//------------------------------// // "You Will Find Out, In Due Time" // Story: Foregone // by marmalado //------------------------------// Buildings burned with the fire of a hundred thousand suns. Catpeople fled for their lives, taking their families to parts completely unknown. The ground cracked with each and every attack that landed. Inside a castle where the colors of black and grey mixed together to create a most depressing aesthetic, three alicorns squared off against a complete army of guards, and the lion-person who stood behind them all. "King Ashero." A white alicorn, her ethereal mane and tail a gorgeous array of turquoise, helioscope, cobalt blue, and cerulean, stepped to the front. "This battle has gone on for far too long. You are putting your people in danger." Ashero simply gave a derisive snort. "On the contrary, horse. Sacrifices must be made in order to save Vallea." "And yet you are making too many sacrifices at the cost of one." came the remark of a shorter night-blue alicorn, with a cool sapphire-blue mane and tail. "At the rate you are going, Vallea shall soon cease to exist." "Lies!" The fierce roar did not stir the army any, but it did make the third bipedal alicorn flinch. "You know nothing of Vallea. You know nothing of what I have done to make this town bloom as it has for the past several decades. You know nothing." "On the contrary." The words of the bipedal alicorn shone through, with her chocolate-brown curly hair and tail and her professional-looking uniform. A golden necklace marked with a seal proudly displaying the Droste Effect in action adorned her neck. "You've attacked my friends. You've attacked my family. You've attacked me. I know exactly what your town is and what you've done to it. You haven't made it bloom, you've been squashing it under your filthy feet!" This outburst earned the alicorn a spear aimed directly for her neck. "Quit spewing lies, you disgusting abomination!" Ashero roared. "All you've done, all you continue to do, is ruin things. All under the silly pretense of 'saving the world'. When, in fact, you are a cold-hearted killer!" "Ha! Now that's a lie!" "It is not!" "Snot stew!" The bipedal alicorn huffed. "I would never kill anyone." "Then how does that explain three of my people getting murdered?!" "That was my mother!" The alicorn and Ashero huffed in unison. The other two alicorns watched with mildly surprised expressions. "Whatever. Your mother is probably already dead." Ashero pointed behind the trio, to the entrance that they had so boldly burst through. "My people will do anything to defend Vallea, even kill their enemies. Olive is no exception." He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, are you always vomiting up useless dribble like old hairballs?" "Oh? You're tired of my wittle dribble?" The bipedal alicorn reached behind her back and pulled out a sizeable hammer, one that the other two alicorns expressed bigger surprise at. "Then let's fight. I can't wait for you to suffer a painful death at my feet." Ashero laughed. "You just said you weren't a killer!" "For you, I'd absolutely make an exception." Mandy turned to the two alicorns and nodded twice, then swiveled her head back around. With a mighty cry, she charged. So did the two alicorns. The army charged right for them. And all the while, Ashero sat on his throne, watching mindlessly as his people fought for the town's sake. For his sake. "You? You're Princess Celestia? And Princess Luna?" "Indeed. And you must be Agent Mandy. You must listen to me and my sister. You are in grave danger. Celestia and I have found it best if we were to assist you in taking down Vallea." ... "What's an 'Element of Harmony'?" ... "...work together...kill Ashero..." ... "Save Equestria. Save Odd Squad." "Your friends..." ... "Worthy...Princess..." In a warped version of Equestria that likely looked nothing like the final product, the white alicorn stood over her dark-furred sister. "Luna, this 'Mandy' character...have you found her?" Luna...a rather fitting name. She shook her head. "I have not, Celestia. The portal that leads to Earth does not grant me access. When I go through it, it simply takes me right back to Ponyville." The white alicorn, Celestia, heaved a sigh. "I see. Have you tried dreamwalking?" "Mandy's dreams are rather...how do I put this..." Luna tapped her chin. "They are vast, and dare I say, a little...unhinged." "Meaning?" "It is a world filled with all sorts of oddities, sister. One would think you could draw your own conclusions. Perhaps take my word for it on this one, hmm?" "A fair point. That I shall. And what of Mandy's friends?" Luna sadly shook her head. "Dreamwalking in the minds of humans is something that is unfortunately out of my league. Though admittedly it is something I should practice once I am able to walk around freely on Earth." "Indeed." Celestia gave a single nod. "I suppose that all we have to go off on is reports from Twilight and her fri-" Suddenly a bright light filled the view. When it died down, I... I... Yes. I had a body. A mind. A soul. I was a spirit, but one that both of these alicorns could see, going by their bewildered expressions. Silence permeated the room as I opened my mouth and attempted to form words. "H-" I cleared my throat. "Hello. I am...Haruko. Can you...hear me?" "We most certainly can." Celestia made her way over to me with soft hoofsteps. "You are a kitsune, correct?" I nodded. "That I am. You are Celestia and Luna?" "In the flesh." Luna responded. "May we help you with anything, Haruko?" "Yes. It is...it is about my...Mandy." Both alicorns exchanged expressions of surprise, which quickly turned into expressions of knowing. "I have heard your strife in identifying just who Mandy is. I am willing to help you. But I must warn-" I shot up with a bolt, blinking my eyes a few times as I struggled to adjust to the darkness of my surroundings. My breaths were warm and heavy, and my mind was abuzz with what had just happened. Were they dreams? No...they were visions. I had come to that conclusion a long time ago. They were much too real, much too vivid to be mere dreams. As I glanced at the sky, I knew right away what I needed to do. For weeks I had experienced many of these visions, often lasting the entire night. For weeks I had been plagued by the sights of a war-torn city and two strange equine creatures whose assistance I desired. The time had come for me to act, before it was too late for me to do so. Even though I would be entering a world where I would be a foreigner among commoners, I pressed on. Worrying about being outcasted did not, would not, change the fate that had been set in stone for Mandy and her friends. Taking a deep breath, I rose to my paws and began my trek to the edge of the Magical Grasslands, where the fantastical met the real. I did not know where I was going, and I knew I could not ask anyone for help -- not even Mandy. No. I could not ask Mandy. It would be cruel to do so, to tell her what I was planning on doing long before I had things secured. She had not met the two equine creatures I had seen, after all, and I knew how she liked to fret over things that were days, weeks, months, even years, decades and centuries away. Revealing the existence of the creatures, and revealing the existence of the war that was to come, would only make her suffer, and that would go against my destiny to help her throughout her life. Following a pony across Toronto was, admittedly, rather awkward. He could not see me, but I could see him clearly. Still, doing so allowed me to see areas of the town that I had not explored yet, particularly the more rural areas. I did not track how long I had walked, instead letting my impromptu guide do all the work in taking me to the other world. He looked similar to the equine creatures, but was shorter and lacked the wings and the long horn. Perhaps they were of the same species -- he looked similar to Agent Twilight. But the creatures I had seen in my dream were much taller and more imposing. Our journey took us to a desolate area, a path made of grey with trees on one side and a rather small meadow with more trees on the other. It was in the latter, right where the emptiness of the grass met the fullness of the trees, that I saw a portal -- large, swirling, with ponies entering and exiting it at will. It fascinated me to think that it could lead to another world, one that was not populated by humans but rather by small horses. I had known of a few unicorns and Pegasi during my time in the Arcanes, although they certainly did not look as small and as colorful as they do now, nor did I believe them to be mythical in any way other than by species. Perhaps those two creatures I had seen in my dream were part of the Arcanes once upon a time, and I had just never noticed them. But I needed to put those thoughts to the side and find them. It was of the utmost priority. No room could be given to such musings at the moment. I marched forward, following my guide through the portal and allowing my body to steer me to where I needed to go. Seconds later, I had arrived in a rather expansive town, filled with the same creatures as Agent Twilight. My ears picked up on the word "pony", so I came to the natural conclusion that this must be a world filled with ponies. Perhaps that was what the two figures from my dream were, as well, though they looked too large to be ponies. As I walked, I noticed I was not getting any stares, even in spite of my rather mythical appearance. I glanced down at my paws, noting that they still looked ethereal. That meant my powers were still in effect, even in this other world, and I could still choose to appear to anyone I so chose. After a few minutes, I had made my way into what appeared to be the town center, where a farmers market appeared to be going on. Ponies were running all sorts of stands, selling fruits and vegetables to their like-minded brethren who paid for them and took them happily. It was here that I realized I should look for one pony in particular, and it did not take me very long for me to find her running an apple stand. Taking a deep breath, I activated my power and padded up to her. "Agent Applejack?" "Huh?" The pony jumped a little ways in surprise, her head whipping to and fro before they finally settled on the area below her. "Who're you?" "My name is Haruko. I am..." I trailed off, wondering if I should reveal myself to one of the ponies whom Mandy had grown up with. "Haruko? Mandy's friend from her dream?" Applejack rubbed her eyes. "You're real?" "Yes. I am real." The answer had not meant to slip out, but now that it was, I knew I could not go back. "But who I am matters not. All you need to understand is that I am a friend of Mandy." "All right...so how can I help ya, sugarcube?" "I am wondering if you can help me find your leaders, Celestia and Luna. I am quite sure they are in this world somewhere." Applejack emerged from her stand and pointed in the direction of what appeared to be a city situated on the side of a mountain face. It was rather hard to see, but I could make out the outline of it. "They're in Canterlot. Or, uh, they should be, anyway." She looked back at me. "Y'all're new here t' Equestria, aren't ya?" "Yes. I am not quite sure where this 'Canterlot' is that you speak of. Equestria..." I paused to let the name rest on my tongue, letting it seep into my memory. "...is a rather foreign place to me." "Well, unfortunately I'm just a mite too busy runnin' the Sweet Apple Acres stand t' take ya..." Applejack pointed in the direction of a rather large castle. "But Twilight might be able t' help ya get t' where ya need t' go!" I stared at the castle. It was made out of crystal and seemed quite tall, looking outstanding against the buildings that lined up the town. Surely, it was a home made for a pony who looked similar to Celestia and Luna, though having seen Twilight with my own eyes, the castle looked big for one simple creature. "Thank you." "Oh, and th' name's Applejack, by the way." Applejack took an apple from one of the baskets and held it out to me. "Have an apple on th' house!" Knowing I could not feel anything in my current form and thus I would not obtain the gratification that came from eating an apple, but not wanting to be rude, I took the fruit. "Thank you, Applejack. It was lovely to meet you. I wish you the best of luck." "You as well!" My eyes became locked onto the castle. With the apple in my mouth, I rushed to it as fast as my paws would take me. Having a set destination allowed me to run instead of walk, now -- past animals of all kinds, from ponies to rabbits to bugs. Truly, Equestria was as glorious as Earth, but once again I was forced to set those thoughts aside. One of the doors was slightly ajar, and so I made my way inside, activating my powers so that I would be visible to Twilight. As I looked at my surroundings, I noticed that the castle was quite large on the inside compared to the outside, as there were many rooms I could enter and many paths I could take. "Agent Twilight?" I called tentatively, wondering if the Odd Squad agent was around. A small part of me knew that it was a fruitless endeavor, given how the pony could be anywhere and searching for her would take away time that I did not have to spare. Uttering her name caused the apple I had been holding to fall to the floor, though I ignored it. "Please, come to the front door. I must speak with you. It is urgent." It was a few seconds before I heard the sound of running hoofsteps, and even fewer before I saw the pony in the flesh, with a small purple dragon -- no doubt a child -- perched on her back, who promptly hopped down when she stopped in front of me. "Who are you?" was the first question out of Twilight's maw. "I am Haruko." "Mandy's friend? You're...you're real!" Twilight took a step backwards. "Are you from Equestria? What are you..." "No, I am not from Equestria. And I would assume you are asking what I am." I said. "I am a kitsune, one who is able to wield the seven elements that make up Earth." My expression turned serious. "But now is not the time for formalities, Twilight. I have only one request to ask of you." Twilight and the dragon stared at me expectantly. "I must travel to Canterlot immediately." "Canterlot? What for?" This time it was the young drake who spoke up, tilting his head slightly. Supposedly, he could see me as well, though for what reason I did not understand. Still, I pressed forward. "To meet with your two leaders." That alerted Twilight to how dire the situation was. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" she asked. "I can take you there, but...what do you want to meet them for?" "I cannot say. It is a matter that only serves to exist between us, and one other." "One other?" "Please refrain from asking questions." I said, my voice edging into one of uncharacteristic frustration. "I must get to them as soon as possible." "A-all right, uh, I-I can..." Twilight glanced at the drake. "I can take you there. If it's really that urgent, I can teleport you straight there..." She squinted. "But you don't seem to have an actual form." "I do not. Regardless of that, is it still possible?" "Teleporting something that is purely ethereal is different and more difficult than teleporting something that doesn't have a physical form." Twilight explained. "If I tried, I would most likely send you to someplace where you would be completely lost." "All right." I shook my head to clear my running thoughts, at least for the moment. "Then if not teleportation, is there another way to reach Canterlot?" "We can take the train." Twilight offered. "It should be leaving in a few minutes." "Then let us do that." A nod. "Spike, we'll be right back. Hold down the fort, will you?" "Aye-aye, captain!" Running to the train was a rather odd experience, particularly since I was riding on the backside of Twilight. For a moment after I left, I wondered if using my powers would be somewhat helpful to resolve my predicament, but realized that none of the elements I wielded included teleportation. I decided to make a mental note to look more into that later -- after all, if it was such a useful skill for those like Mandy to have, then surely it would be a useful skill for me too, despite my hesitance to use my powers. When we arrived there, we leaped inside just in time, only a mere few seconds before it was set to take off. It was only then that I realized I had not been inside of a train for many years, and so I felt like I was outstanding, even though no one could see me but Twilight. Of course, I had not expected Twilight to begin asking me questions before I even had a chance to sit down. Although perhaps I should have seen it coming, seeing as how she was one of the more studious ones in Mandy's adoptive family. "So who are you exactly, Haruko? What's your affiliation with Mandy? What are you? Where are you from? Are you a spirit or do you have a physical body?" I wondered whether I should tell her. I would be forever bound to Mandy until one of us passed on, but passing on information to one of her family members would not cause any lasting damage, so long as I gave up information that was not crucial to said family member's life, such as the war against Vallea. After all, I did not wish to worry Twilight, not when I only had visions to go off of -- visions that, regretfully, included her and the rest of Mandy's family, now that I had thought about them. But even so, I answered her questions with ease. I revealed to her that I was a kitsune hailing from the Magical Grasslands who was Mandy's spirit guardian, and while I had a physical form in the Grasslands, I reverted to a body made purely of light and stars in areas on the outside. In return, I received information as well about who Twilight was -- an "alicorn", as she was so called, who was one of the leaders of Equestria, here known as a "princess". She was one of four leaders alongside Celestia, Luna, and another pony named Cadance, and represented the aspect of Friendship. Celestia represented the Sun, while Luna represented the Moon, and Cadance represented the aspect of Love. Why would two beings who represented a star and a satellite be integral in helping another alicorn who did not represent anything in a war against a village of catpeople? It did not make sense. Was it because of their sheer power, as Twilight had described? Was it because they had ties to Mandy that I was unaware of? Were all of my visions simply...wrong? The last question seemed far-fetched. Never had a vision of mine been wrong before, and I did not expect the ones I had recently experienced to be any different. Still, that vision showed them asking for Mandy, and being unable to contact her. They could not enter the portal that connected Equestria to Earth, either, unlike other ponies. It seemed the mystery went deeper with each question I asked, which troubled me more than I would care to admit. "Haruko?" The mention of my name snapped me out of my reverie. I blinked and turned my head to look at Twilight. "Hm?" "Are you okay? You looked like you were staring off into space." "I am fine. I am simply thinking about things, is all." Twilight's brow furrowed, but she shrugged her shoulders. "All right. I wanted to ask you if you'd like a snack." I shook my head. "I do not feel hunger, nor do I feel the sense of totality that one would receive from eating food." "Is that so?" Twilight blinked. "You are a fascinating creature, Haruko. Kitsunes with your behaviors have never been documented in Equestrian history before. Would you mind if I studied you, when you have some free time?" Her wording made me wonder if there were more of my kind roaming about -- not that I had any such business with them. My home was with the Grasslands, and always would be. Aside from that, I would likely not be of much use in my current form. Twilight repeated her question again. "Um..." I hesitated. Far be it from me to be a guinea pig, especially that of a pony's, but I supposed as long as it was nothing intrusive, then what the alicorn was asking would be all right. "Yes." I did not hear any of Twilight's words after that. As I glanced out the window, I saw a view of a city, one that looked to be somewhat like a large, if messily designed, castle. It was different than what I had seen of Toronto, and admittedly threw me for quite a loop. When the train came to a complete stop, Twilight and I exited the car, and I allowed her to lead the way to where we needed to go. On the way there, she informed me about what Canterlot was and what it contained, and I listened to every word. I knew that perhaps another vision would strike in the future, of me visiting Equestria again for some important matter or another, and if that were to be the case, I would need to know my way around, especially considering the fact that Canterlot was the residence of powerful leaders. While I was lost in thoughts of the war, I had arrived in a rather spacious but easily recognizable room. Looking down upon me was none other than Celestia herself, just as she appeared in my vision -- tall, regal, and commanding, much as I had once envisioned a Mandy guided by the same elements that had guided me. She was flanked by two guards, both of them unicorns, who looked at Twilight instead of me. "Twilight? Is something wrong? You came here in such a terrible hurry." "Yes." Twilight gestured to her right. "This is Haruko. She's from Earth and wants to speak to you and Luna." Celestia tilted her head. "Is she invisible?" Blinking rapidly, I activated my powers so that I would be seen by Celestia, as well as the guards. "Ah." Celestia waved her hoof. "Everyone, if you could please leave. And guards, if you could please wake Luna and bring her here. I have a feeling this needs to be a private conversation." As Twilight turned to leave, she told me how she would be waiting to take me back to Ponyville, and the portal that stood at its border. I nodded and told her how grateful I was for her help, then cleared my mind so I could get down to business the second the doors closed. "Now, Haruko. I suppose we should get started?" "I would like to proceed with things when Luna is present as well." "I see. This is a matter of grave importance, isn't it, then, if it requires the both of us." "Indeed." Not one for making small talk, I was rather relieved when Luna came into the room a minute later, in the middle of brushing her mane and with bags under her eyes. It made me feel awful, to think that I tore a leader away from something important for my own selfish needs -- but Equestria and Odd Squad were both put up at stake in this needless war, and I required the involvement of her as well as Celestia if I was to retain hope that Odd Squad would end up on the winning side. "Ah, Luna. Wonderful of you to join us." As I activated my powers so that Luna could see me, the alicorn heaved a sigh. "This had better be important." "It is." I said. "Please allow me to start by introducing myself in earnest. My name is Haruko, and I am from a place on Earth known as the Magical Grasslands. I have been the spirit guardian of a being named Mandy for a long time." Celestia's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Mandy?" "Yes. Rest assured, she is benevolent and means no harm to either of you, nor to your subjects. She is a part of Odd Squad, which seeks to eradicate oddness from Earth." Luna blinked, and then tapped her chin. "Odd Squad...that is a name that seems rather familiar to me." "Perhaps because Twilight and her friends have often talked about them in letters." "Ah, yes, now I remember. Thank you, sister." Luna's gaze fixed on me. "Please, Haruko, tell us more about this 'Mandy' character." Noting that Celestia might have seen Mandy to some capacity, but not quite understanding where she had seen her, I eagerly nodded and continued my explanation. "As I am sure you might be aware, Mandy grew up with Twilight and five other fillies. Saved by a girl named Olive, she was raised in her care and has become a happy and healthy individual." I smiled. "She is a special being, one who has tremendous power beyond any other individual that I have ever seen in my lifetime. Power that shall soon be put to the test in a war that shall decide her fate, and that of both Equestria and Odd Squad." "A war." Celestia nodded. "Yes. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume this is the same one I have been receiving visions of. The one against a town known as Vallea. Am I correct, Haruko?" "Yes. I have been receiving the same visions for a long while." My eyes held a trace of sadness within them. "Vallea has been nothing short of relentless in attacking Odd Squad. Where they once wanted to capture and take Peaches back, they are now also coming after Mandy herself." "Peaches?" "A relative of Mandy's, who is from Vallea but has escaped and is now living with Mandy in one of Odd Squad's precincts. She is a creature known as a catperson. Perhaps you may not have heard of them." Luna shook her head. "We cannot say we have." Grateful that the shorter alicorn did not press forth with what a catperson was -- although such information was crucial for understanding the significance of the war, I did not know the answer to that myself and thus needed more time to obtain it -- I moved on. "There is still much I must learn about the details of this foregone war, but I have come to seek your assistance in helping Mandy to destroy Vallea. I am sure that she will get everyone involved when the time comes -- including Twilight and the others." Celestia shared a glance with Luna, one that I could not match with any emotion. I could not sense the emotions and feelings of ponies at all, but in that moment, I wished I had honed such a power and made a mental note to do so when I returned to the Grasslands. After a couple minutes had passed, both alicorns' gazes locked on to mine. I could sense the seriousness within both pairs, and I braced myself for what was to come. "If Equestria is at stake, then we see no reason why we shouldn't be involved." Celestia began. "Although I would like to meet Mandy sometime in the future, before the war begins. We have tried and..." She closed her eyes. "...failed to go through the portal that separates your world and ours." "I have also tried entering the dreams of Mandy, in order to meet with her. Unfortunately, my dreamwalking powers do not transcend across Earth, and using such powers on humans is something I am rather unfamiliar with." My eyes shifted to the floor in thought. "I see. One of my visions had you discussing such an avenue with your sister and explaining the same thing." The room fell silent once more. Truly, we were in a sticky spot, and I could not figure out how, exactly, to move forward. All I knew was that time was completely of the essence, and if Mandy nor her friends could not stop Vallea from taking her and Peaches, it would all be over. "If I may pose a suggestion?" I lifted my head. "If either of you have anything you wish to relay to Mandy, speak it now. I shall travel back to Earth and give her any messages you wish to express." "A counter-suggestion." Celestia smiled. "We may not be able to travel through the portal yet, but other ponies can do so freely. As such, we will write letters, and have one of our secretaries deliver them to Mandy." Luna's expression lit up. "A wonderful idea, sister. It is a temporary form of communication, but one that shall work until we are able to go to Earth ourselves." A small smile crossed my maw. "Unfortunately I am no Scientist, of neither the regular nor of the Odd Squad variety. As such, I cannot work on the portal myself..." My eyes rolled to the corners of my sockets as my attention briefly caught something flying that I could not identify. "...but I can inform Mandy and have her begin her own work on it as soon as possible." Luna's brow furrowed. "Is she a Scientist?" "No. But she is quite skilled in that sort of thing. Your safe travels will be in her capable hands." "Very well. Luna and I will try to figure out the portal from this side, and Mandy shall figure out the portal from her side." I could hear a soft tired exhale leave Celestia's body. "Haruko, would you also be willing to gather more information about Vallea? Anything will help, whether it is about its people or its caste." I nodded. "Of course. I do not know much about Vallea myself, so obtaining more information about them is...ah, what does Mandy call it...a 'win-win'." The princesses were rather amused by my usage of such a foreign term, and their smiles caused me to smile in turn. As I turned to leave, Celestia informed me that I was welcome to visit her and Luna at any time, and I responded by saying that I would be more than happy to take them up on the offer. Slipping through the large double doors, I spotted Twilight sitting on a bench to my right, a book held up to her face. One call of her name brought her attention to me as she tucked the book away into what Mandy had once called "hammer space". "Oh, Haruko! How did things go with the princesses?" I stiffened. "You did not hear our conversation, did you?" Twilight shook her head. "I've been busy reading. Once I get really into a good book, I tend to tune out my surroundings." Nervous laughter slipped from her lips, and my body relaxed as I realized that the secret was still far away from her eyes and ears. "Our conversation went well. Shall we head back to Ponyville?" "Sure." Slipping through the portal again, I became aware of a kind of sensation. Something that felt like an object of some kind attempting to fill a hole in myself, but being unable to do so. Immediately I realized that it was a sensation of fatigue, which was sure to wash over me like a harsh wave the very second I stepped into the Grasslands once more. To help relieve some of it, I moved to a tree and sat down, watching cars, people and ponies go by. A pony or two went through the portal on occasion, and I tried my best to block them out, wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I stared at the portal, wondering what magical property prevented Celestia and Luna from crossing through but not Twilight. They were of the same species, and they were all alicorns. Luna was only barely taller than Twilight, so height could be ruled out as a factor. Four minutes passed, minutes spent studying the portal before I shook my head and resigned myself to delegating that duty to Mandy. To waste time on mere guesses, especially when it came to a topic I did not understand, was silly, and I chided myself for it as I stood up and began making my way towards the Grasslands. It was a trek that seemed far longer than normal. For whatever reason, I do not know. But when I eventually crossed the border again and regained a solid form, I took a moment to breathe in the fresh air and admire the vast landscape. The fatigue hit me rapidly, and I began to stumble, making my way over to a small hill and flopping onto the ground in a rather ungraceful manner. As much as I wanted to keep going, the events that had transpired took more out of me than I had thought, and so I drifted off to sleep, my mind whirling with thoughts of Mandy and the war. Please, Mandy. Stay safe. Rest assured that Celestia and Luna will come for you, in time. And whatever you do... Keep Peaches safe as well. No matter what the cost is for doing so.