Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story

by Flip_The_Table

Chapter 8 New Day (Edited)

The room was dimly lit by a single flickering light bulb, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls. A man sat slumped in a chair, his body covered in cuts and bruises, a testament to the violence he had endured. As he stirred awake, a rat scurried off his leg and disappeared into the shadows, leaving him alone with the ominous presence that lurked there.

"You're awake... good," a voice echoed through the darkness, its tone distorted and unsettling, sending shivers down the man's spine. It sounded almost female, but there was something off about it, something unnatural.

The man spat on the floor, a mixture of defiance and fear in his eyes as he addressed the mysterious voice. "What do you want? Money?" he demanded, his voice tinged with bitterness as he glared at the two glowing eyes that watched him from the darkness.

The man's laughter echoed through the dimly lit room, a harsh sound that reverberated off the walls. "You think you can stop us?" he scoffed, his voice tinged with arrogance despite his battered appearance. "You're just one person against an army."

But as he glanced down at the floor, his laughter faltered. A rat scurried into view, nibbling on a piece of bread with small, frantic movements. The sight sent a chill down the man's spine, a flicker of unease crossing his features as he realized the gravity of the situation.

The mysterious voice spoke again, its tone cold and calculating. "I know what your business is, and I'm here to put an end to it," it said, the words hanging heavy in the air like a promise of impending doom.

As the tension in the room thickened, a photo slid across the floor, coming to rest at the man's feet. He stared at it in disbelief, his eyes widening as recognition dawned.

It was a photo of Pathfinder, the humanoid robot that had been causing chaos and intrigue in the area. The man's heart skipped a beat as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"You... you're after him?" he stammered, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief.

The mysterious voice remained silent, its presence looming ominously in the darkness. The man felt a chill run down his spine as he stared at the photo, realizing that he was now caught in the crosshairs of a dangerous game he had no hope of winning.

The man's defiant glare met Ash's cold, metallic gaze as he struggled against his restraints, a mixture of fear and anger flashing in his eyes. "You won't stop him!" he spat out, his voice laced with desperation. "That thing will be our greatest heist, mark my words!" Ash raised her sword, its sleek blade catching the dim light in a deadly glint. Without a word, she brought it down in a swift arc, cutting through the air with precision.

The man's protests were silenced as the blade sliced through him, leaving him gasping for breath, his words choked off in a gurgling cry of pain. His lifeless eyes stared up at Ash in disbelief as darkness closed in around him.

"You were wrong," Ash said, her voice cold and remorseless as she regarded the fallen man. "Pathfinder will not be your greatest heist. He will be your undoing." With a flick of her cloak, Ash disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind only the echo of her words and the chilling silence of the empty room. "I'll find him... and save Pathfinder... and get the hell out of here..." Ash muttered to herself, her metallic voice tinged with determination as she surveyed the scene before her.

The two glowing eyes narrowed for a moment before looking away, their owner retreating into the darkness. As Ash vanished from sight, the only movement in the room was the sound of a rat scurrying up her metallic form, a silent witness to the events that had transpired.

Left behind in the dimly lit room, the lifeless body of the man served as a grim reminder of the consequences of crossing paths with Pathfinder and those who sought to protect him. In the eerie silence that followed, the air was heavy with tension and the lingering presence of unseen threats lurking in the shadows.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow through the window, Apple Bloom sat at her desk, surrounded by textbooks and study materials. With a determined expression, she pored over her notes, her brow furrowed in concentration as she prepared for an upcoming test.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat beside her, their own textbooks open as they quizzed each other on the material. The room was filled with the soft rustle of pages turning and the occasional murmur of discussion as they worked through the study material together.

Apple Bloom's pencil flew across the page as she jotted down key points, her mind focused on absorbing as much information as possible. Despite the pressure of the impending test, there was a sense of camaraderie in the air as the three friends supported each other in their studies.

As they delved deeper into the material, the hours passed by in a blur, each moment bringing them closer to mastery of the subject matter. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Apple Bloom couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the progress they had made together. With her friends by her side, she knew she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Apple Bloom and her friends delved into their studies within the cozy confines of their treehouse, the evening wore on. Outside, the search led by Applejack and her friends continued without success. Despite their efforts, Pathfinder remained elusive, hidden away from prying eyes.

Inside the snug study room, the atmosphere was one of determination mixed with a touch of apprehension. While Apple Bloom and her friends focused on their academic pursuits, they couldn't help but wonder about the outcome of the search.

With each passing hour, the tension mounted, and as the night grew darker, the sense of unease crept into their thoughts. But despite the uncertainty looming outside, Apple Bloom and her friends remained steadfast in their resolve to succeed in their studies.

As the clock ticked on, they pressed on, surrounded by the comforting familiarity of their treehouse sanctuary. And though the outcome of the search remained unknown, they took comfort in the knowledge that they were doing everything they could to prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the evening progressed, Applejack and her friends reluctantly concluded their search for Pathfinder, the elusive robot who remained hidden from their sight. Despite their efforts, they had come up empty-handed, unable to uncover any trace of the mysterious figure.

With heavy hearts, they made the decision to leave the area, their footsteps echoing softly as they departed into the fading light of the evening. Though disappointed by their lack of success, they remained determined to continue their search another day.
As Applejack and her friends departed, Apple Bloom and her companions exchanged a determined look. Without hesitation, they turned on their heels and swiftly made their way back to Apple Bloom's house where they knew Pathfinder was hidden.

With urgency driving them forward, they hurried through the dimly lit streets, the urgency of their mission propelling them onward. Each step brought them closer to their destination, their determination unwavering.

Arriving at Apple Bloom's house, they wasted no time. With practiced stealth, they slipped inside and made their way to the room where Pathfinder was hidden. Their hearts pounded in anticipation as they flung open the door, relief flooding through them as they saw Pathfinder safe and sound.

Without a moment to spare, they quickly lifted Pathfinder from his hiding spot and prepared to make their escape. With their mission accomplished, they knew they had to move quickly before Applejack would return later.

"Okay, that was close!" Applebloom sighed in relief, the tension of the situation finally starting to ebb away. With Pathfinder safely in their custody, they knew they needed to find a secure place to regroup and plan their next move.

Together, they quietly escorted the bot back to the safety of the treehouse, their footsteps soft against the forest floor as they made their way through the darkness. Each step brought them closer to their sanctuary, a place where they could take stock of their situation and strategize their next steps.

As they reached the familiar surroundings of the treehouse, they ushered Pathfinder inside, the sense of relief palpable in the air. With their friend safe and sound once again, they settled in, ready to rest and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Friends... why am I still here?" Pathfinder's voice rang out, his screen displaying a questioning expression as he turned to face Apple Bloom and her friends.

Apple Bloom exchanged a worried glance with her companions, unsure of how to answer Pathfinder's inquiry. They had brought him back to the treehouse for safety, but now that he was here, they realized they hadn't fully considered what to do next.

Before anyone could respond, Pathfinder's attention was drawn to Big Mac, who was peering at him through the window with a curious expression. The sight of the familiar face brought a sense of unease, reminding them that their actions had consequences beyond their control.

"We... we just wanted to keep you safe," Apple Bloom finally replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But now that you're here... we'll figure out what to do next, together." Pathfinder's screen flickered with understanding as he absorbed Apple Bloom's words. Despite the uncertainty of their situation, he felt a sense of gratitude for their unwavering loyalty and determination to protect him.

"Thank you, Apple Bloom," Pathfinder responded, his voice filled with sincerity. "I trust in our ability to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead, as long as we face them together." With a nod of agreement, Apple Bloom and her friends gathered around Pathfinder, their bond stronger than ever as they prepared to confront the unknown together. In the safety of their treehouse sanctuary.

In a sleek, modern business building, a group of individuals gathered in a dimly lit conference room, their voices hushed as they discussed the enigmatic hero robot that had captured their attention. "This hero robot has become quite the nuisance," remarked one man, his voice tinged with frustration as he glanced at the screens displaying images of Pathfinder. "It's been eluding our grasp for far too long."

Across the table, a woman leaned forward, her expression determined. "We need to step up our efforts to capture it. The longer it remains at large, the more of a threat it poses to our city.” Nods of agreement rippled through the room as the group contemplated their next move. For them, Pathfinder was not a hero, but an obstacle to be overcome—a potential danger to their plans that needed to be neutralized at all costs.

The room fell silent as Mayor Mare, the city's esteemed leader, entered the conference room. Her presence commanded attention, and the conversation among the gathered individuals came to an immediate halt. With a glance around the room, Mayor Mare conveyed authority and determination.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Mayor Mare began, her voice steady and authoritative. "I'm sure you're all aware of the recent developments concerning the hero robot that has been causing quite a stir in our city." Her words hung in the air, the gravity of the situation palpable in the room. There was a sense of anticipation as everyone waited for the mayor to continue, knowing that her words would carry weight.

"However," Mayor Mare continued, her tone softening slightly, "I believe we may be jumping to conclusions about this robot's intentions. From what I've seen, it doesn't appear to be as malicious as some are suggesting."

A murmur of dissent rippled through the room, with some members of the group exchanging skeptical glances. They were unconvinced by the mayor's words, their belief in the robot's threat unwavering. "With all due respect, Mayor Mare," one individual spoke up, their voice tinged with skepticism, "we can't afford to take any chances. This robot has already caused enough trouble, and who knows what it might do next if we don't take action."

The mayor listened attentively to their concerns, her expression thoughtful. Despite her belief in giving the robot the benefit of the doubt, she understood the importance of maintaining order and safety in the city. "In that case," Mayor Mare said finally, her tone resolute, "let's proceed with caution. But let's also keep an open mind and consider all possible options before making any hasty decisions." With the mayor's words ringing in their ears, the group resumed their discussion, their focus now on finding a solution that balanced prudence with fairness in dealing with the enigmatic hero robot.

As the discussion continued, the group turned their attention to the question of how to refer to the hero robot and what steps to take next. Voices chimed in, each offering suggestions and opinions on the matter. "I propose we call him Happy Bot," one person suggested, their tone filled with enthusiasm. "It captures his positive and helpful nature, don't you think?"

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room, with several nodding in approval of the proposed name. "Happy Bot it is, then," Mayor Mare declared, her voice carrying a note of finality. With the name settled, the group shifted their focus to the next steps in dealing with Happy Bot. Ideas were exchanged, ranging from increased surveillance to potential outreach efforts to establish communication with the robot.

"We need to approach this situation with caution," Mayor Mare advised, her tone measured. "While we must be prepared to act if necessary, we should also explore all possible avenues for peaceful resolution."

Her words resonated with the group, and they nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of a balanced approach. With a plan beginning to take shape, they resolved to proceed thoughtfully and deliberately in their dealings with Happy Bot, mindful of the potential consequences of their actions. As the group deliberated on their course of action, another voice chimed in, cutting through the discussion with a sense of urgency.

"Mayor Mare, with all due respect, I believe we're underestimating the potential threat posed by this... Happy Bot," the newcomer interjected, their tone grave.

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to the speaker, their attention captured by the seriousness of their words. "We've seen what this robot is capable of," the individual continued, their voice tinged with concern. "We can't afford to be complacent. If we don't act decisively, who knows what kind of chaos it might unleash next?"

The mayor listened attentively to the concerns raised, her expression thoughtful as she weighed their words. While she remained optimistic about the robot's intentions, she understood the need to address the legitimate fears of her constituents. As the discussion unfolded, Mayor Mare turned her attention to the individual who had raised the alarm about the potential threat posed by Happy Bot. With a furrowed brow, she regarded the newcomer, a sense of concern evident in her eyes.

"Who exactly are you, and why do you believe this robot poses such a significant threat?" Mayor Mare inquired, her voice steady but tinged with curiosity. "I am Bomber, leader of a mercenary group that specializes in handling high-risk situations," Bomber explained, their tone matter-of-fact. "We've encountered Happy Bot before, and trust me when I say that it's not as innocent as it seems." he lied

Their words sent a ripple of unease through the room, the gravity of the situation sinking in as the group absorbed the implications of Bomber's warning. "We've seen firsthand the destruction this robot is capable of," Bomber continued, their voice carrying a sense of urgency. "If we don't take action now, it's only a matter of time before it poses a real threat to our city and its inhabitants." he lied again.

As Bomber's warnings echoed through the room, Mayor Mare listened attentively, her expression thoughtful as she weighed the implications of the situation. When Bomber concluded their remarks, the mayor's gaze shifted to the assembled group, her voice firm but measured.

"I appreciate your concerns, Bomber, but we must approach this situation with caution," Mayor Mare began, her tone resolute. "While we cannot ignore the potential threat posed by Happy Bot, we must also consider the consequences of our actions. We cannot risk causing undue harm to our city or its inhabitants."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room, with several individuals nodding in approval of the mayor's cautious approach. However, there were others who voiced dissent, their voices filled with apprehension. "But Mayor Mare, we can't afford to wait until it's too late," one person interjected, their tone urgent. "We've already seen the damage that Happy Bot has caused. If we don't act now, who knows what it might do next?"

Their words struck a chord with the group, eliciting a sense of fear and uncertainty as they contemplated the potential consequences of inaction. The mayor's resolve wavered slightly as she took in the expressions of concern on the faces of those gathered.

Mayor Mare sighed, her expression conflicted as she grappled with the weight of the decision before her. "I understand your concerns, but we cannot allow fear to dictate our actions," she replied, her voice tinged with empathy. "We will continue to monitor the situation closely and explore all possible avenues for resolving this peacefully."

With that, the group reluctantly accepted the mayor's decision, albeit with a sense of unease lingering in the air. As they dispersed, each person carried with them a sense of apprehension about what the future might hold and the looming threat posed by the enigmatic Happy Bot.

Stepping outside the building, Bomber's expression hardened with resolve. Swiftly retrieving their phone, they dialed a number, the urgency palpable in their movements as they awaited a response. As the phone rang, Bomber wasted no time getting to the point. "It's time to enact the plan," they stated curtly, their voice laced with determination. "Pathfinder is becoming too much of a liability. We need to capture it before it causes any more trouble."

On the other end of the line, the recipient listened intently, the crackle of static barely masking their agreement. Bomber's words resonated with a shared goal: to harness Happy Bot's power for their own purposes, no matter the cost.

"Agreed," came the response, terse and unwavering. "Proceed as planned. We'll make good use of what we capture."

With the call concluded, Bomber steeled themselves for the task ahead. They knew that capturing Happy Bot would not be easy, but the potential rewards far outweighed the risks. With a sense of purpose driving them forward, they set out to execute their plan, ready to do whatever it took to achieve their goals.