A Change of Political Decisions For the Better

by coolpony01

Ch 1

There is a unicorn mare who has a white coat, a purple and pink mane and tail, purple eyes, and a purple star for a cutie mark. Her name is Starlight Sparkle, she lives in the town of Ponyville. She is one of the delegates of Equestria; she has a meeting with the other delegates of the other states. Starlight Sparkle knows the town of Ponville has to deal with unfair discrimination the taxes that are placed on the town are too high. The taxes abuse the citizens of Ponyville to have shortages of basic needs such as food and water. 
The other delegates of Parliament also seem to use a lot of military force; they've arrested people for peacefully protesting even though it is illegal. Parliament also seems to discriminate against non ponies they are given more taxes there is also a more likely chance of getting arrested. Some non ponies are also being denied jobs, better public services, and housing.
Starlight Sparkle wishes to address these problems to parliament; she hopes they will listen to reason. 
Starlight Glimmer is right now on a train to Canterlot that is where the parliament have their meetings. It is the capital of Equestria after all. Starlight us just sitting in the regular seats she doesn't want to spend any money on herself she knows it would be selfish and her state isn't in the best position at the moment. 
She decided to look out the window watching the scenery go by it is very beautiful there are forests, rivers, hills, and mountains.

"I hope they will listen the people in Ponville need it." Starlight said aloud.

"Excuse me mame." Starlight turned around to see an earth pony. He had a light yellow coat, a yellow mane and tail, and yellow eyes. He has a workers uniform on. “Would you like anything for dinner?” He asked. Starlight saw he had a tray with

“I’ll have a salad please.” Starlight spoke. A light purple magical ora formed around her horn she then levitated five bits from her bag. “Thank you sir.” She spoke.

“You’re welcome mame enjoy your meal.” the stallion spoke. He then walked away. A light purple ora formed around her horn as she began to eat her dinner. She would need this for the trip. She would arrive in Canterlot in about an hour she would then go to the building where the meeting would take place. There is still a place where the members of parliament are allowed to go that is where she will go to spend the night. 
“They probably won’t listen, they didn’t listen during the last meeting and the meeting before that. I wish they wouldn’t be so stubborn all the time that they can't see that we need help. “Starlight thought. She is afraid of how the meeting will turn out. 

The date is November 1 2003 today is the first day of the month on the start of every month parliament will have a meeting. Starlight just woke up from the sound of her alarm and she let out a groan as she got up. The time is 5AM. It’s time to get ready for the session. Starlight then walked down the hall to the place where the meeting would take place. She went inside and went to her respective seat. There are dozens of other members of the council, a mare walked in and everyone turned to look at her. She’s a light gray unicorn with a dark red mean and tail, dark red eyes, and an ivory scroll for a cutie mark her name is Ivory Scroll she is the chairlady of parliament. Starlight Sparkle does not like her very much. She is the one who keeps doing all these bad things to Ponyville the taxes, the unnecessary use of soldiers, the discrimination of non-ponies, everything. 

“Good morning everyone, can we now bring this meeting into session,” Ivory Scroll said. 
“Today we are going vote for the passing of a new law called the providence act it will require the citizens and the states to pay more taxes but this is necessary in making sure we can defend ourselves from enemies.” Ivory Scroll said.

“Why weren’t we informed of this parliament is required to send at least a month’s notice to every providence when trying to pass a new law.’’ Starlight Sparkle spoke.

“We have to keep the country safe from other creatures so spending the time to inform the parliament is a waste of time. An earth pony stallion then slammed his hoof down.

“This is an outrage! Parliament is required to inform all the provinces when they are planning on passing a new law. What authority do you have to violate the law.” the stallion yelled.

“Strong Heart I suggest that you choose your next words carefully unless you wish to be removed from your seat and replaced by a delegate that can be more reasonable.” Ivory Scroll warned.

“You’re the one who’s being unreasonable.” Ivory Scroll thought.

“Chairlady Ivory Scroll how much would the taxes be increased if this law is passed?” Starlight Sparkle asked.
“The taxes would be increased by 15%. It is necessary to protect ourselves from threats, ”Ivory Scroll said.
“15% my providence is suffering from the number of taxes as it is. Please reconsider Chairlady Ivory Scroll”. A mare voice said the earth pony delegate from Dodge City.

“I am being reasonable, the griffon war greatly damaged our country. We need to prevent threats like that from harming Equestria.” Ivory Scroll explained. “That war ended five years ago and who are we to discriminate against civilians for not being ponies." Starlight Sparkle spoke.

“Starlight Sparkle, those creatures are a threat to Equestria the good of parliament is to keep the nation safe, spreading false propaganda won’t change that.” Ivory Scroll spoke. “The delegate is right. The purpose of parliament is to make sure our citizens are safe. How are we doing this if we keep oppressing them due to their species.`` the mare of Dodge City said.

“The ponies of Equesteria have to come first, that's the way Equestria is meant to be." Ivory Scroll spoke. “It’s not even legal to discriminate against non ponies.” a member of parliament spoke.

“During these times it is best to focus on keeping a nation safe and that will require certain decisions and sacrifices.” Ivory Scroll said.

“This is absurd. We can't break our own laws and discriminate against our own citizens, especially over such petty reasons.” The delegate of Dodge City spoke.

“Spring Blossom I suggest you are careful over what you say. It is unwise to go against what is good for Equesteria.''Ivory Scroll spoke.

“The delegate from Dodge City is only trying to do what is best for the citizens of Equestria. How can we say we’re doing what’s best for Equesteria if we’re discriminating against them for their species alone.”the delegate from Applelosa said.

“Enough of this nonsense let us just vote on the law all in favor.” Ivory Scroll spoke. Some of the delegates from parliament raised their hooves “The law passes from 31 to 25.”Ivory Scroll spoke. Everyone including Starlight left the room.

“How could this have happened? Ivory Scroll never informed us of the passing of this law. Why is she being allowed to get away with that? What's going to happen to Ponville? ''Starlight thought aloud. She made her way to the train station and went on the first train to Ponville.