//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 New Plans (Edited) // Story: Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story // by Flip_The_Table //------------------------------// Mirage hummed a tune while the ship orbited the planet, with Crypto, Ash, Wraith, Horizon, and Watson gathered around, awaiting further instructions. They maintained a low profile until they could devise a plan to locate Pathfinder. "Ash, are we certain this planet is safe for us?" Wraith questioned, rising to her feet and holstering her knife. Ash glanced at her rat companion before turning her attention to the former pilot. "My plan is simple, but the rest of you will need to figure out your roles," Ash declared, stowing away her rat. She moved to the front of the ship where the pilot sat, gazing out at the planet below. The sight stirred odd memories within her. "A militia planet isn't an ideal starting point for any plan," Wraith remarked, voicing her concerns before heading off. As she opened a door, a man slipped and fell out, landing on the floor with a thud. Mirage swiftly rose, aiming his Wingman at the intruder, but the rest of the group groaned in response. Mirage raised his Wingman, ready to defend against the unexpected intruder. "Heya folks! Your best amigo is here!" Octane announced, his laughter filling the room. Wraith's frustration was palpable. "Octane, you were supposed to be with Bangalore!" "Yeah, how did you get on here?" Mirage questioned as he approached Octane. Octane's enthusiasm remained undeterred. "Yes, I would be at the games... but I wanted to have an adventure with you all!" he declared. Wraith groaned in exasperation. "Mirage was one thing, but now him!?"  Mirage couldn't help but interject, "Yeah- Hey!" "Let's just hope he doesn't get us all killed," muttered Crypto, still focused on his work as always. Watson nodded in agreement, her attention fixed on her own tasks. Ash sighed, realizing they were stuck with Octane's spontaneous presence. "It's too late now," she conceded, watching Octane dart back inside the ship in search of something. trying to remain optimistic Ash said "Maybe he'll surprise us and be useful for once." As the ship finally landed, Ash was the first to rise from her seat, her expression firm as she glanced around at the team. "Alright, let's move out. Stay focused, everyone." Exiting the ship, the team remained alert, their senses sharp for any potential threats. However, Octane's characteristic impatience and energy seemed to amplify in the confined space, irritating the rest of the team. "Are we there yet?" Octane's voice pierced the tense atmosphere, prompting synchronized groans from the others. "No," Mirage snapped, his patience wearing thin. "Stay quiet, Octane," Wraith added tersely, her tone leaving no room for argument. Ash's instructions were clear: she, Crypto, and Summers would form one group, while Wraith led the others to scout for suitable terrain. Despite Wraith's exasperation, the team knew the importance of their mission and complied without protest. With determination in their steps, Ash's group disembarked from the ship, their eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings for any signs of danger or opportunity. Meanwhile, Wraith led the second group, her focus unwavering as they set out to find the perfect location for Ash's plan to unfold. . "Contact us once you've secured the spot, and don't forget to set up the beacon." Ash replied, her voice firm and determined As Wraith surveyed their surroundings, she heard the distant echo of her own voice bouncing off the trees. Determined to find a more suitable location, she gestured for the team to follow as she led them in a different direction, her instincts guiding their path through the dense forest. Octane's question about Mirage's connection with Pathfinder sparked a nostalgic twinge in Mirage's heart. "Ah, you wanna hear the story, huh? Alright, here it goes." crossing his arms as he began his tale. "Back when I was a kid, life wasn't exactly easy. My mom was... well, let's just say she had her struggles. I had to grow up pretty fast, taking care of her and all." He glanced up at the sky, lost in the memories. "One day, when things were feeling particularly tough, I stumbled upon something unexpected near a dumpster. It was Pathfinder, broken and discarded, like he'd been tossed aside without a second thought." Octane listened intently, a grin on his face, clearly eager for more. "And you know what? Despite his sorry state, there was this spark in him, this sense of resilience. I couldn't just leave him there, so I brought him home, patched him up as best I could. And that's how it all began." Mirage's eyes shimmered with a mixture of pride and fondness as he recalled the moment. "Pathfinder may not have started out as a hero, but he sure became one to me. He taught me that even the most broken things can find their purpose again." "So, that's the story of how I met Pathfinder. A chance encounter that changed both our lives forever." Mirage finished his story, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips as he glanced back at Octane, waiting to see his reaction. Octane's eyes sparkled with excitement as he absorbed Mirage's tale. "Dude, that's awesome!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. "Finding a broken robot by a dumpster and turning him into a hero? That's like something straight out of a movie!" Mirage chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it kinda feels that way when I think back on it. But hey, life's full of unexpected twists and turns, right?" As they walked through the dense forest, Mirage couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Wraith's behavior. She seemed distracted, lost in thought, and it was starting to concern him. "Hey, Wraith," Mirage called out, trying to get her attention. "You seem... different. Everything okay?" Wraith glanced back at him, her expression unreadable. "Just thinking," she replied curtly before returning her gaze to the path ahead. Mirage exchanged a glance with Octane, who shrugged in response. "Guess she's not in the mood for conversation," Octane remarked. Mirage nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of unease settle over him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something important was on Wraith's mind, something she wasn't ready to share. “I don’t trust this plan” Wraith's words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their mission. Mirage couldn't deny the doubts gnawing at him, but the thought of finding Pathfinder spurred him on. "I get it," Mirage replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But we've come this far. Let's give it a shot." Octane nodded in agreement, though his usual exuberance seemed dampened by Wraith's skepticism. "Yeah, we're in this together," he chimed in, trying to inject some optimism into the situation. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, Octane's incessant chatter grated on Wraith's nerves, but she remained steadfast, her annoyance masked by determination. Mirage led the way, his thoughts consumed by the prospect of finding Pathfinder and the unknown dangers that lay ahead. Despite their doubts and the tension in the air, they continued onward, united by their shared goal and the hope of success. Ash’s team cautiously explored the dimly lit interior of the old I.M.C. base, remnants of past conflicts strewn across the floor. As Ash activated a console, the room hummed to life with the faint sound of machinery, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Crypto's keen eyes scanned the technology for any clues, while Summers and Paquette remained on edge, ready for whatever might lurk in the shadows. Ash's somber demeanor hinted at her troubled history with the base, adding an air of tension to their mission. Unbeknownst to them, a small, blinking light in the corner hinted at an unseen threat looming nearby. The group exchanged glances, uncertain of their next move. With no clear solution in sight, they knew they needed to think outside the box to overcome this obstacle. Ash took a deep breath, her processors working overtime to calculate potential solutions. "Okay, here's what we're going to do," she began, her synthesized voice firm with determination. "Crypto, I need you to hack into the base's mainframe and see if you can locate any backup power systems. Horizon, you and Wattson will work on restoring power manually. Use whatever tools you have at your disposal. And as for me..." She paused, scanning the room for any clues or potential resources. Then, her sensors detected a panel in the corner of the room. "I'll see if I can access the emergency systems from here," she concluded, striding purposefully toward the panel. Crypto examined the data from the drone's scan, his brow furrowing in concentration. The information wasn't promising. "Hmmm... electric grid... once shut off, all data is off," he reported, his tone tinged with frustration. Ash processed the information, her internal systems running scenarios and calculations. She knew they needed a solution, and fast. "Is there any way to restore power without triggering a system shutdown?" she asked, her voice calm but urgent. Crypto paused, considering the question. Then, a spark of inspiration lit up in his eyes. "We might be able to reroute power manually," he suggested. "If we can access the main junction box, we could bypass the shutdown protocol and restore power sector by sector." Crypto's suggestion sparked a glimmer of hope among the group. Ash nodded, recognizing the potential in his plan. "That could work," she agreed, her voice carrying a note of cautious optimism. "If we can manually reroute power, we might be able to regain control of the grid without triggering a complete shutdown." Horizon and Wattson exchanged determined looks, ready to assist in any way they could. "It won't be easy," Wattson said, her expression serious. "But if we work together, we can make it happen." Ash nodded, her circuits buzzing with newfound determination. "Alright, let's get to work," she said, her tone firm. "Crypto, lead the way to the main junction box. Horizon, Wattson, you're with me. We're going to restore power to this facility, one sector at a time." With a resolute nod, Crypto took the lead, navigating the dimly lit corridors of the facility toward the main junction box. Horizon and Wattson followed closely behind, their determination matching Ash's. As they moved forward, Ash's processors churned with calculations, analyzing the potential challenges they might face. Despite the odds stacked against them, she remained focused on the task at hand, driven by the mission to restore power and uncover the data. Once they successfully retrieved the data and restored power to the facility, the team gathered their equipment and prepared to leave the building. Ash led the way, her sword in hand, followed closely by Crypto, Horizon, and Wattson. As they stepped outside, Mirage's voice came over the comms again. "Hey, team, any updates?" Ash glanced at Crypto, who nodded. "We've got the data we need," she replied. "We're heading your way now." "Copy that," Mirage acknowledged. "We'll be ready to meet you." “What is in this data anyway?” Crypto asked  "You see, this vortex is incredibly volatile," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "Human bodies aren't built to withstand the intense temporal energies within. If anyone other than me were to enter, they'd be torn apart at the molecular level." She explained as the group all left the base. A few hours passed. "What!?" exclaimed Mirage. "You're going in alone?" Ash remained silent as she strode over to Wraith, taking in the surroundings and noticing the small weapon case with a sleeping Octane perched on top. "Is everything satisfactory?" she inquired. "No... just a painful headache. Let's get this over with... I don't trust this one bit," Wraith responded, rubbing her temple. Ash glanced back before turning her attention to Horizon, Wattson, and Crypto diligently working on the portal template. "Now we wait for this to be done... once I'm in—" "Now hang on a sec, I'm his best bud, I should do the rescue!" Mirage shouted. "Mirage... you're not a bot, you have no way back... I'm different, plus I know how to not make it sloppy," she said. "T-that is bull! I don't care if I get stuck! I'm here to save my friend!" he insisted. "Doesn't matter," Ash said firmly. "Hey Mirage, listen up. Let's not complicate things further. If she doesn't make it back, she'll respawn in her other body! It's that simple," Wraith urged. "I... I just want to do more to help," Mirage admitted, his gaze dropping. Octane rose from the box and sat, fixing his eyes on Mirage. "Amigo... you've already done plenty. Your presence here is invaluable," he reassured. "Path would understand why you're not there," Wattson said, with Horizon nodding in agreement. Mirage nodded back at them before sighing and looking at Ash with a determined expression. "Make sure to bring him back," he said firmly. Ash nodded in acknowledgment before suddenly hearing Wraith gasp. Without hesitation, Wraith pushed Ash and Mirage out of harm's way as something massive crashed behind them. There stood a Titan, an older model indicating a seasoned Pilot at the controls. Wraith gasped again, recognizing the Monarch-type Titan standing before them. She groaned, feeling the intensity in her head subside slightly. As the hatch swung open, there was nothing there at first, until the pilot emerged, adjusting his neck. "You... you were blocking my reading," Wraith exclaimed, feeling the pain in her head dissipate as the pilot jumped down, brandishing a P2020 pistol. "Listen up, Apex predators! This planet is off-limits! Pack your stuff and leave—" he began, but halted as he caught sight of Ash, holding her sword out towards him. "So... you're alive, huh?" he remarked. "Last time I saw you... you were crushed dead," he said with a hint of disbelief. "Jackson Cooper," Ash uttered, her tone steady but laced with recognition. "W-what!?" the group exclaimed in shock, their voices echoing the collective astonishment at the unexpected revelation. Before them stood a figure of legend, a dangerous adversary known for his past exploits, the one who had single-handedly halted the I.M.C. by detonating a planet. "Yeah, you remember alright," Jack confirmed, his demeanor unfazed by the sudden reunion. With tension thick in the air and apprehension mounting, he said nothing more, his grip firm on the weapon, while his Titan loomed menacingly, its rifle aimed directly at them, the barrel charging with ominous energy. "Now. Leave. We don't need a fight," he stated firmly, his voice carrying a weight of authority. As his cloak faded, a shot rang out from Octane, wielding a P2020, but it was swiftly deflected and Octane was knocked to the ground. Mirage dashed forward, only to be ensnared by a holographic decoy. "Think fast!" Mirage shouted, diverting attention momentarily. In the chaotic flurry of movement, Jack deftly caught Mirage's arm mid-motion, his reflexes honed from years of combat experience. With a swift, calculated strike, he delivered a punch to Mirage's gut, forcing him to stagger back. As Wraith lunged at him with ferocity, Jack smoothly sidestepped her attack, demonstrating an agility that belied his formidable presence. Meanwhile, Ash's focus remained unwavering amidst the turmoil. With a commanding tone, she swiftly directed her attention to the three remaining teammates. "Start the vortex!" she commanded urgently, her voice cutting through the din of the unfolding confrontation. "But it's not ready—" "Start it!" Ash's command echoed with unwavering determination, overriding any objections as she rushed towards Jack. With precise agility, he phased past Wraith to seize the sword, but a shot found its mark, striking him in the leg and forcing him to kneel. Despite the pain, he activated his jump kit, using it to shove both Ash and Mirage out of harm's way before limping towards his Titan. "FF... let's finish this," he grunted through clenched teeth before mustering the strength to climb onto the Titan's back. In the chaos, Crypto hastily grabbed something, his hands shaking as he planted a chip and waited for the tracker to activate. However, before he could proceed, Wattson reacted swiftly, pulling him away from the Titan's looming foot with a sense of urgency, narrowly avoiding potential disaster. "Here! Catch!" Crypto shouted, tossing the device over to Ash before she leaped onto Octane's jump pad, landing gracefully with the rest of the group. Mirage smirked, scanning the surroundings before they all swiftly retrieved their weapons. "Here we go!" Mirage exclaimed, a confident grin spreading across his face as he fired his gun, joined by the others. The Titan responded by lifting its shield, effortlessly deflecting the barrage of bullets before preparing to retaliate. "Portal is at 50%!" Horizon's urgent shout pierced through the tension. "Launch it... I have what I need, then run!" Ash's command reverberated, her tone unwavering as she gripped her sword, gesturing towards Octane's stim. Cooper swiftly exchanged glances with the group, passing something to Ash before a warning flashed across his display. "Warning: Time vortex detected," FF's warning jolted them into action, prompting Ash to act decisively. She called out to Cooper, swiftly injecting herself with the stim before lunging forward. With a swift motion, she activated her sword, harnessing its power to teleport faster, crashing into the Titan with unparalleled force, causing it to stagger back before succumbing to the vortex's pull. As the other legends began their retreat, Ash caught Mirage's nod of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the promise they shared. Returning the nod with determination, Ash watched as the swirling static consumed them both, pulling them inexorably into the heart of the vortex. "Death... empty... like always," Ash's voice echoed softly in the void as she slowly came to her senses, her surroundings a stark contrast to the chaos she had just left behind. With a steadying breath, she surveyed the vast emptiness around her, the weight of solitude pressing upon her. Refocusing her attention, Ash retrieved the device from her pocket and activated it, the soft glow casting shadows against the ethereal backdrop. Slow, rhythmic beeps emanated from the device before quickening in pace, indicating a clear direction.  With a determined resolve, Ash propelled herself forward using her jump kit, navigating through the seemingly endless expanse of space with purpose. Her thoughts drifted to Pathfinder, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, urging her onward. Unbeknownst to her, the colossal mech stirred to life behind her, its mechanical joints groaning as it awakened from its slumber. With silent determination, it trailed after Ash, its purpose shrouded in mystery as it embarked on this journey into the unknown alongside her.