//------------------------------// // The book // Story: Brony convention // by bowsero3 //------------------------------// I always have a big red and white backpack with me to carry books. I shifted through my book bag for a minute and found it. A big, brown, heavy book that had a cover with a marking of a unicorn's head in gold. They all pushed and shoved to see it. "So what? You got a girly diary. The big deal is?" Josh asked seeming disappointed. "The big deal is that it's not just any book," I started. "It's the diary of the maker of My Little Pony when she started the show!" "No way, where did you get it?" Joey asked. "Ya, and how much?" Josh asked, not seeming convinced. "On... eBay," I started, realizing it might not be real. "Ha, he admits!" Josh exclaimed. "Have you looked at it yet?" Joey asked trying not to give up hope. "Not yet." I said. "Then lets take a look!" Eric said enthusiastically. I grabbed it, opened it slowly, and then a giant flash of light shined on us. "AHH!" We all screamed and started falling.