//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Twilight's Soul Floats Ever Deeper Into Space // by Rain_Flick3r //------------------------------// ‘Space is a wondrous thing. It holds mysteries. Mysteries that are old, older than time. So old, that they predate any living life form to ever exist within its celestial realm, and within those countless eons, the mysteries of space hold tales. Tales, foreign to the waking mind. Yet here I stand, standing here to impart a tale for thee. There be a tale, a tale not as old as time. Yet, it be a tale no pony knows, for it holds a secret from space. A secret kept locked away in the deep, deep recesses of this airless void. There be a spire holding such a secret. One so potent, that the very fabric of space is threatened. A potent threat with the shade of lavender fur, and the will of a educated scholar. She be the very image of magic, magic so vile, that her prowess would proceed her. She toppled kingdoms, dynasties, and monarchies. Her magical talent provided the world that she was able to devour it, with one whole bite from her muzzle. So she was locked in a metallic casket, a casket sealed with powerful magic. So that she may never again wake from slumber. For, if she were to be awoken, she would scare the planet with her vengeance. Yet, the powers that sealed her way, made sure to send her to the deep portion of space. So that no pony could even be brave enough to travel through the vacuum. They also saw to it that she be guarded by a unicorn, a unicorn familiar with her temperament. He was to be her jailer, her warden, her key. Some say, that she has been adrift for thousands of years. They also say, that her guard has kept watch over her ever so closely so that no living being could ever wake her. Yet, here I stand, to ask you this one question. Would you believe this tale to be true?’