CYOA: Next in Line

by David Silver


"Oh, sorry." Derpy places a big final stamp with a hoof press. "Well, um, thank you, for being patient. As an accidental visitor, you are hereby certified as a refugee."

She pushes away the clipboard and ducks down to fetch up a dangling badge. "Put this on." She offers it to you. "This lets everyone know to be extra nice while you get used to things. Oh, if you want assistance in moving on to another world, just ask!"

The badge looks like a pegasus from the front, their wings curled upward around an emoji face with a single tear falling down its cheek.

You ask if going back home is an option.

"Afraid not." She lifts both hooves in a grand shrug. "With the time differentials involved, even if we got you home, it wouldn't be the home you're hoping for. Stay, or move along. Now, me? I say you should look around first! Maybe you'll like it, or not. The offer's open, so what's the harm?"

She offers a hoof towards you. "Either way, welcome to Equestria, and I hope you have a lovely time for however long you're here."

1) Move for the door for Equestria proper.
2) Have questions for Derpy. She's so cute!
3) Please send me along.