“Good Morning Sunny!”
Magami exited the guest room , as Sunny waited for him outside his door.
“Good Morning to you too” she said with a grin on her face
“Alright, what happened”
“Oh, Nothing, I was wondering if you might want to hang out for the day?”
“Um sure, I guess I don't really have much planned at all”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Sure, yeah “
She took his hoof and dragged him across the bay, He couldn't really do much but silently abide by her demands. They finally arrived at a small park and hopped up on a bench.
“So… is there any specific reason we're here?”
“Nope, just wanted to relax and have lunch” Sunny said while pulling 2 sandwiches out of her bag.
“Where's my Grape Smoothie with whipped topping?” Magami said with a smirk on his face
“Haha, very funny, maybe some other time” She said as she gently hit him on the shoulder and giggled.
“Ah, So that’s how it’s gonna be” Magami laughed as he took one of the sandwiches and started eating, He thought to himself “Dang, Food definitely does taste better when it was made by the mare you like”
He quickly got back to his senses when he felt sunny shouldering him lightly.
“Who are those 2 ponies waving at you?”
Magami then spotted a gray Pegasus stallion with a green mane ,who was with a mare that had similar fur, but with a darkish rose pink mane , both having grins on their faces while closing the distance.
Magami quickly realized the pair, His friends from his Hometown, Deadshot and Rose Valentine!
They ran towards him happily and Magami greeted them both with hoof bumps.
“What are you two doing here?”
“Oh , were not here for anything specific, were just curious what goes on around these parts” Deadshot said
“And who is the lovely mare beside you?” Rose Valentine asked , with a slight giggle.
“I’m Sunny , nice to meet you!”
“OH, aren't you the Pony that like , brought back magic n stuff”
“Yeah… that was me hehe”
“Well, it's nice seeing you both,” Magami said, ushering sunny to wrap the conversation up.
“Actually, Magami, If I could speak to you in private for a moment” Deadshot said suspiciously
They moved to a secluded part of the park where the 2 mares couldn't hear them
“What’s up?”
“ I saw your Girl yesterday with another Stallion, He had a sheriff’s badge and they looked like they were getting along really well”
“You were here yesterday?”
“Yeah, we didn't know you were over here being a political figure”
“Sure, okay. Anyways… she's not really “My” Girl, at least not officially”
“C’mon Bro, I saw the way she looks at you and the way you look at her”
“Did you?”
“Trust the source, Dude”
“Um, okay, anyways, your talking about Hitch”
“Do you feel threatened or intimidated by him?” Deadshot said earnestly
“Not at all, they are just childhood friends after all”
“Riiiight, okay” He said looking like he was noting something down
“Well, it's been real”
“So it has”
The two stallions returned to the two mares who were giggling about something .
“Okay Sunny, what did I miss?” Finally seeing her face again, he said this while smiling.
“Rose here was just telling me that when you were a colt , you used to yell so loud that you could shut up a whole room of other crying foals, Guess the trait carried on haha”
Magami rolled his eyes ,keeping a smile.
“What’s that mean?” the pair said in near unison
“Oh, just that he united the bay, creating and effective and powerful governing system free of discrimination and prejudice” Sunny said as though she was bragging, which she most likely was.
“Oh really?” Rose said curiously
“Eyup, Best not to dwell on it, Anyways we're gonna get going then, great seeing you both”
As they parted ways Sunny looked back at them
“They are definitely a unique pair”
“I could say the same about us”
“What was that ?” Sunny said knowing fully what he said
“Oh… Nothing”
“This is the most I have seen you smile ever, what up?” Sunny asked curiously
“Why? Is that a bad thing?”
“Not at all! I like seeing you happy! I just may have noticed that the conversation seemed tense between you and Deadshot, and once you came back and saw me you were in a really good mood”
“Sunny… honestly, I was just glad to see your face again”
“Glad to see me?”
“How could I not be? You wanted to spend the day together , then my friends came up and took away from our time, it kind of… I don't know… bummed me out? I was eager to be with you”
“Awww, Magami…”
“I know, it's Sappy… But I at least want to be truthful, you are a really amazing pony to be around”
“We should do it more often then” said Sunny as she gave him a wink
“I'd really like that”
Magami and Sunny headed back to the brighthouse , Sunny went to her room and lied down deep in thought.
“Wow, that was… surely something, at least he feels the same…”
8:00 Pm
Magami was strolling solo near the sheriff’s office, He saw Hitch and thought to himself
“He wouldn't, would he?”
Hitch locked the door of the office and turned around. A strange ,loud vehicle was heading towards him
On the other hoof, Magami saw this and instantly figured out what was happening
“Hitch watch out!” Magami shouted.
A loud bang went off and a object of immeasurable speed flew past Hitch’s head , as he barely dodged it
The vehicle sped off into the distance as Both Magami and Hitch sat there struck with shock.
“What Was That?!” Hitch murmured
A few minutes later, Magami got a phone call, it was from Rose and Deadshot.
“Your Welcome”
“For What?”
“Getting rid of him”
“For your information, I am super glad I didn't have to send him to the hospital today, or even worse, the Grave. you two could have really stirred up a whole ordeal”
“So you didn't want us to… “
“NO” Magami shouted at his phone , While Hitch looked at him concerningly
“Oops, Sorry” Both of the ponies in the car said in unison.
As soon as they said that, they hung up
“I don't even want to talk about It…, and Please , Do not tell Sunny”
“Yes Sir”
“Thank you “
Magami and Hitch entered the Brighthouse and immediately parted ways, it was probably for the best.
Meanwhile, Magami spotted Sunny laying on a couch, her face buried in a book.
“Oh, hey your back” Sunny said with a bright face
“Yeah, thankfully”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Eh,Dont worry about it…” Magami said trying to keep his mind off of what happened, then , he had an idea.
He got closer to Sunny, who was curled comfortably on the plush surface of the couch,
He took off his cap and glasses and set it on the coffee table beside the couch
“What are you doing?” Sunny asked with a confused giggle.
“Relaxing, Isn't that what you wanted us to do today?”
“I did say that…” Sunny said with a grin on her face.
Magami hopped up on the couch and hesitated for a moment…
“Is this too fast? How would we interact after this?” These thoughts raced through Magami’s Head.
“Eh, screw it”
He wrapped his hoof around her body and snuggled her closer to him
He could see the blush forming on her face, He couldn't help but smile so hard, it hurt.
“Whoa… that’s new”
“What are we reading tonight, “Lore Equestria” ah, interesting choice”
Sunny looked up at Magami , the smile yet to leave her face, he saw the look in her eyes.
“Would you like me to read this book to you?”
“I'd love that”
And so it came to pass, Magami Moonscout and Sunny Starscout , in the house of bright, let their curiosities run wild as they both wallow and seep into each other’s warmth and embrace as they enchant themselves in the pages of Lore Equestria.
“We see the world as it really is, and hope that one day all ponykind might see the same.”
-Oliver Bowden (With edit by Fimfiction Author Akamaru)