CYOA: Next in Line

by David Silver


Swept away in Fleur's beauty and the romantic ambience she's created, you readily accept her invitation for physical intimacy. Questions about her past can wait - for now you simply crave her floral scent and sultry voice beckoning you toward ecstasy.

She leads you to silken pillows by the fireplace, grape wine still sweet on her full lips as she presses them to yours eagerly. Time blurs as your intertwined forms move as one to soft jazz filling the candlelit room.

Limbs entangled, racing hearts harmonized, you explore pleasures long foreign to your weary soul. Here, only connection matters - not the mysteries still swaddling this alluring pony.

As she guides you over the precipice toward bliss, the last flickering embers cast her in ethereal silhouette - an angle of delight offering deliverance from the pains of yesterday. Those old burdens drift away on the lingering violin notes echoing through the velvet night.

You find her to be a steadfast companion, gently cuddling you despite it being over. Does this mean she's hoping for more?

"If you like." She kisses your cheek. "But only if. You were a male in need of... What we did, so I gave it. Do you feel better?"

You do, and you admit as much. You never imagined yourself doing that with a pony before.

"And before this place, I had not envisioned myself alongside such a creature." She nuzzles into your neck. "I am not displeased. I hope you are not either?"

Pleasantly surprised, you assure Fleur you don't regret what transpired whatsoever. You never pictured such a bond with a pony before arriving here either.

"I am glad," she purrs, azure eyes warm with affection. "At first, assisting you was merely duty. But I confess you awoke something in me as well..."

She trails a hoof slowly down your chest. "I have only known ponies until now - yet with you I felt what poets describe! If you are willing, I should like to explore these feelings further."

You trace your fingers through her wavy pink mane as she nuzzles closer. Just a day ago this world was alien, but connections bridging divides now flourish under starlight's glow.

Fleur's graceful frame fits snugly against yours, your racing hearts still unified. As she plants delicate kisses down your neck, a laugh escapes your lips. "What has this marvelous place awakened in us both?"

In velvet tones, she whispers, "I cannot say, but I know I wish to find out."

She was quiet a moment before she sighs. "I must confess mon amor... I have been keeping a secret." She sits up, looking down at you guiltily. "I did not do this for fun."

It was her job, right?

"More than that..." She puts a hoof at her belly. "Our world, peaceful as it is, is in trouble."

Fleur leans in so close, her sweet breath washes over you. "We are so happy, we will smile ourselves to death. There are less foals every year, and none will cry. We will pass without a single complaint. I do not want that."

She reaches back, rubbing her rubs and down towards her rump. "What you did, perhaps it will quicken. I am ready to do that, my little part... But there are so many who will not, pleased as they are."

You listen with growing unease as Fleur reveals her overtures carried ulterior motives.

While her actions came from administrative duty, not personal desire, you feel discomfort at being an unknowing means to an end. Sensing this, Fleur takes your hands pleadingly.

"I did not only feign caring, my sweet. You have moved me deeply. But yes, we face slow extinction from our overcontentment without new bloodlines."

She gestures to the vibrant night around you both. "All this beauty fading unless some put harmony aside for raw nature's role...I could not let bliss blind me, non?"

Stroking your face, she adds gently, "Yet still I saw your kind soul beyond mere physiology." Fleur smiles sadly. "Can you forgive me for mixing affections and obligations? I never wished to offend..."

Looking into her eyes, you see authentic affection tinged with diplomatic remorse. But what can you do? What does she ultimately want? She certainly got it from you already?

"Non." She smiles, sitting up. "I do not want this one night, nor does Equestria. I want to ask, and for you to answer. Give me permission, oui, and you will be our stud. Your life will be long and good, with whatever mares wish you. Surely there are many worse fates, non?"

She curls a hoof at herself. "I would wish, if you would have it, that we remain together. As friends? As more? That is your decision."

Peering into Fleur's hopeful eyes, you realize this goes beyond a singular tryst - she's inviting you into an extended role serving Equestria's interests. As a valued stud bolstering the pony population, paired with willing mares.

The offer gives you pause - while intimacy with multiple partners holds surface appeal, deeper motivations skew the dynamic. Yet Fleur emphasizes consent - you must grant permission freely. Perhaps in time her request won't feel an emotional burden...

Sensing your hesitation, she takes your hands. "I ask only while Equestria needs help, however long that may be. In return - comfort and friendship without judgment."

Tracing your fingers, she adds softly, "I cannot force this fate upon anycreature...but I believe we could find happiness together in it."

Could this arrangement accommodate affection while aiding struggling ponykind? Her sympathetic eyes hold space for you to process it all - no pressure, only patience and empathy for your conflictions.

Who could say no to such an enchanting creature?

The End.