The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction)

by Letsduel2002

S1 Ep3 Heart shaped clouds

Diamond cleaned off the dirt on her bright yellow coat and sneaked her way to the door. She tried to be stealthy but straightened up in shock as Crystal cleared his throat and made his way over. Diamond turned to her brother trying to look innocent. "Ahhh hehehehe, hey big brother. How are you doing?" Diamond nervously asked.

Crystal put his hoof on his little sister's head ruffling her bangs. "Diamond. Can you do me a small favor?" he asked calmly. Diamond hoped that she wasn't in trouble for digging up gems. She was sweating a little bit subtly begging her brother to not find out. he craned his neck to the little unicorn and whispered, "Do you mind if you could get the decorations and that present you wanted to get for snow?" He backed up with a smirk on his face. Diamond formed the biggest smile on her face and began bouncing up and down giggling as she did. Crystal signaled her to quiet down so Snow couldn't hear her. Immediately she stopped bouncing and zipped her lips with a nod. "Here. There should be enough bits for the decorations and the gift." He passed the money to Diamond, and she tried to contain her excitement. She grabbed the tiny bag with her magic and zoomed off.

"Take your Satchel!" Crystal yelled.

Diamond screeched to a halt and immediately turned around. She ran to her room to grab her Satchel. "Thanks, Crystal." She said hugging him as she exited the house. She trotted downhill toward the town's plaza. In one of the store windows there it was, the action figure diamond wanted to get snow. an earth pony with a light brown coat, black mane, a red sleeveless vest, and a straw hat with a red ribbon. Her name was Pony D. Gabby, and she dreams of becoming the queen of the pirates. Diamond wanted to give Snow a figure ever since she introduced "One Hoof" to Snow a few years ago to cheer her up. She always felt sad for Snow, seeing her parent die right in front of them must have been devastating.

She walked inside and saw that Tink Rose was working and smiled. (She's an earth pony with a purple coat, a black mane, purple glasses, and a witch hat cutie mark.) She began to sneak behind the unsuspecting earth pony. Slithering like a snake through the shop flawlessly not grazing the stuffed animals, action figures, or the plethora of bouncy balls scattered all over the place.

"Slithery little snaaaaake!" She thought.

Once she reached the target, she got up on her hind legs and yelled: "HEY THERE TINKIE!"

Tink screamed and jumped a little, turning her head back towards Diamond. "Don't scare me like that. Sweet mother of Celestia." She was breathing heavily and wheezing.

Diamond walked forward and put her hoof on Tink's back. "Sorry Tinkie, I didn't think you would become Thunder when it storms," Diamond said chuckling.

Tink regained her composer and took a deep breath "I'm fine. Totally fine" She looked at the yellow unicorn beside her a little irritated. "And one more thing." Diamond began to shake and wonder what made her so mad. "Don't. Call. Me. Tinkie!" Tink yelped making Diamond flinch.

"Okay. I just thought it was a cute name." The little unicorn said with a guilty voice like she just broke something. Tink rubbed Diamond's head, ruffling her blue mane.

"I'm sorry to upset you. I know you're scared to make anypony upset after living with Earth Heart." Diamond wiped a tear after hearing Earth Heart's name. Tink realized what she said and tried to apologize. "I'm so sorry Diamond, I forgot you had a bad history with her." She wrapped her hoof around the little filly and reassured her that things will be better " Ever since your family moved here, the town has been lively! Even Thunder with that mare, what's her name, Audrey?"

Diamond popped in "It's Aukie." Tink smiled and nodded

"Ohhh right the changeling. I feel dumb for not remembering, considering that it's not that hard to notice that those two are an item." She says before mumbling "So cute the two of them."

Diamond is reminded of why she was here in the first place and moves away from Tink. "I need some birthday decorations for Snow's birthday party in a week, and her present." Tink got up and walked over to the party aisle and picked out some dragon-shaped party streamers and some packs of balloons and paper plates with a snowflake design.

"Will these do?" she asked. Diamond nodded with a smile. Tink brought them to the register and asked, "What kind of present do you want to give Snow?"

Diamond pointed to the figure in the window and said, "That one, "Pony D. Gabby."

After paying for the supplies and the figure with just the right amount of bits, she waved Tink goodbye and galloped home happy as can be. She had the figure in her Sachel, and she was carrying the supplies with her magic. She finally reached home out of breath huffing and puffing. Looking in the front door to see if Snow was around, she sneaked in. Closing the door quietly she sneaked through the house to the basement door underneath the stairs that lead upstairs. She put the supplies in a crate labeled "DO NOT TOUCH" to ensure Snow wouldn't touch it.

She closed the basement door behind her not noticing Snow behind her. "Ahhh Snow! I didn't see you there." Snow was frowning with her claws behind her back and swinging her foot back and forth.

"I just .... wanted to thank you for the pancakes. And for ......... thinking me as your si.... sister." Snow said blushing at that last part. It confused Diamond, so clearing her throat, she whispered back.

"Why would I not think of you as my sister? My earliest memories were seeing you for the first time." Snow blushed so hard she looked like a tomato. She covered her face and ran to her little room, confusing Diamond even more.

"Why did she run? Does she hate me for whatever reason? And why was her face red like that?" Diamond said, panicking in her own thoughts.

She sat in the living room for 10 minutes just thinking about why Snow's face was so red. (The innocence of youth, don't worry Diamond you'll find out eventually.) Her concentration however was broken when the front door closed. She looked up to see Sky standing there with the biggest smile on his face. "Why are you smiling, did something happen?" Diamond asked.

Sky sat right next to her and leaned to whisper, "Don't tell thunder about this. Okay?" Unsure she nodded and prepared herself for whatever happened at the park.

Sky's Pov

20 mins earlier

Sky was relaxing in a tree in the middle of the park thinking. "Today couldn't get any better this. A nice cool breeze from the spring air, finished the machine yesterday so I can relax, nothing could be better than this." As he looked around, he noticed a lone Pegasus walking towards the tree probably not noticing him. Sky observed the Pegasus passing the leaves and saw that it was a guy with a dark blue coat, a lavender-colored mane tied up in a braid, and he was carrying some flowers. The Pegasus looked very nervous like something bad was going to happen. Sky was unfamiliar with this Pegasus, and he knew most creatures that roam around here. Some ponies, a couple of changelings and hippogriffs, very few Yaks, and no dragons except for Snow on the occasion. What was strange is that his appearance reminded him of somepony but he couldn't put his claw on it.

The Pegasus sat down at the bench under the tree and began to mumble to himself, Sky could hardly hear him "Come on ....... Please get here before somepony sees!"

Sky was about ready to walk towards the stallion when he heard a very familiar voice. "Cloud!" Sky looked over to where the voice was coming from, and he couldn't believe who he saw.

It was Crystal, happy as can be running towards the Pegasus. "Hey there Cloud. Why did you want to meet me?" The Pegasus named Cloud looked down at the ground holding the flowers behind his back.

Shyly he showed Crystal the flowers and put his face in them blushing as he does. "I got these for you. D-Do you like them?" He asked quietly. Crystal smiling, hugged Cloud before grabbing the flowers. They moved closer to each other, both closing their eyes nervously. They took a deep breath and started kissing. Sky couldn't believe that Crystal was kissing another guy.

"Cystal is Bi? and didn't tell any of us?" They pulled back from each other and whispered sweet nothings. Sky leaned in close to hear them.

"Of course I like them. But how much longer do we need to hide our love for each other?" Crystal whispered. "I don't know. When I'm ready to tell my parents." Cloud responded. Sky leaned in closer to get a better look. However, he leaned in too far, falling out of the tree and landing on his head.

Sky began to see stars, and his ears were ringing. "Sky?! Sky?! You okay?!" Crystal asked in a panic. Sky slowly regained his composure rubbing his head. As his vision returned, he noticed crystal and cloud looking down at him. He sat up on the bench with Crystal's assistance. "Are you okay Sky?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Sky grunted. "I'm just surprised to see you kissing another stallion. Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Crystal sat silently before he replied. "Let's just keep quiet about this okay? We aren't ready to come out yet."

Sky, fully regaining his senses looked at his brother wondering "What other secrets are you hiding crystal?" Taking a deep breath, Sky turned to his brother and Cloud. "How long have you been dating this guy?" A little on edge they both turned to look at each other and whispered something Sky couldn't catch.

Finally, they turned to him and Crystal sighed. "Okay Sky, we know you can be trusted to keep our secret," Crystal said caressing Cloud's chin, with him blushing a cute smile. "We've been dating for the past 4 1/2 years, haven't we babe?" He asked Cloud as they both nuzzled each other's nose. Cloud nodded blushing and resting his head on his hooves. Sky assumed he was remembering some good memories. Sky looked away from them feeling worried about his brother. Sky understood worrying about a secret being revealed.

He could never forget when it was revealed that Diamond still used her pacifier to calm herself after she experiences major anxiety attacks. At first, he took the fall for his sister, so she didn't get bullied more than she already was. Diamond always had a unique mind. Her mind works in a way that it's almost impossible to predict her sometimes. But over the years Sky can 90% of the time predict what she does.

Crystal turned to his boyfriend who was still going through his memories and gave him a peck on the cheek. Cloud jumped a little and nervously gave one back. "Love the flowers by the way," Crystal said leaning his back on the bench.

Cloud rolled his eyes and replied "You already mentioned them, ya dork. And you're welcome again, sweetie." Cloud got off the bench and walked around to give Crystal a hug. He got close to Crystal's ear and whispered something that Sky couldn't hear.

Crystal nodded and got up from his comfortable seat. Sky's instincts were yelling at him to leave. "I'm going to leave and go back home. Okay?"

Cloud and Crystal looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

By the time Crystal could say anything, Sky was flying away.


"And I just ran back home."

Diamond with her jaw on the floor, after a few seconds made the biggest smile. "They sound so cute together." She giggled "I wish that one day I could meet some other pony." She dreamily sighed

"But can you keep it a secret please?" Sky whispered.

Diamond nodded and placed her hoof on her chest "Cross my heart and have a storm strike me down!"

They both were now giggling which quickly formed to laughter.

"You better keep it a secret." Said a voice from the halls.

Sky and Diamond, abruptly stopped their laughter and turned to the voice in shock and embarrassment, seeing Crystal.