//------------------------------// // Prologue: The Coming of Two Ponies. // Story: Welcome to Equestria! Questing is Magic! // by ponystorylyh //------------------------------// My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Original Characters belongs to me. Prologue: The Coming of Two Ponies. The warm afternoon sun caressed his face, causing him to groan softly. How long he had slept was unknown to him as he rolled to his side, trying to hide his face from the sun’s glare. However, he was unable to roll any further as his stiff legs prevented him so. The sleeping figure finally decided to wake up, opening his eyes warily to get accustom to the daylight and take stock of the surroundings. His mind soon clicked, realizing he wasn’t in the comfort of his home. Rather, he was laying on his side on something white and fluffy, which was rather high up from the ground. “What the hay is going on?” He muttered, quickly realizing he was replying in a weird way, “Oh Luna, someone please tell me this is some sort of a nightmare…” He edged close to the ‘bed-side’, confirming his present location as the wide expense of land appeared below him. “Ok, calm down… You have this type of weird dream before…” His whole body felt strange as he pushed himself up to his side, not able get up to a ‘sitting’ position he used to have. Then his eyes trailed to his ‘fingers’, lifting one forehoof at a time… “Whoa… this is freaky cool...” Looking at his forehooves with an annoyed look, then crossed-eyed to his muzzle, he dreaded for the worst as he looked back to the rest of himself, noting the dark brown wings, the strange broken hour-glass mark on his ginger flank, as well as his hind hooves. He could not see his mane, but his dark brown tail with strips of grey definitely concluded his condition. “I’m a winged horse….” “A pegasus pony actually…” He literally jumped at the voice, front hoofs hitting the cloud holding him, which collapsed and dispersed. Next thing he knew, he found himself falling, “Time to freak out I suppose?!” He screamed, only to see another pegasus falling beside him, calmly eating a muffin. “Hay! Open your wings silly! Don’t tell me you forgot how to fly!” The grey pegasus with bubbles as her cutie mark shook her head, finishing her muffin, and spread out her wings, catching the current and began to glide above the falling pony. “If that is easy I would have… whoa!” He gasped as his wings spread out at the thought of them, still falling and tumbling about in the air, not sure what to do next. “Feel the wind, let it glide across your wings…” He followed the instructions given and managed to get into glide-mode just a few meters off the ground. “And flap hard before you…” The grey pegasus cringed as the gliding pony crashed headfirst into the tree, “…crash…” “Oww…” He groaned, feeling a throbbing sensation on his head as he looked at the other 'ponies' that landed, “And to think this dream is so real... Just how many of you are there?” “Just one…” She trotted to him, “I do crash every now and then, but the way you ‘landed’ tells me I’m not that bad after all.” The grey pegasus leaned in closer to examine his bruised forehead, “You are one weird pony, you know that?” The crash-landed pegasus gradually cleared his vision, finally seeing the grey Pegasus on front of him, which he noticed, was ember walled-eyed and wearing a saddlebag full of letters and scrolls. “Crashing constantly caused your eyes to be… weird?” He regretted that question immediately, not sure whether she would feel unhappy about it. “Hmm… no… I was born this way… my vision is slightly out, but it’s not so bad.” She flicked her blond mane to the side of her head, “However, if my look makes you feel uncomfortable…” The grey pegasus started twirling her eyes, which rolled about for a bit before settling the right way like every other normal ponies. “How’s this?” She panted from the intense concentration, only to lose it, eyes went walled up again, “Aww…” “It’s alright… I do know a friend, who has the same condition as you.” He lied, trying to cheer her up, “He’s one smart pony though, even though he is clumsy at times!” The ginger pegasus was surprised and amused at the same time on how she could twirl her eyeballs that easily. “Ohh, I would love to meet him!” Her eyes twirled around with excitement, which then suddenly stopped, “This reminds me, you got mail!” She tried to imitate a familiar tone, turned and dug into the saddlebag, finally fishing out a sealed envelop with her mouth. “I got mail?” He gave a puzzled look before accepting it with his mouth and placed it on the ground, seeing the name ‘Chrono Breaker’ on the front. “How do you know where to find me?” Somehow, he recognize the name to be his. “It’s a trait of mine… I think…” She grinned in a goofy way, “As long you are within the area of Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Ponyville, I’m certain to be able to find you, just try to stay in open areas…” She sheepishly commented as he opened the envelope and read its contents. Att: Chrono Breaker You have been invited for an event in Ponyville planned by me, Prezzie Luv. Hope to see you here soon~! Prezzie Luv “So who is this Prezzie…” Chrono stopped and facehoofed, “I’m sorry… I should have asked for your name before enquiring on others.” “I’m Derpy Hooves, the mail Pegasus.” Derpy replied with much enthusiasm, “Some claimed I’m the fastest mailpony around the region, but I do admit I tend to lose some mails here and there…” The grey Pegasus muttered softly at the end of the sentence, “If you are looking for Prezzie Luv, she can be found at the town square where the water fountain is. You should be able to recognize her from her attire.” Her eyes twirled, “I’d better be going, have much mails to deliver.” Derpy turned away, “… And thank you for your words of encouragement, Chrono.” With that, she took off to her next mail recipient. “I was just about to ask her for directions…” Chrono groaned to himself as Derpy flew to the horizon. “Then again, I need to get use to my new hooves… and my wings as well if I want to get to Ponyville...” ~~~~~~~~~~ Clops, followed by trots, quickly increasing to a canter, then finally galloping at the speed she could not even imagined. The pony ran across the colourful grassy plain, feeling the breeze against her flowing mane. She felt so alive, as if being released from some confined space for a very long time. A moment ago, she had woken up from her slumber and had adjusted well to her legs rather quickly. The pony finally stopped for a break, taking in the fresh air and the scenery around her. “Hi!” ??? The pony looked around in surprise on hearing that voice. “Up here!” The voice chuckled. The pony looked up, eyes widened at the sight of a flying grey pegasus carrying a saddlebag filled with letters and scrolls. “You can talk?!” “Derp... so can you!” causing the grounded pony to blushed on realising her silliness. “I’m sorry... I didn’t know flying horses can talk...” “I’m a pegsus pony, not a horse.” The flying pony replied with a puzzled look on her walled eyed face, “And you are a unicorn pony...” The grounded pony now took stock of herself; Creamy white coat with long emerald green mane and tail, which seemed to flutter in the light breeze around her. She also noticed a patch of brown coat running from each of her hind hooves, reaching up to her thighs, where her cutie mark was displayed, consisting of four wisps of wind. “This is weird... I don’t remember being a unicorn pony before...” She held up a hoof to touch her horn, confirming her pony status, “So... where am I?” “Gee, I don’t know either...” The walled eyed pegasus replied, “Hold on, I’m gonna fly up and see.” She started flying straight instead of up, returning a few seconds with a sheepish look on her face, “Err... sorry. Let me get this right.” Her eyes twirled, finally settling the right way like every other normal ponies. With the determined look, she flew upwards reaching a suitable height for her to view the horizons, only to stop flapping her wings... The white unicorn gasped when she saw the pegasus falling, her mind started racing for the best possible method to ensure the falling pony’s safety. She soon panicked however, and closed her eyes, her thoughts all about saving the pegasus. It was then she felt an energy naturally welled up and flowed into her horn, which glowed brightly. Before the pegasus hit the ground, a small twister appeared right under the latter, cushioning her fall. “Derp... sorry... again. Somehow I forgot to flap my wings when I took in the awesome sights before me.” Her eyes were twirling in confusion, finally stopping at their usual, un-usual positions, “You can put me down now? This spinning thingy is tickling me.” “Wow... I know magic!” The unicorn giggled at the discovery and breath a sigh of relief, “Okay, how can I get this twister off...” At the thought, the mini tornado quickly dissipated, promptly dropping the pegasus on the ground. She was amazed that the saddlebag’s contents were still intact as she helped the latter up. “Maybe I was not clear enough... I’m asking ‘where am I’, as in... you know, country, region thingy?” “Ohh right!” The grey pegasus got up from the ground, shook her head to get her blond mane off her face, “We are in Equestria. And err...” She looked around as if getting a bearing, “That’s the North so... if you go in this direction, you should reach Ponyville by evening, unless Princess Celestia decides to call the sun off early.” She pointed to the North East. “Speaking of North East,” She fished out a mail from her saddlebag with her mouth, “I ghot a mail forh youh.” “A mail?” The unicorn replied with a puzzled look as she sub-consciously accepted it with her magic, noting it addressed to ‘Windie Breeze’. It seems so natural, yet un-natural at the same time, as her thoughts willed her magic to open the letter and unfold its content. Att: Windie Breeze You have been invited for an event in Ponyville planned by me, Prezzie Luv. Hope to see you here soon~! Prezzie Luv “Thanks for the mail... err...” “Derpy, Derpy Hooves, mail mare for Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Ponyville.” Derpy saluted, “Come to think of it, a very wierd, but nice pegasus received the same mail as you. If you are fast enough, you should be able to meet him at Ponyville.” “Thanks again Derpy.” Windie nodded, looking at the direction of Ponyville, “I’ll make my way there, you should finish your mailing. I’m sorry for taking your time helping me.” “Its okay. I should be able to finish my mailings in ten seconds flat...” Derpy chimed, the paused for a bit to process what she had said, “... not really... probably in a few hours...” She chuckled, “Anyways see you later Windie.” The pegasus flew off speedily away. At this moment, a sealed scroll fell out of the saddlebag, landing in front of Windie. “Derpy, wait!” Windie called out and sighed, knowing Derpy will not be able to hear her at this distance. “To Twilight Sparkle, Library, Ponyville.... Since I’m already heading to Ponyville, I’ll help Derpy with this.” Author's Note: A quick intro of the two OCs as well as the appearance of our favorite pony Derpy Hooves. I got this as well as Chapter 1 done during the holidays. Proof-reading took up even more time as English can be quite challenging when I'm not proficient in it.