//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter (I'm made of stupid.) // Story: One More for the Reaper, Dig a Little Deeper // by Solus Eclipse //------------------------------// Early morning.  Walking down the streets of Canterlot, Equestria's capital, I keep to the shadows and away from others; I mostly just do not want anyone to hear the obscenities I often mutter under my breath. Most of these are directed at myself.  "First day of school, well…. shit" I grumble to myself. "This is going to be so redundant, but if I don't go, it's gonna raise major red flags with the folks." I sigh as I continue my solitary stroll, my thumbs stimming in a circle on my palms. "When I was in high school some stuff was useful or important, like basic algebra. Damn, I almost finished tech school too, and now... I'm starting over from what is basically high school again... great. At least fate had the decency to give me the correct gender for my new body, albeit a bit younger and…shorter? Or is everyone else just much bigger? Still not used to that, having a new body, a new life. Dammit, I hate thinking about this! I should be trying to figure out how to expedite my ass to graduate early, assuming I want to spend as little time in as possib-"  *Clonk.* I collided with something. Ok who am I kidding it was someone else because I just wasn’t paying attention, My lack of spatial awareness has led to a bruise getting first class tickets for my FUCKING HEAD and startlingly, a narrow escape from being impaled by a unicorn's horn as I looked up bleary eyed.  "Oops! Oh, my goodness, I'm sooooo sorry!" exclaims a purple unicorn mare with blue hair, a purple stripe matching her tail. Her glasses sit just below her eyes, and she wears a semi-formal white dress shirt and a black skirt. She reaches down to help me, apologizing profusely.  I remove my hood to reveal my face, a gray Batari colt with golden-orange eyes, albeit with cat-like slit pupils. My bat wings, covered in leathery black membranes, twitch slightly. My mane transitions from silver to light blue at the tips. I notice the mare's initial surprise at my appearance but remain unfazed. But it took all the strength within me not to yelp when our eyes met.   ’Well fuck. I just ran into what is definitely this world's version of Twilight Sparkle, clearly ascended into an alicorn; because why would standing on two legs instead of all fours change whether she ascended or not? Goddam alicorns are tall as shit. Wait is she running the country yet? I couldn’t find out anything about a School of Friendship or Celestia or Luna retiring. Shit dude, focus up.’  "Other than the massive fucking bruise you gave me, it's fine," I deadpanned, oblivious to the unicorn mare's subtle cringe at my choice of words. I casually swear like a sailor, as if it's nothing out of the ordinary, my voice maintaining a monotone and dry cadence. It's clear that my spilled textbooks and papers are now scattered all over the cobblestone sidewalk. I look around to it all and say, “Well I better start picking up my shit. Excuse me.” Clean and concise. Leave no room for suspicion, you cant. I was about to start collecting my shit on the ground when I got the feeling of dread in my stomach, I started to get uncomfortable with her looking at me like she's sizing me up. Her inquisitive lavender eyes studied me for a moment almost like hiding malice, could easily be a mask, and then she smiled warmly, as if she brushed off my earlier choice of words. "No harm done," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "Accidents happen. Allow me to help you gather your things little guy."  With her magical prowess, Twilight Sparkle levitated my scattered textbooks and papers back into my arms. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude mixed with embarrassment and fear as she effortlessly restored my belongings into my bag all neat and tidy then levitated it all into my arms. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," she introduced herself, her tone friendly and welcoming. "And you are?"  I hesitated for a moment, realizing I had not introduced myself properly.   ’Shit. Say something moron before she starts getting weird like the other mares.’ A mocking and spiteful voice calls out from deep within his mind; one he cares not to hear from today. ’Yeah and those weird mares were just trying to get to know the new FRESH. MEAT. APFFFFAHAHAHAHAH!’ ’OH, I AM SO NOT DEALING NOT DEALING WITH YOUR SHIT TODAY. STAY QUIET.’   "I'm Eclipse," I replied, trying to muster a more polite tone. Should I bow to her? Shaking my head clear of my thoughts. "Nice to meet you your highness."  Twilight Sparkle's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "Oh you don’t need the honorific especially after well you know...” I didn’t have any idea what she meant but nodded my head to be safe. “Eclipse, that's an interesting name. Are you new to Canterlot? I don't recall seeing you around before." I nodded, feeling slightly more at ease with her friendly demeanor but still keeping my guard up.   ’At least she is not acting as weird as Rosary, or her little entourage. Twilight regardless of how old she got seems to have stayed the nerd; and was the nerdiest of her friends with basically zero fucking rizz. I don’t think I have to worry about her in particular going predator mode on me but I’ll smack a hoe if they try some shit… Who am i kidding I’m way too weak and all of them are consistently bigger and stronger. What the fuck.’  "Yeah, I just moved here from Hollow Vane. I am starting at the Equestrian Prep-school of New Horizons today. It's my first day.”  Twilight Sparkle's smile widened. "Ah, how exciting! I'm here to give the opening ceremony for the school. It's a wonderful place, and I'm sure you'll have a great time here." Twilight kept note that THIS must have been the colt Luna was referring to. "I hope so," I replied, with as much faked optimism as I could muster. "Thanks for helping me out, Ma’am."  She waved off my thanks with a gracious nod. "No problem at all, and please just call me Twilight, ok Eclipse? If you ever need assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your time at the academy, and I hope to see you around."  With that, Twilight Sparkle bid me farewell, heading toward the school's entrance to prepare for the opening ceremony. I watched her go, feeling a mixture of awe and relief. With a deep breath, I gathered my belongings, straightened my jacket, and made my way into the school.   The large looming monolithic complex in the distance pulling me closer like a magnet, walking closer to it oddly fills me with dread despite its bright colors and cheery soft architecture that basically screams “‘this is a safe place, trust us!”’   But.....I just cant. Not after what she said...  “If we find your soul wanting, we will have you bare judgment before the wrath of the moon and stars.”  I snap from my daze and continue towards the monolithic building offering a new horizon.   "Fuck it, We ball. Can't stop here. Forward is the only way out."