My House Is Now A Pocket Dimension And My Front Door Is A Portal To Equestria

by TheGuyWhoDayDreams

Chapter 3: Jumper The Human And The Bossy Rabbit

“Alright Jumper, I am going out for some errands, I trust you will be ok doing the list of chores I’ve given you?”

“Its alright Fluttershy, nothing to worry about.” I said to her, giving a thumbs up.

Its been a week since I first arrived in Equestria. Other than the bean bag incident it has been smooth sailing, well Angel Bunny is being a dick but besides that.

Thankfully no other pony heard the loud shouting I made using the megaphone.

Me and Fluttershy grew closer, the more time we spend with each other the less I see her as a fictional character. Also I've learned how to read, there is some interesting things about Equestria, there's a section in the book of creatures called jakhowls which is basically Riolu and Lucario from pokemon, to bad they are last seen centuries ago.

Some of the fairy tales are what I expect from ponies when thinking about other species.

The stories about giffions being greedy robbers while the stories about dragons raiding and destroying towns, granted they were true a long time ago but in the current era of civil times, these stories will probably do more harm than good.

I share some of my opinions about this with Fluttershy, I did tell her about the mare on the moon but she is convinced its a fairy tale, I didn't press on any further.

Speaking of the mare on the moon, the summer sun celebration starts at the first day of next month. I will probably not interfere but this is Equestria I will somehow get involved one way or other.

Right now Fluttershy has to leave her cottage to go to Ponyville and do some errands, she is confident enough that I can help her with her chores while she was gone.

“Oh! And I ask Angel Bunny to help you out with your chores to.” I just look at her.

“You do know that Angel and I didn’t get along, he is still angry about that bean bag incident a week ago.” I nonchalantly said.

“Well... I thought that maybe both of you will bond when you both are helping out doing chores together.”

“Knowing him I doubt it, but I will give it a shot.” she smiles at him.

“Thank Jumper, well I'll have to go now, good luck!” she said as she leaves.

Looking around I saw Angel on the floor, crossing his arms and holding a list of chores Fluttershy gave him. I could tell that he didn't want to do this but for Fluttershy's sake, he'll do it.

I turn to look at Angel with a neutral expression. “Alright Angel, lets get these chores done, I know you don’t like me but Fluttershy gives us responsibilities to do while she is away. Try to keep your behaviour in check until we have finished or Fluttershy comes back ok?”

Angel just sighs and nods, agreeing with me for once.

We did the difficult tasks first, starting with the first, cleaning Harry the bear's pen. I don't mind since I know Harry is a softie and Harry knows I am no threat, Angel doesn't want to be anywhere near it so he does the second most difficult task.

After doing all the difficult tasks the rest are a breeze to go through, I didn't talk to Angel that much and vice versa for him other then for occasion assistance.

Halfway there however an incident happen, a random animal decided to be a mischievous fucker by randomly finding an air horn and make a sudden loud noise outside while we are tending the plants, so loud and sudden that it scared off the chickens. One of them fucking leap over the fence and took off to the Everfree Forest in fright.

We looked at the chicken as it left out of sight, then we turn and glare at the animal with fire in our eyes for adding another task in our list and is none that we both enjoy; retrieving the chicken from the forest and back to the chicken coop before Fluttershy gets home.

And the animal with an air horn? Lets just say we don't go easy on him.

We both stand infront of the Everfree Forest with grumpy looks on our faces as we know this ain't gonna be fun.

I turn to look and Angel who was standing beside me looking into the forest. “Alright Angel.” Angel turns his head to me. “We both know this isn’t going to be a good time, the moment we find this chicken we immediately dip the hell out ok?” I said as Angel nods in agreement.

We enter the forest hoping to find that fucking chicken. We search for a few minutes as we keep our attention high. I know there's a cockatrice here so I have to be careful.

We both then hear rustling in the bushes, we turn to the sound and found the chicken running out of the bush and towards us, it wasn't alone however. Also coming out of the bush was a giant ass snake chasing the chicken, both of our eyes went wide before I grab the chicken in my arms as we both make a break for it.

We manage to make good distance from the snake, Angel was a surprising fast runner when he needs to be.

However we were block when a timberwolf came out of the side and land on the road and face us, making us stop on our tracks.

The timberwolf growled at us but its interest is mostly at Angel. The timberwolf turns its attention to Angel before pouncing on him as Angel close his eyes.

Quickly I stepped infront of Angel and it took a bite on my right arm. I yelled in pain.

Angel opens his eyes when he heard my scream of pain to see me taking a bite for him.

“Don't fucking stand there! Go!” I yelled at Angel.

However seeing this display, instead of running away he jump and kick the timberwolf in the jaws as hard as he can.

The timberwolf releases my arms as its jaw falls apart. I immediately punch him in the face before running away with Angel behind me.

The timberwolf's jaw reforms as we left but before it could follow us, the snake from before attack the timberwolf.

We manage to exit the forest as we both panted from exhaustion. I return the chicken to its coop before returning to the cottage.

When we return to the living room, Angel was just looking at me as I held my bleeding arm. I know what he was asking.

“You are wondering why I save you despite you being rude to me and being a dickhead? Well to tell you is that you aren’t really bad, your attitude is terrible but you did it to act tough and protect Fluttershy from dangers and creeps. To put it short, you are not a demon like others say, you are just overprotective for Fluttershy, even if you do act a bit like a bully to everyone at times.” I tell him, he was taken aback by what I said as a smile forms a bit.

“Also we shall not speak about what happened to Fluttershy ok?” Angel nodded.

“I am home!” in a cruel twist fate, just as I said that she returns home. “I hope everything is going weell-aaahhhh! She screams as she saw my bleeding arm.

We both stare back at her in horror before she frantically flew over to me and examine my arm. “Oh my goodness! What in Celestia happen to you!?”

Welp we both have some explaining to do.

Well one thing happened today. I think me and Angel Bunny will get along sooner or later.