Cold War: The Global Threat

by GeneralSniperplayer

Chapter 12 - Stalliongrad

August 22, 1950 | 12:14 pm | snowing.
We arrived in Stalliongrad, Eduard and Jack decided to stay in Equestria., we already had a guarantee that we would not receive shots when stepping on Soviet soil, due to the Non-Aggression Pact signed by Celestia, and Break Tower, the dictator of Stalliongrad would have to collaborate with it anyway, everything was already planned , Sunset and Starlight would be left with 20 more bodyguards to do diplomatic missions for a few months, we would need them to cover up the RDAG spying, the first plan, would be to take the attention of the security of Trottingham to keep an eye on Irktrotsky, in the end of the After all, no Intelligence effort was necessary to enter enemy soil, we let the diplomats and bodyguards get off first, and be received so that they would not see us.
Pinkie kept an eye on the outside:

“The coast is clear, now we need to find a way to get to Irktrotsky!” Pinkie said.

“I've never seen a place so cold... you can make a popsicle if you want…” Frank said.

“We can't steal a car, that's going to get a lot of attention!” I said.

“What if...we hitchhike?” Dash suggested.

“How so?” I got confused.

“Kidnapping and bribery!” she said.

“Oh, that…” I said.

“We could buy a car.” Crow suggested.

“What if they don't trust our fake IDs?” Dash pointed.

“We'll have to use it sooner or later!” I pointed.

“Well...let's buy a car, but in whose name?” Dash questioned.

“On my!” Flash said.

“Flash? How long are you here?” I questioned, surprised.

“2 days ago!” he replied.

“Sniper said you didn't want to come.” Dash said.

“I changed my mind, I knew you would need me to walk around here.” Flash said.

“How so?” I found it strange.

“I have dual citizenship around here, they won't need to steal or hijack a car.” Flash said.

“It serves.” I said.

“I bought a van around here, I thought there would be fewer people and more equipment.” Flash said.

“We are going to Irktrotsky.” Dash said.

“Well... put everything in the van and let's go there!” Flash exclaimed.

“Where is van exactly?” Snow asked.

“It's on the next block.” Flash replied.

“I'll cover while you make your way to the van.” Crow said.

We were getting our things to go to the van, Flash said he would get the van to go on our way as soon as possible, and he did, Crow was signaling when to hide and when not, we waited 5 minutes until Flash slowed down near a speed bump, so we could slow down without arousing suspicion, we were quick to load everything into the van and get in, then make our way to Irktrotsky.
As we followed the road, we talked about our plan:

Mafia? Is it serious? - Flash wondered.

“That was a strategy used in the War, as far as I know.” Pinkie said.

“I don't know if doing this in Stalliongrad is a good idea, the government here is...complicated.” Flash said.

“How so?” I found it strange.

“Do you think the local Mafia is 100% against the government?” Flash questioned.

There was silence in the van:

“That's what I thought, I'll give you a brief explanation, do you at least know that Break Tower is the local dictator?” he asked.

“We know.” Dash replied.

“This guy was a militiaman before becoming a politician, he had some enemies, as expected, but they used their power to pay some factions to be like their private armed group, most factions accepted the money, but there are still some that they didn't accept it because they really didn't like it, don't ask me why.” Flash informed.

“Then it gets complicated…” I said.

“Looks like our spies did some pretty dirty spying.” Dash said.

“What did they say about Irktrotsky?” Flash asked.

“That the city had some traces of ‘rebellion’.” I replied.

“I hope they're right, otherwise we're all screwed, how many operators on this team?” Flash asked.

“6!” Pinkie replied.

“It's going to be a lot of people…” Flash said.

“2 of them stayed with us, the rest will go home.” I replied.

“How will they get back to Equestria?” he asked.

“The Black Fish people will take them back with a submarine.” Dash replied.

“If they get caught, that's it!” Flash exclaimed.

“We know.” I said.

“Better to rent a house in a busy place, they always keep an eye on isolated and less busy places…” he started to speak.

“...are reason to draw attention.” I completed.

“Looks like I'm not the only one still spying outside the home.” Flash said.

“I thought you became a carpenter.” I said.

“I'm also an informant!” he said.

After a few hours, we arrived in Irktrotsky, a town with depressed people, but who seemed well off, we looked at the front of the houses, and saw a candle shop:

“There!” I pointed to the store.

“What's in the store?” Flash found it strange.

“That's where our team is!” I said.

“Go to the cashier and tell them in Russian that you want a candle that smells like roses at dew point, and reminds you of summer!” I instructed.

“This is a little confusing, but ok!” he said.

He entered the store and we waited in hiding, then Flash appeared coming out of the back of the store with the Corporal Master Key, green skin, dark beige hair, dark blue eyes, 1.83 tall, he signaled for us to enter, and told Flash to take the van in front of the alley, because that could compromise the whole operation:

“Were you persecuted?” Master asked, worried.

“No.” I replied.

“Great, because more and more guards are showing up here, I hope it's just to buy candles!” Master informed.

“That's all we needed... so, you and Blow stay with us, the rest of your team goes back home!” I said.

“Yes!” I replied.

“We'd better make a move, buy another house and leave the shelter up for sale, that way no one will be surprised, we just need to wait a while before moving!” Dash said.

“Yes, ma'am, but one of you will have to buy it, this is the second time we've changed shelters.” Master said.

“What happened to the previous one?” I asked.

“The government took it, but gave it time to clean up all the evidence.” Master replied.

“Change of plans, let's buy a new shelter in the name of Flash!” Dash said.

“Meanwhile, I recommend not going public, even if they don't know who you are, they will still find it strange...well, most of you, they don't know…” Master said.

“Get it straight, Corporal!” Crow exclaimed.

“They recognize the General Commander's face, sometimes I hear some guards saying ‘Sniperplayer is a ghost, he can watch you if he's around here!’" Master explained.

“I never liked the Soviets…” I said.

“I never noticed that…” Pinkie said sarcastically.

“I'm going to drive around town and look for a shelter with a garage!” Flash said.

Some time passed, and we found a house that wasn't that big, but we could hide it:

“What are we going to do here?” Frank asked.

“This here will be just so we don't open suspicions.” I replied.

“This place is cold as hell! Down in Germaneighia it's even cold, but here, you can make a popsicle if you want!” Frank said.

“We're going to have to come up with a story for each one, fake IDs alone won't do the trick.” Snow said.

“I remember how to speak Russian well, so I would call myself Vladimir.” Frank said.

“I'm going to be Kailash Skev, born into an ordinary family, where my father was a farmer and my mother was a nurse during the War!” Dash said.

“My name is Vladimir, I am in Stalingrad for better living conditions.” Frank said in Russian.

“I will be Polina Petrov, daughter of a couple of party planners.” Pinkie said.

“Since they'll probably know who I really am, I'm just going to hide here and go out to operate.” I said.

“Is there a radio here? Well, if you do, I can use the radios to hack into their communications systems undetected.” Frank said.

“Very dangerous.” I replied.

“Luckily, I know of an outpost not far from the city, we could have a look there.” Master suggested.

“We'd better wait a bit before spying outposts.” I said.

“I know, but it was for…” Master started to speak.

“We'll wait until tomorrow to actually start spying, and we'll need something to disguise our movements.” I said.

“Remember, there's no way to call backup here, if someone gets caught, everything goes down the drain!” Dash pointed out.

“So we have to be smarter.” Frank said.

“Exactly!” I stated.

“If one of us is caught or killed, there is no way out.” Frank said.

“Where do we start?” Crow asked.

“Let's find out what the relationship between Death Scan and Break Tower is…” I said.

“And also where so many Stalliongradis are coming from to Equestria.” Frank said.

“You're crazy to catch your ‘arch-enemy’, aren't you?” Dash said.

“Personal matters…” I said.

“I already know which ones…” Flash said.

To be continued!!!