So... you want to hear about another story of the Rabbids huh? Okay then... After they invade planet Earth, hijack your TV for their entertainment shows, and successfully conquer the moon, we don't talk about that eggplant who lives in the Glade of Dreams with his blue froggy friend, they have one grand scheme that will make them change history. A Time Washing Machine... which the Rabbids used to alter timelines and histories such as the prehistoric times, Egyptian times, Greece Times, and the Middle Ages. These mischievous Rabbids may have altered those timelines for their quirky zany nature, but this is a story of our Rabbids entering a different dimension... One where it's filled with a world with talking equines and creatures that'll take advantage of the Rabbids, which is where our Story starts right here...
It was a peaceful daily morning like any other around the world of Equestria. Celestia's sun shined bright in the sky as Luna's moon rose down and ponies of every creed and color went about their daily lives. While the ponies have a peaceful day, one baby dragon seems to have been bored but also an assistant to one purple unicorn, who tends to be the pebble of Princess Celestia. But he's very tired but his good sleep won't get in properly when they have a routine for the daily.
"Ugh... Morning already..." Spike grumbled as he covered the blankets to not let the sunshine to him, "Twilight, can I get another hour of sleep..."
"SPIKE!!! " Twilight Sparkle yelled, having to wake Spike up for the morning routine. The little purple dragon woke up immediately and looked at Twilight, glaring at him with an annoyed frown as if she was annoyed to wake up their sleepy sibling who needed a couple of hours of sleep. "Just what are you doing feeling doozy and sleepy when we have something to do in the morning for our routine!"
“GAH! Alright, Twilight!” Spike quickly rushed to get himself checked, brushed his teeth, got ready for the daily routine, and chuckled nervously while feeling tired. “Okay okay, I'm up! No need to yell at my sleepy tiredness for gem's sake.” He muttered as he got a paper and quill in his claws. “I wanted a perfect sleep for a couple of hours..."
“Well, next time, don't stay up late at night. It's really annoying, and if it happens again, I'm gonna take your comics away if you dare stay up late again for the routines!” Twilight frowned at him, hoping to teach Spike a bit of a lesson on not staying up late.
“Fine... Okay, but promise that once everything is done, I get my good night's sleep and you can clear up your routines, promise?” Spike said, hoping for Twilight to answer, to which she smiled and nodded.
In the Everfree Forest, something was shaking around the forest, and out of nowhere, a shining sphere showed a Time Washing Machine appearing on top of the Everfree forest and falling down to the ground. Opening from the Time Machine shows four anthropomorphic rabbit-like creatures with white fur, big light pink spots on their ears, lips, palms, and stomach, two-buck teeth, and blue-bugged eyes. These little rabbit creatures are known as the Rabbids. Quirky, Zany, and Crazy Rabbids are up to their mischief on wanting to explore different dimensions, playing their silly games, and causing massive destruction and chaos out of pure comedic fun. The four Rabbids decided to move their time washing machine somewhere so no creature would attempt to sabotage it.
The four Rabbids have now hidden it somewhere and remembered to pinpoint it to remember where it is and now head off from the Everfree, which is where they explored into Ponyvile. The four Rabbids neared the town at normal walking pace. As they walked past the entrance, they gawked at what was present and were in their minds of what their seeing.
There were colorful ponies everywhere between Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. The Earth Ponies were trotting to and fro to stay on the ground, unicorns used their horns to utilize magic, and the pegasi flew with their wings. Every single one of them was engaged in various enjoyable activities in their daily lives. An Earth pony and Unicorn were happily working together to sell beverages, three small fillies were playing on the swings there, and four pegasus were playing with the clouds to pour down rain; it was like walking into a storybook of a kids' game. It was all peace and harmony around the town of Ponyvile. The four Rabbids woke in happiness and danced together to find their playtime, that is until...
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Monsters in Ponyvile!” a blonde mare, grey pony with derped eyes shrieked as she saw the four Rabbids. "Everypony SCRAM!!!"
After many series of screams and panicking moments, ponies scrambled left and right to avoid bumping each other, desperately trying to evacuate the streets and entering back to their homes and locking their doors. In a matter of seconds, everypony that was on the street was gone as if it were a dangerous creature roaming around in Ponyvile to harm ponies under their wrath for a takeover of their hometown.
There was nothing but the hiss of a solitary breeze of quiet emptiness in the town of Ponyvile. The four Rabbids could only stand and gaze stupidly at the sudden emptiness feeling mixed on the ponies. One was mad, the other was deadpanned at the emptiness in Ponyvile, one was annoyed, and the fourth was sad that they were running away from them.
Just then...
The Rabbids' ear picked up the sound of trotting hooves upon the dirt road. Turning, the four saw a purple unicorn and a baby dragon riding on her.
“Where IS everypony, Spike?" Twilight wondered to herself with Spike looking around. "Why did they scream monsters are lurking around Ponyvile? I've sure never heard of these Monsters here or are they just panicking that actual monsters are here? Spike, do you know what's going on?"
Spike noticed the four Rabbids standing around and looked at them out of curiosity.
"Twilight! It's over there!" Spike pointed out. "And I think they're the reason why the ponies were panicking out of fear for running away from them."
“What are you talking about, Spike—." Seeing that 4 strange bunny creatures standing together and looking at them immediately cut her nagging short.
"AHHHHHHH!" she yelped, startled by the looks of those four Rabbids as she screeched to a halt close to the Rabbids. "Spike! What in Celestia’s name are those strange-looking bunnies?!"
"They don't look like monste--," he answered before Twilight was panicking and pushed Spike away from them.
"What are these strange bunnies?!" she asked. "What are they doing here in Ponyvile?!"
"Hey, they don't look freaky to me. They look like they're a new species from a lost land from Equestria." Spike said in curiosity as he approached the Rabbids. "Let me give them a gre-"
"Wh--! What the hay are you doing approaching with those strange bunnies?! They could've hurt you if you didn't know them!" Twilight shouted at Spike, pulling him away from the Rabbids with her magic, "Of all the things, Spike, this is careless behavior if you don't know what these strange bunnies have in their intentions!"
"Whoa, whoa, woah! Hang on, Twilight, you're overreacting over this and I don't think they didn't harm anypony for--." Spike intervened.
"You stay away from Spike, you bunny freaks!" Twilight shouted boldly as she pointed an aggressive hoof at the Rabbids. "You're not planning to kidnap my assistant for your twisted little entertainment! I don't know what caused the ponies to run away from you all, but you four seem to bring a bad presence here to cause harm around ponies!"
The four Rabbids speak in gibberish language (which is their Bwah to speak) and give them a greeting introduction while Twilight is trying to protect Spike from those Rabbids. They both didn't understand their language but Twilight wasn't buying their introduction.
"Stand back, Spike! Don't listen to what they're saying, as they have a language barrier!" Twilight shriked, "They seemed to buttering up to us on greeting their proposal on taking over Ponyvile!"
"Are you kidding me?" Spike facepalmed, taking a step forward until he had an idea in mind to settle on Twilight to talk about them. "Ugh... Wait a minute."
"You just don't listen, do you, Spike?" she said before she pointed her horn directly at him. It began to glow a purple glow as magic swirled around it. "Alright you freaky bunnies, time to banish you from tar-"
It quickly evaporated when Spike slapped her face to snap out and talk over it privately.
"OW! Spike! What are you doin--mmph!" she was cut off by the dragon's claw, holding her muzzle shut to not escalate the situation between her and the Rabbids.
"Will you excuse us for a moment?" Spike said, bemused as she tried to mute Twilight from her remarks. "Twilight and I needed a private talk until she settled down."
With that, the four Rabbids nodded, and Spike had to drag Twilight behind him, still gripping her muzzle to calm her down. Soon, they stopped behind a pony's house before Spike released his grip from her muzzle to talk to her over this.
"Spike!" Twilight hissed at him over the situation. "What do you think you're doing?!"
"Twilight! Get ahold of yourself for once, these bunnies didn't do anything hayness or horrible here!" Spike hissed back. "Everything's okay here."
"Okay?! Do you think that four strange bunny creatures waltzing around into Ponyville is okay when the ponies screamed they're monsters?! They could’ve taken you and used you for their personal gain!" Twilight exclaimed out of breath, "Geez, Spike, of all the things you had to do, you just had to think about creatures who could cause damage and destruction in Ponyvile, but claimed they do no harm on anypony! They could be dangerous if they have dark magic or attacked you in a devastating manner!”
"Twilight! Listen to yourself! How do know that these bunnies are dangerous, to begin with anyway? Besides, if these bunnies were dangerous, they would've jumped on me quickly when they were just wandering around the town." Spike said, calming Twilight down, "You're jumping to conclusions too quickly, so settle down first, take a deep breath, and then, give them a chance and they'll soften up to forgive the ponies, including you!"
Twilight stared at the Spike before she sighed and trusted Spike's words on the Rabbids.
"Okay, you've got a point, Spike." Twilight sighed, "But do you think it's okay to approach them and talk to them? They were speaking gibberish and I don't understand them clearly."
"I'm sure they are a new species, to begin with, and they seemed harmless since they were only just exploring around Ponyvile to view the town." Spike said, giving Twilight hope that the Rabbids didn't mean to scare the ponies.
"Okay, Spike... I believe you, but you're thoughts on these strange bunnies better be good to be true." She sternly said. "I get the feeling that this is not going to be easy, but it’s worth a try if they're not monsters to begin with."
This gave Twilight Sparkle the idea that it was the perfect time for some research on these Rabbids.
"Let's get this over with to hope they're not monsters." Twilight gulped.
"Okay," Spike smiled. He knew she was going to be with him on this as they were about to approach the Rabbids to get to know them for the first time, even if they were misunderstood in the first place.