//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Omnitrix Hero: Omniversal Collision // by Banshee531 //------------------------------// Sunset and Fluttershy had been stuck in their glass containers for a while, with nothing happening around them. Fluttershy sat on the ground, curled up with her knees to her chest, whilst Sunset kept trying to find some kind of weakness in the glass holding her. "Come on. Just one little crack or break. I'm not asking for much." But whoever made these pods had definitely known what they were doing. It would take one of Shining's weapons to break through these things. Before Sunset could try and think of something else to do, noise finally filled the room when the ceiling entrance lowered. Fluttershy stood up, as they watched Eon and several robots descend. And when they saw what they were carrying, they gasped. "NO!" Sunset cried, seeing Twilight and their other friends being carried. "What did you do to them?" "Nothing permanent," Eon joked. "Yet." The girls watched, as the robots stepped over to the empty tubes and placed each of the girls inside before sealing them off. As they did, the machines around the tubes started glowing and blinking. "Now what?" Eon chuckled. "Once the containment pods are calibrated to your particular energies, we'll be able to drain the power you have and finally charge up to repivor. Once that happens, there'll be nothing that can possibly stop us in this world." He laughed again, as he and the robots headed for the exit. And as they disappeared, Sunset turned to the others with worry etched on her face. "Come on, Flash. We really need a save right now." The Plumber Base had been completely trashed. Metals scrap littered the room, the computer had been destroyed, the power was off and a massive hole was in the middle of the room. The place had obviously been through a serious battle and would take time to be repaired. That was how Flash and the others found the place, when Paradox once again teleported them into it. Everyone gasped at the sight, Shining rushing over to the computer whilst the others searched the place. "Azmuth!?" Flash called out, hoping the galvin was alright. They had lost the girls, so didn't want to lose him. "Flash!" It wasn't Azmuth's voice that caught their attention, the group turning to see Spike running at them. The little guy looked absolutely terrified, but he didn't appear injured. "Twilight," he reached Shining, "he took her. He took everyone." "Eon," Shining growled. It was then that they heard a groan, Flash rushing over to a pile of metal and lifting it to reveal Azmuth. The alien frog was laid out on the ground, though he didn't appear too injured. "Are you okay?" He carefully reached in and grabbed him, pulling him out from beneath the metal. "Please, say something?" Azmuth groaned something, Flash holding him closer. "What did you say? I didn't hear you?" "I said your breath stinks," Azmuth groaned. Flash realised he was breathing on him and pulled back. "Sorry. Long day. Haven't had time to brush." He shook his head, "that's not important right now. Are you okay?" "I have been better," Azmuth moved to stand up. He held his back, as he stood on Flash's hands and looked around. "I see Eon did a number on this place after I was incapacitated." "He's got Twilight and the others," Shining told him. "That...is unfortunate," Azmuth frowned. "I'm sorry. The base's defences were nullified by some kind of futuristic virus. I don't know how it was introduced into the computer system, but it made it so Eon could enter and defeat the girls without needing to worry about the defence systems." "It's my fault." Everyone turned to Ben, who held his Omnitrix tight. "Vilgax said his partner installed something in the watch. My guess is it's the virus that took the base down. Must have been wirelessly uploaded when you brought me here." "I see," Azmuth sighed as Flash put him on the ground. "It's concerning that they were able to do such a thing to the Omnitrix, even if it's not the one I built. But it is not your fault." "No," Flash looked really angry. "It's my fault!" He slammed his foot into a piece of metal, sending it flying across the destroyed room. "If I hadn't been such a coward, Vilgax would have been taken down. I should have gone Ultimate, but I let my fear get the better of me. Now Twilight and the others are captured and we have to find a way to save them and beat both Eon and Vilgax." "Flash," Shining frowned. "You shouldn't think like that." "Why not?" Flash turned to him. "You saw what Vilgax could do. He was able to beat me and Ben and he barely seemed to be trying. And now that he's got the girls, they'll have everything they need to rip a hole in our world and smash it into another one." Rook turned to Paradox. "Vilgax said he was going to remake our worlds. How? You said the repivor's power was to make worlds collide and destroy one another." "That was its power," Paradox nodded. "But when it was transformed into a ship, its abilities became much less chaotic. Now, when the two worlds collide, whoever's controlling the ship will be able to merge those worlds into one. This world and your own will combine and when it does, Eon and Vilgax will be able to remake it in any way they desire." "And it's not just Earth," Gwendolyn realised. "Every planet in every system in our dimension will be merged with its twin in this dimension." "Yes," Paradox nodded. "They're planning on making Earth the frontal point of the collision, but it will happen on a universal scale. There's no telling how a new universe made by those two will turn out. Not a pleasant one to live in, I'm willing to guess." "At least you'll get to live in it," Ben pointed out. "Vilgax's planning on wiping Flash and me out. Create a world where neither of us exist. And he probably plans to take our watches from us when we disappear." "Would he even bother with the watches?" Kevin asked. "He only wants them to take over the universe. If he remakes it, he'll probably put himself at the top anyway." Gwendolyn frowned. "Still, I don't like the idea of him having so much power. We have to do something." "First things first," Azmuth stated. "We need to make sure he didn't leave any other little surprises in Ben's Omnitrix. Once we've confirmed that, we can focus on stopping them once and for all." He turned to the others. "We still have time before they begin their plan. Rest up as best you can. The next fight might just be our last." They all nodded and left, whilst Flash and Ben stayed behind. Azmuth quickly summoned a computer down from his ship and set it up, Ben being forced to sit down and stick his hand in a machine to scan his watch. As they waited, Ben turned to Flash. "It's not your fault." Flash glanced at him. "Trust me, I get what you're going through. When I first got the Ultimatrix, I freaked out every time I turned into a new Ultimate." "So how did you get over it?" Ben shrugged. "I guess I realised it was no different from being any of my other aliens. Yeah, the Ultimates had a lot of power. But I've got a lot of pretty powerful aliens. I've got one called Atomix that took another Ultimate Alien down. If I was too worried about losing control of my aliens, I'd never have the guts to transform. For all I know, the next time I do I could unlock an alien that causes death to anyone around me. But I still transform. Because I'm not gonna let what might happen to me, scare me." Flash let this info sink in, as Azmuth finally finished setting up the scanner and began linking to the Omnitrix. "I know I told you to be careful with that Ultimate function. But I didn't mean you should be too scared to use it entirely." Flash said nothing, as Ben turned to Azmuth. "He said he doesn't like them, because they're unnatural." "Is that so?" Azmuth asked. "Yeah," Flash turned to them, "so what? Is it wrong that I only wanna use aliens that came about naturally?" Azmuth chuckled. "Someone seems to be forgetting about some of the aliens he already uses." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "The aliens you call Gryforce and Yak-Smasher. How did you get them?" "By scanning Drift and the other Equestrians." "And where did they come from? What are they?" "Hybrids," Flash replied. "Made by...oh." He suddenly remembered that the five aliens he happily used a bunch of times, were technically no different from his Ultimate Forms. Unnatural creations made in a lab. "And it's not just them. There are plenty of aliens in the universe that were created by artificial means. The alien Gyrotor was engineered by U-Reek-Ah's species. And I myself created the galvanic mechamorphs. There are many creatures out in the universe that wouldn't have been born through natural means alone. Do you think they shouldn't be trusted?" Flash frowned, "I guess not." Azmuth nodded as his computer beeped. "Ah, there's the virus. Shouldn't be too difficult to remove it. And once I do, I'll be able to make an anti-virus to keep Eon from causing us problems." "Great," Ben smiled, "and there's nothing else in there?" "Nothing I can locate," Azmuth stated. "But just to be sure, I'll run a full system sweep of the device. That'll also let me take a closer look at this Omnitrix and see how my dimensional counterpart chose to improve on perfection." Ben smirked as he glanced back at Flash. "Dude, you need to relax. I get that the universe is in danger, but you can't let yourself get too worried about it. That'll just make it harder for you to find the motivation to save the day." Flash sighed. "You're the same age as me, but you've got so much experience. You've been doing this for seven years. I've barely been doing it for one." "Maybe," Ben smirked. "But look at all you've been able to accomplish in that time. It took me two years before I learned to change aliens without master control. Plus, you haven't done anything stupid to the Omnitrix. I can't tell you how many times I've screwed up the Omnitrix because I was messing around with it." "Really?" Flash asked. "Oh yeah. If we survive this, I'll tell you all about the times I messed up. But that's my point. I'm a screw up and I've done some amazing things. Heck, I once stopped a Big Bang from going off. And you've already been through a ton of stuff that's taught you what you need to know to be just as good. And even if going Ultimate scares you, I know you'll use it when the time comes." "Why?" "Because even if they're unnatural and have power beyond what you're expecting, they're still you. All of your aliens, even the Ultimates, are still just you in a different form. Sometimes, your personality might change a little bit. But you're a hero and no matter what, that heroic spark will always shine through." Flash smiled, Ben sharing the smirk as Azmuth kept working on the Omnitrix. The galvin genius decided he liked this Ben kid. He knew Ben and Flash would work well together. And hopefully, they would be able to save the worlds from being completely destroyed. Back on the repivor, Sunset watched as their friends were finally starting to come around. "Twilight!" Sunset yelled, as Twilight opened her eyes and looked around. "Come on, wake up! If you don't, Eon's gonna use us to...well I don't know what they're gonna do. But I get the feeling it's not gonna be anything good. Come on!" "Sunset?" Twilight's gaze finally fell on her, "what's going on? Where are we?" "I'm not sure," Sunset frowned. "Not someplace great. Which is why we need to get out of here." The others started coming around as well, Sunset calling out to them. "Applejack. Try and break the glass. Hurry!" "What?" Applejack asked, only to realise what Sunset was saying. "Oh, right." She turned around and held up her leg before slamming it into the glass, hoping to shatter it. But the glass didn't even shake. "Come on!" She slammed into it as hard as she could, with the result being exactly the same. Rainbow started trying to break out too, attempting to build up speed and smash through it. But with the tubes being so small, she couldn't pick up the speed needed. Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie also tried, Twilight grabbing the glass in her magic and trying to pull it open, whilst Rarity and Pinkie threw their attacks at the glass. But nothing seemed to work. "It's useless," Fluttershy cried. "This glass is too tough to break." "There's gotta be a way," Twilight declared. "Well we've gotta think of it quick," Sunset stated. "Eon said once these things calibrate to our magic, they'll start draining it out of us." "And then they'll open a portal to Ben's world," Rarity realised. "They'll destroy both dimensions." "We've gotta get out of here," Rainbow started bouncing back and forth against the glass. But as she did so, the rooms started lighting up with the girls looking worried. "Oh no," Sunset gasped. Before the others could ask what was going on, the light sucking began to pull their hair and loose clothing up towards the top of the tubes. They all started glowing the colours of their geodes, that light being pulled up into the tubes and flying through the wires of the ship. "This isn't good," Twilight gasped. Up in the cockpit, Eon smiled as he watched the power of the repivor increase. "Yes," he laughed, "it's working. Those seven girls will recharge the ship and allow us to finally enter that world." "Good," Vilgax nodded. "Then it's time to bring Flash Sentry and Ben Tennyson to an end. To create a world where we rule supreme and nobody will be able to stop us." They watched the power increase more and more. Once it reached a certain point, they could burst open the breach and fly the ship into the universe. Back on Earth, Ben's watch had been given the all clear. "Nothing else was installed into the device. You won't have to worry about being a trojan horse anymore." Ben smiled, glad his best weapon hadn't been sabotaged any more than it was. But before they could celebrate, Paradox appeared in a flash. "I'm sorry to break up the party, but we have a problem." He tapped his cane on the ground and they all found themselves back outside the base, where Shining and the others were looking up at the sky. "It has begun." Flash and Ben both looked up and saw the breach sparking and flickering. "What's it doing?" "The breach is reacting to a building power source on its other side," Paradox stated. "This can only mean one thing." "They're draining the girls of their power," Gwendolyn gasped. Paradox nodded as the breach's energy continued to glitch and spark. Eon watched the energy bar becoming more and more filled, whilst the cries of the girls being drained was like music to his ears. "Almost." He reached for the leaver and as the bar hit the level he needed, he pulled it. "NOW!" The ship's engines hummed as the mouth of the snake opened, the laser barrel folding out of it. And once it was fully extended, the purple energy formed within before firing at the breech. The energy slammed into the rip in space and time and caused it to grow larger and larger. Slowly, it changed from a rip form to looking more like a circle. The change in shape and size was also seen on the other side, everyone gasping as they watched this. As the breach formed a perfect ring, the energy that made it up started flying outwards in bursts of lightning. And when it did, everyone was able to see inside it and gasped at the sight of the giant snake ship. "The repivor," Paradox announced in an ominous tone. The serpent ship slowly made its way out of the portal, the city sized vehicle looming down on the Earth as it drew closer and closer. The city was in a complete uproar by this, Flash hearing screams and the sounds of vehicles echoing through the city. Everyone was trying to escape the coming disaster, but Flash knew there was no safe place if Paradox was to be believed. His phone suddenly went off and Flash took it out, seeing it was his mother. And he wasn't the only one, as Trixie and Shining's phones also rang with their family on the other side. "Flash," Misty cried across the line, "what's going on? We didn't want to call in case you were in the middle of whatever this was, but this is too much. What's going on?" "Well," Flash gulped, "to put it as simply as possible. Vilgax is back and he's gonna use that ship to smash our world into another and create a whole new one. If I don't find a way to stop him, we might end up living in a reality where we're his loyal slaves." His parents remained silent for a few moments before Trail spoke up. "We believe in you, son. What do you need us to do?" "Stay inside and stay safe. I don't know what's gonna happen, but you'll probably be safer there than if you tried to get away." He then remembered what happened to the buildings around the portal's exit. "Get into the basement. Don't come out until I call you again." "Okay," Misty told him. "Just be careful. We love you." Flash returned the gesture and hung up, Shining and Trixie doing the same after calming down their loved ones as well. "We can't let Vilgax do what he plans on doing," Flash stepped forward. "If we let him remake our world, it won't just be us who are in trouble. Everyone we know and love will suffer in some way." He turned to Ben and all the others. "Our friends. Our family. We're going to stop this for them. No matter what Vilgax plans on doing, we're going to stop it. FOR EVERYONE!" "Yeah!" Ben cheered, "that's what I like to hear. Let's take these guys down." "Glad to see you're back to your usual self," Shining smirked. "But we've still got a problem." He looked up at the ship, as it almost finished leaving the portal. "If we wanna save the girls and stop that thing, we're not gonna be able to do it from the outside." "I hear ya'h," Kevin cracked his knuckles. "We gotta get in there." "He's right," Paradox nodded. "Alas, this is something I cannot help with. The repivor's powers will repel me if I try and transport us inside." "You don't have to," Gwendolyn smirked. "Leave it to me. Since it's not in the void anymore, I can teleport us inside. Since the girls aren't here, I won't be able to send us to their exact locations. But I should still be able to get us close enough to actually be inside the ship." "So what's the plan?" Trixie asked. "We should divide and conquer," Rook explained. "If we all attack at the same point, we will not be able to accomplish everything we need to do in time. We must save the girls, stop Vilgax and make sure the repivor is never used again." "He's right," Azmuth stated. "When we get there, we will split up. I will take a team to deal with the ship's engines. The rest of you will go save Twilight and the others. Eon and Vilgax are likely wherever they are." "I will go with Azmuth," Rook stated. "Kevin and Shining. The two of you are mechanically skilled. Destroying the engines will be easier for you." "I'm good with that," Kevin smirked. "Alright," Shining didn't look happy about this and turned to Flash. "You'd better save my sister." Flash nodded as Gwendolyn took her hero form and summoned a dome of magic. Spike and Paradox remained outside said dome, the pup looking worried. "Be careful," he told them. They all nodded and in a flash, they were gone and Spike looked up at the ship. "You think they can win?" "What I think is irreverent," Paradox noted. "It's what they believe that matters. This battle will decide the fate of not one world, but two. All we can do is trust they will be able to pull it off." They continued to watch as the ship flew out of the hole and moved towards the planet, looking like it was moving slowly despite the speed it was moving at. On board the ship, a bright flash appeared in a hallway and the group appeared from out of it. As soon as the light faded, everyone looked around to make sure there weren't any robots or droids already there. But the place was completely empty and Rook quickly held up a device, "I have locked onto the signal for the engines." He pointed down a corridor. "I believe this direction will lead us to them." Gwendolyn was also scanning, "and I've locked onto the girl's mana." She pointed in the opposite direction, "that way." "Then this is where we split," Kevin placed his hand on the wall and absorbed the material. "Divide and conquer, just like you guys suggested." They all nodded as Azmuth spoke up from Shining's shoulder. "Be careful, everyone. There's no telling what surprises await us in this ship." They all nodded and began to go their separate way, Flash and Ben both activating their watches as they ran. When they turned a corner, Flash's group found themselves instantly staring down a group of robots. "Great." Trixie frowned. She switched to her Rapid Turtle form, whilst Flash transformed into Dragoon. Ben slammed the watch down and in a flash, he transformed into a blue monkey creature with four arms and four eyes. "Oow, oow, oow!" He jumped up and down, "let's go gearhead. Show me what you got!" He ran forward, whilst Flash took to the air. "Or better yet!" The monkey leapt forward, "I'll show you!" He slammed his fist into the robot's chest, but did practically nothing. "Ow!" "Wow!" Dragoon tackled the robot to the ground, "you sure showed him!" He unleashed a blast of fire, burning the robot's head and causing it to melt. "Just watch!" The alien named Spidermonkey leapt onto the roof and pointed his tail at the robot. "I'll have this bucket of bolts in the scrap heap in no time!" From out of his tail, a web line shot out and struck the robot. The alien chimp then pulled and it was yanked towards the ground, as Gwendolyn unleashed a blast of mana that cut it to pieces. Several prepared to fire, but Trixie used her Medallion's ability to freeze them. She then threw her shield at the machines and it sliced through their blasts arms before returning to her, time speeding back up and causing them all to explode. "Nice!" Gwendolyn smiled as she and Dragoon flew forward, Trixie and Spidermonkey chasing after them as they searched for the girl's locations. But as they turned a corner, they found a bunch of maintenance droids working on the hallway. But as soon as they saw them, they turned their attention and tools on them. "Not good." "I got this!" Spidermonkey shot several blasts of webbing, hitting the droids in their faces and causing them to become blind. As the robots tried to regain control, Dragoon flew forward and cut through the machines with his razor sharp claws. He then spun around and slammed them with his tail, knocking them away. "How many of these things do they have?" "Maybe they were on sale," Spidermonkey guessed. "Makes sense. Probably the only way to sell these hunks of junk. Oow, oow, ahh, ahh!" "Come on," Gwendolyn told them. "We're getting closer to the girls." They nodded and kept following her through the halls, destroying any robot that might get in their way. But as they made their way through the ship, they were completely unaware that they were being watched. Ever since they had appeared within the ship's halls, Eon and Vilgax had been watching through security footage. "How did they get in!?" Eon slammed his hand on the console. "The power of the repivor shouldn't have let Paradox anywhere near it." He checked on the Rainbooms and when the screen came up, the girls were all laid out in the tubes completely exhausted. "They've been sufficiently drained. Even if they're freed, they won't be able to fight against us." "They are not the issue," Vilgax growled. "You said that being inside the repivor also protects one from the effects of the dimensional collision. If Sentry and Tennyson are on this ship, we won't be able to erase them from existence." "True," Eon nodded. "That does make things difficult." "It will make everything we're working for worthless. If those two are allowed to survive, they will find a way to overthrow us in our new world. They must be wiped out." "Then why don't you throw them out," Eon stated. "You were able to beat them before, so go do it again. Take them out and throw them off our ship. Or better yet. Take them down and throw them off when we re-enter the void. It won't be long before we have to make another trip into it. Throw them out the ship's protection and they'll vanish." Vilgax seemed to like this idea, the alien squid turning to leave. "I will dispose of them. But you had best make sure this ship remains flying. If that other group is able to make it to the engines, there's no telling how much damage they can do." "Would you relax," Eon told him. "I can handle them." Vilgax said nothing, as he headed out the cockpit to go deal with Flash and the others. As he disappeared, Eon turned to the screen as it showed another group. Azmuth's team drew closer and closer to the ship's engine room. Using Rook's scanner, they were being led right towards them. But between them and the engines, many of Eon's robots were standing in their way. "Get lost!" Kevin swung his mace arm around and smashed it into a robot, knocking it down as Shining fired his Multi-Striker Rifle. "We need to find a way to shut these things down faster," the Plumber fired another shot and hit one in the head. "This is taking too much time." "Don't supposed you've got some kind of EMP setting on that thing?" Kevin asked, only for Shining to frown. "I do, but it still only fires in one direction. I'd only be able to take two or three robots down at a time." Three robots turned a corner and Shining switched his rifle to the EMP cannon, firing it and hitting them. But it was like Shining said. There were just too many robots to hit all at once. "We are not much further," Rook told them. "The engines should be at the end of this next corridor." "Then get ready," Azmuth stated. "I'm willing to bet there are even more robots waiting for us in there." They turned the corner and spotted three robots, Rook using his Proto-Tool to form a sword and charging with Kevin. they both knocked one down, Shining blasting the last one as Kevin started pounding on the door. After a few hits, the metal broke away and they stepped inside. And what they saw was like nothing they could imagine. The room was full of different machinery, too complex to explain. They all hummed and shook with vibrations, making them sure this was what was powering the ship. And what they didn't see, were a bunch of robots guarding it. "Where's the mass horde of robots we were told to expect?" Kevin asked. The others were wondering the same thing, but realised this was a golden opportunity. "Before any more robots arrive," Azmuth stated. "Seal the place up so we can get to work." They nodded and Rook quickly slammed the door shut, using his Proto-Tool to weld it closed. At the same time, Shining and Kevin looked around for any other ways the robots might get in. There were two more doors and Kevin used his absorbing power to seal one of them shut, whilst Shining lasered his own door closed. "How exactly are we gonna get out of here?" Kevin asked. "My ship can teleport us out," Azmuth assured him. "Once we've taken the ship out of commission, we'll warp out and try to get in contact with the others." They liked that plan. "Now. Let's take these engines out." "With pleasure," Shining turned his weapon into a bazooka and fired. The laser sphere flew up and smashed into part of the engine, causing the ship to rock. But as it did, an alarm filled the room and a red light flashed. "What's that?" Kevin asked. "You must have set off an alarm," Azmuth realised. Moments later, parts of the wall opened up and long metal tendrils shot out. On the end of these tendrils, were robotic snake heads. And as they opened their mouths, a hiss could be heard. But that hiss came from the electricity that was sparking from their fangs. "That can not be good," Rook gulped. One of the chords shot towards them and tried to bite, but Rook changed his Proto-Tool into a sword and cut the head off. Shining did the same with another, whilst Kevin simply bashed one in with a hammer fist. Azmuth, being more of a builder than a fighter, ran to take cover as the others kept fighting. "Azmuth!" Shining slashed another one apart, "start taking this thing apart. We'll protect you." "Okay," Azmuth nodded as he turned his focus on the engine behind him. He quickly spotted what looked like an access panel and leapt up onto it, pulling the panel off. But just as he was about to climb in, the ship suddenly rocked and they found themselves being thrown above the room. "What's happening?" Kevin cried, as some snakes coiled around him and tried to bite him. "The ship must be shifting positions," Rook cried. "The inner gravity must need time to compensate." "But if the ship's moving..." Shining remembered what Paradox had said. "It's gonna rip another hole in the universe." And sure enough, the ship was doing just that. Those brave enough to watch what was happening outside, saw the ship pull up moments before it was about to slam into the tallest building in the city. As it did, its mouth opened and the blaster barrel extended out of it. Slowly charging up to fire another dimension destroying blast. Paradox saw this and looked worried. "Come on everyone. You can do this." Kevin turned his arms into a pair of scissors and cut through the snakes holding him. "Azmuth! Get breaking stuff!" "I know!" Azmuth ran back towards the engine and leapt inside, Shining shooting a snake that tried to grab him as he did. He looked around the parts, trying to figure out how this thing worked. "Okay. That...and that. If that routes energy into there?" "What are you waiting for?" Kevin asked. "Pull stuff out!" "I am not just going to pull stuff out. The idea is to destroy this contraption after everyone is safe. If I don't know what I'm unplugging, I could blow this ship up with us still inside." "He's right," Shining agreed. "Slow and steady." "Just not too slow," Rook agreed as he pulled a snake out of the wall. "We are still on a time crunch here." Azmuth frowned, but kept studying the engine layout. But it was like nothing he had ever seen. Back on the ship, Flash and the others continued to fight their way to the cockpit. Dragoon cut his way through another robot, as they headed up a stairway. But as they did, they heard movement and looked down to see even more robots climbing up after them. "Not good," Trixie gulped. "I got this!" Spidermonkey leapt down and hit his Omnitrix, transforming in a flash of light. When the light faded, it revealed a weird lizard creature with green eyes, black lips and spines on his body. The alien suddenly ballooned up and almost filled the staircase, only to then shrink back down as a blast of yellow liquid exploded out of his mouth. The liquid shot down the staircase like a fire hose, slamming into the front group of robots and pushing them back. The robots all started falling down the stairs, which quickly became covered in the yellow liquid and made impossible to climb. And as the lizard shrank back down, the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix both beeped before the two hit them and reverted back to human form. Both saw their watches were still green, but would need a few minutes to fully recharge. "Come on!" Gwendolyn cried, the four heading upwards. "Let me guess," Flash told Ben. "Spitter?" "Got it in one," Ben smiled. "As cool as he is, he doesn't have a lot of uses. Other than spitting that stuff, he can't really fight. I like to give him a use when I can." They kept climbing the stairs, Gwendolyn taking them higher and higher. And whenever they came across one of the robots, she and Trixie took them down whilst Flash and Ben saved their strength. "We're almost there!" Gwendolyn announced after reaching the floor. "Their mana is really close. But it's fluctuating." "Meaning?" Trixie asked. "I've sensed this before, when someone's energy has been drained. The girls must be exhausted after having their magical power drained." "Are they gonna be alright?" Flash asked, worried something bad was gonna happen to them. "They feel fine. But I don't wanna risk letting Eon drain them again." She gestured around a corner, "we have to hurry." They turned said corner, but stopped when they saw something at the other end of the corridor. It wasn't a robot. It was much worse. "Vilgax," Ben frowned as the cyborg squid alien stood waiting for them. Flash and Ben stepped forward. "Gwendolyn. You and Trixie need to find another way to the girls. Leave him to us." "Are you sure?" Gwendolyn asked. "Last time-" "This won't be like last time," Flash assured her. "Go. You said it yourself. We don't wanna risk Eon draining them again. Hurry." The girls nodded and turned to head in another direction, hoping there was more than one route to the girls. "You were a fool to send your minions off," Vilgax told them. "the two of you are no match for me." "We'll see about that," Ben smirked as they activated their watches. "You ready?" Flash started at the Ultimatrix, knowing he might have to use the Ultimate function. "I'm ready." Flash wouldn't let his fear control him. Like Ben had said, the aliens were him. No matter what he became, he would fight and protect his world. "Let's do this!" The pair slammed the dials down, both transforming. Flash transformed into Kagenobi, whilst Ben turned into a giant humanoid grasshopper. "Let's rock!" The alien named Crashhopper shot down the corridor with a single kick of his super powered legs, propelling him forward like a missile towards Vilgax. The cyborg raised his arm and swung it down towards the bug, but Crashhopper suddenly spun around and propelled himself upwards to dodge the strike. He then bounced off the ceiling and spun around, slamming his spring legs into Vilgax's face with enough force to knock him backwards. As Vilgax was staggered, Kagenobi melted into the floor and flew down the hallway. Whilst Vilgax regained his balance, the shadow ninja appeared out of the ground and drew a blade from Vilgax's shadow. He swung it around and slashed at Vilgax, who blocked with his metal arm. As Vilgax tried to grab Kagenobi, Crashhopper bounced around and propelled himself forward to deal another kick to his face. But Vilgax grabbed him before he could hit him, his organic hand squeezing him tightly. But Kagenobi melted into the ground and got behind him, pulling a spear out of the ground and stabbing it towards one of the tanks on Vilgax's back. But Vilgax dodged the attack and threw Crashhopper at him, Kagenobi letting the bug fly through him as he leapt into the air and threw a bunch of shadow shuriken at him. Vilgax quickly raised his mechanical arm and fired the pincer beam, destroying the shuriken whilst Kagenobi landed and Crashhopper picked himself up. "you are both ants. I will find great pleasure in ripping your Omnitrixes off of you. "You can try," Kagenobi created a pair of short swords. Crashhopper smirked. "But you'll suffer the same fate as everyone else who's tried." The pair charged, Vilgax doing the same. They knew this fight was just beginning. If they wanted to save their worlds, they would need to defeat Vilgax and stop this thing once and for all. In another part of the ship, Gwendolyn and Trixie fought their way through several more robots. They had had to go the long way to get to the girls, but they were close. "It's just behind this door," Gwendolyn announced. But as they stepped up to it, they found it was locked with a code. "Come on." Gwendolyn tried to get through, but no code she tried worked. "My turn," Trixie changed into her Mighty Bull form and removed her bell. "Stand back!" Gwendolyn did so and Trixie slammed the bell into the ground, causing a serious dent in it, then pointed the bell at the door as the soundwaves flew off of him. The door was slammed into and smashed apart, allowing them to enter. They found what appeared to be a cockpit, confusing them since there was no sign of the girls. "I don't get it," Gwendolyn looked around. "The girl's mana was coming from this room." She swept her arms around to scan the plan, gasping. "They're below us." "On the next floor?" "No," Gwendolyn shook her head, "not the next floor. There's a room beneath this place. They're down there somewhere." Trixie nodded and cracked her knuckles before punching the floor, denting it but not doing much damage. She punched it again, then again and again. As she did, Gwendolyn moved over to a console. She looked over the controls, but had no idea what any of them did. "Maybe I can find a way to stop this thing." She started fiddling with it, but the repivor did nothing. "Come on. There's gonna be a way to make this thing stop." "That won't happen." The girls gasped as they looked around, seeing Eon step out from the shadows. "I've locked the controls. The ship is set on its path and won't change until the task is complete," As he said that, a bright flash exploded through the view screen. They all looked out of the windows and saw a familiar laser explode out of the mouth blaster and hit the sky, creating a second tear in the universe. "No," Trixie gasped before glaring at Eon. "Stop this! Let Sunset and the others go!" "I don't think so!" Eon's gauntlet extended its energy blade, "they're our precious batteries. To use again and again, to help us create a new universe." "What?" Gwendolyn asked. "You can't be serious? You're gonna keep fusing worlds?" "That's right," Eon nodded. "Again and again. We'll combine our newly created world with another one, taking the best that that world has to offer and adding it to our masterpiece. And eventually, there'll only be one universe left. A perfect universe, where I am lord and master over all." "You can't be serious?" Trixie asked. "Paradox said there are an infinite number of universes. You could keep fusing worlds forever and not combine more than one percent of it." Eon chuckled, "Paradox always was a man who liked to exaggerate. There can't be that many universes. And even if there was, I'll find a way to make this ship powerful enough to do the job." He stepped forward. "I bet there's more than one world out there with versions of those girls. I'l snatch them up and use them to power the ship. Making it stronger and stronger. Eventually, there will be no universe except the one I envision." "You're insane," Gwendolyn cried. "We're not gonna let you destroy any world." She thrust her hands forward and unleashed a blast of mana, but Eon thrust his hand out and fired a beam of time to counter it. The two beams collided and cancelled each other out, Trixie slamming her bell into the ground. The sonic blast flew towards Eon and slammed into him, the time being grunting as he was pushed backwards. But he was soon able to hold his ground and pushed forward. As the sound waves died down, he glared at Trixie. "You think that's enough to stop me?" He asked, as Trixie prepared another blast. But Eon was faster and fired a time beam towards her. Trixie gasped and barely managed to dodge, as the beam struck her bell and caused it to turn to dust. "Hey!" She leapt away, trying to remember what she had read about her objects her Medallions formed. 'The bell won't rematerialise unless I'm out of this form for at least an hour.' She landed and quickly changed, "Luna Cat!" Eon watched her outfit transform and before he could adjust, Trixie created a bunch of clones that filled the cockpit. Gwendolyn took this confusion to unleash a blast of fire, which Eon had to dodge whilst the Trixie clones got in close. "You think I'm scared of a few fakes!?" But to his amazement, one of the clones swung her staff around and hit him in the shoulder. "Augh!" "Solid illusions?" Gwendolyn asked, as the real Trixie looked exhausted from doing that. "I can't make more than one solid," she explained. "And it doesn't always work out. But I can make a solid illusion if I try really hard." Eon growled at this, whilst Gwendolyn and Trixie got into a fighting stance. Only one group was walking away from this with the Rainbooms. Back in the engine room, Azmuth and the others continued to do what they could. As Shining, Rook and Kevin fought against the electric snakes, Azmuth was busy getting familiar with the ship's layout. "Alright," he started pulling parts out. "I think I might know how we destroy this thing." He pulled on a wire and attached it to another wire. "We need to disable the ship's power dampeners." "You want to make it overload?" Rook asked, cutting another snake up. "Exactly," Azmuth nodded. "Flood it with so much power, it can't hope to contain it all. More power than it can expel. It'll explode and never be a threat to the omniverse again." "Great," Kevin bashed a snake away. "Get to it then!" "I am," Azmuth removed a part from the engine. "But we'll need help from the others. Twilight and the others, will need to supply it with the energy. Overcharge it with all the magic they can give it." "Great," Shining slashed at another snake. "And how do you intend to get them to do that?" Azmuth smirked, as he removed a part and returned it upside down. Vilgax caught Kagenobi's sword and punched him with his real arm, knocking him back as Crashhopper bounced forward. The alien insect then slammed onto the Omnitrix and transformed, turning into a giant humanoid tiger wearing a wrestling outfit. The tiger roared as he slammed his fist into Vilgax, the speed from Crashhopper's take off tripling the impact. As Vilgax was knocked flying back, the tiger roared again. "Let me tell you something, different Vilgax from the one I've beaten a hundred times, but is still really annoying! Rath, will make you feel the hurt. Rath, will make you regret trying to smoosh two worlds together! Rath, WILL DESTROY YOU!" Kagenobi picked himself up and saw Ben's sudden change in attitude. Maybe he didn't want to unlock this alien. Vilgax growled as he picked himself up, then chuckled. "No. I will be the one to destroy you!" His feet dug into the floor, as his chest armor opened up. Their eyes went wide at this. "Not good," Kagenobi cried. He looked around, but there was no way they could escape in time. "You think Rath is scared of a laser?" The tiger asked. "Rath eats lasers for breakfast! Rath will devour your laser and use its energy, to lay the smack down on you!" But as Vilgax fired, the beam was so powerful that it took up the entire hallway. Kagenobi rushed forward and jumped in front of Rath, hitting the Ultimatrix to transform into Gemini. He quickly put up the seven-coloured bubble and the laser slammed into it, the impact pushing the force field into the pair. Both aliens cried out, as the bubble was smashed into the back wall and broke right through it. It then broke through several more walls but managed to maintain integrity. Then, they broke through another wall and found themselves in midair. "Wow!" Gemini cried, seeing they were now outside the ship. The repivor was flying away from them, heading towards a tear that was still growing larger. "Gravity!" Rath yelled, "we meet again. Bring it on! I'm ready for a rematch!" But as they fell, Gemini created six duplicates. Two of them grabbed him and the other four grabbed Rath, the lot then throwing the pair towards the ship before disappearing. Both cried out, as they crashed into the ship. Rath quickly stabbed his black claw into the machine, whilst Gemini tried to grab on. But he was having trouble and almost fell off, until Rath caught him. Pulling him back onto the ship, both suddenly found they were being pulled towards the metal. It was like the ship had its own gravity, holding onto anything touching the ship. "We need to get back inside," Gemini told Rath. The tiger turned to him. "Let me tell you something, alternate alien hero who isn't another Ben Ten, that I'm starting to think might be better at this than Rath! Rath already knew that!" They started making their way back towards the hole, half expecting Vilgax to be waiting there to blast them. But as they got closer, something leapt out of the hole and crashed down on the ship in front of them. Vilgax. "Are you crazy!?" Gemini cried. "We have to get back inside, before we enter the void." "Oh, you're not going back inside." He pointed his metal arm at them and fired from his pincer, Gemini putting up a shield to block it. As he did, Rath hit the Omnitrix and transformed into an alien made of purple rocks and red crystals. And when Gemini lowered the force field, the alien fired a blast of multi-coloured energy that shot towards Vilgax and slammed right into him. This caused Vilgax to be knocked staggering back, as Gemini charged forward and changed into Cat-Apult. The alien cat leapt at Vilgax and slammed his tail into him. The impact caused Vilgax to stagger, but he quickly recovered and swung his metal arm around to knock Cat-Apult back. The cat alien barely managed to stay in the ship's gravity field, falling back and landing as the crystal alien stepped up next to him. They glanced at one another, knowing they had to work together in order to stop Vilgax once and for all. And so, they charged forward, Vilgax doing the same before the three clashed. In the main control room, Trixie and Gwendolyn continued their fight against Eon. Gwendolyn launched a blast of lightning, which Eon deflected with his time sword. As he did, Trixie rushed up and changed into her Rapid Turtle form. "Time powers versus time powers!" She slowed time as best she could, hoping Eon would freeze as well, then leapt at him to deliver a punch. But Eon was moving completely normally, firing a time beam at her. She held up her shield and the beam struck, Trixie thinking her shield would disintegrate. But instead, the beam bounced off and hit a nearby wall with no effect. "Foolish child. I can exist outside of time." "Not good," she gulped as time returned to normal. Gwendolyn flew at Eon and chanted some kind of spell, causing ropes of energy to appear around him and tie him up. "Augh!" He struggled, "release me!" "I don't think so!" Trixie used this chance to leap into the air and deliver a powerful kick, right to his chest. He roared as he was thrown backwards, Trixie jumping back whilst Gwendolyn fired a bolt of lightning. But Eon saw this coming and leapt up, the bolt striking the energy ropes. To the girl's shock, the rope exploded and Eon was freed. "Pathetic!" He fired a laser that shot straight towards them, Gwendolyn gasping until Trixie leapt in front of her. She raised her shield and the beam struck it, getting deflected down onto the floor. At first, nothing happened. But then, the floor began to rust and turn to dust. Soon enough, that part broke away and revealed a large hole in the floor. And when Trixie looked inside, she gasped seeing the Rainbooms inside. "Girls!" Sunset let out a groan, as he opened her eyes and looked up at them. "Trixie." "Hang on," Trixie cried. "We'll get you out of here." But that might be easily said then done. Vilgax swung his claw at Cat-Apult, but the cat leapt back as Chromastone fired another laser at him. Vilgax blocked with his own laser and as he did, Cat-Apult saw the breach beginning to form a circle as the ship got closer. "If we don't get back inside now, we're all gonna die." "I don't think so," Chromastone stated. "There's no way a Vilgax would come out here, knowing he would die if the ship flew into the void. He knows we're safe." Cat-Apult looked surprised by this, whilst Vilgax chuckled. "You're smarter than you look. Yes, the repivor creates a protective barrier around itself as it enters the void. A barrier large enough for us to stand inside without worry of the void's effect." The ship began to enter the portal, as Vilgax fired a laser at the two of them. "But if I throw you out of the ship's protection...you'll be gone forever." He fired again, but the two dodged the beam and hit the dials. In a flash, they were both transformed into a pair of beastly aliens. Vapaw and Wildmutt charged, Vapaw unleashing a blast of smoke that somehow wasn't blown away and surrounded them. Vilgax fired into the cloud, but missed and couldn't see a thing when it suddenly surrounded him. He swung his pincer around, but missed and growled. And then, something shot past him and slashed at his body. He roared at this, trying to grab who did it. One of the wires, connecting his body to the tube on his back, was then slashed at and cut through. He growled before firing several shots into thin air, hitting nothing except parts of the ship. Then, two green flashes appeared outside the clouds before it started fading. And when it did, Volt-Edge and Frankenstrike stood on either side of him. Both sparked with lightning and fired it at Vilgax, hitting him several times as they charged forward. Vilgax fired at them, but they managed to avoid the beams with Frankenstrike dealing a powerful punch to Vilgax's chest. This knocked him back, as Volt-Edge slid along the ground and slashed at another wire. The two hit the dials again and transformed into Bushwhacker and Swampfire, Bushwhacker reaching out and grabbing Vilgax before pulling him forward. Swampfire's arms ignited and as Vilgax was pulled forward, he thrust the fire at him and unleashed a powerful flamethrower. "GAAAAAAH!" He cried, as Bushwhacker let him go. As he did, the part of the ship they were on entered the void. And just like Vilgax said, they were perfectly fine. Bushwhacker and Swampfire nodded at one another before hitting the dials, transforming into Gyrotor and Terraspin. The pair blasted a powerful steam of wind towards Vilgax, slamming into him and pushing him backwards. The force pushed Vilgax back and he threatened to be thrown upwards and out of the ship's protection. But at the last moment, he slammed his claw into the ship and was able to hook himself. The pair increased the power, but Vilgax and the ship's metal was strong enough to withstand it. As the ship completely entered the void, the heroes looked around and saw the many colours and images around them. "It wasn't like this when Paradox brought us," Terraspin stated. As he said that, the ship fired another laser. One that opened yet another breach, creating a crack in the dimension that slowly started opening. "We're about to enter my world." "Then we've gotta hurry!" Gyrotor hit the Ultimatrix and transformed, becoming Lantool and flying towards Vilgax. The wind died down and Vilgax pulled his pincer out of the metal, as Lantool shot towards him and swung an energy hammer towards him. Vilgax dodged this and fired a laser at him, Lantool creating a shield to block before firing an energy gatling gun at him. Vilgax leapt back, as Terraspin transformed into Eye Guy and fired a beam of energy at him. Vilgax blocked with his own laser, as Lantool flew in closer with twin energy swords. He slashed at him, Vilgax blocking both with his pincer before reaching out and grabbing the energy alien. As Eye Guy fired another beam, Vilgax threw Lantool into it and the attack slammed into him. "Augh!" Lantool was blown upwards, towards the edge of the repivor's barrier. Vilgax smiled at this, only to see a green flash and look round to see Eye Guy become the alien known as Jetray. The alien manta ray shot up and grabbed Lantool, seconds before he hit the barrier. As he did, he turned back to Vilgax and fired a beam of light from his eyes. But Vilgax responded with his own laser, which Jetray dodged as he let Lantool go. The energy being shook his head and quickly hit the Ultimatrix, transforming once again into the alien known as Firefly. And as Vilgax fired at them, Firefly used his gauntlets to propel himself downwards whilst dodging the lasers. And as he did, he fired blasts of webbing towards Vilgax. The alien squid blasted through the web, as Jetray shot down to try and blast him close up. But Vilgax dodged this and actually grabbed him around the waist, squeezing tightly as Jetray cried out. Firefly tried to help, but Vilgax chose this moment to open the doors of his chest. And before the insect could dodge, a blast of energy exploded out of it and slammed right into him. "GYAAAAAH!" "FLASH!" Jetray screamed, as Firefly was thrown backwards and fell towards the back end of the ship. Vilgax laughed as he slammed Jetray into the ship, then threw him away. Jetray rolled along the metal and finally came to a stop, panting as he picked himself up. "Face it. Nothing you do can defeat me." Jetray stood tall and took a deep breath. "I wouldn't count on that." He struck the Omnitrix and in a flash, transformed yet again. This time, into a large white and green robotic alien with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest and glass tubes for arms. The symbol and tubes were full of a bright green energy. "Homina, homina, homina!" He shot forward and smashed his fist right into Vilgax's chest. "Take that!" At the same time, Firefly was rolling through the air. He tried to gain control, but was spinning too fast. "Can't stop!" He cried, thinking of changing to another alien. But which one could save him? And which one could stand up to Vilgax. It was then that he realised what he needed to do. If he wanted to beat Vilgax, he had to push past his limit. It was time to face his fears. Time to go Ultimate. "Here goes!" He reached for the dial, quickly spinning it before slamming down. In a burst of light, his body transformed so that his skin was now crimson red. Meanwhile, his armor turned bright yellow with blue flame patterns covering them. His legs were gone and from his waist, a metal skirt was sticking out of it that looked like a rocket-booster. His butterfly wings were gone and in their place, a new pair of arms could be found that looked just like his front ones. Below his front ones, a second smaller pair of arms could also be seen. These ones didn't have the gauntlets on them, instead having three clawed fingers sticking out of them. His head was also different, as a new helmet was covering it. The helmet was yellow in colour and had a white section where the mouth should be. His eyes were covered by a pair of round red visors and between them, starting from above his mouth moving up between them, was a blue metal horn-like protrusion that went up its head and split above the eyes to form a Y-shape. The skirt unleashed a blast of fire, only it wasn't the normal fire. Instead, it was bright blue and stopped his fall cold. "ULTIMATE FIREFLY!" He cried, as he managed to stop himself. The jets on his back also ignited and pushed him forward, the evolved insect moving like a rocket towards the battle. The alien known as Atomix dodged one of Vilgax's blasts and threw a punch right into his chest, knocking him back. Vilgax slid to a stop and prepared to attack, but a fireball suddenly shot past Atomix. "Coming through!" Ultimate Firefly smashed his horn into Vilgax, the impact knocking him backwards and also crushing the doors of his chest cannon closed. "Wow." Atomix watched as the insect pushed itself back, using the flames of his booster to burn Vilgax as he flew back over to them. "Love the new look." Suddenly, the breach they flew towards fully opened and revealed another city on the other side of it. "Is that..." Firefly asked. "That's my world," Atomix realised. He suddenly noticed the shape of the city. "That's my home. Bellwood." "How fitting," Vilgax stood up. "Your homes will be the spot that the worlds will collide, destroying you and creating a new universe for me to rule." The alien heroes glared at him, as the ship flew into the portal. "That's not gonna happen!" Ultimate Firefly cried. "Because we're gonna stop you!" Atomix announced before the pair leapt forward. This was it. Do or die. Either they stop Vilgax and save their world, or everything they knew and loved would be over. They refused to let that be the case.