//------------------------------// // Season one Bonus episode: Trick, gifts, and love // Story: The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction) // by Letsduel2002 //------------------------------// PART: ONE Nightmare Night 4 3/4 years ago Cloud's Pov It was Cloud's favorite time of the year, Nightmare Night. The time when he could look as weird as possible and not look out of place. And he was going to spend it with his best friend Crystal Heart. "Wait. What are you supposed to be?" Crystal says looking at Cloud's costume. "I'm a one-eyed one-horned flying purple pony eater." Cloud says showing off his costume. His costume had a single eye and horn on his forehead, sunglasses to cover his eyes, his coat and wings painted purple, large ears, and fake monster teeth. Crystal has a "you serious" look on his face. "Okay then. Just let me and Thunder put on our costumes, and then we'll leave." "Okay." Cloud said as he walked out of the brother's room. He walks to the dining room and sees a plate of cookies on the table. They had orange and purple frosting with opposite-colored sprinkles. Cloud licked his lips, loving cookies more than candy. He slowly reaches out to grab one, but it floats away. He turns around to see Crystal's sister Diamond Shimmer. "No touching. They're not for you. Only famiwy and frwends can touch them." The five-year-old said like she was trying to be stern but is being adorable. "Awwww, Crystal never said he had such a cute sister," Cloud says reaching out. He rubs her head, and she waves her arms to swat him away. "He can have one Diamond," Crystal said leaning on the doorframe. Cloud looked at him and blushed. The earth pony was wearing a purple magician's hat and cloak with stars all over. "I uh umm... you look nice." Cloud blurted out. Thank the almighty Celestia that no one can see Cloud blush under his face paint. Thunder walked around the corner with his costume. He was dressed up as King Sombra. But Cloud couldn't stop looking at Crystal. "Why does Crystal look so hot right now?" He thinks as Diamond waves a cookie in his face. He breaks from his hypnotized state and grabs the cookie. "Thanks." He says looking away with embarrassment. He bites into the soft cookie and gets hit with the taste of divine flavor. "Mmmmmmm... it's so good. I've never tasted a cookie this good before. It's so soft, the pumpkin frosting is sooo good, and the sprinkles explode with flavor!" As he was thinking with his free hoof on his cheek, Thunder walked over to his little sister. "Alright Diamond, time to get you into costume little missy." He says in a lower tone. They walk to the stairway, leaving Crystal and Cloud alone. Cloud was still savoring the taste, savoring it as long as possible. Crystal looked over to his friend and smirked. "You want to know who made them, don't ya?" Cloud nodded, smiling like a total dork. "It was made by my sister... Diamond Shimmer." "*chokes on cookie** cough* wait what! You mean your little sister made these?" He asked, crimes falling on the floor. Crystal nodded. "Is cooking her special talent or something? Cloud said recovering from choking. "You okay?" Crystal asked moving closer to the young Pegasus. Cloud nodded, taking a deep breath in the process. He looked down to see a dragon cleaning up the crumbs with a tiny broom and duster. "Hi." He said towards the little dragon. She didn't respond, she just cleans the floor and walks away. Cloud was confused by the dragon not returning his friendly greeting. +"Don't mind her, she's just very shy around new ponies." Cloud made an "oh" face. Thunder came around the corner with Sky and Diamond in their costumes. Sky was a detective with a bubble pipe. And Diamond is a red dragon. "Alright. Is everypony ready?" Thunder asked, looking at everyone. They all nodded. "Then let's go and nab some candy!" He yelled excitedly. Everyone cheered in elation. They all followed Thunder through the front door craving some candy. They went from door to door collecting candy in bags. All types of candy were obtained. Like peanut butter cups, caramel bars, star bits, and many more. 3 hours later They've stopped at the park to see their goods. "Wooooo boy! That is a lot of candy." Crystal whooped. "This is the most fun I've ever had during a nightmare night... everypony is sooo nice!" Diamond said bouncing up and down before she had any candy. Sky had a huge grin on his face. Cloud put his sunglasses up and pulled out white candy sticks out of his bag. He took a bite out of the stick, loving it. Thunder gave a confused look. "You like kandare sticks?" He asks. Cloud looks back with a stick hanging out of his mouth. "Yeah... of course I like kandare sticks. Just the crunch sound that the sticks make when you bite is satisfying." Thunder gave an "Okay if that's what you like to look." "So, is that all the houses in Woodsdale?" Clouds ask, biting into a stick. Thunder gulped. "*gulp* no..... we still have that house down there." He says pointing in the direction of a big house with a dead tree in the yard. Everyone shook in their costumes looking at the scary house. Crystal shakes his head and puts his game face on. "Alright, if there's one house left... we must go to it!" He said stepping on a bench that was under a tree. Everyone looked at each other and was a little inspired by Crystal's enthusiasm. They nodded and followed Crystal to the last house. They reach the house and go through the main gates. It was a Victorian-styled house, which Cloud thought looked out of place for woods-dale. Stopping at the Porch they pushed Crystal to ring the doorbell. "What's with this house?" Cloud asks Thunder. "It's an old, haunted house attraction that was abandoned." Thunder says before appearing behind them, flourishing his cape in front of his face. "But legend says that a serial killer worked at this amusement house. But he used it not to entertain... but to kill. He was never caught, but the spirits of his victims haunt the house. And on a night, such as this, the spirits of the dead will rise and wreak havoc on those who wronged them!! Waha ha ha ha ha!!" "Don't do that!!!" Crystal loudly whispered as he walks to the porch. He slowly walks up to the door, with the others following suit. but before he could reach the doorbell... the door opened. He closed his eyes and screamed "NightmareNightWhatafrightGiveussomethingsweettobite!" Crystal opens his eyes and sees that he's okay and takes a deep breath. He sees a sign that says... ________________________________________________________________________________ Mortals beware A gift of sweets is waiting for you At twists ends The spirits await for a victor to claim their prize ________________________________________________________________________________ "Are you okay Crystal?!" Thunder loudly whispered. Crystal nodded. They walk up to see the sign. Diamond's face lights up. "*Gasp* More candy, let's do it!!!" she ran in, making Sky run in after her. "Diamond wait up!!" both of them disappear in the darkness. Thunder begins to worry and runs in after them. "Should we follow? Thunder said that the dead will rise tonight." Cloud whimpered. Crystal looked at his friend with confidence. "don't worry... it's probably just a prank to scare us." He says, reassuring his friend. They walk into the dark house and the door slams shut, startling them. They move through the house, hearing their hoof steps and the sounds of creaking. Cloud was whimpering in fear, trying to stay close to Crystal. "*whispers* ugh Crystal... can't we just leave and find an adult to find them?" He asks jumping at every sound. "It's fine... no need to worry. We can ff-find them on our own... hehe." Crystal stutters. They looked around to find Crystal's siblings. Cloud looked by a fireplace that wasn't lit. While Crystal was looking at a bookshelf full of blank books. He grabbed one but couldn't pull it out. He pulled and pulled until he ended up falling backward. Cloud caught Crystal, getting close to his face. He blushed again. "Why am I feeling so warm right now? It's cold in here." He thought while Crystal got on his hooves. "Thanks." "Nnn-no problem Crystal." Cloud stuttered in response. He looked away and saw a piece of paper in the fireplace. He walks over to pick it up. He picks it up and it reads "rest now, and your prize awaits." The floor under Cloud opens, causing Cloud to grab the ledge. "Crystal!!" He yells. Crystal jolts his head to see Cloud hanging on the ledge. He rushes over to grab Cloud's arms. He pulls him up as the note falls out of Cloud's hoof. The note falls on the flour and Crystal picks it up. "Where'd you find this?" He asks Cloud. Cloud stood up, panting from that terrifying experience. "I found it in the fireplace. Then the... *signals to the floor* floor opened up. Thank the stars you were there." Crystal smiled. "Don't mention it. *Puts hoof on Cloud's shoulder* I'll always be there for my friends." Crystal sits down to take a breather. Cloud blushed at Crystal's statement, rubbing his shoulder. "Maybe becoming friends with him wasn't so bad in the first place. Heh... what am I saying? It feels like we're more than friends. But what do I feel about him?" Cloud then thought about what the note said. He grabbed Crystal's arm and lead him upstairs. "Where are we going?" Crystal asks. Cloud stops and turns around to him. "The note said, "Rest now, and you'll find your prize getting warmer." That means finding the bedroom will get us closer to the prize." "i knew that I'm not that stupid." "I never said you were." "But you were thinking about it." "*deadpan* No I wasn't." As the two bickered, a shadowy figure formed from the darkness beside them. "Admit it! You think I'm stupid!" "I never said that! I just said we need the find the bedroom!" The floor creaked. The two colts turned their heads and saw the figure. It was pitch black with blue eyes and four black demonic wings. The boys backup into a door, bumping their little butts. They both trembled, staring at the figure at eye level with fear. Crystal quickly tried to open them but couldn't. They made a run for the stairs, but another shadow figure appeared, bigger than the last one. They ran to a door and thankfully it was unlocked. They bolted in and shut the door in a shadow figure's face (owww). Cloud and Crystal were both breathing heavily. Crystal walked over to the bed and check every inch of it. But couldn't find anything. "Did we pick the wrong bedroom?" He asked, looking at Cloud. "Maybe we're supposed to be in bed," Cloud responded, getting into the bed. Crystal followed. He lay next to Cloud, making him blush. "Why am I feeling this way towards him? We're just friends... I mean we are colts.... they can't fall in love with each other...... right?" *click* The floor opened up in front of the bed. They moved to the edge to look at the opening. They felt a push from behind them and they fell into the opening. "Aaaauuuugghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" They both screamed as they were sliding into the darkness. They landed on a soft surface and looked at each other. Crystal nervously smirked. Cloud smiled back, then he was laughing. "Hahahaha, I never knew anypony could do something like this." He laughed. Crystal looked at him like he was crazy. He shook his head and got up. "We should find the others. I'm pp-pretty sure that the others are getting scared right now." He stuttered. Cloud got up and followed him. They looked around the basement seeing tools like hammers, butcher's knives, saws, and a chainsaw. The boys trembled and hugged each other at the sight. "Sssss-should we leave?" Cloud asks. "Yeah," Crystal said, shaking like a blender. "Waaauuuuuuu" They heard something behind them. They turned around to see a much bigger shadow wobbling towards them. "Aaaaaaauuuuggghghahaha" they both screamed. Holding each other for dear life. They closed their eyes, hoping this was all a bad dream. "IM SORRY CLOUD!! IM SORRY THAT I EXPLODED AT YOU!!!" Crystal screamed. "I didn't know Crystal was a big baby." A voice said in the darkness. They both stopped screaming and opened their eyes. They saw the shadows standing in front of them. "Hhh-how do you know my name?" He trembles. The small shadow grabbed its head and took it off. "AUKIE!!!" Crystal yelled in shock. "Yep. It's me. *smirk* I guess Thunder was right... you can be such a chicken." She says looking behind the two colts. Thunder walked out of the darkness holding back a laugh. "*points at thunder* Don't you do it!" Crystal demanded. But Thunder laughs anyway. "*puts arm down* And you do it anyway." He says while Thunder is dying of laughter on the floor. "Hahahahaha *wipes tear* that was the best prank ever!" Crystal jolted his head towards his brother. "You set this up?!!!" He says grabbing Thunder's shoulders. "*giggling* no it was me." The larger shadow said. The sheet was removed, and the two shocked colts saw Sky carrying Diamond on his shoulders. Sky points at himself to convey that it was his idea. Crystal zoomed over to him, wanting to strangle his little brother. The other shadow takes off his suit, revealing a bright blue changeling. "Who are you?" Cloud asks the adult changeling. "My name is Virt. I'm Aukie's father." He extends his hoof out. "And your name is?" Cloud shook his hoof and answered. "My name is Dark Cloud... it's nice to meet you." Virt leads the two boys to the stash of candy they promised. They leave the house with Aukie and her father in tow. "How did you push us down the slide?" Cloud asks Virt. He looked confused, "I don't remember putting anything up there to push anypony." Cloud gulped. As they walked away...... a pair of Glowing blue eyes stare at them. Other eyes appeared; the door shut leaving the spirits to their own devices. The group got home with an extra stash of candy. They went straight to bed after all that candy gathering. The brothers slept in their bunk, while Cloud slept in a bed roll on the floor. Cloud couldn't stop thinking about Crystal. He turned over to look at the colt earth pony. "Hey... Crystal." He whispered. "What?" "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Why were you acting so nervous back there... at the house?" Crystal didn't say anything for a few seconds. Cloud stared at him. "I don't want to talk about it," Crystal whispered. "Let's just get some sleep... your parents are going to pick you up in the morning, so let's get some sleep." Cloud turned around and started to wonder, "What if Crystal isn't as brave as I thought? But... I think that makes me like him even more." He rolled onto his back, turning his head towards Crystal. He smiles and turns his head back to the ceiling. He closes his eyes and dreams about him and Crystal being best friends for the rest of their lives. PART: TWO A week before Hearths warming eve Crystal and Cloud were chatting about what gifts they wanted for hearths warming Eve on their way to the train station. "So, what do you want for hearths warming eve?" Crystal asks, adjusting his pink beanie. "I always wanted to be a mane stylist. It's been my dream for a long time... *sad face* but nopony believes in me, not even my parents. They say that only mares want to be mane stylists. Can you keep it a secret for me?" He asks. Crystal then had a smile on his face. "Of course... anything for my best friend." He says, pulling Cloud closer. Cloud started blushing. "So, you want a hairstylist kit, right?" Crystal asks. Cloud nodded. Crystal then had a grin on his face. They reach the train station and sit on the benches. They waited for a few minutes before the train showed up. They got on the train and talked about Thunder and Aukie. "Have you ever noticed that Thunder has been super smitten around Aukie lately?" Crystal said laying back on his seat. Cloud's attention was moved from staring at the rushing field of snow to Crystal's question. "Yeah, I have noticed it lately. But I've also seen Aukie be into Thunder too." He said looking back out the window. Crystal had a huge smirk on his face. Cloud fell asleep on the trip and Crystal woke him up. "Hey. I'm leaving, see you on Hearth warming eve." He said before hugging Cloud. It wakes him completely as the heat rises through his face. Crystal breaks the hug and leaves the train. Cloud opens the window and waves to Crystal. He waves back with an adorable smile. Cloud leans on his arms, thinking about how adorable Crystal is. "*sigh* he is so cute. His smile always brightens my day................ Wait what am I saying!!!" He turns around and bites his hooves. "Oh my stars! What will Mom and Dad say about these thoughts I have for Crystal?" He reaches home shaking not from the cold, but from nervousness. He opens the front door to their Manehatten apartment and sets his keys on the key rack. He goes to the kitchen and finds a note on the refrigerator door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry Cloud I know you wanted to go out tonight, but we might be a little bit late. We promise we will go to your favorite place after heaths warming eve. Love: Mom and Dad --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cloud put the note back on the fridge. He went to the living room to be in his own thoughts. "Can these feelings I have for Crystal be real? I mean... colts can't fall in love with other Colts, right? I guess I never knew anyone that had these kinds of feelings before. *Hugs couch pillow* Ooh but Crystal's so damn cute. His pink mane, his tough exterior that hides a softer side, his love for painting, and his willingness to help his friends in any way. *Blushes heavily* I just wanna cuddle with him and feel his soft fur...... waitwaitwaitwait nononono I can't be thinking these things." Cloud stood up trying to shake his feelings away, he closed his eyes imagining he was at a party eating his favorite food, when he suddenly felt his body begin to sway with party music. His body swayed as he felt Crystal's hooves around him. He kept his steps light as he pranced around the room. Cloud swirled in beat with Crystal's imaginary dips, his body thrumming with energy as he dreamed of Crystal placing a soft kiss upon his cheek as they danced into the sunset. Cloud bumped into the wall as he twirled his body around in rhyme with his heart. Cloud barely reacted dreaming it was another pony and Crystal sweeping him up close in his arms dancing them away from an imaginary crowd of ponies. Their movements synced as one as they pranced around, cloud dipping and swirling in Crystal's arms. Cloud opened his eyes sighing in pure content. He felt loved, truly loved, his heart seemed to burst into excitement as he made his way over to his bed, he had not realized the entire daydream that he had moved from the living room to his bedroom. Cloud flops on his bed. "Maybe these feelings aren't so bad... *turns on his side* me liking guys. *blushes* It doesn't sound so bad anymore. *Thinks about a boy kissing him* Maybe Crystal has the same feelings...... or maybe not. He's probably not into guys anyway." (Keep telling yourself that). He takes his mind off of his self-discovery and starts to think about what kind of present to get Crystal. He then thought of the perfect present. Hearths warming eve Cloud, Aukie, and her dad, Tink Rose, and her parents, Thunder, Crystal, Sky, Diamond, and Black Heart were gathered around the tree. Black Heart walks up to the tree grabbing presents. "So, Cloud... where are your parents, I would at least thought they would join us?" Black Heart asks, looking at the tags to know who's present is who's. "They work at the weather station. They had a delay with the snow clouds again... it happens almost every holiday. Something always goes wrong with the machinery every holiday, it's like bad luck." "Yeeessh... that does sound like bad luck," Tink said winching. "Does it get lonely at home?" Aukie asks. Cloud slightly nodded, "yeah it does sometimes, but I'm glad I have you guys." "Yeah. I still remember the day Crystal introduced you. But it feels like we've been friends since childhood." Aukie smiled. Cloud smiled back. "It does." "Alright, it's time to open presents." Black Heart said, holding presents with his magic. Everyone got two to three presents. Black Heart sat in a chair before speaking. "Youngest first." He said. Diamond opened hers. It was a beginner's cookbook. She jumped and squealed with excitement. Black Heart smiled with accomplishment. She opened her next gift, and it was the first volume of One Hoof, she squealed again just as excited as before. Virt whispered to his daughter, "Isn't that a bit too mature for a 5 to have?" "Don't worry... I know she can handle it." Black Heart said. Her last present was from her brothers. They gave her a pair of fluffy earmuffs. She stared at it for a couple of seconds before saying, "*squeak* thank you." She puts them on and smiles. Her brothers smile back at her. Next was Sky. He got a builder's play set from his dad, a set of stress balls from his siblings, and a rainbow dash figurine from Tink. He loved every single one of them. Tink got a witch's hat from her parents, a beginner's guide to alchemy from Aukie, and a potion set from Crystal and Cloud. She was very happy with her presents. Thunder and Crystal were next. Their first present was a gift for both of them, volume 26 of One Hoof. Thunder had watery eyes with a happy smile, while Crystal pumped his arm. Thunder opened his present from Aukie. He got a Pony D. Gabby wanted poster. Crystal got his next present from Cloud. He rushed to open it; he pulled out a replica of Pony D. Gabby's straw hat. He put it on his head, biting his lower lip in excitement. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou Cloud!" Cloud nodded and smiled. It was Cloud's turn next. He scooted closer to Black Heart. "Okay cloud you ready?" He asks with a grin. Cloud nodded. He opened his first present; it was from his parents. They got him a snow chisel. he frowned and put the box down. "What's wrong?" Crystal asks. "*groan* my parents kept trying to get me into making snowflakes like I wanted to when I was... 5. They also said that it would be a good use for my artistic talents," Cloud says, a little irritated. Tink's mother Sandy Jewel said something after a few seconds of silence. "That sounds very silly. Getting their child something that he has no interest in anymore." Aukie was the next to say something. "Do you want to open me and Tink's gift?" Cloud nodded. Black Heart handed him the wrapped box, Cloud opened it and lifted his gift out. They got him different kinds of Cologne. "Thanks." He says picking one up and raising an eyebrow. "We just thought you would want to smell nice for a special pony," Tink said, winking at Cloud. He blushes, darting his eyes to Crystal and back to Tink. Black Heart handed over his last present. "And this one is from Crystal, he wanted to give you something special." Cloud grabbed the present and rattled it a little. He slowly opened it; in case it was a prank. He then slowly tears the tape off the box. He closes his eyes and reaches inside; he grabs it and pulls it out. He inched his eyes open. His eyes widen with what Crystal got him. "The Rarity Manestyle kit!! *Hugs the diamond-shaped kit*" he looks at Crystal with the biggest smile on his face. "Thank you." He says. Crystal moves closer to Cloud and pulls him in for a one-arm hug. "You're very welcome. It's like I said... you're my best friend, I'd do anything for you." Crystal says in Cloud's ear. Cloud hides his red face with his kit. "Do you mind if-ff... I try this out on you?" He asks in embarrassment. "Of course." Crystal smirks. They are now in the bathroom with Crystal sitting in a chair while Cloud is going through his new kit. "What kind of mane style do you want?" Cloud asks. Crystal thought about what he wanted with his hoof on his chin. "*smirk* I'll let the stylist decide." He responds with. Cloud was gitty to finally style another pony's mane. An hour later After an hour, Cloud was finally done. He wipes his head and sighs. "*sigh* so, do you like it?" He asks proud of his work. "Yeah," Crystal said his voice breaking. "And now for the final touch." Cloud says spraying Crystals mane with Cologne. They exit the bathroom, and everypony sees Crystal's new mane. They were in awe at what Cloud has done. Cloud made Crystal's mane into a little fedora. "Aww. that's so cute." Tink cooed. Crystal blushed and turned away. He looked at Cloud as if to say, "Help me!". Cloud rolled his eyes. Crystal pulled Cloud in to whisper in his ear. "I regret letting you do this to me," Cloud smirked, trying to hide his laughter. Black Heart snapped a photo, and everypony walked away. Cloud looked at Crystal and stared with dreamy eyes. "Tink is right. You do look cute." He realized what he said after it left his mouth. He walks away from the embarrassment. Leaving Crystal confused. Cloud finds himself on a stone step outside the house. "Man, I really embarrassed myself this time." He thought while leaning on his arm. He felt a tap on his arm. He turned to see Crystal on his right. "What are you doing out here? Everypony is getting a little worried." He said as he was sitting down. "Ooh... hi Crystal. I was just... *sigh* just forget what I said back there. I wasn't thinking." Crystal wrapped his arm around Cloud, making him blush. "*chuckle* It's fine. I just wasn't expecting it." Crystal said with a chuckle. They both look at the starry night sky. Cloud wants to move closer to his crush. But he sat still. "Hey, Crystal." "Hmmm?" "Can I tell you something?" "Sure, anything you want." "*hesitates* I uh um...... gaaaaahhh, it's so hard to say. *Deep breath* okay, here it goes. I've been... questioning myself lately, and I have... realized... that I'm, gay." "Ppppphhhhhhhahahahahhahaha that's all?" Crystal laughed. Cloud stays there worried that Crystal would make fun of him. He answers Crystal's question by nodding. Cloud was now shedding tears. "Please don't tell anypony. Please." He whimpered. Crystal stopped laughing, wiping his tears of laughter. "*Stops laughing* my lips are sealed tighter than a corset." Cloud giggled at that comment. Crystal giggled along with him. "Hehehehahahahaha." They both laughed. "Heheheh. *Stops laughing* well, I hope you find that perfect colt who can love you." Crystal cheered. Cloud smiled at the handsome earth pony. "I wish it could be you, Crystal." Cloud thought, staring at Crystal. But the pink maned colt didn't notice, instead he was staring at the stars. "You know... my mother told me once that my dad proposed to my mother under the stars and Princess Luna's gaze. I hope that someday that could happen to me." Crystal said closing his eyes. Cloud's instincts kicked in and gave Crystal a quick kiss on the cheek. Crystal opened his eyes and looked at Cloud. They both turned red in the face. "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me!! *Gets up* Just please forget what just happened!" Cloud said. Panicking, he goes back into the house. He rushes to the bathroom; turns the sink on and splashes his face. He looks at himself in the mirror and says, "What were you thinking cloud? Now there could be a chance that he'll never talk to you again. Daaaahhh, what are you talking about? He wouldn't ever do that. *Stares at his reflection* okay... just say that you're sorry and that it's okay that he doesn't want to talk to you again. *Deep breath* here it goes." He exits the bathroom and sees Crystal walking towards him. Cloud slowly walks up to Crystal and says, "I'm sorry Crystal. I can understand if......" Crystal puts his hoof on Cloud's mouth, interrupting him before he could say it. "You don't need to apologize. It was an impulse, I completely understand that feeling. So don't beat yourself down, you hear me." Cloud nodded. "Good. *Hugs Cloud* that was really sweet what you did back there. I could never have the courage to do that to a girl. *Breaks hug* cause every time I try... to talk to a girl. I start to get scared. I admire your courage to do something like that. And I promise I won't tell anypony." Cloud smiled. His friendship with Crystal is still intact. "And one more thing," Crystal said. "Could you put my mane back to normal please?" "Uuuhh yeah... sure." 2 1/2 hours later Cloud made it to his room and hid his mane kit under his bed. He then crawled into bed and dug his face into his pillow. He thinks about being cuddled. "*giggles* I would give anything for that. To feel safe in someone's arms. To hear his heartbeat. *blushes* to feel his mane...... to be with Crystal. The more I get to know him...... the more I love him. Wait did I say love? Huh...... I guess I did. *Rolls on his belly* I guess that I do love him. Maybe he's the one my heart is meant for... but even if he isn't, he's still my best friend." Cloud fell asleep, dreaming that he could gain his courage again to ask him out on Hearts and Hooves Day. Crystal's Pov Crystal was laying in his bunk thinking about Cloud's cheek kiss. He tossed and turned, thinking about that kiss. Until we woke up heavily breathing. "It's just a dream, no need to panic about a kiss. *Closes his eyes* wait... why would I..... *Jolts awake* Oh my Stars. I like boys. But I also like girls. Is this possible? I suppose it is, I mean... I know my feelings sometimes. But this is something that I'm confident about. I know who I am, and I won't let anyone change me. Just like my mom would tell me." He falls back asleep, dreaming about if his family would accept that he likes boys and girls. Part three Hearts and hooves day Cloud's Pov Cloud was carrying a box of chocolate for Hearts and hooves day. He was walking in the school of friendship hallway. He held the box with one hoof while he was on his way to his locker. After a few minutes of searching, he found his locker. He also found Crystal talking to his brother Thunder in front of their lockers. Cloud got closer and heard a bit of their conversation. "Okay, Thunder. You think you can ask Aukie out on a date after school?" Crystal asked with a look of confidence. Thunder took a deep breath and put his game face on. "*deep breath* I can do this. I'm going to ask her out." "Who are you going to ask out?!" Crystal said like a general to his troops. "Aukie sir!" Thunder said saluting. "And what are you going to ask her?!" "Will you go out on a date with me?!" "That's right! Now get out there and get the girl of your dreams!" "Sir yes sir!" Thunder ran down the hallway and greeted Cloud as he passed. "Hey, Cloud!" "Hey," Cloud whispered out. He was a little nervous to ask Crystal out, but he had to try. He walked up to Crystal hold the box of chocolate tightly. "Hey, Cloud." Crystal said looking cheery. "Hey, Crystal. Umm, can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure. What do you want to ask me?" Cloud bit his lip, nervous about asking him. "Can you meet me by our... *whispered* secret hideout?" Crystal nodded. "*whispered* When do you want to meet?" "After school," Cloud responded. He puts the box in his locker and walks to his class. Noticing Iron's smile on his way. Crystal's Pov Crystal grabbed a Hearts and Hooves day card out of his locker and walks to the other end of the hallway. He sees Tink getting stuff out of her locker. He checks his mane to see if he looks good or not. "*deep breath* here goes nothing." He mumbled to himself. He walks up to Tink, and she sees him. "Hey, Crystal. Whatcha ya doing?" Crystal's face turned red. "Umm, I... was... wondering if you... would like to hang out after school?" Tink grew a smile and put her hoof on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Crystal. But I already have a date. It's sweet that you asked me, and I'm sorry that you wasted your time." She said with a look of sympathy. Crystal felt a wave of disappointment hit him. "It's okay. I wasn't expecting you to say yes. Or stay with me for long." Crystal walks away and to his class. He sits at his desk leaning on his hoof. He barely paid attention to class. (I mean... wouldn't you lose concentration if someone rejected you?) After school, he remembered his meeting with Cloud. He reached his locker with Cloud with his bag about to leave. Crystal forced his confidant persona out to not worry cloud. Cloud nervously smiled and said, "I'll see you at the meeting?" "Yeah, I'll see you there," Crystal said opening his locker. Cloud left to go to the secret hideout. Crystal held his card in his hooves and slide down the lockers. He silently lets tears run down his face. He then thought of something. He got up, wiped his tears, and grabbed a pen from his locker. He scribbled Tink's name and began to write somepony's name. Clouds Pov Cloud was in their secret hideout, a cave nearby the school. It had many personalized touches from him, Crystal, Thunder, and Aukie. "Where is he?" Cloud thought while pacing. "What if he doesn't come?! What if he knows what I'm up to?! Ooohhh please don't be the case!" "Hey, Cloud." Crystal said from the cave entrance, leaning on the side. "Oh, hey Crystal" Cloud said, nervously rubbing his arm. Crystal walked over to him and noticed his box of chocolate in his bag. "What did you want to ask me?" He asked with a smirk. "Well, I was wondering if...... we'll maybe if... if we could...... aaaauuuggghh it's so hard to say." Cloud stumbled trying to find words to ask Crystal out. Crystal walked over to where the box of chocolate was. "I wonder what's so hard to say. Is it who these chocolates are for?" He says, snatching the chocolates. Cloud panicked and tried to get the chocolates back. "Give them back! *Crystal laughing* It's not funny Crystal!" Cloud tripped and fell on the floor. "Now let's see who these are... for..." he looks at the tag and is shocked. "It's... for me?" He says quietly. Cloud, now crying a little bit nodded. Crystal sat down and gazed at the chocolates. "Heh... for me. I never would have thought that you would want to date me. *Runs hoof through his mane* I have such a terrible track record with girls, either we have to leave each other, or they already got somepony. So why would a boy want to? *Looks at Cloud* do you really love me?" He said in disbelief. Cloud got up off the floor and said, "Yes, I do. I really do love you. I love everything about you. I love how you are always there to protect your friends, how you support your family...... how you believe in other's dreams." Cloud smiled. Crystal got up and walked over to his friend. He hugs the young Pegasus, leaving him speechless. "I love you too. *Breaks hug and holds Cloud's hooves* I love your courage, your passion for mane styling, you're always there when somepony needs you, and I love how you bring out the best of us... the best of me." Cloud blushed with Crystal's confession. They looked at each other's eyes. Crystal's bright blue and Cloud's dark orange. They pulled each other in and locked lips. Cloud flared his wings in excitement. "This is a dream come true." Crystal's card dropped and Cloud's name was written beside Tink's scribbled over name. "Hey, you guys have you seen... oh my stars." The boys looked to see Aukie standing at the entrance. They broke the kiss and rushed over and pulled her into the cave. "Did I just see you two..." They both shushed Aukie before she said it. "*whispered* oh sorry. Did I just see you two... kiss?" Aukie whispered. The two colts looked at each other. Crystal was the first one to speak. "Yes, you did." Then cloud. "Please don't tell anyone." Aukie smiled at them. "*whispered* Of course. You don't have to worry about me telling anyone." The boys sighed in relief. "*sigh* thank you. So, what did you want in the first place?" Crystal asked. "Oh yeah duuhh. I got so distracted by you two that I almost forgot. I was at my locker, when I found a note. It said "Could you meet with me after school... usually spot. From: Thunder" I came here and found you two *whispering* kissing. But I guess he's not here sooo..." she said before they heard breathing. They see Thunder exhausted. "You okay bro?" Crystal said, worried about his brother. Thunder nodded and said, "Yeah I'm fine. Wooofff, I'm sorry Aukie. I was chased by golden flash and the goon squad. They took the chocolate I was going to give you. I hope you understand." "I do. And yes, I would like to go on a date sometime. *squeals* Daaa I can't hold it in, I've been waiting for this day ever since our first class together!!" She hugs Thunder tightly, then let's go. They walk towards the train station. "You coming?" Thunder asked Crystal. "*shakes his head* Naaa, you go on without me. I got to grab something." "Okay." Thunder shrugged. He and Aukie walked to the station. Crystal grabbed the box of chocolate and pecked Cloud on the cheek. "Now we're even." "*giggles* I guess we are." Cloud giggles, while Crystal wraps his arm around Cloud. Cloud looks at Crystal and says, "Are we boyfriends now?" Crystal smiles. "Yeah, I guess we are." They walked towards the train station. Before they reached the edge of the forest, Cloud stopped. "Whoa hey. Why'd you'd stop?" Crystal asked. Cloud pulled Crystal in before saying, "I want to kiss you again, we won't see each other again till we go to school again." "Then I could visit you this weekend," Crystal said before kissing Cloud again. They kissed for a minute before they heard the train. They ran off to catch the train as they both laughed the whole way. "This is the best day of my life. Nothing could be better than this."