//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: My Little Amnesia // by donceluzza //------------------------------// Rarity has been coming by to help out around the Asylum quite a bit lately, helping me get supplies and even occasionally using her magic to help me with diagnosing or treating the patients. Something seems different about her though, a kind of shine to her… From the diary of Warden Twilight Sparkle I awoke with a throbbing pain in my right shoulder probably, no definitely from sleeping on the hard ground. I stand up tentatively and try flooding magic through my horn; the Light spell works like a charm, so I guess my magic is back in order at last. I look and see that there is a large doorway in front of me, so I step inside. Celestia of the sun, it smells down here, I quickly realize the reason for this is probably the fact that I’m wandering around a sewer. For some reason I feel oddly calm down here though, strangely enough I actually think I kind of like it down here. Celestia I need to get out of here and fast I’m going completely nuts and now think I like hanging out in sewers. “Hello, is somepony there?” The faintness of the voice catches my ear, I toss a rock at the metal barring the clanging noise signifying my response. “Oh thank heavens, Darling could you help me momentarily please.” I trot down the hall to see a white unicorn with a lavender mane carrying a bunch of materials with her in cart including bleach, rags, and soapy water, dedicated janitor maybe? She motions for me to help her pull the cart, “I really do need help dear, you look like you’re lost, Oh I know you must need to speak with Twilight yes!” I guess when you’re in an asylum the best favors do involve the warden, I nod my head and join her in pulling the cart, I would kill for a chance to see her, I need to meet with Twilight, though I can’t remember why? I help the unicorn who calls herself Rarity pull the cart of hers to a small room. “Oh thanks dear you have no idea how much this means to me” Rarity leaned in and kissed my cheek, causing me to stumble a bit. “Oh no need to get flustered dear, although if you want some ‘fun’ before going to meet with Twilight…” The rest of her words were drowned out when I saw the room inside, it also smelled but differently. Less sewer and more incredibly popular courtesan. On one end of the room there was a large bed with lavender sheets and a lavender curtain surrounding it all unceremoniously crumpled and looking as though they need a good wash, but what draws my eye is the blood in the corner. The bottom left corner of the room featured a large splattering of blood across walls and floor with a brutally beaten looking stallion lying in the middle of it. Rarity seemed to take no heed to this grotesque display and simply wrapped a rope along his leg and started to drag him. “Now you see why I needed the cleaning supplies so urgently dear.” “This bastard left a bit of a mess, you’ll excuse me for tidying up a bit before I take you to see Twilight” Part of me wanted to run just as I had been doing so often yesterday, but instead my feet stayed firm mollified by another voice in my head saying that we needed to see Twilight Sparkle and no matter what that we have to get there and soon. I sidle out of the way deeper into the room as Rarity dragged the dead stallion out, I seem to have a few minutes as it appears I have a few minutes as I can clearly hear her pulling him down the hallway we just came from. I start snooping around the desk to find out anything about this Rarity. The desk large and colored a dark mahogany, it also has a large mirror placed on top of it, not connected to it but placed on top. I take the time to look at myself in the mirror, my normally decent looking grey coat is stained with blood, mud, and other substances making me wonder why this Rarity would even pretend to be ‘interested’ in me. My dark blue mane was horribly unkempt and visibly knotted in several places. I still had cuts along my back and on my forelegs, and I still couldn’t remember anything about myself. I look around the desk for anything that would be of use both in learning anything about Rarity and fending her off when she comes back. On the desk’s left side there are several grooming products like hairspray, eye shadow, various other make up products that I don’t recognize. On the right is a small journal, seems a good place to start. I open it up to the first page and begin reading. August 1, Rough Tumble “It’s been so long since I’ve seen a good looking stallion in this Celestia-forsaken Asylum! Oh and he was so good too… too good for words really. I felt like a teen again! Like I was experiencing lovemaking for the first time! Sadly our dalliances had to end today however perhaps if I could find somewhere more discreet. August 3, Rough Tumble “It seems that the underground of the Asylum isn’t a place frequented by the orderlies, we’ve stayed down here for several hours and nopony has come by. Oh well! More time for my prince and me! August 9, Rough Tumble “The stupid bastard! The cad! The nerve of that horrid stallion, I’ll show him! I’m the most beautiful mare IN EXISTENCE! He WILL regret this and he will regret it SOON! August 10, Shout Twist “It didn’t take long for me to get over Rough, in very much the same way that one elevates oneself from cheap beer to expensive champagne I have found somepony new! Oh listen to me, I’m giggling like a schoolpony! Tee Hee! His name is Shout Twist, he isn’t a bulky construction pony like Rough, no he’s a musician, an Artist, if you will. He’s a stallion that listens and cares and caresses and he’s all mine! August 12 “Unfortunately things with Shout Twist didn’t work out either. Is no pony in this asylum a gentlecolt?” August 13, (name illegible) “So now I’ve hooked up with one of the orderlies. Twilight personally signed off on this little romance because she believes that I need to ‘learn to trust stallions again.’ Well as much as I would disagree, I believe that I will go along with Twilight’s attempts to psychoanalyze me for the time being. As long as my little Doctor stays with me.” August 15, (name illegible) “He, thinks that I’m nuts! He thinks that I need ‘serious help’! He is lucky to be able to bask in my presence! He is one who’s nuts! He’s the one who needs ‘serious help.’ And I’m just the one to do it! I hear hoofsteps coming down the way and quickly close the book and move to the center of the room to avoid suspicion. Rarity walks, well saunters, into the room with a mischievous grin on her face. “Hello darling.” She bobs her head to side slightly, allowing her mane to bob; her mane is rather pretty, especially for a crazy mare in an Asylum! “You like my mane dear.” She touches it with her hoof in a gesture that says ‘oh this old thing’ clearly she is rather enamored with herself. She trots over to me moving her face very close. “You know I think I know just what we need to Fix. You. Up.” She puts emphasis on each word by prodding me in the chest playfully with her hoof. She pushes me down on the bed and grabs a comb in her magic and starts brushing at my hair causing me to wince as she forcefully removes the grime and knotting. As she brushes all I can think about is the crazy stuff written in her dairy. She’s clearly a psychopath so why am I letting her do my hair. Because we need her. A voice in my head reminds me, we need her, it claims. That’s right Twilight Sparkle will know what’s going on here. If I can find her I can escape, or is there something else I need to do. What am I here for? What did I do? Celestia damn who am I? “Hmm, there’s something on your flank darling, something that’s covering up your cutie mark.” Rarity scrubs at my flank with soap, feels like she’s taking sandpaper to my backside. I try and voice my discomfort but its met with a “Be done soon darling!” from Rarity. As she scrubs and scrubs I feel more and more pain but also anxiousness. Why am I anxious about her scrubbing the grime off my flank? Aside from the obvious reasons, that it was creepy. “What an odd cutie mark, darling you should look at this.” She brought a mirror to me specifically aimed at my cutie mark. My cutie mark, my first real clue to my identity! A dagger shrouded in a black clothe. That’s my cutie mark. My destiny? Dagger Cloak. The name rings through my head, like a twisted song. Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak The words are singing, my name, my destiny, my talent, Death, Killing; I’m a killer, and a damn good one. Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Instinct kicks in I attack Rarity. My hooves beat at her face, smashing, beating, and killing. Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak That’s right I’m an assassin, I was sent here for a reason. I grab a necklace from the table nearby and begin to strangle Rarity. Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak Dagger Cloak I was sent to kill Twilight Sparkle.