The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction)

by Letsduel2002

S1 Ep6 Guiding stars

"I really hope sky is okay." Diamond thought, eating her daisy sandwich.

"Hey... Diamond?" Snow said in a low voice.

"Yeah?" Diamond responded trying to be joyful.

Snow looked at the floor holding back her tears. "Do you think that... Sky is gone?" She whispered.

"She's not saying what I think she is saying. Is she?" Diamond thought putting her sandwich down. "You're not saying that...... Sky is dead, are you?" She asks.

Snow tightened her grip on her pouch of blueberries. She looks like she's about to break down. Diamond zips over to Snow's side and gives her a hug. Snow hugs back.

"If there's a problem. Then tell me." Diamond asks. Snow wipes a tear and tells Diamond her problem.

"I'm just... so scared... that... I may lose another friend." She says tearfully.

Diamond didn't know who she was talking about. "Who are you talking about?" Diamond asks not prepared for what she hears.

Snow replies with "Black Heart." this sends Diamond into a panic attack. her mind races through a ton of thoughts, but one of them is repeating the most. "Why WHYwhyWhYywWYWHYwhyWhy why did he leave us. why'd he leave me!!!"

Diamond begins to break down and rocks back and forth. Snow could feel Diamond's heartbeat pounding at an alarming pace. Now Snow was beginning to panic but she didn't want to leave the diamond. But she had to find someone to help.

"Excuse me. going on here?" A gentle voice asks.

Snow's pov

Snow turns around to see the element of kindness Fluttershy.

(One of the few times I will use a picture when needed. I will only use them when there's a character or location that already exists.)

"She's having a panic attack. I know I should get help but...... but I can't just leave her." Snow tells the most adorabl...... I mean the council of friendship members.

"Oh, dear... That's not very good. Let me take her to the nurse's office." (I don't know if they have that in the school of friendship. I never got that far in, before Netflix cut it in half.) She led Diamond out of the cafeteria. (Again... don't know if they have that.) Snow watched them leave as she clasped her claws.

Everyone had their eyes on Snow now. "Please stop looking at me." She thought as she covered her face. Everyone went back to their business ether... Friendly arguments, eating, flirting, or just straight-up kissing. Snow went back to eating her berries when she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey there."

Snow turned around and saw a female griffin. (She has a caramel-like coat, with a white head.) She looked to be about 15 from what Snow could guess. The griffin smiled and greeted herself. "I'm Opal. And you are?" She said reaching out to the young dragon. Snow started blushing. "Why does my face burn red at the most INCONVENIENT OF TIMES?!" She thought, her face looking like a tomato. Opal held back her laughter. "Okay, I see what's going on." She says. She then put her talon on Snow's shoulder and whispered. "It's okay if you feel that way towards someone." Snow deadpanned at Opal saying. "I know. If I didn't accept who I am, I wouldn't accept my friend Crystal."

Opal let go of Snow. "Sorry... I thought you were having an identity crisis." She said scratching the back of her head. "My big sister had her crisis not too long ago."

"It's fine... I just came to terms with myself a month ago. So it's fine." Snow mumbled. She turned around and went back eating to her berries. Opal sat down next to her and continued to chat with the little reptile. "Have you ever heard of One Hoof?" She asked.

Snow turned to the griffin with eyes of excitement. She nodded rapidly. "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes oh my gosh yes." She said trying to contain her excitement. She held her cheeks, with her eyes sparkling.

They then spent their entire lunch period, eating and fangirling over One Hoof. Snow couldn't be any happier and almost forgot about Diamond. But she knew that Fluttershy could calm anything that lives and breathes.

Crystal's pov

Crystal and Cloud were In Thunder's office searching for Black Heart's notes. Crystal was searching the desk for any clue about where the notes could be. He opened the drawer to find bottles of many shapes and sizes. He moved them around, and out of sheer curiosity, he picked one up. It had weird scribbles on the label. He opened it and sniffed inside the bottle. "It's just ink... but why the weird scribbles? Was somepony bored when writing the label?" Crystal thought putting the bottle on top of the desk.

He searched the other drawers and found nothing. Crystal was now frustrated, "Seriously..." he thought. "*frustrated groan* where could he have hidden them?" Crystal groaned.

Cloud was looking at the many books that line the wall. "I don't know. I only met him a few times." He says looking at the selves of books. Cloud looks all over to find a switch or a very obvious spell book but found nothing. Crystal opened every drawer and cabinet many times and was starting to get ticked. But Cloud pulled the most unexpected book and heard a click.

The floor opened a secret compartment with a box inside. "Huh...... so it was just a book all along? Who knew." Crystal said as he pulled out the box. It was a normal brown box but with a note tied to it. Crystal opened the box to find a lot of cash, enough to last a year.

"Could you have found this EARLIER THUNDER!!" Crystal screamed in his head. He Read the note that was tied to the box.


Dear Thunder heart

I hate to give you this great burden but. I need you to take care of your siblings for a while. I promise to return someday, but I don't know when. I'm so sorry. I know how much anxiety you may have but. I need you to be strong for crystal, sky, diamond, and even snow. I know you can do it, I believe in you.

P.S Here is some of my research on soul magic. Don't let anypony, or anything get these notes.

Love: Black Heart


A single tear crawled down Crystal's face. Before looking further down the compartment. He found the notes he was looking for. "It was here... the entire TIME?!!" Crystal angrily said, his chest burning with rage. Cloud looked at Crystal not knowing what to say. Crystal shook his head and started to laugh. This scared Cloud, like Crystal, was about to tell him a joke. "Hehehahaha... oh you're so FUNNY, Dad....... It was right under our hooves the entire time." Crystal said quietly with his eyes half closed and ears flopped. Cloud backed up into the hallway, in case of Crystal's sanity breaking.

Crystal's smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "I already know... I'm not meant to find this. But No matter what.... even if I read these notes... they're useless to me." He said in absolute defeat.

Cloud walked over to his earth pony boyfriend and patted his shoulder. "You could still use the money to pay for the house," Cloud muttered into Crystal's ear, his chest cooling down. Crystal nodded in agreement. He got up and pecked Cloud on the lips. Cloud then blushed.

Crystal then looked Cloud straight in the eyes and said, "Thank you. You can head home now. I've got some reading to do." He affectionately said. Crystal kissed Cloud on his forehead. "Are you going to be, okay?" Cloud asked, afraid for Crystal's mental state. "Yeah... I just what to know these notes were so important that my dad kept these secrets for so long." Crystal responded wistfully. Cloud was going to say something but closed his mouth. He then walked out of the office and returned home. Cloud knew once Crystal wanted to work on something... It was hard to get him to stop.

Crystal sat down in the chair and whipped out a pair of reading glasses. (Where did he get them...... I don't know. His ass?) and started to read the notebook. (I have no clue why I gave him reading glasses... other than it's cute.)

"Okay... Dad. Let's see what you wanted "Thunder" to see." He mumbled with envy towards his brother. His chest began burning up again.
Soul magic

If anypony finds these notes. Just know that all of this is to help Equestria. So that the damage the War for Harmony caused never happens again. Too many creatures have suffered then, so I wanted to use my magic to help. I could just use it to rebuild what we lost. But my theory is that soul magic could be used to heal any wound.

Subject: rat
While my first test subject into the effects of soul magic on other creatures may not be the best choice. I mean, its small body wouldn't hold it for so long. But I have to try. I proceeded to inject just a little bit of soul magic.
Result: dissolved into black goo.
Perhaps I used too much magic, or maybe the wrong ingredients.
Crystal cringed at the result. "Damn... poor rat." He thought. He skipped ahead to see any significant progress. "Please let there be something that can help....... Help us. Help me protect my family."#2 exploded, #3 slowly dissolve alive, #4 slammed its head against the glass, and #5 straight up died. (I won't ask where he keeps getting animals to murder. Even if he's doing it for a good cause.)
Subject: disfigured rat (leg missing)
The tests have not been going well right now. But I can't give up now I've come so far, I can't give up.
Result: the rat regrew its missing leg. but it grew to the point where it was too big to support itself. the little heart couldn't pump blood to the body and the enormous limb efficiently enough.
Subject: Bogo (my childhood pet frog)
This may be my last test. I won't be able to continue my research, have a job, dedicate time to Silver, and most importantly become a father. So I have to make the most of it. And have now realized why my mother wanted me to keep the family secret hidden for years. Which is why if this doesn't succeed. All of this would be for nothing.
Result: A complete success. But Bogo turned hostile and try to kill me. I had to put him down by injecting more magic into it. It dissolved into black motionless goo. I'm not happy with what I've done. And now I hope that one day my foals will one day achieve my dream. Of harmony for all.
"*Deep sigh* I'm sorry Dad. You wanted to finish your research, but... you gave it up... for us." Crystal mumbled to himself, holding back his tears. He then realizes that the pages containing the summaries are blank on the other side. "Shouldn't it have instructions on how these tests were done? Like a step-by-step process or something?" He thought looking through the notebook. There was nothing about the procedure. Crystal closed the book in frustration, "Damn it!" He growled. He started thinking about where his father would hide his notes. "Now where would he hide them?" He thought stroking his chin.

30 mins later

Crystal looked at the notes again and again but couldn't find anything. He slammed the notebook and accidentally knocked over the bottle of ink (oops). The bottle spilled its contents all over the floor.

He picked up the spilled bottle and notice that the ink is now gone. "That's impossible... I saw the ink spill. How'd it disappear... like... that?" He then realized what made the ink disappear. "Why didn't I think it would be invisible ink?" He growled, then he facepalmed knowing how much of an idiot he was.

"Okay crystal. What would Dad do to make sure... that nopony would read this without him or Thunder?" (Really dude? Really?) Crystal took a min to figure out what his father would do.

He bangs his head on the desk. "Why am I such an idiot sometimes?" Crystal moans in his stupidity. "DAMN, IT!!" He shouted. Crystal only had one option. Wait until Thunder's return to find out what their dad's research fully entails.

Diamond's Pov

Back at the school of friendship. Diamond had significantly calmed down since her panic attack thanks to Fluttershy. "Are you okay now?" Fluttershy quietly asks sitting next to Diamond. Diamond didn't respond. She was rocking back and forth (though not as hard as before) and was tapping her hooves. "Would you like to talk about something that would cheer you up?" Fluttershy asks. Diamond perked up her ears at the sound of somepony wanting to listen to her interests. She was still nervous though as she wants to talk about the first time, she cooked something. Fluttershy tapped the young unicorn's shoulder. Diamond looked up at the beautiful Pegasus. (No need to dance around it... Fluttershy best girl don't @me.) "It's okay. I won't tell anypony."

Diamond felt a little excited to tell her about the time she cooked and got her cutie mark for the first time.

6 years ago

Little 4-and-a-half-year-old diamond was standing next to her sick mother's bed. "Mommy... are you going to be, okay?" She asks her mother.

Silver Love looks over to her daughter and gave her a smile. "Don't worry sweetie... *sniff* a fever isn't going to take me down." Silver croaked out. She turned around and yawned. "I just need some rest. okay?" She said before going to sleep.

Diamond wanted to make her mom feel better, so she got an idea. "I should make soup for mommy. she always said that soup makes ponies feel better." she thought with a smile. Diamond walked to the kitchen and saw Snow on the way. When she got to the kitchen, she used her magic to drag a chair to the counter. She climbed the chair and open the cupboard. Diamond levitated a cookbook to her to find what kind of soup her mother would like. After a few seconds of searching, she found what she wanted to make. A nice and simple vegetable soul. but with some spice, cause Silver loves spicy food. Diamond made sure she was following the recipe correctly. By routinely checking the steps and her ingredients. When she got to the spice, she poured too much. She freaked out knowing that her mom doesn't like it too spicy. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no, she going to be mad!!" She thought flapping her arms like crazy. Now that the soup had so much spice. Diamond didn't know if her mom would enjoy it now. But it was almost done at this point and Diamond didn't want to throw it away.

She prepared a bowl and walked toward her parents' bedroom. But Thunder stopped her before she could enter. "Woah woah... what are doing? She's sick. We don't want you getting sick too." He said.

"But... I made her soup to make her feel better." Diamond muttered back with her head down. Thunder saw the soup and looked at his younger sister.

"You really made that for her?" Thunder asked. Diamond nodded and asked Thunder to try it. Thunder sniffed the soup and winched.

"I really don't think mom will..." Thunder groaned before being interrupted by Diamond silently insisting he eat it. The young colt complied with his sister's wishes and took a sip. His mouth spewed flames like a flamethrower. He then fell on the floor, the flames not subduing. Diamond walks passed her brother and into her mother's room.

Diamond set up a bedside tray, which woke Silver up. "Honey *yawn* why'd you wake me up? Oh." Silver saw the soup in front of her and smiled at Diamond. "Did you make this?" She said with surprise. Diamond nodded and grinned. Silver then scooped up some soup and took a bite. She was sweating profusely and wincing a little. Diamond became nervous as she raced through a bunch of thoughts. Silver took the spoon out of her mouth and smiled. "I love it." She said.

Diamond was the happiest unicorn in Equestria. She smiled and bounced around until Silver told her to calm down. Diamond left the room so her mom could eat in peace. She finds Sky, Crystal, and Snow looking over Thunder. He was still on the floor, but at least his flames were out. Crystal walked over to his little sister and asked. "What happened here... did Thunder eat the flame flame fruit?" Diamond shook her head and lead her brothers and Snow to the kitchen. There she revealed what made Thunder a fire hazard.

"Is this what turned Thunder into Ace?" Crystal asked Diamond wincing from the strong smell. Diamond got more bowls from the cupboard and poured some soup into them. She passed them to her siblings and Snow. They all take a bite. Now Crystal and Sky had become Charmander. (Like they would even what that is) Sky and Crystal were now on the ground while Snow was already done.

"Can I have some more please?" She asks. "It's the most delicious thing I ever had." After hearing about this diamond couldn't contain her excitement. She danced around the kitchen laughing and glowing (wait what!). She stopped dancing to look at Snow, who was staring at her. Snow pointed at Diamond's rear. Diamond looked and saw a cutie mark. (Her ruby, sapphire, and emerald on top of a plate cutie mark).

She would always remember that day no matter what.


Back in the nurse's office, Fluttershy was in tears after hearing her story. While Diamond was still in Lala land.

Diamond eventually went to class. After class, Snow hugged Diamond. But Diamond didn't enjoy this one. Snow introduced her new friend Opal, who is also a big fan of One Hoof. So Diamond became friends with Opal for their shared interest. Diamond also learned about her sister as well. Along with learning about Opal's massive One Hoof collection. Both Snow and Diamond asked if they could come over to Opal's at some point. She agreed, but it was now a case of Crystal would allow it.

Thunder's Pov

1 day later

Thunder, Aukie, and Sky were at the village outskirts the unicorn specified. Thunder was pulling a small cart. It wasn't very big, only twelve of the same houses. Something about this village to thunder but he couldn't put his tongue on it. "Maybe I read about it somewhere? I don't know."

A young Pegasus and earth pony ran past them shouting. "Hurry... She's returned." the trio was confused about who returned. They walked into the village to see what the colts were talking about. A small crowd was in the way, but Thunder couldn't see past the group of ponies. They could hear a voice that sounded familiar.

"Hey, everypony... I'm back. Hey! No need to shove... huh." whoever has returned has noticed Thunder and Aukie. the crowd began to spread out and there, Thunder and Aukie's jaws dropped at who they saw. Starlight glimmer.
(Side note... second best girl no debate)

"Is that you Thunder?" Starlight asks.

"Yep... it's me." Thunder responded.

Starlight walks closer to the young stallion. She wraps her hoof around his shoulder, like an old friend. "How are you doing... your dad doing good?" Starlight asks.

"Yy... yeah. He's fine." Thunder stutters. "That's great. And how are you doing Aukie?" Starlight said diverting her attention from Thunder to Aukie.

"I'm doing great. Is Fluttershy doing, okay?"Aukie responded cheerfully.

Starlight smiled. "She's doing fine. *sigh*" she sighed. "I remember when out of the blue you were great with animals. Almost as great as Fluttershy too." This made Aukie blush.

"Oh, stop it... I was only able to do it because Thunder encouraged me to. I mean... I always wanted to be friends with animals. I wouldn't be able to do it without Thunder's help." She said covering her face from the embarrassment.

"Starlight is right... she wasn't great with animals until I encouraged her. But it only happened until after Hearts and hooves day. The day she revealed her dream to me. And the day we kissed for the first time." Thunder thought.

Starlight moved away from the group and asked. "So... what brings you here? I mean... it's not the most sought tourist stop."

"We're here for some food for our trip. An accident involving a cliff sent some of our food tumbling." Thunder improvised. He'd wish he didn't have to lie but, he has to.

20 mins later

After they got their supplies with some money the associates gave them. starlight checked whispered into Thunder's ear. "Hey... can I talk to you for a moment," She asked. Thunder nodded in agreement. they went behind the houses so nopony could hear them.

"What do you want to talk about?" Thunder asked.

Starlight gave Thunder a concerned look. "I know how much you miss your dad. he was a great pony...... always helping, even when nopony asked. Are you doing okay... after his disappearance?"

Thunder looked at the sky turning into night. he didn't want to talk about his father right now. "I don't want to talk about him right now."

"Thunder......" she said with concern in her voice. "You can't keep avoiding the topic! Every time I bring it up... you never want to talk about it!" She said raising her voice.

Thunder turned around about to walk away. "Why don't you want to talk? I can help you Thunder!" Starlight said.

"Help me with what... telling me it's going to be okay... just wait for his return?! I can't just wait... my family needs me. I have to be there for him. I'm not a colt anymore." Thunder says about to break down into tears. He sits down on the ground.

Starlight sat next to Thunder and patted his back. "You don't have to do it alone. You have your brother... and a wonderful girlfriend." She said with a smirk at that last part.

Thunder looked back at Starlight shocked and blushing. "How do you know that?!"

"You don't exactly hide that well." she retorted. "But besides that... you have an amazing family. I'm actually envious of that. I mean, sure I have amazing friends but... I wish I could have a family like that."

"Thanks, starlight. and I'm sure you could have a family someday." Thunder said smiling.

"No problem. whatever your trip is for...... I believe in you. if you ever need my help... just ask." starlight joyfully whispered.

When they got back to the cart, they saw Sky tinkering with a small orb. Thunder paid no mind to it because Sky is always tinkering with something when he's bored. Aukie ran up to Thunder to hug him. "She never was afraid to get this close to me public. Hmm... maybe she's right. I shouldn't worry so much." Thunder thought. He hugged her back not caring what the world thinks anymore. (mostly)

They broke the hug and turned to Starlight to thank her for the supplies. "There's no need to thank me. I'm always willing to help...... Oh, before I forget." She said before directing her attention to Sky (who is surprisingly silent.) "Don't you ever try that rubber seat trick again... or I will turn you into a rotisserie."

The threat made Sky gulp, making him nod. But he then gets a smirk on his face. "Okay okay... but I still know what you do with "Trixie" when the class isn't around." Sky retaliated, fluttering his eyes when mentioning Trixie. Thunder and Aukie's jaws were on the floor, while Starlight's face became red as an apple. She walked away embarrassed at what Sky knows.

Sky walks away and looks at his brother and future sister-in-law. "Come on we're losing daylight!" He beckons. Thunder and Aukie snap out of their trances and move along. They regrouped back with other on the north side and continued their journey.