demonstrations. But he smirked a bit, knowing exactly why Jazz used that movie as an example in particular. “Yeah, good point. But that’s a movie. Besides, his cutiemark was literally related to what he was training for.” “Still, a valuable lesson!” Jazz defended. Feeling a little defeated. “Also. It takes months to get good…” He started walking away, head down in sorrow as he left the lake behind. Feeling ashamed of himself for being so bad at it. Jazz and Pipp are possibly heartbroken all because of him. He really wanted to be able to do it. But it was so much easier on a less slippery surface without ice skates on. It was amazing how many other ponies were so keen and eager on doing it. They seemed to be confident and make it look so easy. It seemed so simple and fun. But no matter how hard he tried, he just wasn’t able to stop himself from slipping over. He wasn’t a dancer on the ice. He was a ragdoll. Flopping and slipping like crazy. Was there something wrong with him? He gasped as he saw the hare. “Oh, it’s you?” He asked and sighed. “Sorry about earlier…” He said. The rabbit giving him one big kick in the face before hopping away. He must have wanted to do more… Of course he did. He was a mess the second he stepped on the ice… Posey gently sat on the snow, reading a book to herself. Nearby her friend Windy was skating around the ice. Showing off her skills. Twirls, spins and jumps. Graceful like a ballerina. Posey wondered why Windy chose to be a store clerk instead of a ballerina because her moves her smooths. “Not bad, Windy!” Posey called out. Gaining a thank you. She sighed peacefully. Skating wasn’t really her thing, she much preferred to watch others do it. How they did it was fascinating. She never thought she’d compliment or watch a Pegasus with awe either. But here she was. aweing at graceful unicorns or laughing at that flopping Pegasus stallion. Poor him. Windy herself was zooming across the ice. Feeling the wind gracefully running through her wind and mane. Her peach scarf whipped behind her like it wanted to get away. She flawlessly looped past others, not even gazing them. Some were frightened by her swift, smooth moves as she went past. But some gave a smile. As Windy slowed down slightly. She gasped as something caught her eye. Turning her head, she gazed at a stallion, her heart beating fast. Her childhood crush was here. She still loved him after all these years. She didn’t notice herself blushing as the stallion flopped face-first on the ice. She couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “Windy! Windy! Look out!” This cry snapped her back to reality. “The tree!” She gasped and froze, screaming as her surroundings zoomed past her. Not having enough time to turn herself around before- Crash! Posey and Dahlia ran to the tree that Windy crashed into. Hoping she’d be okay. “Windy!” Dahlia exclaimed as she threw back all the snow that fell on Windy from the tree. Posted quickly hoped, soon uncovering the dazed mare. “Windy!” Posey exclaimed. Helping her up. “What were you thinking. Aren’t you supposed to focus!?” She scolded. “That was so silly of you to not stop, or at least slow down!” “Are you okay?” Dahlia shot a glance at Poset before dusting some snow of Windy who seemed a bit dazed, still. Soon she managed to answer. Windy shook he head, snow flying from it. “Y-yeah. Silly me,” She scolded herself slightly. Wondering why she was still interested in him despite never confessing her love. He didn’t show signs of having any sort of interest in her, either. Was it true love? Oh well, maybe that would be answered in the future. She decided to change the subject before she had to at anything. “So, Posey. You interested in ice skating yet? I can teach you the basics!” Posey stared at her, wondering why she was eager to get back up and start ice skating again. Despite crashing into a tree at hard force. It was a mystery how she didn’t end up with a blood nostril. But if she was this eager to get back on the ice, surely she was alright. Also, she didn’t have any cheeky intentions it seemed. She knew her long enough now. “Alright Windy. But promise me you’ll keep your focus on the ice and not on some crush…” Posey said sternly. Windy’s cheeks immediately went red. She knew? How on earth did she know she had a crush? She had to be joking right. But no, Posey was very serious here. Her face had no sign of that being a joke. “C-crush?” She whispered before slapping herself mentally. “I mean, of course! I left the skates over here!” She said. Leading Posey to where she left her bag. As Windy grabbed her bag and passed Posey the ice skates. She noticed Rocky walk past, looking pretty glum. She felt bad just watching him. It hurt seeing him like this after seeing how confident he usually was in the salon. Did something happen? “Oh, hey Rocky!” Windy exclaimed. “Hey Windy…” He sighed. “What happened?” She asked. “Jazz and Pipp are trying to get me to master their ice skating routine in less than a week.” He explained. “But I cannot skate…” He sighed, looking at her expression that implied she saw him mess up a few times. “You could keep practicing, but there is not much time left for tou to master it..." She agreed but then added. "Maybe there’s something else you can do, instead?” Windy asked. “Ice skating is tricky, but maybe if you talk to them. You can do a different routine!” She paused. “You don’t have to ice skate the whole time. It can be a mix. Maybe you can talk to them about that!” “I guess that actually might work.” He perked up a bit. Noticing the two run over. “Rocky! Wait!” Cried out Jazz, galloping over. “We can figure something out! What do you think!?” “Jazzy jazz!” Pipp scolded slightly. “Let’s tell him our plan, I think it’ll be great!” “Huh?” Rocky wondered. “So, you know how you are skilled with flying?” “I guess I know a few things… But I am not exactly as fab as you in the air.” He sighed, looking down at the snow. Ears completely drooped. “But… I guess I cam give if a go?” He smiled slightly. “I was actually thinking of that myself…” “That’s the spirit!” Pipp exclaimed. “Now, let me just tell you what I have planned.” A week had past and the trip were on an ice skating arena. A whole crowd watching them eagerly. Jazz threw a hula hoop in the air that Rocky flew through. And another that Pipp flew through. The former landing on the ice, gabbing a big hoop with Jazz and lifting it in the air together. Which Pipp proceeded to fly through, landing on on the ice, ding one last twirl before stopping. All three ponies bowed. Then on came the angry hare from a few weeks before. It rushed towards Rocky and kicked him in the leg, making him flop to the ground, Jazz and Pipp snickering a little as it hopped away. “Of course he still has a grudge…” Rocky groaned as he got up. Having many questions as the white hare ended up sliding and crashing into the wall and angrily squeaking at Rocky as he smirked, leaving the ice with Pipp and Jazz.