Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life

by Blackdrag-rose

Epilogue: Plans for the Future

"Are you sure that you can't stay longer?" Discord asked, as the moment Twilight and the others returned from Korma, the bookworm displaced carrying a bundle of books that Spike must have given her, he had appeared near them, finding that no one dared to move away from where the portals were located and that he learned something important.

"Discord, I know you want me to do something about Fluttershy, but she's like me now, and you know we can't interfere with the other displaced." Twilight replied, because after seeing how Discord reacted upon finding that his first friend was missing, and that she was forced to travel with Sombra, of all ponies, she knew he'd try to ask her to stay to see if she could find a way to undo the barriers blocking them from retrieving the other displaced, "And since Spike's already starting to design the portal frame that'll connect our universes together, so it's not like I'll be gone forever... but Equus isn't my home anymore, Universe 7 is. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to leave you hanging."

Discord raised an eyebrow for a moment as he and Spike's group watched as Twilight gathered some of her magic for a few seconds, where the space in front of her twisted and changed for a moment before producing a purple curved horn, like the ones used to declare war in the past, that had her mark on it.

"First of all, I'll be rearranging some of my forces to make sure a group is stationed here, just in case the demons show up while I'm wrapping up things back home," Twilight continued, where she let the horn fall into her hand, giving her a chance to study it and make sure the magic that was part of it was working like a charm, before she nodded her head for a few seconds as she handed it over to Spike, who accepted it without pause, "Secondly, this horn can only be used once, to let me know when the actual invasion is starting, so only sound it when the demons have started their assault... with any luck we won't need it and I'll be ready the moment they show up."

"I'll be sure to keep it safe and sound." Spike stated, where he studied the object for a few moments and found himself amazed by the fact that Twilight was able to rapidly create something that would let her know about the invasion, before he weaved his own magic around it and teleported it to a safe location, an area of the crystal castle he had figured out how to make that only he could access, before he focused on Twilight again, "You'll drop by and drop off some notes on your adventures, right?"

"Of course. I've got a lot of information to go over as well." Twilight said, as there were a lot of tomes in her new collection, as some were from Spike's world, others were from Azeroth, and a few from all of the other worlds that had been found so far, especially the one parts of the universe that Ratchet, Rivet's twin brother, came from and the dimension Rivet had been sent to, all of which interested her greatly, "Don't worry, I'll be sure to include my tales with the group that is sent to keep an eye on things in my absence."

"What about the royal guards?" Cynder asked, as she knew that Equus was missing all four of it's princesses, two of which moved the sun and moon each and every day like clockwork, and that Twilight was currently stronger than both of the ones who happened to move the celestial orbs, though her comment was more due to the fact that the guards had been looking for one of the princesses to return.

"If they're anything like the ones back home, I'd wager they'd try to convince Twilight to stay here... to which I say 'good luck', since that would be impossible." Vegeta remarked, because he knew the Empress of his universe enough to know it was impossible to convince her to do something that she didn't agree with, so the fact that she was returning to Universe 7 meant that it really felt like home to her, meaning the guards were out of luck.

"And if they want a fight, I'll give them one... a light one, since they aren't like any of us." Gulus added, though he was just a little disappointed in the fact that they didn't fight any of the other displaced, as he had to admit that Pinkamena and the one called Rainbow Dash looked like it would be interesting to clash with them for a time, but he figured there would be time for that once the demonic empire was dealt with.

Goku raised his hand and Gulus gave him a high five, showing that he agreed with him on one thing, both of them were eager for a good fight, especially after hearing about the demonic empire that was running amok in the universe Twilight came from, and they lowered their hands as the others glanced at them.

"I know some of you might want to stay a little longer, but there will be time to do so once our work back home is done, so just bare with it a little longer." Twilight said, as she knew that the two Saiyans who usually gave her a headache, when a new foe showed up and did something that took them down, despite their great power, might want to stay and clash with those in Spike's new academy, but there would be time for that later on, once her work was done.

No one else said anything as she and Spike quickly shared one more brief hug before the portal back to Universe 7 was opened, a temporary one since the frame would need a couple of days to be built, and Twilight found that it brought them back to the area that she had revealed the Digimon in. Sure enough she found that most of the individuals they had left behind when Spike and Rivet came through the portal earlier were still here, in fact it looked like Bulma had been talking to Rena and some of the others about the living conditions they were used to. Upon their return Twilight discovered that a fair number of people were expecting visitors from her home world to come and see the world that she had been living in for a long time, only to be surprised when her group returned without anyone new to talk to. After everyone was through the portal it closed without too much delay, meaning Spike was going to get to work on the portal frame and that Twilight had to find an area for her side of things to rest, something that caused her to turn towards everyone that had gathered here for the unveiling of the Digimon.

Instead of flooding them with information Twilight told them exactly what they needed to know, that there was one more universe out there, her home universe to be exact, some of the people of her home world had been displaced like her, and, more importantly, she told them of the threat that was apparently on it's way towards Equus.

"Honestly, this demonic empire doesn't sound so tough, if they're using the superior numbers tactic." Yamcha said, as he used some of his spare time to learn a bit more about how Twilight's empire operated in the field and the tactics armies happened to use while they were in the middle of a war, and this seemed like a bunch of weaklings banding together to attack and overwhelm worlds, "If you're looking for someone to keep an eye on things, I volunteer to cross universes and keep an eye out for these foolish demons."

"Really? I expected you to turn tail at the mere mention of a world ending demonic empire." Vegeta remarked, because the wolf Beastian in question happened to be one of the weakest warriors on the planet, in comparison to those who went to Stellaris anyway, and usually he shied away from facing the more powerful foes that the universe had to offer, in fact he had paled when he first felt Jiren's immense power.

"Hey, I've been training a lot lately. I think I'm more than enough to defend Equus against some weak demons, at least until the main forces arrive to assist me and those that come with me." Yamcha replied, as he had taken his change into a new person seriously, sticking to being a Beastian and improving himself like those who went to Stellaris, plus he knew that even if Twilight accepted his statement there would be others joining him in no time.

"You do realize that you and the team will be responsible for not only watching over Equus, but the three galaxies that a pair of displaced found and several other worlds they've visited, right?" Twilight inquired, just to make sure that Yamcha knew exactly what was being asked of those who were chosen for this venture, especially since her world would be a hard place for them to get food, something she knew Spike and the others could help the team with.

"So I get to explore a new frontier, for our universe anyway, and make new friends. I'm not seeing a downside." Yamcha said, because right now he knew he couldn't do anything for Universe 7 or the other universes that Twilight was helping at the moment, but since her focus was going to be on the other challenges this opened the way for someone to help her keep her home universe safe.

Twilight nodded her head and told him that she'd think about it, as there were people she had to speak with and items to move around, though as everyone separated, going about the rest of the day doing whatever they wanted, she returned to her base of operations to start her work. Fortunately there were more students in Stellaris and part of her had been a little worried that she'd overpower the various villains of the other universes, but this allowed her to spread things out far more easily than before, she just needed to select a commander for the new unit. Gulus was a good option, as many in her school respected him and he had the desire to clash with the other displaced, something he could do in his spare time she reckoned, though there were others if he didn't want the new position, since he did like guarding her due to the fact that it meant he could figure strong individuals. As she landed outside her base of operations she found that her people were working like a well oiled machine, where she nodded to everyone as she walked by them and headed for her office, because several plans had already come to mind and she was ready to prepare for the upcoming war.

As she approached her office she found Korn and Iru, the Angel and Kaioshin of Universe 8, were outside her office, which was followed by discovering Liquiir standing by one of the walls, reading one of the books she had placed there previously, though as she entered the chamber he looked up and closed the book before returning it to the shelf it had come from.

"Twilight, is something wrong?" Liquiir asked, because after spending a lot of time in her presence, something that greatly annoyed Beerus since he was constantly visiting this universe, so he knew her better than most people thought he did, all while the ones that knew her the best were her family, meaning he could tell when something was bothering her.

"Sort of. I got a visit from Spike, visited my home universe and planet, and discovered that there's a demonic empire in the process of conquering planets, and my former home is on their list." Twilight replied, which was a quick summary of what she had discovered over the last few hours, though her mind was still at work connecting pieces and forming plans that would allow the displaced to tear down the demonic empire, each one depending on different circumstances and bits of information that they didn't have right now, "I'm in the middle of coming up with plans that will allow the forces I saw during my visit to decimate their enemies, especially since mine will be joining them when the time is right, and..."

Twilight was interrupted as Liquiir leaned forward and kissed her, on the lips to be exact, though when he pulled back a few moments later both of them had smiles on their faces, even though she was sure that both his Angel and Kaioshin let out light chuckles while they did this.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are when you get like this? Because it reminds me of one of the reasons I fell in love with you in the first place." Liquiir said, though this time he beckoned for them to leave by gesturing to the door with his head, as he had come here with a plan and he wasn't about to leave Twilight in what could be her time of need, but he was happy to see that she was willing to go along with his idea, "You clearly need a break from your work, so why don't we go get dinner somewhere and then do something to help you relax for the rest of the day... you can tell me everything you have planned tomorrow, especially since I'll do everything in my power to help you out."

Twilight chuckled as she heard that, as Liquiir was definitely a sweetheart for thinking of her first, even though he must have come here to talk to her about something, before turning her focus towards what the rest of the day held for her, as she deserved a day off before worrying about what the future held for her and her forces.