Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space

by Rain_Flick3r

Interlude V: Your Actions Always Stay With You. Even If You Had No Control Over Them.

A regal pony looked over her room’s balcony, the balcony surveyed her castle's front gates and the surrounding area of the city.

‘I will never be able to close my eyes after that night. For, it haunts my dreams.

The sounds of her body breaking, the sounds of her blood spilling onto the stone floor beneath her, her screams. It was maddening… How was I capable of doing such atrocities to a fellow equine? I can never find the answer, even when I meditate. I am so frustrated at this lack of knowledge, that I wonder if it was even real. It felt so surreal as if I was dreaming. A dream that I could manipulate. Yet, my mind doubts that it was a dream.’

She shook her head from the trubberling thought. ‘I should stop replaying that memory over and over again. I must focus my energy on what is needed for the day. I am a princess first and foremost, the ponies here need me to lead them.

A loud bang sounded from above her. It sounded as if the sky was being torn apart from whatever made contact with the atmosphere of the earth. ‘Oh my, whatever could that be?’ The royal pony asked out loud to herself as she looked up to the sky. She squinted her eyes to see if she could spot anything, but nothing showed itself. ‘I do wish it to be nothing bad.’

Shortly after, a mass of flame was falling from the sky. Her eyes widened as they spotted it crashing through a cloud. She could not move a single muscle in her legs. She felt as if she was glued to the spot, made to witness the event take place. She saw the mass of flame fly towards the earth but she noticed it falling to a massively empty green meadow. ‘No, please do not land there.’ The mass hit the meadow with an explosive force that sent shock waves and made the earth tremble.

‘It could be nothing major. Just a meteorite hitting the earth. That’s all…’ Shortly after she held her head with a hoof, softly rubbing her temple. ‘Why does my head hurt all of a sudden?’
‘Princess, please stop. What have I done to accrue this amount of hatred from you? PRINCESS!’ Screams could be heard echoing in the royal pony's mind.
