//------------------------------// // Interlude II: A Guard's Ramblings. // Story: Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space // by Rain_Flick3r //------------------------------// ‘Yet another day has arisen on the planet below, Princess.’ A pale lavender unicorn said passing an iron casket. He admired it from afar, while he made his way to guard at the main entrance to a spire. A spire that was silently floating in the vacuum of space, ever adrift in the current of its glinting ocean of stars.  ‘Is time always allowed to repeat itself? Or is it that, the realm of space is able to pocket past events? I fear I do not possess these answers.’ He hung his head over the balcony of the spire. He wished to view the blue orb that housed life below him.  ‘Oh, the times I shared with other ponies under your fervent radiance, were the most joyous of days. Now, those days have shriveled up like a dying flower, its bloom lost to the sands of time. Rendered forgotten.’ He tapped his sword down two times onto the cold marble. A sigil formed on the marble floor, and where the tip of the unicorn’s blade touched the floor, a slowly expanding crackling white crystal began to form. Its transparent glory was shown to the glistening black sea of stars. Once it fully pulled itself from the void of white in the sigil, the crystal began to encompass the entirety of the spire with a slightly cloudy shield, to protect the guard and his princess. ‘I remember, remember the first time I laid my eyes on your radiance. It was the time when you were celebrating the victory over the demise of the once proud King of the Crystal ponies, King Sombra. Your magic was bright and filled with hope of a brighter morrow. Yet, I gaze upon you now, laying in your prison of iron, and see a slumbering queen. A queen so mired in hate…’ A soft sigh filled the air for a moment. The unicorn placed a hoof onto the casket of iron ‘Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle. What atrocities did the ponies of our time do to you?’ He made his hoof pull up an imaginary weight in front of him. What he managed to do, was pull a chair from the ground. The chair was made of the cleanest white crystal. He sat down next to her casket. ‘Princess, that day, when you were taken from the light of the sun, it was the dawn of my ever-darkened nightmares. I, loath to remember such a day. Yet, I remember it was the very day I swore my sword to your heart as its protector… When you were taken from the world, my will was torn asunder. They discarded my sword like it was a plague that laid in wait to walk upon that land.’ The unicorn lifted up his blade to his lap with his magic and gazed deep into the eyes of his double, in the reflection of the steel. ‘Princess, I have only wished you to come back to me, for I am lost without your guiding hoof, that brings the future every pony wants to have, come to fruition. Yet, I have to question that future. For I fear, fear that you will awake and destroy the very life from their ever-warm bodies. Will you? Will you become the poison that is so virulent, that it seeps into the very will of life and brings the cold embrace of death? Will you force the very fabric of miasma to crystalize and suffocate the air? Will you blacken the skies and rain acid upon their flesh? To boil the very blood their hearts pump? All I can do is ponder, question, and criticize your rule if you were to wake afresh. Not out of spite, nor disobedience, but in concern for your very soul. The soul that has been adrift in the bosom of this celestial realm.’ A splat emanates from the floor next to him. He leaned into the source of the noise and saw a pitch-black tar-like substance lying on the cold marble. ‘What prey tell, is this princess?’ The unicorn slowly and cautiously bent down with his foreleg stretched out in front of him to examine the obsidian blob. As his hoof made contact with the viscus ooze, it violently shot up his foreleg and covered his entire body. Sealing him away into obsidian crystal.