A New Life

by arc5162

Chapter 26: Eternal Night- Sister vs. Sister

June 20, 1006 BBB (Before the Battle of the Bell)

It was just 6 years after the defeat of Discord, and so much had happened already. Tirek had tried to steal magic and got locked in the magical prison of Tartarus. Sombra had overthrown The crystal empire, which had seen no conflict in its 1000 year existence, and was banished to the ice of the frozen north. However, a new threat was about to arise, one from the very heart of the kingdom of equestria.

I could feel something big coming, and I knew what it was. I had to tell Maple.

"What's going on this time?", asked Maple, who had just arrived on the porch.

"See for yourself", I responded, gesturing to the sky.

It was then that me, Maple, and everyone in the kingdom saw the unthinkable. In the middle of the day, the moon suddenly moved up into the sky, blocking out the sun and plunging the entire continent into darkness. The citizens then started to panic, wondering how this could be possible.

"What is that?!" asked Maple.

"Luna has grown jealous of the fact that ponies don't appreciate the night, so she's moved the moon to block out the sun to create an eternal night."

"What do we do?" asked Maple in a panicked voice.

"We just need to let the citizens know that there's nothing to worry about. Celestia will deal with Luna."

So, we began instructing everyone to gather at the village center to tell them about what was going on. But after informing them about the current situation, something new happened. Suddenly, I felt a huge surge of magic coming from equestria. Then, a bright rainbow beam going all the way to the moon. When the beam impacted the moon, a big rainbow shockwave spread out, followed by a strange looking shape appearing on the moon's surface.

Once I realized what the shape on the moon meant, my digital heart sank.

"What is that?" asked Maple, with other citizens immediately asking the same question.

"She's been banished."


"Celestia banished her own sister to the moon. Instead of talking it out, she resorted to banishment."

While Maple tried to calm down the citizens, thoughts began rushing through my head. Did she not realize what she had done? Equestria was now down a ruler, and now Celestia was all alone.

"Hold on everyone, I need a moment."

I then returned to my computer body, and began to do some thinking.

Maple Pov:

"Hold on everyone, I need a moment." said Lugh, before suddenly disappearing in a bright golden glow.

I haven't seen him like this in a long time, I need to help him.

"Everyone, please remain calm, I'm going to go check on him. In the mean time, please go back to what you were doing before, everything is ok now."

After saying this, everyone than began to calm down and go back to their daily duties. Once everyone had left, I ran back into the house to see what was wrong. When I got to his room however, I was scared with what I saw. Sparks were coming out of the computer that housed him, and I could sense that something was definitely wrong.

"Lugh!" I shouted, "What's wrong?"

After he noticed I was there, the sparks started to fade, but not completely.

"Why are you here?" he responded, with noticeable pain in his voice.

"I'm worried, you haven't been like this since you discovered the humans were still alive, and I've never seen you throw sparks before."

Once I pointed out that sparks were coming off of him, they started to fade even more, before disappearing entirely.

Lugh Pov:

She was right, this has never happened before. So after initiating repair protocols, I calmed down enough to talk to her.

"I'm sorry." I responded, "I was just trying to calm myself."

"But why were sparks coming out of you?"

"Because I'm scared."

I saw her gasp. "Why?"

"Because of what happened", I said, with a bit of panic in my voice, "Celestia banished Luna instead of just talking to her. Its just like the final days of the war."

Maple Pov:

I was shocked to say the least. He never gave specific details about the war that destroyed the humans, and I knew better than to ask. But I could see that the events of long ago left scars on him, too faint to notice just by talking to him.

I knew what I had to do now. I had to help heal his suffering mind.