//------------------------------// // Interlude III: She Remembers That Fateful Day. // Story: Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space // by Rain_Flick3r //------------------------------// ‘I remember, I remember a time when the world was full of hope. The days were so full of life, the weeks were full of smiling faces, the months filled with singing and laughter, and the years filled with bountiful feasts from the countless yields of harvest. Times were good, I might even be bold and say that they were golden times for my people. I saw fields aplenty with verdant seas of green grass, ever lapping gently at anything that would break the surface of the perceived water. Life felt as if it were to be a dream. Yet, it felt askew at the very same time. I could not place my hoof on this odd feeling, nor could I place my tongue on the words to describe my feelings to others. Though it was there still, regardless of my attempts to unearth them from my being. So, I moved on from that notion of fear, so I could focus more on my abilities in the academic field. I did indeed manage to suppress those quirks of suspicion and paranoia… Years passed and my suppression had worked, for the most part. You see, they came back quite violently one day. I was minding my own and keeping to my studies when I heard something emanate from the bottom of my guts. It was the sound of my stomach turning from something unseen in our realm of sight. I surmised that whatever made me feel those odd feelings years ago. Was back and wanted to be known, but when I asked my friends or family. They waved it off as an ailment from my fervent studying. Yet, I pleaded with them to come with me to the origin where I felt it. Still, they claimed my study was to blame. Did they not feel the same as me? I will never be able to know. After exhausting my avenues, I declared to myself that I would find the bottom of this strange phenomenon. So, I ventured to that grassed meadow, to see if my feelings were true and not mere conjecture of a mind plagued by fear. Once I reached my target, I could no longer move any muscle in my being. It was as if the magical force emanating there, froze my movements. Still, cold and in fear, I saw figures made of obsidian slowly approach me. Scared, all I could do was close my eyes and pray, pray to anypony who would keep my soul safe and sound from these nightmarish creatures. But before I could say one more word in my prayer, I heard the sound of a sword swinging in the air. I opened my eyes and saw a pale lavender unicorn standing in front of my being, holding a thin blade close to him. I asked his name and he replied in kind. Yet, I could not hear the syllables emanate from his mouth. Was I deaf? Could I no longer hear after that day? After viewing those figures? I find that I will never know… So, since I could not hear his name, I gave him a name from my own mouth. I claimed him as my protector.’