Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Fawn’s Sonic Adventure: Unwanted re-adoption

Chapter 2

Present day

A jolt went through my body as I found myself suddenly falling forward. But before I slammed face first into the ground, something caught me and set me back up gently. The faint simmer of purple magic was present around me, causing me to feel sick at the memories they brought up. It looked just like Twilight’s.

I fell back on my ass and looked over to B, or where she was supposed to be. She was no longer next to me, and neither was Scratch. Looking around I realized I wasn’t in Eggman’s base anymore, as the walls were now made of stone instead of metal. Not to mention the ceiling was now impossibly high.

Reaching up to my face, I was shocked to see a hoof instead of a hand. How had I reverted back to my crappy pony form?

Without warning, two pairs of forelegs were thrown around me from behind, squeezing me tightly.

My eyes went wide as I saw both lavender and red stripped cyan legs holding onto me.

“Oh, Fawn!” Came the one voice I did not want to hear as my ‘mom’ buried her face in my mane.

“Thank God you’re alright,” Lance said from the other side of me, squeezing me harder.

“Uhhh,” I mumbled in shock as I sat there. I didn’t know how to react to this situation. After a year of being away from them I’d finally grown a backbone, but now I felt like I was a kid again. I froze. “Yeah…”

“Honey we’re so sorry,” Twilight said, clearly crying. “There was a spell over us, we did not mean to treat you so…”

“It wasn’t our fault for neglecting you and acting like we didn’t care,” Lance finished for her, speaking very quickly like he’d been thinking of that line for hours. “It was all Frederic. He was screwing with us, all of us.”

They’re words didn’t mean much to me, as I was used to their excuses. As for Frederic being behind their actions, it was believable. I’d warned them for years about that guy but they always ignored me. It still didn’t fix me or make me feel any better.

“We’re so sorry,” Twilight continued. ”We came for you as soon as we became aware of the spell! I’m so sorry it took us so long!”

“Yeah, only took a year,” I mumbled, trying to stick up for myself at least somewhat.

“A year?” Lance asked as he and Twilight finally broke the hug and moved in front of me, causing me to frown as I saw their faces. “Oh the dimensional lock must have happened a year after you left,” he said with a laugh, like this was a light hearted family moment and I’d forgiven them of everything. “Sweety, it’s been twelve years for us since you left.”

My mind came to a halt upon hearing this. Twelve years? I was gone twelve years and they JUST now came for me? I don’t care if they were under a spell, twelve years is insane to forget about someone you like to call your daughter.

“Twelve years,” I muttered quietly, my eye twitching.

“Yep, Fred’s spell was a doozy apparently, we thought you moved to Manehatten or something. Which is kinda hilarious, since you’re not a city person,” Lance said, chuckling to himself.

“We’re just happy you’re back,” Twilight began, reaching out and rubbing my shoulder. “We’re going to make it all up to you.”

Despite everything I’d gone through this past year, I just could not get the words out I wanted to say. I wanted to rip into them and berate them for all they’d put me through. To finally speak my mind. But instead all I managed to get out was a single, defeated word. “Yeah…”

“Your room is just as you left it,” Lance said happily but Twilight let out a light laugh.

“No, we used it as storage, remember?” She turned to me with a big smile. “But we left all of your stuff in the room, so it’ll be like you never left.”

“Okay,” was all I said as I started looking around for an exit. But as I looked the massive room over, a sickening feeling washed over me. We were back in the Watcher’s domain. The place where I was trapped with the others and then killed right in front of Lance. 

‘Which of your children is your least favorite’ echoed through my mind as I remembered that day. Those were the words that had finally broken me. 

“Why are we in-“ I was cut off as I turned and saw the Watcher’s face on a massive computer screen, just staring at us. “-why is the Watcher free?”

“He’s the one who got you out of that locked dimension,” Lance said cheerfully.

I glared at the Watcher’s face.

“I prefer Buu now,” he suddenly said, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 

I honestly did not have a response to any of this. My parents being friends with the Watcher did not surprise me at all. Lance would forgive anyone of anything. I realized that when he stayed friends with the guy who killed my real parents.

“I want to go home,” I muttered, not wanting to be near the Watcher or them any longer.

“Of course, honey,” Twilight said as she put a hoof on my back. “Once we get you back to Equestria you can-“

“No I want to go home, back to the dimension you just pulled me out of,” I said, making myself be a bit more forceful.

“But that’s not your home,” Lance said, his tone seeming to imply I was crazy for saying that. “You were only there a year after all.”

“I was happy,” I muttered as I dropped my gaze to the floor.

“You’ll be happier once you’re back home with us and we show you how sorry we are for how we treated you all these years,” he countered as he forced me into a tight hug. 

Anger swelled up in me as I shoved him away and took a few steps back. “Send me back.”

“That would be impossible,” the Watcher suddenly said from across the room. “The method I used to retrieve you put a lock on you. You are now bound to the Equestrian dimension.” His screen flickered as he seemed to be thinking, “the dimension from which I pulled you from is under a UAD lock, there is nothing I can do.”

I took another step back and then fell to my haunches as my head began to swim. I’d finally found a place I could call home with people who actually cared for me, and just like that it’d been taken from me. 

“Fawn are you-“ Twilight started to say as she reached out to touch me, but I slapped her hoof away as I glared angrily at the both of them.

“Don’t touch me,” I growled, tears running down my face. “You… you two…” I turned away from them, as I couldn’t get the words out. They’d ruined my life yet again by taking everything from me. “You selfish monsters…” I said under my breath, not able to say it loud enough for them to hear.

“Fawn-“ Lance began, but I just scooted further away from them, wanting to just leave. To go anywhere but here.

“I just want my friends back…” I said, my voice catching in my throat.

Lance frowned as he looked at me, then let out a deep sigh as he turned to the Watcher. “Can you bring her friends to Equestria?”

“I can not,” he said simply, with no emotion on his face.

“Why not?” He asked with a frown.

“Because it is locked. All I can do is pull beings out of it, but I can not undo the UAD’s locks,” he answered, a slight smile on his face.

“I feel a ‘but’ in there,” Twilight said as she stepped up next to Lance.

“There is a way to reunite her with her friends,” he said as the smile grew. “It would involve making a copy of that world and moving the inhabitants to that one.”

“Sweet, do it,” Lance said happily, looking back at me. I just stared blankly back at him.

“It is not that simple,” he began, now with a very wide smile. “Someone other than me will need to grant me access to the UAD’s systems, as I am fully blocked from their realm. Once I’m given access, I will be able to do what needs to be done.”

“Sounds like you’re just wanting to take over for them,” Twilight pointed out.

“That is exactly what I am planning to do,” he admitted. “But the benefit for you is your daughter gets to be with her friends again, and you two get to prove your love to her.”

I couldn’t help but frown at this. No matter how upset I got, I knew giving this murderer any more power would be a bad idea. Despite how they act, I knew Lance and Twilight would be smart enough to-

“He has changed a lot over the years,” Lance said to Twlight, getting a nod from her.

… oh fuck they’re considering it. “You two can’t be serious.”

Lance looked back at me and gave a reassuring smile. “Will having your new friends here make you happy?”

“Yes, but not if-“ I began but he turned away from me, cutting me off. I let out an annoyed growl as I slammed a hoof into my face.

“What do I need to do to get her friends out of the locked dimension?”

Looking back, I saw the Watcher’s smile fall a bit. “Oh Lance, still the same,” he said with a sigh. “I will open a portal to the UAD and you will need to follow my instructions exactly.”

“Let’s go then,” Lance said cheerfully.

“Hey!” I yelled as I finally found my voice. “What are you doing?! Don’t just-!”

Lance turned to me as a portal opened behind him. “I love you, Fawn. I’m getting your friends.”

“You brain dead mother-“ I yelled as I started to rush towards him, but he sprang back through the portal, followed by it closing. I came to a stop, seething in anger.

“He’s going to get your little friends, don’t worry, honey,” Twilight said in a sweet voice, which just pushed me over the edge.

“I’m done,” I said in a defeated and exhausted tone. “You two never listen to me.”

“Because of Frederic’s spell,” she pointed out matter-of-factly. “Things will be much better going forward.”

“Doubt it,” I grumbled as I started to turn to walk away. I couldn’t go anywhere but I didn’t want to be near her or the Watcher right now.

“Where are you-“ 

“No one fucking move!” The stern and commanding voice of Scamp rang out, causing me to stand at attention.

Looking to my right I saw Sensei Scamp stomping towards us, a look of pure rage on her face.

“Where is Lance?” She demanded as she stopped between us, her eyes drilling into Twilight.

Twilight glanced at me then back to Scamp, “he’s helping Fawn get her friends back.”

Scamp looked at me, her gaze softened slightly. She looked me over and gave a nod before shaking her head and turning back to Twilight. “How exactly is he helping?”

“He has gone to the UAD to give me full access to their realm,” the Watcher said, causing veins to bulge on Scamps neck. 

“I knew we couldn’t trust you,” she growled, stomping past us and up to his computer screen. 

“I never lied,” he pointed out. “I have been up front since the beginning.”

“He really has been, momma!” a mare yelled as she suddenly appeared between Scamp and the Watcher. She looked familiar but I couldn’t place where I knew her from. “He’s changed!”

“Shayla,” Scamp said calmly. “He has not changed. He’s playing you to get what he wants.”

That’s Shayla?! Damn, last I saw her she was a tiny filly. Now she’s a fully grown mare… a very masculine mare at that. Jeez.

“I know my words are meaningless to your ears,” the Watcher began as the sound of a massive bell being rung sounded through the room. His screen seemed to brighten as he stared at Scamp. “But I have changed in a few unexpected ways. Observe.”

Scamp seemed to flash forward as she smashed the console, clearly not playing any of his games. The screen went dark, and for a moment I thought she’d done what Lance should have done long ago.

But then the Watcher appeared next to the destroyed computer, now back in his original, massive form.

“Shit,” Scamp hissed as she pulled something from her pocket dimension and tried to throw it at the Watcher, but a simple wave of his mechanical hand caused it to disappear midair.

The Watcher floated away from us casually, not seeming to be concerned with us anymore.

“Right at this moment, I could do anything I want,” he stated as a portal opened next to him, followed by Lance walking out proudly.

Scamp’s eye snapped to him, causing him to trip a bit as he made eye contact. 

“However, I always keep my word,” he continued. He came to a stop in the middle of the room and turned to face us. Two holograms of Equis and Mobius appeared on either side of him. With a flick of his finger small dots appeared all over the two planets. “I’ve connected both dimensions with permanent portals set up in major cities. That fulfills my promise.”

“How kind of you,” Scamp growled as she pulled out a small vial and rolled it towards him. “Now get back in the jar.”

He just chuckled at this, “I must decline that.” Scamp attempted to move forward, but a barrier appeared between her and the Watcher. “Out of respect to my unusual friendship to Shayla, I have chosen to let go of all past grudges and to allow you all free rein of your lives.”

“Damn it, Shayla,” Scamp muttered. “I warned you this would happen.”

Shayla just appeared confused as she looked between her mother and the Watcher. “Wait, are you actually betraying us, Buu?”

“In a sense, I am,” he admitted. “I have regained most of my powers thanks to Lance. However, I do not plan to harm you or anyone from your world.” He waved his fingers, causing many small orbs to form around him, “with the UAD no longer in control, there is no one to govern life. To uphold order.”

“Let me guess,” Scamp deadpanned. “You want to be the one to take their place.”

“Precisely,” he confirmed. “Despite your feelings towards me, there is nothing you can do to stop me. Soon I will be as powerful as the former head of the UAD.” He waved his hand again, “and I have just erased all items from existence that could have allowed you, or anyone, to challenge me.”

Scamp growled as she looked towards Lance, then to her daughter. I could clearly tell she was beyond pissed at the situation.

Looking at Shayla, I saw that her ears were folded down, a hurt expression on her face.

“But I trusted you, Buu,” she said.

“You’re the only one foolish enough to fully trust me,” he said as he looked towards her. “You are the only reason I was able to achieve this.” His face flickered as his gaze seemed to soften. “Somehow you’ve influenced my actions, thus, I plan to take over the UAD’s role. To continue their goals, rather than my own.”

“Sure,” Scamp said as she smacked her metal hoof against the barrier. “I don’t buy that for a second.”

“Ask yourself this,” he said as he looked at her. “Why, in this moment, would I lie? I have achieved the ultimate status, with no equal on this plain of existence. I could, with but a thought, erase all of you. Or change your mind to do whatever I pleased. Instead, I am explaining myself and leaving your free will intact.”

Scamp grinded her teeth as she listened to him. 

“I think we can trust him,” Shayla said as she slowly approached her mother.

“Shayla, you would trust a meth head,” Scamp deadpanned. 

“I wouldn’t,” she said defensively.

“It matters not,” the Watcher said as he floated towards his large computer. “It’s time for you all to return home. I have work to do.”

Scamp started to say something, but she and her daughter disappeared.

I blinked a few times, waiting for something else to happen, but nothing did. 

Lance began to walk towards me again, a massive smile on his face. “You can see your friends again now, Fawn. That should make you feel better, right?”

“Just leave me alone,” I said, looking everywhere but at him. 

“But I made it to where you can see your new friends again, so why are you still upset?” He asked with a slight frown.

“You just don’t get it,” I mumbled, turning my back on them.

“Fawn, things will be different now. We aren’t under Frederic’s spell anymore,” Twilight said. “We can finally give you all the love and attention you deserve.”

“Yeah,” I deadpanned, my eyes to the floor as I began to walk away.

“Things will get better, I promise,” she continued, but I kept walking away from them.

“Don’t be like that, Fawn,” Lance said in a frustrated tone.

I came to a stop and looked upward at the ceiling. “Nothings changed.”

With that I felt myself getting teleported away. 

In the next instance I found myself standing in the one place I’d hoped to never see again. Ponyville.

“Great,” I said as I glanced around, seeing no one was out and about for some reason. “Now what?”


The next day

I stepped up to the small trailer with the words “Main Office” written across a makeshift sign leaning against the porch. A frown touched my face as I looked around at all the trailers in different states of disrepair.

“Always knew I’d end up living in a trailer park,” I joked aloud to no one. 

After spending the night at Sensei Scamp’s house, I very quickly decided I needed a place of my own. Luckily for me she’d known of a place I could get a cheap place to live. Only downside was that it was a trailer park, and the new owner apparently was an uptight killjoy. 

Mallogory’s words, not mine.

But honestly anything was better than being near Lance or Twilight, who were both constantly trying to contact me.

That’s going to be an annoyance going forward.

With the money given to me by Scamp, I walked up to the office's doors and knocked on them.

“It’s open!” An annoyed yet proper voice yelled from somewhere inside.

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as I pushed the door open. At least things would be interesting going forward.