//------------------------------// // Extinct // Story: Foreign Relationships // by smirker //------------------------------// The Earth was newly created by a being called The Maker and it made various creatures appear to roam it, the many creatures fought one another and some went extinct while others thrived, beings from high in the sky and deep below the ground also emerged to wage war. A small kingdom got established in the center of the Earth and it expanded slowly as its ruler brought animal herds and groups of bugs under its rule, some of the creatures fought and challenged the ruler and some went under its rule while others established their own kingdoms. Time passed and many more creatures appeared, creatures from other planets in outer space and other realms and dimensions also began coming to the Earth, they already had their own civilizations made and some became allies, some remained neutral, and some became enemies. More creatures and civilizations appeared while the one in the center of the Earth stood for centuries, it eventually became an empire where many creatures lived together and everyone could travel anywhere in the world. Everything was peaceful and harmonious and a device was built that could teleport the kingdom anywhere in existence to have diplomatic meetings, an event in space caused every creature to suddenly go extinct and the device was left unattended, one of its coordinates went off at random and the kingdom got teleported elsewhere. Equestria and the other countries were getting on with their days peacefully until a rift and white electricity appeared in the ocean to Equestria's northeast, the place appeared and everybody looked on in awe at the place, there were many different types of homes in it and a big, tall, gold, rectangular shaped castle with three pointed rooftops on it in the center of the new land. Everybody looked at it curiously and noticed something off, "I don't see anybody." Princess Ember reported, "Yeah, place looks deserted." King Thorax added, "What? How strange, everything looks clean and well kept." Princess Luna observed, "Come on, everyone, let's see if there's anyone there." Twilight Sparkle said, and she, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike went into her hot air balloon and flew there. The Mane Six and Spike arrived at the kingdom and did not see a single person in the parts they flew over, "Huh? Where is everybody?" Pinkie Pie asked, "That's what Ah wanna know, Pinkie Pie, them leavin' suddenly and leavin' their stuff behind like this ain't natural." Applejack responded, "Well, at least some of them left behind their fashion, I can use that as a way to determine how they lived and preserve their history." Rarity remarked, "I think the homes would be better at preserving their history." Fluttershy spoke as she saw tipis, yarangas, mounds, apartment complexes, bungalows, coffins, palaces, castles, fortresses, towers, items and art in caves, holes that led underground, and more items in trees, "Wow, a lot's been left behind." Pinkie Pie remarked, "Yeah, this is definitely not normal." Rainbow Dash replied, "Well, we're about to arrive at the big castle in the center, let's go." Twilight Sparkle said, and they landed. The Mane Six walked forward and saw the place was abandoned, they called out for people but there was no answer, they entered the castle and saw the halls were very tall and wide, they checked the rooms saw empty plaques on the walls in several rooms, "Huh, strange, something used to be on them and they're missing now." Twilight Sparkle stated, "There's labels on the bottom of them." Spike said, and they looked, "I don't recognize the language, Spike." Twilight Sparkle said, Pinkie Pie dashed to the plaques and read them, "Hmm, they seemed to have been display for creature heads, this one says 'Tyrannosaurus', this one says 'Stegosaurus', this one is 'Allosaurus', this one is 'Velociraptor', this one says 'Dunkleosteus', this one says 'Quetzalcoatlus', this one says 'Mosasaurus'..." Pinkie Pie said, "Pinkie Pie, we don't have time to go over all of it right now." Twilight Sparkle reminded, and she went back to them, "Alright, let's keep examining." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they did. They checked the other rooms and found more plaques on the walls alongside a map room for their home planet, space, and other realms and dimensions, an armory, several bedrooms and bathrooms, a dungeon, training grounds behind the castle, a shower room, a huge dining room, a room for taking care of and feeding pets, a blacksmithing room, an alchemy room, a chemistry room, a room for experimenting with magic with tomes and runes everywhere, a room for building machines, and a room for communicating with ghosts. The Mane Six and Spike went up to the top floor in the center part and arrived at a throne room, "Huh? There's no ruler." Rainbow Dash spoke, "Let's search and see if we can find something." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they did. Everybody found many different flags of various shapes, sizes, and colors alongside family crests and coats of arms, "Hey! Ah found somethin' here y'all." Applejack reported, they went to her and found a strange looking device, "What is this?" Fluttershy questioned, "Looks like some kind of recorder." Twilight Sparkle replied, she checked it with her magic and she and friends got startled when one of the buttons made a projector screen come up. The screen showed the same kingdom as now and many other smaller civilizations around it, a male Caucasian human wearing a black tall hat and had shoulder-length blond hair and a moustache, "A human?" Spike exclaimed, "Emperor Volvox, our time to be erased from existence is nigh, this is my last report to you as I, the Count of Saint Germain, is about to be gone for good. I am five years in the future from now, a being in space named Azathoth is going to awaken, when it does, all life on the planets will be erased, life in other realms and dimensions will be untouched due to it being put back asleep before it can erase them. My time is short, I'm afraid I won't be returning, as the only person in our enormous empire who can travel through time ever since Asmer's death, I bid you farewell and good luck on preserving our planet's history, tell the others I have said goodbye as well." the man said and he suddenly disappeared. The Mane Six and Spike looked on in disbelief and at the kingdom, "So everybody did disappear, they're gone-gone." Applejack remarked, "Still why did it come here?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "We'll search later, we have to report to the others what happened." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they went back to the hot air balloon and took off. Everybody watched and waited for the Mane Six and Spike to appear, they appeared in the air with the hot air balloon and Twilight Sparkle exhaled, "Attention, everyone, we have checked the place, it is an abandoned kingdom, everybody who has resided there has gone extinct." Twilight Sparkle reported in her Royal Canterlot Voice, the others gasped and exclaimed, "It's true, y'all, we found a recording, some guy who called himself the Count of Saint Germain was able to travel through time and went into the future, he sent back a recordin' and he said some bein' named Azathoth was gonna awaken and everyone would begin gettin' erased from existence, we didn't get targeted cause it was put back asleep before it could reach us, these guys tried preservin' their history as much as they could before they got erased." Applejack explained, "Oh, then maybe we can find out who they were." Princess Cadance suggested, "I agree, only other name we got besides this Count of Saint Germain is Emperor Volvox, this place was the center of a giant empire, we've found maps, too, this is only one part of it." Twilight Sparkle stated, "Let's start checking it out tomorrow, for now, let's rest, everycreature." Princess Celestia said, everybody agreed and went home, "I'm going to contact Sunset Shimmer and hope she can come tomorrow and help us." Twilight Sparkle spoke, her friends nodded and they all went home and slept. The next day came and Sunset Shimmer arrived, everybody explored the new land and looked for artifacts, everyone found books, maps, TVs, pots, rings, bracelets, clothes, weapons, armor, tools, paintings, statues, carvings, religious artifacts, and many different forms of artwork, "My, so many different styles in everything, it's like many cultures merged together into one." Rarity stated, "So, do you recognize this language, Sunset?" Twilight Sparkle asked while she showed her the plaques, "No, can't say that I do, let's check the others, I'm seeing English, Spanish, and Chinese languages as well, maybe we can figure out something." Sunset Shimmer stated, and she looked, she pointed out the languages Japanese, Korean, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, German, and Portuguese, "Could this be it?" Sunset Shimmer asked as she showed her a language called Pascuan, "That doesn't look like it." Twilight Sparkle responded, and they checked more, "Uh-huh! I found it, the language on the plaques is called... Enochian?" Sunset Shimmer said, "You know it?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "No, I've never heard of it." Sunset Shimmer responded, "It looks like this language had some kind of power to it, all of the magic tomes and spells here are written in it." Princess Celestia stated while she examined them, "Hey! Look at this picture here." Silverstream said, and everybody did. They looked and gasped in awe when they saw many creatures in it, they saw Volvox an extremely big quadrupedal creature with three heads, the back of his heads shaped like semicircles and the front were shaped like two back-to-back right triangles, he did not have any ears or noses, his four eyes were slanted and monochromatic and did not have any pupils or irises and were on the sides of his head. The right half of his body and right head were gray and skeletal with black holes in place of his eyes and white teeth, the five claws on his right front foot and right hind foot were also made of gray bones. The left half of his body and his left head were pitch black like a shadow, the head's eyes and teeth and five claws on his left front foot and left hind foot were red. His center head, spine, and tail were pink and made out of a parasitic-like skin, his spine had yellow seven pointed star-like organic matters growing on him and each tip was sharp, the tip of his tail was yellow and shaped like a spear's tip with sharp tips on the back corners, and the center head's eyes and teeth, the seven-pointed organic stars, and his tail's tip were yellow. Everybody kept looking and saw a person to his right called Dommiel, he was wearing a dark blue suit of armor with three red-orange organic spikes on his pauldrons, a white spike on the back of each couter, white spikes on the back of his bracers and gauntlets, a white spike on the top of each sabaton and the end of his sabatons were pointed and sharp, his cuirass did not have any decorations on it, and his leg armor were one piece that covered his entire shins and calves, knee pads, another piece covering his entire thighs, and a piece of armor that covered his groin and butt areas, his helmet covered his entire head and left only his glowing red eyes exposed, he had three white horns on his helmet with two curved horns on the sides and one straight horn on his forehead. There was a human named Tom standing to Volvox's left and he was a very old bald man with dark tan skin and had a full white beard, he only wore beige tattered pants and was barefoot, his eyes were glowing gold, "They must've been the empire's rulers." King Thorax deduced, "I guess, there's two more people there with them." Twilight Sparkle spoke, they saw the next person was muscular, had light blue skin, white monochromatic eyes, a strong jawline, shoulder-length straight black hair, and was shirtless and barefoot and only wore torn black pants, he had bandages around his hands with five knife blades on each hand, and his name was Giovi, "I wonder what he is." Sandbar remarked, "So, who is that last guy there?" Starlight Glimmer questioned as she pointed to the man wearing a black tall hat, red coat, white pants, black vest, and white shoes, "Oh, that's that Count of Saint Germain guy we saw in the recording yesterday." Rainbow Dash revealed, "I must say, he is dressed quite fabulously." Rarity complimented, "Ah'm guessin' all of these named folks were the rulers or somethin' with Volvox bein' the top ruler." Applejack deduced, "That's my guess, too, let's see what their names are." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they did. Everybody looked at the big beings in the skies and saw the names, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, Azrael, Abaddon, Lucifer, Leviathan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Satan, Zeus, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Artemis, Typhon, Osiris, Amun, Ra, Khonshu, Anubis, Apep, Set, Odin, Thor, Vishnu, Bishamonten, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Fujin, Raijin, Huitzilopochtli, Pazuzu, Dumuzid, Ishtar, Sun Wukong, Azathoth, Cxaxukluth, Daoloth, Ghroth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzscha, Yibb-Tstll, Yog-Sothoth, and four skeletal figures in black cloaks riding on horses, the one holding a bow and riding a white horse and wearing a crown was White Rider, the one holding a sword and riding a red horse was Red Rider, the one holding scales and riding a black horse was Black Rider, and the one holding a scythe and riding a pale horse was Pale Rider, "That Azathoth guy and those eight around it with unpronounceable names are scary looking." Fluttershy spoke, "Yeah, I wonder what they are." Rainbow Dash responded, they looked at more people grouped together and saw the names Bael, Agares, Vassago, Samigina, Marbas, Valefor, Amon, Barbatos, Paimon, Buer, Gusion, Sitri, Beleth, Leraje, Eligos, Zepar, Botis, Bathin, Sallos, Purson, Morax, Ipos, Aim, Naberius, Glasya-Labolas, Buné, Ronove, Berith, Astaroth, Forneus, Foras, Asmoday, Gaap, Furfur, Marchosias, Stolas, Phenex, Halphas, Malphas, Raum, Focalor, Vepar, Sabnock, Shax, Vine, Bifrons, Vual, Haagenti, Crocell, Furcas, Balam, Alloces, Caim, Murmur, Orobas, Gremory, Ose, Amy, Orias, Vapula, Zagan, Valac, Andras, Flauros, Andrealphus, Kimaris, Amdusias, Belial, Decarabia, Seere, Dantalion, and Andromalius, they looked more and saw three more people grouped with them, their names were Mundus, Argosax, and Davoth, they also saw four beings that made them very uncomfortable with their appearances, their names on the picture were Pinhead, Butterball, Female, and Chatterer, "Those four are scary looking." Ocellus stated, "You said it, there seems to be more rulers on here but not as scary lookin'." Applejack remarked, and they looked at them. They saw a human named King Allant XII of Boleteria, another human called Prince Edmund Blackadder, another human called Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, human representatives Darwin and Marie, mutant representatives Ivan and Lizmarie, robot representatives T-1850 and Model X, devilgor representatives Zerbebuth and Zancrus, humanoid lion-like creatures that represented animals named Cecil and Zira, bug representatives Scarab and Sacer, microscopic creatures representatives Flagellum and Cilia, elf village elder Lazlo, fairy king Oberon, fairy queen Titania, fairy counselor Melvin, orc regent Urub, dwarf king Flamma, vampire count Dracula, werewolf chief Jason, troll king Karstaag, ghoul chief Isbar, Fomorian king Balor, and oni king Shuten-dōji, "Wow, that's a lot of different creatures." Twilight Sparkle remarked, "We should look at the other images and try to see if we can find anything else." Princess Luna responded, and they did. They looked and saw Volvox had a twin sister named Euglena, a female angel named Asmer and a human named Tiffany served alongside her, all three of them died in battle, "Alright, that looks like all of the rulers." King Thorax spoke, "Nope, there's one on this one here." Pharynx responded, they looked at the picture and saw a humongous being called the King of All Cosmos on it, he was painted as even bigger than Volvox, "Wow, that might be the biggest being we've ever seen if he ever came to our world." Trixie remarked, "Indeed, I don't think our world would be big enough for me to visit." Rarity said, "Here's a picture Grubber and I found, it's a painting of several named individuals who are said to have accomplished great things." Tempest Shadow stated, and everybody went. They looked at the picture and saw the people on there, first one that caught their attentions were a man and two boys who were robotic upper-right parts of their faces and made out of silver metal, red slanted right eyes, dark red left cheeks, the man's and older boy's human left eyes were blue while the younger boy's human left eye was brown, their right foots were dark red with dark orange undersides and five black claws for toenails, their left foots were robotic and silver, their right hands were robotic, their left hands were alien with the dark red and dark orange skin and had black claws in place of fingers and thumbs, they had dark red bat-like wings with dark orange membranes coming out of their backs with silver robotic parts on them, gills on the sides of their necks, and their abdomens were silver and metallic in some places, dark red with alien skin in other places of their abdomen, and the rest of their bodies were human, the man's name was Harvey, the older boy's name was Nick, and younger boy's name was Lance, "Wow, I wonder what happened to them." Gallus commented, "Yona think person there with them related to three." Yona spoke, they saw a human woman who had pale skin, an hourglass body shape, an inverted triangular face shape, green eyes, and red wavy hair that was styled into a bob and went just past her ears, she was wearing a light beige long-sleeve shirt, pants, and shoes, she had on a light beige cape that went halfway down her back, she also had five small circular jewels in the center of her chest on her shirt that formed a star, the left jewel was a red ruby, the lower-left jewel was a yellow topaz, the lower-right jewel was a green emerald, the right jewel was a blue sapphire, and the top jewel was a purple amethyst, she had five beams coming out of her right hand with a yellow beam with gray rocks in it coming out of her thumb, a small green tornado coming out of her pinky finger, red and orange fire coming out of her ring finger, blue water coming out of her index finger, and purple lightning coming out of her middle finger, the picture identified her as Orchid, "It looks like... those four were a family." Ocellus deduced, "I see it, too, though judging by the young boy's eye color, he might be adopted." Starlight Glimmer added, "I must say though, those two would make for some interesting parents." Shining Armor remarked, the others chuckled, "Come on, let's see who the rest are." Twilight Sparkle said, and everybody looked. They looked at the next people and the first person who caught their attention was a man with three different names, it read as Joe/Manco/Blondie, the next names were Josey Wales, Shane, Ash Williams, Ellen Ripley, Bishop, Dwayne Hicks, Rebecca "Newt" Jorden, Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, R.J. MacReady, Kirsty Cotton, Sarah Connor, John Connor, Snake Plissken, Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, Swamp Thing, everyone saw another person with more than one name that read as Bruce Banner/Hulk, the next people they saw were Harry Callahan, Dexter Morgan, they then saw two people with two names, they were Takeshi Hongo/Kamen Rider 1 and Hayato Ichimonji/Kamen Rider 2, the next people in the picture were Tobei Tachibana, Kazuya Taki, Issun, Dante, Sparda, Lazlo En Kuldes, Corvo Attano, Solid Snake, Big Boss, HUNK, Sebastian Castellanos, Samus Aran, Master Chief, Bill Rizer, Gordon Freeman, Commander Shephard, Issac Clarke, Doom Slayer, Cloud Strife, Aya Brea, John Marston, Erron Black, Professor Utonium, Bubbles, Blossom, Buttercup, Steven Universe, Greg Universe, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Bismuth, Black Dynamite, Guts, Gene Starwind, another man with two names that identified him as Shimi/Leilong, and the guy after him with two names that identified him as Duke Togo/Golgo 13 the next names were Lina Inverse, Daniel Lamprey, Mercer, Silver, Rock, Aero, Alice, and Roger, "Wow, that's a lot of people." Apple Bloom said, "It sure is, Apple Bloom, this must've been one powerful empire." Applejack replied, "Hey, look here, it says at the bottom that they have been recognized for their efforts in keeping the empire safe by either fighting in wars or acting as law enforcement, some of them seemed to have stopped some invasions single-handedly, too." Autumn Blaze stated, "There's another picture of renowned and recognizable people here, too." Grampa Gruff stated, and they went. Everybody looked at the people and saw the names Homer Simpson, Marge Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Maggie Simpson, Snowball V, Santa's Little Helper, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown, Joe Swanson, Huey Freeman, Riley Freeman, Robert Freeman, Uncle Ruckus, Bullhorn, Cream Corn, Honey Bee, Shake, Frylock, Meatwad, Carl Brutananadilewski, Rick Sanchez, Morty Smith, Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Baljeet Tjinder, Buford Van Stomm, Gumball Watterson, Darwin Watterson, Anais Watterson, Nicole Watterson, Richard Watterson, Billy, Mandy, Grim, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Randy Marsh, Mordecai, Rigby, Lucas Kane, Ethan Mars, Shaun Mars, Mike Ehrmantraut, Gus Fring, Chibs Telford, Vito Corleone, Eikichi Onizuka, Kumiko Yamaguchi, Black Jack, Harry Mason, James Sunderland, Heather Mason, Henry Townshend, Travis Grady, Alex Shepherd, Murphy Pendleton, Torque, Vincent Brooks, Orlando Haddick, Jonny Ariga, Toby Nebbins, and Erica Anderson, "Wow, let's see here. The Simpson, Griffin, Freeman, no relation to Gordon Freeman, and Watterson families, along with Quagmire, Cleveland, Joe, Uncle Ruckus, Bullhorn, Cream Corn, Honey Bee, Shake, Frylock, Meatwad, Carl, Rick, Morty, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, Billy, Mandy, Grim, Courage, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, Randy, Mordecai, Rigby, Lucas, Ethan, Shaun, Mike, Gus, Chibs, Vito, Onizuka, Yamaguchi, Black Jack, Harry, James, Heather, Henry, Travis, Alex, Murphy, Torque, Vincent, Orlando, Jonny, Toby, and Erica are renowned for either dealing with smaller and one-time threats, keeping the empire clean of drugs, or contributing to improving the empire in some form." Twilight Sparkle read at the bottom, "I think the last picture's over here, it looks to be the empire's entertainers." Sandbar spoke, everybody looked at it and saw even more people in it, their names were Mr. Bean, Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner, Dot Warner, Bobby, Pesto, Squit, Buttons, Mindy, Rita, Runt, Slappy Squirrel, Skippy Squirrel, and a band called Dethklok which consisted of Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, William Murderface, Pickles the Drummer, and Toki Wartooth, "What in tarnation are Yakko, Wakko, and Dot supposed to be?" Applejack questioned, "I have no clue, but it says here they and the others in the picture are renowned for being entertainers and uplifting the spirits of those who were upset." Twilight Sparkle responded as she read the bottom text, "Is that all of the pictures?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Nope, there's another one over here." Smolder responded, and they went to it. They looked and saw fourteen human men in the picture, their names were King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Prince Geraint, Sir Percival, Sir Bors the Younger, Sir Lamorak, Sir Kay, Sir Gareth, Sir Bedivere, Sir Gaheris, Sir Galahad, Sir Tristan, and Sir Palamedes, "Knights of the Round Table, most heroic humans in our empire's history who protected and defended the weak from threats." Twilight Sparkle read, she also noticed a wizard named Merlin in the picture's background, "*gasp* Twilight! Twilight! Look! Over here!" Pinkie Pie hollered, Twilight Sparkle trotted to her and Pinkie Pie pointed at a person, she gasped when she saw a picture of Phoenix Wright, "It is him, so he was a native of this empire." Twilight Sparkle remarked, she also saw Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright, Athena Cykes, and Jimmy McGill, "Let's see here, oh, best lawyers in the empire, aw, Phoenix really was renowned back at home." Twilight Sparkle chirped while smiling, "Okay, that seems to be everybody." Dragon Lord Torch said as he looked around, "Still, wow, that's a lot of famous people." Sunset Shimmer commented, "Come, let us see if we can find more art of these people." Princess Luna spoke, everybody agreed and they went elsewhere. Everybody traveled together and found many pedestals in one area but there was nothing on them, "Huh? Where is everything?" Sunset Shimmer asked, "Pinkie, can you read the Enochian language at the bottom?" Twilight Sparkle requested, and she dashed over. She read the plaques while no one knew what they were, "Spinosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Eotriceratops, Pachycephalosaurus, Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Allosaurus, Triceratops, Chilesaurus." Pinkie Pie said, everybody became confused while she went to the next group, "Mosasaurus, Kronosaurus, Elasmosaurus, Shonisaurus, Nothosaurus, Liopleurodon." Pinkie Pie read, she dashed to the next group, "Arambourgiania, Sordes, Pterodactyl, Microraptor." Pinkie Pie read and then dashed to the next ones, "Smilodon, Amphicyon, Elasmotherium, Anancus, Arctodus, Entelodont, Titanoboa, Megalania, Megatherium, Beelzebufo, Gigantopithecus, Arthropleura, Cervalces, American Lion, Mastodon, Woolly Mammoth, Homotherium, Saber-toothed tiger, Dinictis, Dire Wolf, Aelurodon, Borophagus, Xenosmilus." Pinkie Pie read and then went to the next ones, "Dunkleosteus, Deinosuchus, Sarcosuchus, Archelon, Cameroceras, Megalodon, Tiktaalik, Atopodentatus, Eurypterus." Pinkie Pie said and then went to the last group, "Argentavis, Quetzalcoatlus." Pinkie Pie read, "I wonder what these were." Scootaloo commented while the others agreed, "Well, come on, let's see what else we can find." King Thorax remarked, and everybody went elsewhere. Everybody walked around and saw more images and noticed some of the beings from before, they had other beings serving under them and each one was named, the creatures serving under Zeus, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Artemis, and Typhon were a bird made of red fire named Phoenix, fairies, giants, were-beasts, cyclopes, Cerberus, Orthrus, the Hydra, the Chimera, the Minotaur, harpies, a Sphinx, Scylla, Charybdis, the Nemean Lion, the Erymanthian Boar, Stymphalian Birds, Catoblepas, centaurs, satyrs, a live statue named Talos, giants underwater called Laestrygonians, three Gorgons named Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, sirens, nymphs that were divided into oreads, naiads, nereids, oceanids, alseids, auloniads, leimakids, napaeas, anthousais, dryads, hamadryads, hyleorois, and a unique nymph named Nephele, the Griffon, the Hippogriff, the Colchian Dragon, Ladon, and the Caucasian Eagle, "So those big beings in the first picture had people servin' under them, too." Applejack commented, "Let's see the next one." Sweetie Belle responded, and they did. They saw Odin and he was riding on a horse named Sleipnir and the people with him were Thor, the Kraken, elves, the Valkyries, trolls, and draugr, "Alright, let's see who's next." Pharynx and said, and they saw Osiris, Amun, Ra, Khonshu, Anubis, Apep, and Set, the creatures under them were mummies, "Oh, that's too bad, there's only one type here." Smolder commented, the next one had Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Bishamonten, Raijin, and Fujin, the creatures under them were tengus, the Gashadokuro, kitsunes, tanukis, yuki-onnas, Shuten-dōji and his onis, umi-bōzus, the Azukiarai, the Bake-kujira, bakenekos, Enenra, kappas, the Ushi-oni, Hibagon, the Hone-onna, Ikuchi, Isonade, Issie, Ittan-momen, the Jorōgumo, kamaitachis, nekomatas, Wanyūdō, kechibis, Keukegen, Mizuchi, mujinas, mu-onnas, namahages, ningyos, the Nue, nure-onnas, ōkubis, the Ōmukade, onibis, the Onihitokuchi, onikumas, the Raijū, Rōjinbi, the Satori, tenkas, tsuchigumos, the Tsurube-otoshi, yadōkais, the Tsuchinoko, ningens, and Yamata-no-Orochi, "Wow, that's a lot of creatures." Sunset Shimmer stated, and they looked at the next group, it had Pazuzu, Ishtar, and Dumuzid and had incubi and succubi serving under them, "That seems to be all of them, let's see what the others are." Twilight Sparkle spoke, and they looked. Everybody saw a being with Sun Wukong and it was called a pixiu while its name was Tiān lù, the next creatures were creatures that would serve under any god, they were skeletons, dragons, ghosts, and beings made of metal and wires called robots, "Looks, they did have dragons." Spike chirped, "They don't look like our kind, though." Princess Ember remarked, "Alright, and now lastly, the independent creatures who served no one." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they saw the Basilisk, the Cockatrice, the Lambton Worm, the Nuckelavee, the Hound of Baskervilles, the Boogeyman, ogres, the Kelpie, the Fomorians, Owlman, Spring-heeled Jack, the Headless Horseman, Dullahan, the Sluagh, will-o'-the-wisps, goblins, the Tarasque, the Lou Carcolh, golems, Behemoth, Ziz, vampires, zombies, the Aswang, the Manananggal, the Bakunawa, ekeks, wakwaks, the Penanggalan, ghouls, the Azhi Dahaka, the Manticore, the Roc, dwarfs, alps, the Mongolian Death Worm, mermen, mermaids, swan maidens, the Thetis Lake Monster, the Yeti, the Bunyip, yowies, a bird made of blue lightning named Thunderbird, wendigoes, jackalopes, skinwalkers, pukwudgies, the Piasa, mngwas, nandi bears, the Kongamato, the Popobawa, the Grootslang, orcs, Bigfoot, skunk apes, the Jersey Devil, the Dover Demon, the Flatwoods Monster, Mothman, Goatman, the Chupacabra, the Loch Ness Monster, the Morgawr, and creatures called mutants who have changed due to either chemicals or radioactivity, and beings who part organic and part machine called cyborgs, "Wow, I'm surprised, I did not think there would have been this many different types of creatures in it." Twilight Sparkle said, "There's still a few pictures here." Princess Skystar reported, everybody saw a picture of Santa Claus cheering up kids, another picture of a man named Jesus tending to the wounded and they were led by four elderly men, a deaf man named John, a blind man named Peter, a mute man named Christopher, and a man in a wheelchair named Vincent, Jesus was smiling and healing them and others with his powers, the last picture they found was a creature called Baku that ate nightmares so people could sleep and dream in peace, "Okay, that seems to be everybody." Rainbow Dash remarked, "Let's check the books for anything." Daring Do suggested, everybody agreed and opened them. Everybody opened the books and one of the first ones that caught their minds was a book on the empire's enemies, they saw the human enemies were first and the main ones were Cyborea and Judas Iscariot, a human rebel named Ezekiel, a man named Narcissus, an insane doctor named Dr. Challus, and a crazy looking man named Ruvik, there were also groups of demons that the people fought in the past, other enemy types included creatures from other planets that were labeled Xenomorphs, Necromorphs, Yautja, Harvesters, Xen, Strogg, Combine, Furon, Blisk, Saiyan, Namekian, Mooninite, Plutonian, Kryptonian, Symbiote, the Flood, and Gem, a being called The Thing, two individual extraterrestrials named Brainiac and Darkseid, a group of creatures called gremlins, an unknown extraterrestrial species that unleash bugs that produce colorless, odorless poisonous fumes that kill everything, and an alien under the planet's ground named Lavos, they also fought machines called Terminators that were led by a computer called Skynet that also had vehicles under its command, another enemy to the empire was a robot named Grid, and its supernatural threats consisted of demons, cenobites, deadites, apostles, four distinct apostles were Nosferatu Zodd, Wyald, Grunbeld, and Ganishka, malefactors, daedra, two dragons named King Ghidorah and Alduin, eight humans with demonic powers and the group's leader's name was Genma Himuro, three genetically created monsters that were called Mr. X, G/Birkin, and Nemesis, a ghost of a human man named Candyman who had a hook in place of his right hand and controlled bees, a demonic human named Mr. Salacia, and a big worldwide criminal organization of mutant cyborgs called Shocker where each commander had supernatural powers, "My, what a variety of dangers." Rarity stated, "That's not all, Rarity, look at the gremlins." Twilight Sparkle spoke, and she saw the gremlins had twelve commanders and each one had a different power and ability, their names were Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, Volvox had a group of twelve animals fight them and their names were Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig, the animals fought the gremlin commanders and wiped out one another while Tiān lù was fighting the Gremlin King, "What's next?" Queen Novo asked, "We got some blueprints here." Rain Shine spoke, and everyone saw them, they were labeled 'Metal Gear REX', 'Metal Gear RAY', and 'Shagohod', "I wonder what these were." Spike stated, "Who knows, yak have no clue." Prince Rutherford remarked, "That appears to be all of the famous and well known members in this empire's history." Somnambula commented, "I agree with the lass, I do not see anymore pictures or books of famous people." Rockhoof added, "I think so, too, let's see if we can piece together this place's history." Flash Magnus spoke, and everybody did. Everybody worked together to piece together all of the historical documents and pieces of art to determine the empire's history and how it came to be, "Alright, I think we have it all pieced together. There was a being called the Maker that created the universe this empire is from, the gods were created first, Ishtar, Pazuzu, and Dumuzid were the first gods created, Osiris, Amun, Ra, Khonshu, Anubis, Apep, and Set were the next set to be created, Sun Wukong and Tiān lù were next, next were Zeus, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Artemis, and Typhon, Vishnu and Bishamonten were the next ones, Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz came next, next group of gods were Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Fujin, and Raijin, after them were Odin and Thor, and the last one was Huitzilopochtli. The angels and demons were created next, the angels are divided into nine types: Angel, Archangel, Principality, Power, Virtue, Dominion, Throne, Cherubim, and Seraphim, the angels that watched the planet are seven archangels named Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel, they are messengers to the other higher ranked angels while they watch the planet evolve. Azrael and Abaddon were of the Cherubim order but did not follow their realm's rules, so they were cast out to the demon realm and changed to fallen angels. The demon rulers that were created were Lucifer, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Satan, Leviathan was also added and he did double duty, the seventy two named demons we saw earlier are also authority figures but don't have as much authority as those seven." Twilight Sparkle deduced, "That's quite a lot to process already." Mistmane commented, "I agree, my mind isn't what it used to be." Mage Meadowbrook added, "What's next?" Star Swirl the Bearded asked, "The first beings created on the planet was that Volvox guy and his sister Euglena, next were the dragons, and then all of those named creatures on the empty plaques, they're apparently extinct creatures, here are pictures of them, some of them are scary looking." Twilight Sparkle responded, and she showed everybody pictures of them, "Volvox and Euglena fought every creature and some of them went under their rule, and their kingdom was founded, they named it Synchrontopia, after getting those extinct animals under their rule, they fought the angels and demons, Volvox befriended a demon named Dommiel while Euglena befriended an angel named Asmer and became their respective second-in-commands, some of the natives considered defeat to be extremely shameful and preferred death, so the being named Grim was created, White Rider, Red Rider, Black Rider, and Pale Rider were also created but they were reserved in case the Maker decided to make the end of the world happen." Twilight Sparkle continued, "Wow, that sounds like a dangerous home." Ocellus stated, "It's just beginning. Volvox, Euglena, Dommiel, Asmer, and the animals fought the angels and demons while the gods either created new creatures with their powers or had children, the battles became bloodier when extraterrestrials called Yautja came to the planet and beings from other dimensions called Daedra arrived at Earth and joined the battle, everybody came together when the current dragon king Alduin threatened all of existence and the Maker erased him completely, Volvox's and Euglena's kingdom managed to win and expanded to include the new creatures in it, shortly afterwards, a creature from space named Lavos crash landed onto the Earth and began draining the Earth's energy, Volvox, Euglena, and the demons quickly worked together to destroy it." Twilight Sparkle read, "So they managed to subdue the gods?" Terramar exclaimed, "No, their creatures only lived in his kingdom peacefully while the gods did what they pleased." Twilight Sparkle corrected, "Oh." Terramar said, "Eventually, after all of those creatures in the pictures were created, the Maker made the last species: the humans, while they lacked the raw strength and powers of the other creatures, they made up for it in intelligence and skills, the humans respected, worshiped, preyed, and bowed to the other creatures and they were granted magical powers in return, they eventually developed very advanced technology the Earth has never seen before alongside powers to control the souls of the dead. One human named Ulfric Stormcloak managed to befriend the dragons and they taught him an ability called the Thu'um, shouts dragons do to use different powers, he became the ruler of his own region and gained the title Jarl. A man named Dorian eventually founded a kingdom named Boletaria, but eventually, one of its rulers, King Allant XII, made a pact with the demons and they invaded the Earth and started another world war, this war also gave Leviathan the idea to create monsters from humans called cenobites, he also brought forth another realm of monsters called apostles and humans summoned loved ones to become apostles themselves and wreaked havoc across the land. The world stayed in chaos until King Allant was put down, but Euglena, Asmer, and a human friend of the two named Tiffany were killed during the war." Twilight Sparkle read, "How much more is there?" Tempest Shadow questioned, "Not much. Shortly after Allant's defeat and the fall of Boletaria, some of the other creatures left Synchrontopia and established smaller kingdoms while staying in touch with Volvox, eventually, the humans invented ways to travel to space and other realms and dimensions, it led to many creatures discovering Synchrontopia and Volvox managed to strike a relationship with some of them and his kingdom expanded into an empire as he made deals and made the planets and realms a part of Synchrontopia. The humans then began experimenting with science and their chemicals and radioactivity led to the creation of mutants, they were shunned by others and forced to live isolated from the others." Twilight Sparkle read, "Oh, that is so mean." Fluttershy lamented, "While cruel and outrageous, it sounds like the chemicals and radioactivity were contagious." Zecora repleid, "Anyway, it states here that all of those extraterrestrials who were mentioned in the other book have invaded and tried to destroy Earth at one point or another with the Xenomorphs and Necromorphs doing the most damage, Ezekiel tried to overthrow Volvox on his own but failed miserably, Narcissus tried to establish his own kingdom while betraying Volvox and he was destroyed quickly, Prince Edmund Blackadder also tried to fight Volvox with Duke Percy and Baldrick but Blackadder was very stupid and foiled himself, there were lots of small threats and civil cases throughout the empire's history. Mr. Salacia was the most recent threat and he's been destroyed several years ago, and during the most recent outer space travel, the humans came in contact with Azathoth's other eight gods." Twilight Sparkle reported, "So no report on what Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are?" Applejack asked, "No, no explanations on the talking animals either, nor the mark on Lazlo En Kuldes' left hand other than it's called the Rune of Punishment, and Corvo having contact with some guy called The Outsider." Twilight Sparkle answered, "I'm seeing mentions of places called Silent Hill and Carnate Island." Rainbow Dash spoke, "I noticed, but there's no info on them, and only info I have on machines and the genetically engineered monsters are the humans built them and messed with nature, and as for Grid, all I can find is he was living in a robot's system and managed to find a way to manifest in reality." Twilight Sparkle stated, "What about the Count of Saint Germain?" Gallus asked, "He was able to travel through time because of an alchemy accident, he became Volvox's chief strategist and seeing into the future until he got to the day Azathoth awakened and got erased." Twilight Sparkle reported, "Wow, it's still sad to see a great empire like this suddenly collapse." Princess Cadance stated, "Can you do anything, Discord?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Sorry, but no, not even I can bring back souls if they've been destroyed." Discord responded, "Well, I guess all we can do now is look and try to see how this place came here to this world." King Thorax suggested, everybody agreed and explored. Everybody searched the place and found nothing, "Everyone! Here in the castle!" Dragon Lord Torch reported, and everybody gathered and saw a device and a big map, "Great whickering stallions! A wormhole opener! That is how they traveled, by setting coordinates, a wormhole can open at a set timer and transfer things, it looks like a person was setting the place to go elsewhere before they disappeared." Doctor Whooves explained, "So the place is stuck here forever?" Derpy asked, "No, after some time, another timer will be up and the kingdom will be returned back home." Doctor Whooves spoke, "Let's let it go back then, my friends and I learned their trade partners in other realms are still around, best we leave this place be and let it go back so others can pay respects to it." Twilight Sparkle suggested, "That's a wonderful idea, Twilight, but it really is a shame this place came empty, we could've spread friendship even farther if we did meet them." Princess Celestia replied, "Well, I mean, that Phoenix Wright guy did come here before many years ago, maybe he told the empire about us." Sunburst reminded, "I'm still sad he's gone." Twilight Sparkle lamented, "Me too, he saved me from going to jail." Rainbow Dash added, "I was hoping we could catch up." Pinkie Pie said with tears in her eyes, "We all did, Pinkie, come on, everybody, let's put everything back and leave this place be." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they did. The world's natives wrote books and made artwork of the abandoned place and waited until its wormhole device activated again and teleported it, "I hope those it had relationships with will honor it." Twilight Sparkle stated, "I'm sure they will, Twilight, it looked like a magnificent empire with much influence, I don't think it will ever be forgotten through time." Princess Celestia replied, Twilight Sparkle looked on and smiled. The land returned back to Earth and the creatures from other realms and dimensions paid their respects to it and also moved in to take care of the place and make sure nature did not overtake it, Volvox's and Euglena's empire remained standing tall for years to come and was never forgotten throughout history.