Good Intentions

by chillbook1

Good Intentions

Let me just start this letter by saying that I am so incredibly sorry.

I was away, and you all needed me. Maybe if I was here, things could have gone differently. And I wanted to be here, I swear by Celestia’s sun, I wanted to be here. I was trapped in Equestria, a magical anomaly locked off the connection. I swear to you all, I was not ignoring you. I was stuck. But now, I'm making excuses. Truly, all of you, you deserve better.

I rushed over as soon as the barrier fell, but I already knew from the journal that I was too late. I wanted to see you all, to talk to you in person, but I bumped into Sunset on my way in. She had some strong words for me, and I deserve every single one. She went back home, and she intends to stay there. I tried to follow her, but by the time I made it back through, she was gone. I looked for her for a few days, but Sunset is a very capable unicorn mage. If she doesn't want to be found, then she won't be.

After what Sunset told me, I figured most of you wouldn't want to see me. I don't blame you for that. Truth be told, I'm not sure if I could face you. Not before I got to the bottom of all of this.

I read Ginseng’s… manifesto, for want of a better word. I'm sure you've all seen it by now, so I won't put you all through that again. What matters is that Ginseng was a troubled, haunted soul, and you all did everything you could for him. Sunset seemed to blame herself, but you all did everything right. Some people just can't be helped, because they don't want to be. 

I wish I had more comforting words for you all. I know hearing that you all did the right thing isn't going to magically fix things. I don't think there's anything I can say that will make things better. So I made a decision, that I would act rather than speak. That decision, difficult as it was to make, is the best thing I can do for you all.

I've decided that I am going to close the Mirror Portal, and sever the connection between your world and mine.

Now, I know, this is quite sudden, but it's not as much of a knee-jerk as it might sound. I've been thinking this over ever since I read the journal entries detailing the Ginseng Incident. The simple truth is that all of this, every magical threat that has ever threatened your world, has been because of me. I left the door open for the dangers of my world to infect yours, and I didn’t give you sufficient means to defend yourself. I didn’t intend for it to happen. I hope that, even though I let you all down, you can believe me when I say that. I left the Mirror open partly out of a selfish desire to return to this wonderful world whenever I could, but truly, honestly, I believed that we’d be better off together than apart. I see now that leaving the portal open, while also leaving you all alone to be in Equestria, was irresponsible and dangerous. My intentions were good, but they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 

By closing the Mirror, this will stop any Equestrian magic from spreading in your world. It will also kill off any Equestrian magic that’s already here. This means your powers will fade in a matter of weeks, although based on what I’ve heard, some of you may prefer it that way. Obviously, in addition to your powers being gone, this would also make it impossible for another Ginseng Incident to occur. You won’t have to worry about a tragedy like this ever again. Of course, this means that the journals will no longer function as communication devices, so you won’t be able to contact me again. I don’t expect that you’d want to. Perhaps someday, when I find a way to make things right for your world, I can reopen the Mirror and apologize face-to-face. For now… I hope this letter will do.

You have no reason at all to care about what I say, but if I can make just one request, I ask that you all take care of yourselves. This experience was highly traumatic, and you’re all going to need each other. Look out for one another, and stand together no matter what. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it anymore, but I love and care for you all, and I want nothing but the best for you. Sometimes, what’s best isn’t always pleasant. Soon, I think you’ll all agree, things are better this way.

Thank you all for your friendship, your guidance, your love. I hope to one day see you all again, but for now, let me do the right thing, for your sake.

Forever your friend, Twilight Sparkle