//------------------------------// // The Saint // Story: Slugcat Parents // by Meicrackmon //------------------------------// Another cycle repeated. There is no end to my role. Ascend every creature so they can't suffer as I do, restart, repeat. I've already accepted my role, but that doesn't mean it isn't tiring. I awake to the usual cold except this time, there's something under me. When I check, I see a red pup trying to shelter from the cold. I didn't think there was any of my kind left. This poor thing is stuck in this hellish world. "Hello young one. I'd like your name but we must first get out of this cold." They nod and climb on to my back and I begin my usual trek. I manage to get to the shelter rather quickly, apologizing the the scavenger I left to freeze. "What's your name?" "It's Mai." "Mai. We've got a long journey ahead of us." I take her on my trip to locate the echoes. After a few days, I finally attune. I feel the power flow through my body and Mai watches me in awe. We traverse together for awhile longer. I enjoyed her company but she shouldn't be here. I hug Mai tightly and open my eyes as they flash with a multitude of colors. "H-hey, your fur tickles!" "I'm sorry Mai. May your ascendance be peaceful." "what?" A small explosion goes off around me as use my ability and she falls limp in my grasp. I shed a single tear and lay her down in a shelter. This place is no place for pups. Food is scarce and you don't want to see the end of my path. This was a tough decision. I guide others to their ascent but I am cursed to never be able to ascend like every other creature. I finish my travels and end up in the void once again, and reawake back at the start. But, Mai is still here. This is an anomaly. I should awake alone. I ask her if she had any Nightmares or dreams. "Yes. In my dream, we traveled together. It ended when you gave me a hug." "I s-see." Mai can remember the repeating cycle. Then I won't do the same. I'll take her on my journey all the way through so she can enjoy what's left of this world. It'll be nice to finally not be alone. "Let us traverse together little one." I took the same rout but we talked a lot. She doesn't remember how she ended up here. I floated over a ravine. "So how did you end up here dad?"