//------------------------------// // Interlude VI: Desperation Through Past Events. // Story: Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space // by Rain_Flick3r //------------------------------// ‘The number five. Five is the number that changes, the change that the universe herself sets in motion. A motion to which no being knows how it starts or ends. For, only she sees the beginning and end of time and everything therein. The number five breeds curiosity, a curiosity that boggles the mind yet pulls it ever forward. To where? It does not care, to where it finds itself. Only to find it and learn from it. Will the journey be safe? No one knows, not even the goddess herself. For, curiosity is quite a finical thing, a finical thing that drives you mad with questions, assumptions, and prenotions. The number five is the number of freedom, a freedom that encapsulates the heart. The heart has its own yearning, yet, its yearning is quite difficult to obtain. Some hearts yearn for freedom of the air and sky. To fly as high in the sky as it wants, to be ever so high that the ground beneath becomes nonexistent. Everyone has their own type of freedom their hearts yearn for. Yet, it will never come, but why? No one knows, not even the goddess. For, her powers pale to the power of one's heart. A power to want freedom, no matter the form it resides in… I ask thee yet another question. Are you able to change your destiny, or will it ever control your thread of string? My motives on why I ask is this. I have tried to change my past. I have tried ever so hard to cut the spooling string that connects my life to my death, or the limbo that I reside in now. I have tried time and time again. Yet, it gives no ground, no flex, nothing. It is ever tightened to the steel needle of the spinning wheel of the fates. I have seen every outcome of this little theater show. A theater show that I am forced to recount endlessly. I have tried my hardest to manipulate myself, Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight… The five ponies you see approaching my spire of Chrystal, my resting place. I feel my mind disintegrate under the pressure of madness that is clouding my sight, dampening my thoughts, and draining my will.  What is left to take? My soul? Why has the goddess of the universe left me here? Please I beg thee. Save me from this limbo of dull grey. I wish to see it no longer, I wish it gone! My heart yearns for the freedom of the living, the sane, the material. I Wish for change from the goddess that includes me in her plan. I wish for Curiosity to come back to my wavering soul… Yet, here I stand, standing at the very shimmer of a pooling well of water, water that gives life to every living thing in the cosmos. It wants to drown me, drown me in the sorrow of desperation and disparity. Yet, I beseech thee for thy aid. Aid in which I can live with thee again. Live with thee in the morrow, a morrow in which I am allowed to feel the morning dew. The Summer's sunlight, its warmth heating my flesh. Flesh That I wish to feel again. It is one of the very things that was taken away from me. I wish to feel my coat again, the very coat that kept me warm in the winter… But all I do is sit and watch and wallow, wallow in my sadness. A sadness so grand that death himself will never take away. For, he will never touch me nor help me drift off into heaven, let alone hell. For, I am deemed plague to most, poison to others. How must I be forgotten?’