The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction)

by Letsduel2002

S1 Ep2 letters and pancakes

He couldn't believe that she was here. She was supposed to be in Canterlot on a family vacation. "Ho... how's it going Aukie?" Thunder stuttered, butterflies flying around in his stomach. Aukie walked forward and laid her head on Thunder's shoulder. Aukie was a changeling with a bright green body with sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful shiny wings.

"I chose not to go. I couldn't imagine a day, much less a week without you." She soothed out. It immediately calmed Thunder's anxiety a whole lot. Aukie knew Thunder like the back of her wings. "After all you would never survive without me" she added, flickering her wings.

Thunder sat there, deep in thought. He was scared of what other ponies would think if they found out that he was dating a changeling. It scared him, it scared him so much that if he and Aukie were found out they would be ostracized. "Thunder" Aukie piped up still on his shoulder. "I can hear your heartbeat from here, it's ok." Sighing he turned his body to face her.

"I'm sorry... It's just... I'm afraid if other ponies find out about us. We would be-" He started tearing up just trying to get the words out of his mouth. Before he could speak again Aukie put her hoof over his mouth and quietly shushed him. She kissed him on the cheek, causing Thunder to turn bright red. After the kiss, she whispered in his ear.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. Little bolt."

"I thought I asked you not to call me that anymore, it makes things embarrassing if somepony hears you." Thunder said with his face redder than ever. Aukie then moved away from him looking a bit disappointed

"Awwwww, I can't call you little bolt? But you're my little lightning bolt." She said snuggling Thunder's neck. He couldn't help but smile when he was called it, even though he was very embarrassed by it.

They both heard a knock on the door. "Thunder, there's mail for you," Sky yelled on the other side of the door. He slid the envelope under, and as he was leaving, he yelled "I don't want to know what you two are doing in there, and I won't say anything. You don't have to worry about me blabbing."

Aukie giggled out of nowhere, scaring Thunder a little bit. He looked at his girlfriend, and asked with a chuckle "What's so funny?"

She looked at him smiling and said "Ohhh nothing. It's just that I sometimes forget how mature Sky can be sometimes."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

Thunder got up from his chair and walked over to the letter picking it up. He looked at the envelope and noticed the insignia on the front. It was a dragon head crest. Exactly what Thunder was waiting for. "Hey Aukie?"

She perked up her head. "Yeah?"

"Can you....... help me with something?"

Aukie put her hoof to her chin to think about it for a few seconds. "Sure. What do you need help with?" Thunder looked back to the door to make sure no-pony was listening, he walked over to Aukie and whispered in her ear. "I'm going to sell a few items that are worth a lot of bits. Mostly the stuff that reminds us of our grandmother."

She looked a bit confused and asked. "What do you want me to do? Help you carry some the things to be sold?"

Thunder shook his head. "I need you to come so the others don't get suspicious."

She looked even more confused. "Why can't the others know? I mean shouldn't they know so they don't worry?"

Suddenly she came to a realization with a shocked expression. "You don't mean doing something illegal to get some money?"

He shook his hoofs rapidly "Nononononono it's definitely within legal range. I think, I don't know, it's definitely out of my control of who buys it."

Aukie moved away from the desk and walked towards the door. Thunder began to worry that their relationship might be over. She stopped at the door and looked back at Thunder to say "Tomorrow. I'll help you. But you at least need to tell Crystal about it. Ok?" Thunder nodded with a smile happy that she still loved him.

"Love you" Thunder said

"Love you too. My Little Pony." she replied leaving the office.

He couldn't help but giggle at that.

Thunder walked out of his office and looked through the window to his right, seeing snow cleaning the mailbox. Shocked, he realized that his trip down memory lane had gone on for a few hours. As he waited, he noticed Aukie leaving. Before she passed Snow, the dragon hugged her. Thunder was surprised that Snow would get that close to somepony. She was always shy around anyone especially when Diamond entered the room.

Snow's Pov

Snow had her eyes closed, as she whispered in Aukie's ear "Thank you. For keeping Master Thunder Heart happy. And please keep him safe."

Aukie closed her eyes and hugged Snow back. She stroked Snow's back and replied, "Don't worry Snow. He'll be safe with me."

Snow smiled with tears in her eyes, thankful that she doesn't have to lose somepony that is important to her. She walked away from the changeling and looked back just once. She still had a smile on her face. Snow closed the door and walked down the hallway into a room in between the dining room and the stairway. It was a small room that she kept simple for herself in order to not inconvenience everypony with needing to buy things for her. She never minded it, after all, she had been a servant to the hearts since she hatched from her egg.

Her room used to be the closet full of cleaning supplies, but it was turned into Snow's room after she picked it. It was barely big enough to fit a fully grown pony, but the small size was no big deal for Snow who was shorter than most dragons. Snow closed the door and crawled into her bed adjusting the covering over her head so the light didn't bother her. (It was all she could do.) She rested her eyes for a good 30 mins when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" She said stretching.

"Hey, Snow?" The voice on the other side said. Snow realized almost instantly that it was diamond and started to blush. "Y....yeah?" snow stuttered, her cheeks burning red.

"I know it's lunch time but I made you some pancakes. I also put some gems into them, I worked really hard to get them, '' Diamond said with loving intent. Snow got out of bed and put her ear to the door. She heard Diamond put the plate down on the floor and walk away. Snow opened the door to find the plate of pancakes on the floor with syrup, blueberries, and some gems in them. (Blueberries and gems are her favorite food.) She grabbed the plate and closed the door. Sniffing the pancakes, she noticed that they were still warm. Diamond must have made them while Snow was resting.

Snow started to tear up, whispering to herself. "Thank you, Diamond. I'm sorry that I am such a coward for being unable to confront you." She took a big breath smelling the fresh pancakes. "About my feelings towards you." Snow had a crush on Diamond ever since they laid eyes on each other for the first time. The others noticed but never said anything about it. If only Snow could emit her feelings to Diamond. She stopped crying to eat her pancakes, wrapping the pancake around itself and taking a huge bite. It was absolutely amazing. The taste of the blueberries and the crunchiness of the gems combined with syrup was perfect. She held her cheek as her mind drifted to how much an amazing chef Diamond was. Diamond was someone who could cook anything and make it taste like it was sent by gods. Snow slowly ate savoring the taste of Diamond's cooking.

She finished eating her brunch and headed to the kitchen. Walking, she noticed Diamond sitting in the dining room resting her head on her hooves. She put her dish on the table and walked over to the sleeping unicorn. The dragon noticed that Diamond was covered in dirt, "What has she been doing? She was fine this morning." Snow muttered to herself. She began to move her claw towards Diamond's mane to wake her up. However, she began uncontrollably shaking, just trying to go near Diamond.

Diamond flinched when Snow poked her. She squinted her eyes and quietly groaned "Snow? Is that you?"

Snow gasped and recoiled back, "Y.... yeah." She didn't know what to do at this point, it was all new territory for Snow to be this close to Diamond. Diamond rubbed the back of her head "I just .... wanted to see how you were ...... doing." Snow muttered pretty much to herself.

"I'm doing fine." Diamond yawned while stretching her front legs. "Is there a problem Snow?" She said, rubbing her eyes. Snow clasped her claws together knowing that there was an issue that she was scared to tell the young unicorn about.

"Yes actually. There is something that has been bothering me."

Snow sat down in a chair, took a deep breath, and sighed. "I've been worried about......Master Thunder and Crystal. I'm scared that they might be getting into trouble." She sighed quietly in frustration. She ran her claws over her ears with tears trickling down her face.

"It's ok to be scared, just don't let it get to you, ok?" Diamond replied as Snow wiped her tears away with a chuckle. "I learned that one from our father." Diamond continued happily before her face slowly became stricken with sadness.

Snow looked down at the ground with a single tear dropping from her face, finally she asked "Why do you say our father? I'm not part of this family. I'm just a lowly servant." Snow sadly whispered as she got out of the chair walking towards the door. But she didn't get very far.

Diamond leaped forward, hugged Snow tightly as she whispered. "You're not just a servant, you're.... like a sister to me." (Why did she hesitate?) Snow wondered as she blushed. "And I wouldn't worry about my brothers," Diamond said while crying on Snow's back. "They're stallions now, we don't have to worry about them as much anymore." Snow silently nodded with tears rolling down her face once more. Diamond let go of the dragon and wiped the tears from her face.

She somehow finally noticed that Sky was standing in the hallway leaning on the doorframe. "So, you two love bugs having fun in here?" He asked with a smug smile.

Both Snow and Diamond shook their head and yelled, "We are not love bugs!!" Sky stood there giggling into his yellow talons, probably thinking how funny it was.

He stopped giggling and cleared his throat. "I'm just kidding." He said as he moved off the doorframe and walked towards the front door. He finally looked back at the two and said, "I'm going to the park to get some fresh air, don't do anything stupid, ok?"

Snow and Diamond nodded and walked out to go to their rooms, but found a bucket of water on both of their heads. Snow quickly tossed the bucket off her head and dashed to the drawers, grabbing a washcloth to dry off Diamond. Before she could hand it over, her claw stopped in midair by magic. Diamond took her bucket off and grabbed the cloth drying the dragon off. "You don't always have to be the one to clean anymore. You've done enough this week to keep a castle spotless, so relax, okay?" Snow smiled and nodded. After she was dry snow headed to her room smiling and face red.

She closed the door and sat on her bed whispering to herself "Thank you, Diamond, for being part of my life."

"No problem, Snow," Diamond said behind the door. Snow blushed even harder in pure shock and embarrassment. "And if you're wondering how I got the gems. I got them myself from the gem caves all over the place. You'd be surprised what you can find when everypony is off work." Diamond continued, happily clapping her hooves. "Don't worry Snow. I didn't steal them. I just went into the cave with a pick and got some gems for you!"

Diamond's Pov

"Plus, it's your birthday in a week, I want to give you something special, so you can't see what I have in store." Diamond thought as she entered the bathroom to take a bath. She just hoped she could figure out why Snow is just so smitten with her.