Life's End

by Nightingale28

Callous Crunching

Lighting Dust flew around the halls of an abandoned mansion that was only illuminated whenever the luminescence of lightning striking the ground several miles away flashed through the window.

She had woken up in the confines of the building about an hour ago, having no idea how she had gotten there.

All she knew was that she needed to find her way out.

As she came upon the front entrance of the mansion, she picked up her pace, desperate to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

However, as she tried to push the door open, she found it wouldn’t move.

Turning around to try and find another exit, she bumped right into a figure concealed in a black cloak.

She winced, turning and trying to run in the other direction, eager to get away from her unwanted visitor. However, her efforts were quickly ceased by the pony picking her up with their magical aura, spinning her around to face them.

Lightning Dust could just barely make out the cerulean color of the pony’s mane before she felt a harrowing surge of pain throughout her body.

Her abdomen was snapped in a way that allowed all four of her legs to be pushed together, leaving her looking like a contorted jaw.

Fortunately, Lightning Dust didn’t experience much of the pain, her death arriving swiftly from the blood loss.