//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The Lingering Fate Of Five Ponies. // Story: Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space // by Rain_Flick3r //------------------------------// The regal pony rushed over to her telescope and pointed it in the direction of the wall of dust flowing high in the sky. She watched as the dust fell and began to settle, glinting light slowly peering through the smothering wall. She noticed this and started to zoom in, as far as her scope could allow. ‘How can this be?’ She gasped. There was a wall of clear crystal replacing the now, non-existent wall of dust.  Shortly after a tower of water looked to be spewing upward from the ground. It held something atop the apex of the towering water. She panned her scope upward to meet the top and saw that there was a palace made from crystal that had melted. ‘What is the meaning of this? Who is responsible for this?’ She exclaimed, her ire rising in pitch. She slowly zoomed out and made sure to keep the entire situation in her view… There was a double take on her part as she zoomed back in and saw the tower of water harden and crystalize. ‘What magic is this?’ She huffed, her mind’s swell raging a storm as she took a deep breath and flew down toward the guards below. ‘Captain!’ She urged her voice in haste. A white unicorn stepped from the barracks in front of Princess Celestia. ‘Yes, Princess?’ He asked cautiously. He had never heard Celestia in a panic. ‘I am in need of four of your best ponies!’ She exclaimed furiously. Wincing, the captain blew a blue whistle. Four unassuming guards rushed to his location. ‘Princess, why are you in such a need?’ He asked, slowly stepping forward toward his Princess. ‘There is a spire, surrounded by crystal. Within its space holds a demoniacal presence that I wish to not linger.’ The captain looked up at his commander in confused bewilderment. ‘Demoniacal presence?’ His voice went silent from Celestia snarling toward him. ‘There is no time captain! Are these your best?’ He nodded ‘Yes princess.’ Celestia smiled as her muzzle slowly contorted to a wicked, teeth-bearing grin. ‘Excellent! There is a spire of crystal north of here. I want you four to fly over to it and demand that whoever lays there, come out willingly or be detained under royal decree. If they choose not to willingly come, then you have my blessing to do what is necessary to detain them.’ The four pegasus ponies wanted to run away from the miasmatic, malice-seeped words, that flowed from the lips of Princess Celestia. “Well, get on with it… Do I need to show you how disobeying my decree leads you?’ Celestia slowly but carefully trotted closer to the four ponies. Her presence felt like the air around them grew thick and heavy. ‘N-No princess, your command is our will.’ The Captain broke the tension. ‘I will accompany them, to make sure they follow your orders.’ He bowed. Spotting this Celestia stood over the captain like death would a dieying soul. ‘Very well then… Let me make this clear! If you fail me, You will regret that you ever saw the grace of my sun!’ The captain bowed lower as he groveled away from the princess's hooves. He gestured for the four other guards to follow him. Princess Celestia Stared at the four ponies coldly as they made their way to the front gate. They tripped over them selfs as they broke from her gaze. The five guards now scared took haste toward the new spire in the distance. ‘What the hell what that?’ Said one. ‘I do not know but I do not like this.’ said another. ‘Captin! What was that back there?’ Said a pink stallion. ‘I do not know, but that was definitely not normal for Her Majesty. Her eyes! They… Never mind. Look we have our orders, let's get to it men!’ The captain commanded. The last of the five cantered along behind them. He did manage to keep with their marching gallop but he was stuck in thought. ‘That was not our Princess. Those black-as-pitch marbles of eyes. They have replaced her moonstone gems. What could this mean? Her presence felt as if I was standing in front of a Cacodemon. All of this happening so suddenly has made me feel sick.’ The brown pony stopped and began to help his stomach vacate and relieve the pressure in it.  Hearing his stomach vacation of its contents, the group stopped and rushed over to him. ‘Are you feeling alright?’ The captain asked worried. The brown pony nodded ‘I’m fine, just felt a bit woozy is all. I feel better now, sir.’ The captain nodded ‘Then let's continue forward.’ The three other ponies nodded in agreement and led the way for the brown pony. ‘Everything does not feel right to me… I despise this feeling I have.’ The brown pony picked up his pace and joined up with his squadron, toward the mysterious spire in the distance.