Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space

by Rain_Flick3r

Interlude IV: Why Can I not Remember?

‘I have been trapped in this place, for countless sands in the hourglass of the universe. Where this place is, I could not tell you. For, I only see darkness. There be no light, not a single shining star to guide my way back to the body I once held. Though, when I rub a hoof over my head, I feel no horn there. No stump, no indent, nothing! It was as if the ponies that trapped me here, took the essence of me away…

I was born as a unicorn, the horn was everything to me. Yet, I no longer have it with me. I wish I could remember that night prior to my imprisonment. I want to remember that night oh, so badly. But why can I not remember it? Why is that memory blocked off from my mind’s eye? Yet, I can feel it there, just beneath the cemented slab of dirt.

Why can I not excavate it? Break the cement and dig it out. Free it, hold it. I am ever so frustrated at the prospect of being so close to the knowledge of that night, that I wish to rip the memory from underneath my flesh. Rip it from my skin, my muscles, my sinew. Rip it free from its prison of, me. Throw it out with the flowing breeze of air from my lungs, exhale.

I feel overwhelmed, so overwhelmed by that thought. A thought to mutilate my body, to free a weight so grand, that it weighs down my chest like an anvil. I want this feeling gone, yet It fills me with a stupendous amount of glee. How can I gavel forgetfulness, to send away the thought of feeling this emotion?

It makes my body burn from deep within my soul. It burns like a fiery liquid that does not set ablaze. What could this be? Could this be what acid feels like to burn away your skin? Your coat? The more I think about this, the more I come to realise that, maybe I was chosen that day…

That day, when I was frozen in that grassed field. I felt something strange, something foreign happen to me. It was like something had pushed its way deep within my aura of being, corroding it, manipulating it, suffocating it. But I could not possess what it was. 
The feeling died when I opened my eyes from his sword swinging, protecting me. I saw it in him as well. I thought I was seeing things but when he confirmed it to me, I was overjoyed. I was glad that I was not the only one who had suffered from the malevolent force's magic.  

And that is where my recollection of that day ends. There is nothing but a golden wall of fog blocking my thoughts from digging deeper. I must wake my protector and have him save me once again.

Wake my Sworn protector. You are needed, needed more than ever.

Go forth, Protector. Bring me back to your world. Set me free of this prison.

Make my return known to those who wish to seal us away and forget us. Make our new Kingdom Come, through the bodies of those who wish to stand in our way!’