Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Fawn’s Sonic Adventure: Climax of a Forgotten Arc

Chapter 1

One year later

“We’ll be entering Eggman Airspace any minute now, ma’am,” one of the crew members of the airship called out. 

“Thank you,” Amy Rose replied as she stood at the front of the bridge, staring out the window at the massive fort ahead. Egg Base Omega. “Make the announcement that we’ll be making contact in two minutes,” she ordered, causing one of the Restoration members near her to salute and rush off. Her gaze then shifted to me as I stood a few feet away, my eyes locked on the base ahead. “Are you still feeling up to this?”

I did not answer her right away as I stared straight ahead. The past year had not exactly been the most relaxing time of my life. I followed Shadow and Sonic to this world to get away from my terrible parents, and while I had achieved that, I also found myself in the middle of an intense conflict.

Eggman, who I have come to absolutely hate, has been on the warpath. That is not uncommon for him as I have learned, but apparently this new approach he has been taking is much worse than in the past. Coming to my world seemed to have affected him, according to Sonic and the others. 

He went silent a few months ago without warning, which caused a panic among the members of the Restoration. He only reappeared a few days ago, announcing his plans were finally about to be put into action.

 Which brings us to today, where every single member of the Restoration has come together for a large-scale assault on Eggman’s newest base. 
As for me, I have been doing my best to help. But I have never been much of a fighter, so the best I’ve been able to do is provide information about Holy Energy. Luckily, the friends I’ve made have been able to pick up where I had been lacking. Nowadays I’m much more capable, thankfully.

Plus being a hedgehog now has its advantages.

“Yeah, I can handle it,” I answered, getting a nod from her in response.

“I don’t know what Eggman is planning, and no one has heard from Sonic yet, so this whole situation is very nerve racking,” Amy said with a sigh. “Go ahead and head below, the moment we enter his airspace we’re going to be on a timer.”

With a two finger salute I spun around and walked for the exit of the bridge. I quickly made my way through the airship, watching as everyone else rushed around, preparing for the upcoming battle.

This wasn’t going to be my first time fighting Eggman, but no matter how many times I face him, the feeling of intense dread never goes away. Sonic might think he’s a joke, but to the rest of us Eggman is a terrifying monster.

Pushing those thoughts away, I entered the large bay where the majority of the Restoration’s troops were massed. I quickly located my two friends among the crowd and made my way over to them.

“Finally! I was starting to worry you saw Shadow and tried chasing after him, again,” my friend, Scratch the Ferrark, said, a frown on her face.

“I’m focused today,” I assured her, watching as she crossed her arms, a toothy smile slowly forming.

“We’ll see about that,” she said.

“At least her degeneracy isn’t showing today,” my other friend, B the Tasmanian Devil, joked, a lazy smile on her face. Her Ivory Wisp, Tapper, flew around me a few times, chirping away. This caused B to snicker, “Tapper is pretty sure you’ll try and hump Shadow again if you see him.”

“That was one time you assholes,” I groaned as they both laughed. “I was clearly-“

The sound of an explosion, followed by the entire airship rocking to the side, cut me off as everyone in the bay was thrown to the floor.

“Everyone deploy now!” Yelled a voice from the airship's speakers.

Every single person in the bay quickly pulled themselves up and began heading for their designated positions.

“You two alright?” B asked as she held her hand out to me and Scratch.

I let out a grunt as she hauled me to my feet, “For now.” 

“I hate that you two talked me into this,” Scratch complained as the three of us quickly made our way to the exit ramp as the ship shook even more.

The moment we made it to the large doors, we were greeted with the open sky, and the intense air battle that was taking place all around us. Robots zoomed around as the Restoration’s fighters attempted to keep them from attacking the airship and the other smaller ships in the air.

A nearby dropship was hit and began to plummet towards the ground. Two other ships flew after it, presumably to help. 

Scratch let out a groan as B let out a laugh. 

“Just like the war all over again,” she commented as Tapper floated next to her. “Ready?”

“Nope,” Scratch said.

“Let’s go,” I said as I took her by the hand, causing her to groan yet again.

B tossed Tapper up, causing him to fly around her and bond with her, turning her into a lightning bolt. She then zipped past us, grabbing both of us and zoomed out into the open sky.

I held on tight as we angled for the ground and began to rocket straight down, heading right for a specific building in the compound.

“I hate this crud!” Scratch yelled out over the wind. 

Right before we slammed into the building, B tilted up and deposited us safely on the roof. She zipped around a bit before landing in front of us, now back in her normal form.

“I think we slipped past all the Badnik’s,” she reported.

“Nice, let’s get off this roof then,” I said as we moved for the door that must have led to the stairs.

“I really don’t like this plan. Only one of us is a real fighter and we’re supposed to break into Eggman’s workshop and sabotage whatever it is he’s building. Why can’t the Diamond Cutters do that?”

“Because they’re going after Eggman’s Mobile Lab to try and stop whatever his new plan is. We’re doing the easy part,” I answered as we began to descend into the building. “Besides, from what Amy said, his latest project has been in the works for months. Meaning we’re just breaking his new and unfinished toy. Easy peasy.”

“But Eggman-“

“Isn’t in this part of the base,” I interrupted her. “We may be in the workshop, but we’re far from the actual battle now. The most we’ll see is badniks.”

“This is such a stupid plan,” Scratch muttered as we reached a door labeled ‘Main Lab’. Again, she let out a groan. “This is a lab, not a workshop, guys.”

“It’s Eggman, everything is a lab to him,” I said as we entered the door. The room we entered was indeed the workshop, with plenty of badniks to boot. The robots all turned towards us, their eyes flashing red as they entered their combat modes. “B.”

“Oh yeah, I got it,” B said with a smile as Tapper fused with her again.

As she zoomed through the room, smashing her way through all the threats around us, Scratch and I walked forward. We ran our eyes over all the disassembled robots and parts that lay on the tables.

I wasn’t too sure what we were looking for, as no one had actually seen what he had been working on. But Amy said we’d probably know when we saw it.

We came to the main terminal in the room, which displayed so much information that I felt dizzy looking at it. “You’re up, Scratch.”

Without much complaint she stepped up to the computer and began shifting through the system. “I hate Egg tech, it’s so random and out of place ninety percent of the time.”

“Take your time,” I said as I watched B finish off the last of the badniks. She flashed towards us and landed before me, giving me a thumbs up. I nodded in response as I continued running my eyes over the room. Nothing stuck out to me, so our only hope was Scratch finding something in the system.

But after ten minutes she let out a groan and slapped the keyboard. “I can’t find a dang thing! It’s like Eggman is actually trying to-“

“Ah! I knew someone was snooping in my systems!” came the distinctive voice of Eggman from behind us.

With wide eyes, we all turned around to see the large man not that far away from us, his wide smile causing us to take a step back.

“But you’re supposed to be in the mobile lab!” I yelped despite myself.

“I make my own rules, little dimension hopper,” he said with a hearty laugh. Then he composed himself and resumed smiling at us. “Things aren’t looking up for you three,” he commented as he held up a controller. “But there is a silver lining: you get to witness my newest creation first hand.” His eyes flickered to me. “You in particular will find this most entertaining.”

None of us moved to stop him as he hit the button, causing the floor next to him to open up, followed by a tube slowly rising. We all took a step back as it hissed open, a cloud of white smoking pouring out, obscuring what lay inside.

Something stepped out, still hidden within the smoke. But a silhouette appeared for a split second.

“Metal Sonic!” Scratch exclaimed, causing B and Tapper to get ready to fight.

But something felt off to me.

“That’s not Metal,” I said as the smoke cleared. “Oh you gotta be kidding me.”

“Heyo, what is up my cranky crew!” A mechanical version of my shitty ‘dad’ said, causing me to groan.

“Ohohohoho!” Eggman bellowed with laughter as he saw my displeased face. “I knew you’d appreciate my creation,” he said as he cast a hand towards the robotic nightmare as it rotated its appendages. “A full year of work and all the combat data gathered from your dimension and that blue karate mare, have gone into my new pride and joy.” His smile widened, “powered by both chaos energy AND that ‘Holy Energy’ you all seemed fond of. This is the ultimate creation. Meet Chaos Lance!”

“Howdy ho!” Chaos Lance said as he spun around and struck a pose, the red strips covering his body flashing in a rhythmic pattern. “I can not wait to roll over you guys and set up my marketing team!” He lurched forward, appearing a few feet away from us, tapping his chin. “I’m thinking of branding myself as a fashion guy, or maybe some kind of foodie.” He shrugged, the digital visor that made up his face switched to two question marks, “I’ll figure it out.”

While B and Scratch looked to be on edge, I just stood there annoyed. “You could have picked anyone, ANYONE else to base this things design on, and you chose that deadbeat?”

“What can I say, he had a memorable appearance,” Eggman chuckled. “Now while you help Chaos test his systems, I have more important work to attend to.”

He spun and began to stroll for the exit, hands behind his back as he whistled to himself.

“B,” I said, getting a nod from her. In a flash she shot forward, but a loud bang was heard as she was suddenly flung across the room, knocking over a few tables in the process.

“That’s some nice speed you got,” Chaos laughed as he appeared on top of a table, lounging like a cat. “But you’re not fast enough for me to really test myself.”

We clearly could not beat him, so I did the only thing I could. I lifted my wrist, attempting to hit the panic button on my wrist mounted pda. But the metallic wing of Chaos wrapped around my arm, causing my eyes to go wide. I hadn’t seen nor heard him move!

“Whatcha tryin to do there?” He asked, a digital smile on his visor.

Before I could react, he twisted his body and threw me into Scratch as she attempted to get her Wispon into action. We were sent scattering across the floor as Chaos laughed to himself.

“Alrighty, speed and strength looking awesome! Now to test out-“ he went silent as he spun around and caught B as she zipped towards him. “Reflexes!” He exclaimed with so much joy that I forgot he was a robot for a moment. With no effort he slammed her into the ground, causing her and Tapper to unfuse.

With B momentarily out of the fight, he did a few back flips away, laughing the entire time.

“Haha! I think I’m going to need to rethink my branding concept! Go bigger!” He said as he landed on a table, the thrusters on his body seemed to flex as he looked at us. Then he turned his visor to me. “Hm, according to my files you’re the adopted daughter of the guy I’m based on. How is it to be fighting and losing to your own father? Pretty bad or are you having fun?”

I pulled Scratch up as I gave the mechanical asshole the side eye, “he’s not my father.”

“That’s not what my files say,” he responded in a sing-song voice.

“Your files can say whatever they want, the guys not my father. Just an asshole who decided he wanted to adopt the poor orphan kid and then not care about her.”

“That sounds like the attitude of a loser,” he mocked, causing my eye to twitch. The fact he resembled Lance made me want to just say screw it and go home, let Eggman win this one.

“Only losers call others losers,” Scratch pointed out, causing Chaos’s visor to dim slightly.

“You’re calling me a loser?” He said in a low voice as he suddenly appeared in front of her. “I’m not the one laying on the ground unable to breathe.”

“What are you-“ Scratch began to say, but a swift hit to her gut from Chaos sent her to the floor gasping for breath.

“I’m not a loser,” he declared as he turned to me as I advanced on him, my anger pushing me forward. “I’m a winner.”

“You sound just like Lance,” I said as I neared. “Just somehow you’re more of a dipshit than he is.”

This set him off as he shot towards me. A yellow flash intercepted him, sending him flying into a wall.

“Great timing as always, B,” I praised as I hit the panic button on my pda.

“I try,” B said, her normally relaxed face now twisted in anger. “You alright, Scratchy?”

“I should have stayed home,” Scratch groaned as she stayed on the ground holding her stomach. 

“What’s the plan?” B asked as Chaos stood back up, his digital eyes flaring with actual anger.

“The plan is you three are going bye bye,” he said as he flashed out of view.

Without a word B did the same. The shock waves of them clashing around us caused me to fall to my knees.

“Great,” Scratch muttered as she rolled herself over to the computer again. 

I stayed where I was, holding firmly onto the table next to me as I was tossed side to side by the fighting.

The doors all around us began to open as the lights seemed to brighten. I glanced over to see that Scratch was responsible for it as she clicked away at the computer.

“Whoops!” Chaos yelled as he sent B flying with a heavy hit. “Caught you there!”

Using what speed I had I zoomed across the room and caught B in midair, landing safely behind an overturned workbench.

“So,” she began as she rolled out of my grasp. “I can’t beat him.”

“I noticed,” I said with a half laugh. 

“Guess you’re lucky,” she began with a smirk. “You’re gonna get another chance to hump Shadow when he comes to save us.”

“I’ll hump him good, just for you,” I joked.

“Gross,” Chaos said from above us, his visor showing a puking animation. “The ‘degenerate’ label on your file is accurate.”

“Damn right,” I laughed as I stood up, getting face to face with the striped robot. A smirk overtook my face as I noticed something. “Welp, goodbye, knock off.”

Before he could react, a blue blur crashed into him and dragged him through the entire workshop in an instant. 

“Sorry I’m late to the party,” Sonic said with a wide smile as he held onto the now limp form of Chaos. “But traffic was a killer today.”

“Right on time, Sonic,” I said as B stood up next to me holding her side.

“Would have been better if you’d been here from the start,” Scratch muttered as she walked towards us.

Sonic just chuckled as he held up Chaos. “So is this Eggman’s grand plan?”

“No, he left to do his plan, whatever it is,” I answered.

“What is this anyways?” Sonic asked as he looked Chaos over. “Looks like that guy back in your dimension.”

“Yeah, just a knock off of Lance,” I said.

Chaos’s body flashed to life as his visor lit up. He spun out of Sonic’s grasp and sprang away, landing with a heavy thud.

“I am not a knock off. From my data, I’m an improvement if anything. I am Chaos Lance, I am the ultimate creation of Dr. Egg-“ he was cut off as a dark blur slammed into him, sending him flying through a wall and out into the open air beyond.

“There’s only one ultimate anything,” Shadow said as he stood cooly in the middle of the room. “Me.”

I couldn’t help but swoon a bit as I stared at him. Even after a year I still got butterflies whenever he appeared.

“Shadow, long time no see!” Sonic exclaimed as he walked over to the brooding hedgehog. “Did you get their distress signal too?”

“No,” he answered simply. “I was already coming this way.” He then looked towards us, “where’s Eggman?”

I wiggled my eyebrows at him, causing his frown to deepen. “He went through those doors,” I said as I pointed to the other side of the room.

Without a word he began to head that way, followed by Sonic.

“Hey, you restrained yourself, for once,” B teased, poking the side of my head. “Proud of you.”

“I’ll get him after this is over,” I said with a wink. “When he least expects it.”

“Whatever you try, make it funny this time,” Scratch said as we began to follow the pair.

Tapper flew around me a few times chirping.

“Taps says to respect his boundaries and take no for an answer,” B said, causing me to snicker.

“He’s never said no,” I pointed out. “Grunts and running away is not saying no.”

“She has a point,” Scratch said, causing Tapper to roll his eyes.

B smiled, then went back to her normal expression. “So,” she began. “Feelings on the lookalike?”

“It was stupid,” I admitted. “Just the universe's way of screwing with me even more.”

“I think he looked cool,” Scratch admitted, getting a deadpan stare from me. “What? The color scheme was pretty awesome.”

“Yeah, I guess getting neglected and abused by someone with that exact color scheme just kinda ruins it for me,” I said, causing her mood to drop. With a sigh I reached out and patted her shoulder. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a dick.”

“Nah you’re good,” she said, giving me a toothy smile. “You can make it up to me by cooking for us tonight.”

“Done deal,” I said. “I can make-“

The sound of a loud bang ahead caused all of us to wince as we picked up our pace. Sonic and Shadow had pulled ahead, so we couldn’t see them anymore. Which meant they probably caught up to Eggman.

Upon reaching the next doorway, we found ourselves in a large room with more computer equipment than I’ve ever seen in my life. Badniks littered the floors as both Sonic and Shadow stood staring up at a platform above them.

Eggman himself stood on the platform, looking very pleased with himself. “Go ahead, hedgehogs, try to reach me again! My new shield can stop even you, Sonic!” He let out a hearty laugh as the pair attempted to reach him again, but we’re thrown back by a mostly invisible force shield.

“Now then!” Eggman exclaimed as he turned back to his computer. “We can begin! Watch Sonic as I open a portal and gain access to power beyond your understanding!”

“I don’t know what you’re doing,” Sonic called out as he repeatedly slammed himself into the shield, trying to break through. “But we both know nothing good happens when you play with things beyond your control.”

“That’s the thing, hedgehog,” Eggman countered. “I’m always in control!”

“Negative on that,” I called out, causing him to laugh even more.

“Good, we’re all here. Well we’re missing your other friends, but this will do!” he called out as a portal began to flicker next to him.

“We need to get in there,” Shadow growled as he pounded on the shield.

“Working on it!” Sonic yelled as he spun against the barrier.

“Scratch, try working your magic,” I said.

“Yeah yeah,” she muttered as she stepped over to a computer and began to try and lower the shields.

The portal flickered even more as it began to form. But just as it looked like it was about to fully appear, everything stopped. The machines and computers around us suddenly went dark, causing a strange silence to fall over the area.

The shields dropped, allowing Sonic and Shadow to advance towards a very confused Eggman. 

“Warning,” a monotone voice suddenly called out, causing everyone to freeze in place. “You have violated Ultimate Authority Dimension protocols, Wild Lifeform. Prepare for divine intervention.”

“What have you done?!” Shadow yelled as he sprang up and landed on the platform.

“This is not the outcome I expected,” Eggman admitted as he looked a bit startled, which worried me greatly.

“Dimensional freeze beginning in fifteen… fourteen… thirteen…” the voice began counting g down, causing everyone to look panicked.

“What do we do?” B asked as she and Scratch turned to me, looking for guidance.

But I had nothing. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just stood there like a deer in the headlights.

“Three… two…”

“Guys, I-“ I began, but then everything came to a stop.