//------------------------------// // Chapter 48. A Royal Welcome. // Story: Skeletor, Master of The Empire. // by Hotel_Chicken //------------------------------// The pressure that Skeletor had felt was almost indescribable. There was a hollow feeling inside of him whenever he tried to find the right words to describe how he felt. He knew that there were words that could easily convey his feelings, and that people or ponies smarter than him could have found them if they only gave it some thought. But, the right words always seemed to elude him, and only left him feeling worse. He tried to think of anything that would pull him out of his foul mood. Testing magic, reading more books in the archives, finding a council member to talk to, even something as simple as a bath to distract himself as the seconds ticked by. But none of his plans came to fruition, because he couldn't find the right reason to pursue any of them. Skeletor had hundreds of choices to make, and yet he chose to do nothing, because it was the easiest choice to make out of all of them. He stared blankly at his notebook, a blot of ink slowly eating away at the paper as he tapped it repeatedly. Skeletor didn't want to fill it with anymore self-deprecating thoughts or struggles, he needed something good that could motivate him to get out of his room. Some magical word or phrase that would surely inspire him to act instead of simply reacting. If he could just find the right words then maybe he could find a way out of his own head. But his inspiration never came, and he had only succeeded in creating another mess. Again. After staring at the blank page for another minute or so, Skeletor gave up and sprinkled a pinch of parchment powder on the ink blot to stop it from sticking to the other page. Closing his misshapen journal, he slipped the diary under his bed and walked towards the Havoc Staff. Practicing magic was always an option, but Cadence's warning about dark magic would always echo in his mind. He needed to be better at magic if he wanted to fight Sombra, but if he didn't want to waste his time and his soul on spells that would just fizzle away. But, if he didn't use a spell and take discard another chunk of his soul, then Sombra would claim it for himself. He tried to find other excuses to not practice any more. He had carelessly been opening portals the day before, he showed off a pointless levitation spell just to prove a point to the council, he could just wait until Cadence's friends arrived to learn more about magic. His last reason had been the one that won out in the end, deciding that it would be safer to study magic once one of their unicorns gave him a better understanding of his soul. If he knew how much of a soul he had, how quickly it would burn away or regrow with every spell, or a way to use magic without sacrificing part of his spirit, then surely it would be more efficient to wait. He couldn't help but scoff at that thought. It was efficient to wait, to do nothing with the excuse of doing it later. Just waiting for something to happen. They were waiting for the Canterlot convoy to arrive, they were waiting for Sombra to strike, Skeletor was waiting to meet Crystal in Equestria. Waiting, waiting, just more and more waiting. He waited so long that the word had lost all meaning to him. Stowing away his staff behind his back, Skeletor stepped out of his room and wandered almost aimlessly throughout the halls. The idea of going to the Royal Archives tickled his curiosity for a moment, but he had already read the same books and scrolls several times. The dining hall also left little to be desired, and there wasn't anything he could do in the alchemy tower. Most of the council was busy preparing for their guests, and he doubted that he could do anything to help them. So, left with only a few choices and no clear desire in mind, Skeletor stopped by a window to look outside. He didn't intend to do much except admire the view, but as he looked at the empty streets below, an idea suddenly popped in his head. The crystal pony palace was only a short walk away from the castle, and Princess Cadence had a conveniently clear path from the castle straight to the palace. He hadn't been on a walk outside in so long that he had completely forgotten that it was an option, and he had always meant to look around the crystal pony palace. If anypony asked, he could just say he was going there to access the palace before the ponies from Canterlot arrived. At the very least, it would be a good excuse to get in a good walk and take his mind off of thing. With that thought in mind, Skeletor tore himself away from the window and made his way towards the Crystal Castle's front doors. A quick distraction from his worries was exactly what he needed. Colonel Kernel couldn't afford to have any distractions. If Princess Cadence's last report was accurate, then the Elements of Harmony and their entourage would be arriving in just a few hours, and everypony was racing to get ready for them. Crumb Catcher was busy assigning ponies to work in the palace and clean it for their guests, Avid Value was trying to rehouse all of the ponies who were using the palace as a temporary home, and Colonel Kernel had to make sure that all the guards were present and accounted for. Trotting down the steps of the Crystal Castle, Colonel Kernel pulled out a sprawling parchment and read over a small portion of the guards listed. He had to reassign most of their shifts and duties when Shining Armor suddenly ordered tighter security on the road between the castle and the palace, and it became a hassle to follow Crumb Catcher's odd list of guards. His recent alliance with the spy master had come with quite a few benefits, though at the moment they had felt like inconveniences. Colonel Kernel checked over the long list of guards that Crumb Catcher had provided him, divided into stallions who were known members or spies in the Skull Torn, ponies who resented Princess Cadence and her consort, an additional list of guards who were in favor of the royal pair, with an additional small list of ponies who had surprisingly shown signs of not trusting Lord Skeletor. It was detailed, it was precise, and it was too long. Crumb Catcher had little notes next to a few names, ponies who should be grouped together and guards who, above anything else, shouldn't even be in the same room as each other. He even made sure to include a few details about the reason why he had arranged the guards to be grouped or separated. Some of them needed to be isolated from the groups that opposed the princess, to make them feel like they were the only pony standing against them and hopefully change their view of the royal pair. Others, like Fort surprisingly enough, needed to be kept in a mixed group of guards so that they could focus on debating with the other stallions instead of being stuck in a group who would either completely agreed or disagreed with them. It was scary how well prepared his list had been, to know that Rookie and Fort had been purposefully moved closer to Colonel Kernel so that he could act as a mediator. And the list was just what Crumb Catcher was willing to share. He could never guess how deep Crumb Catcher's spy network ran, or see all of the strings that he pulled behind the scenes. He considered it a small blessing that Crumb Catcher was working with them instead of aiming for the throne himself... At least he was pretty sure he wasn't planning on it. So, Colonel Kernel followed Crumb Catcher's list down to the letter, making sure that everything went smoothly as they prepared for their guests. "Oh, my head," the colonel grumbled, checking over the guard’s rotations once more as he trotted out of the Crystal Castle. The maids would hopefully have the rooms ready in an hour, and then they would need to be assigned their own set of private rooms in the palace to serve the guards assigned to stay after the Elements of Harmony returned home, at least until the new guards could be properly integrated into the Crystal Empire's guard. Dreading the eventual paperwork that would land on his desk, Colonel Kernel briskly marched towards the palace to reassign one of the guards that had slipped into the wrong group. However, as he trotted to the palace to carry out his duty, he heard the familiar rhythmic beat of two bare feet behind him as the Crystal Castle's doors swung open once more. Stopping in his tracks, the colonel turned to see Skeletor walking out of the castle without a single guard present. The prior lord of the Empire didn't notice the colonel at first, and after following Skeletor's gaze, he found out why. As soon as the warlock had wandered out of the castle, his attention was completely drawn to the empty pedestal that sat directly under the Crystal Castle. Skeletor walked towards the barren podium, letting a hand hover where the Crystal Heart should have sat. He retracted his hand as quickly as he raised it, deciding to simply stare at the pedestal as he stood there. Colonel Kernel couldn't help but call out to Skeletor after a minute or so of him standing over the podium. "Skeletor? Is everything alright, sir?" The daydreaming demon was quickly drawn out of his trance as the colonel's call, looking past the pedestal and catching the colonel near one of the legs of the castle. "Ah, Colonel Kernel. Yes, I'm doing fine. I didn't expect to run into any of the council members out here," he called back, walking towards the colonel with his usual long stride. "Are any of the others here?" "No sir, just me. I was just heading to the crystal pony palace to check in on things." "Well, what a coincidence, I was just heading there myself. Would you mind if I joined you?" "Not at all, sir," the colonel easily obliged, trotting next to Skeletor's side as he tried to match his quick pace. "If you don't mind me asking though, didn't you bring any guards with you?" "I didn't think it was necessary. I can look in ay direction and I'll see a guard," Skeletor pointed out as they passed by the pillars of the Crystal Castle. "If I needed help, I'm sure I could just call out to one of them." "I... I guess that's fair," the stallion uneasily agreed, tucking Crumb Catcher's paper away as he remembered the ponies on the spy master's list. "So, what made you want to trot to the palace?" "I wanted to do a quick inspection, see if there's any problems." "Oh, well don't worry about that, sir. Everything's treading smoothly." "Yes, I'm sure. But, better to be safe," Skeletor said, letting his words hang in the air as the two made their way towards the crystal pony palace. Colonel Kernel did his best to match Skeletor's fast stride, keeping pace with a light gallop as Skeletor took in the scenery around him. His eyeless gaze wandered over the buildings and windows, dancing on rooftops and chimneys before eventually falling down to the street below them. "Hmmm... Colonel, do you mind if I ask a question?" "Not at all sir," the grey stallion easily answered. "Well... The last time I was able to walk around and actually see the Empire was during the Crystal Fair." "Oh, I remember that. I uh, I was actually one of the ponies in the jousting match that day. I saw you sitting in the royal box with the council members." "Really? Wow, I never would have known," Skeletor chuckled. "Nye-heh-heh. Ah, the jousting match was a lot of fun. Great job, by the way." "Thank you, sir,!" Colonel Kernel replied, his gallop adopting a bit of a prance as he took in Skeletor's praise. "But... The last time I was on this street everything was... worse. Like that building there," he pointed out. "I could have sworn I could see inside the second floor while I was walking around. And I distantly remember that the building over there was leaning at and odd angle. But, everything looks so much better now. How is that?" "Oh, that's just our magic," Colonel Kernel shrugged, completely oblivious to Skeletor's odd look. "Magic? I thought only unicorns or ruva could do that?" "Everypony's got a little bit of magic inside, it just comes out in different ways," Colonel Kernel began to explain. "Ruvas can cast spells through their horns, but thestrals are able to fly with it. Crystal ponies like us just push the magic down into our hooves, and the crystals absorb it and regrow." "I... I'm sorry. The crystals can grow?" "Of course, it does... Do... did you not know?" "I've never heard of that, although I really shouldn't feel surprised anymore. Still, I never read about this in any of the ruva books." "Probably because it wouldn't be helpful. Maybe if they made a spell to walk on clouds like a thestral or pegasus, then they'd write down something about us. Not like that's ever gonna happen soon," the colonel laughed. "Walk on..." Skeletor said, before letting his thoughts fade away with a shake of his head. "Clearly I need to look over some books outside of magic theory. Oh, that reminds me of something actually. Have you heard anything about the expedition to the Ruva Kingdom?" Skeletor suddenly asked, causing the colonel to briefly stumble over his hooves. "Oh, are you alright?" "Y-yup! Perfect! Anyway, what were you talking about?" The grey stallion quickly asked as a nagging fear resurfaced in the back of his mind. "Well, I was wondering if you had an idea on when General Cannon Fodder and the others would come back. I know the expedition was only supposed to be for about three weeks, but I'm a little concerned about it now with... 'Thorn' running around," Skeletor hinted, easing the colonel's concerns as he began to spin his own lie. "Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon. They're just taking a bit longer than we thought." "Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that 'Thorn' is out there somewhere. If he found them outside of the shield... I don't even want to imagine it. I was just hoping you had some news about them," Skeletor said as his gaze fell on the shield above them. "Nye-hehe-heh. How are they even going to react to all of this. Three weeks away and the Crystal Heart was stolen. I... I know Cannon Fodder didn't think too highly of me, but he's going to chew me out for losing the Heart so soon," he noted with a mirthless chuckle. Colonel Kernel felt a pit in his gut as he looked up at Skeletor. The dethroned demon had felt genuine concern for his guards and generals, for all of the crystal ponies left in the Empire. Even after Crumb Catcher had told Skeletor about the general working behind his back, he still cared for the scarlet stallion. All the colonel had to do was tell Skeletor the truth and his fears would be dissuaded. He'd still feel hurt and betrayed, both by Kernel's willingness to lie and Cannnon Fodder's alleged regicide plot, but at least he would know better than to trust the general if or when he decided to return. Skeletor had given the Empire more than he could imagine and hadn't made any demands to be worshipped for it. He never demanded a statue in his honor, a holiday to celebrate his glory, he didn't even hint at wanting praises for his achievements. He had done so much for the Empire, he at least deserved the truth. "I uh... I have to say something," Colonel Kernel said, as he carefully chose his next words. He'd make it clear that Crumb Catcher had been behind it all, that he had been playing them all like pawns. Crumb Catcher would be punished by Princess Cadence, Colonel Kernel could beg for mercy and... And then all he'd be left with is the one list Crumb Catcher gave him. There'd be nopony else to keep the spy network alive, nopony who could unravel all of his plans and figure out how they worked. "Yes, Kernel?" "I... The..." Colonel Kernel stuttered as he spoke. It was obvious what Colonel Kernel had to do. Skeletor deserved the truth. "The truth is..." But not at the cost of the Empire's stability. "... I'm a little scared too," he admitted as they continued trotting towards the crystal pony palace. Colonel Kernel had kept the Empire safe with a small white lie, but he couldn't feel good about it. "I still don't feel too good about lyin' ta him," Applejack complained as she raised a hoof in objection, leaving it up for less than a second before she quickly clung to her heated pillow. Rainbow Dash hid her annoyance as Applejack derailed the conversation, preparing to hear the same song and dance from Twilight and the farmer. With the Empire slowly coming into view, Twilight had decided to call one last meeting before they landed in the crystal city. Twilight and the other mares all gathered around the center of the carriage, a small stack of papers and reports sitting in the middle of their circle. The purple pony had been going over the last report Cadence had sent about Skeletor, detailing his desire to meet something called a "human" in Canterlot. As far as Twilight knew, Skeletor had only been cooperative with Cadence because he thought he could meet them, and if he found out that Cadence and Shining Armor had lied, then things would probably get pretty ugly. Sadly, anytime Twilight brought up their cover story for "Crystal", the Element of Honesty would always voice her disagreements. Twilight and Applejack would always say the same thing, and it would always boil down too, "I'm right, I don't like it, and you're wrong." Rainbow Dash preemptively tuned the two out as Twilight fixed her glasses, letting them duke it out on their own as Rarity tried to mediate it. To Rainbow Dash, the human lie would be good or bad depending on who Skeletor was. If he was actually an alien from some other planet that was forced to look like a monster from a picture book, then lying to him about having a human in Canterlot was wrong. But, if he was lying to them about being a good guy, then it was all fair because he lied first. But to Applejack, it didn't matter if he was lying or not, he deserved the truth just like everypony, regardless of whether it would help or hurt him. Twilight, on the other wing, made it clear that she didn't like lying to him, but saw it as the only way to get closer to him. Even if it turned out that Skeletor was a good guy, they could probably get the princesses to find a human called Crystal and get them to just say they're the one Skeletor was looking for. She thought that, as long as Skeletor eventually got what he wanted, he wouldn't think twice about them lying to him beforehoof. Rainbow Dash eventually rejoined the conversation as the two calmed down, with Applejack agreeing to not tell the truth, but stating she wouldn't outright lie to his face. It wasn't much of an agreement, so much as it was Applejack promising not to spill the beans, but it was probably the best Twilight could hope for. After thanking Applejack for at least agreeing to that much, Twilight moved onto the next phase of their plan. "Now, after we're able to get closer to Skeletor, I'll preform a few spells on him and see what information I can collect. The rest of you will have to talk to the crystal ponies and see what you can find. Don't make it apparent that you’re asking about Skeletor, try starting off by asking light questions about the Empire first. "While we're doing that, the guards will look for Sombra's enchantment using the DMD's that were provided, giving Luna a chance to finally enter the Dream Realm in the Empire again and help everypony whose suffering from nightmares or repressed memories. The Unicorns will try to find the Crystal Heart by trying to pinpoint the frequency of--" "Question!" Pinkie Pie suddenly interrupted, throwing Twilight off balance as she looked at the crystal mare. "Yes, Pinkie?" "What's a DMD again?" Twilight sighed as she pulled up the secret schematics, presenting the paper to the pink mare. "DMD stands for Dark Magic detector. It's a prototype tool designed to help ponies aside from unicorns detect dark magic in any enchantments or spells, the last one that Princess Celestia sent broke, so she sent a slightly improved version with a team of pegasi and thestrals so they can scan the Empire and find out what Sombra did to keep Luna out of the Dream Realm there. "It's a secret prototype that was originally designed to detect changelings after the wedding invasion, but it accidentally proved to be more useful for finding dark magic than changeling magic. Aside from us and a few others, nopony is allowed to know about these, at least until they can find a way to fix any of the issues with the DMDs. Got it, everypony?" Twilight was met with a quick chorus of agreements. Satisfied, the purple pointdexter plucked the paper out of Pinkie's hooves and returned it to its proper folder. "Good. Now, assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll be in the Empire for the next two weeks, and back in Ponyville a week after. I know I promised that this would only be a three-week trip, but Princess Celestia wants us to stay another week just to be safe. Sorry, girls." "Oh, it's all fine dear," Rarity said, easing her friend as she continued. "I'm sure my parents can watch Sweetie Bell for another week, and I didn't have any orders that needed to be picked up by then." "I sent a letter to Tree Hugger asking if she could stop by my cottage for a few more days to take care of the animals, I'm sure she'll be fine with it," Fluttershy added on as Pinkie Pie also tagged in. "Yeah, besides, we're going to the Crystal Empire! I'm sure everypony back home would understand if we stayed just a teenie-weennie bit longer. Right, Dash?" "Yeah, but I do think Pitter Patter is gonna be a little upset that she's on snow duty for another week. Mind if I can get some cupcakes on the house to cheer her up?" "You got it!" Pinkie promised with a bright smile. "That's great to hear," Twilight said, bringing the attention back to her as she pulled out one last paper. "Now that we've got that out of the way. I want to go over just a few notes about our mission. We're here to befriend and talk to Skeletor, not to get in a fight," she emphasized as she glanced at Rainbow. "And, to not upset him. Like... fainting when somepony meets him," she added as her eyes shifted to Fluttershy for a brief moment. "So, just to be safe, all of the guards were provided a sketch of Skeletor beforehoof and told not to react to him. I was also able to get a few extra copies from Shinning for us too, so take your time and be prepared," she stated, passing the papers around the group. Cadence's original doodle of the demon left a lot to be desired, all Rainbow could tell from it was that he was blue and purple, and had a really long arm with a skull on the end of it. The new sketch however, left nothing to the imagination. Rainbow Dash stared at his expressionless skull, her eyes tracing the sharp edges and curves of its bare bones. It wasn't like the old pony skulls she had seen as a filly at museums, and it was unlike any of the animal skulls she could remember reading about in school. Instead of the familiar manic smile that she had seen on every pony skull, Skeletor's jaw looked more like a subtle grin that barely pulled his teeth up to his cheekbones. His skull was also oddly flat, almost as if he had never had a muzzle or a snout. Next to his skull was another severed head, albeit one much more recognizable to Rainbow. Skeletor was holding a staff as tall as himself, tipped with the skull of a goat or a ram with long spiraling horns. She idly wondered if the other skull was alive as well, until she heard Rarity make a comment about the picture. "Oh my... he... has a... an aesthetic," Rarity said, holding the picture aloft with a spell as she made small notes on the side. "You wouldn't happen to know if he wears anything else, would you?" "Not that I know of," Twilight noted, taking another glance at one of the letters in her pile. "As far as I know, Cadence never really mentioned his clothes." "Uh, is anypony gonna mention the goat skull he's got on a stick?" Applejack pointed out, as Fluttershy firmly corrected her. "Ram... It's a ram skull." Rainbow felt herself tense at Fluttershy's serious tone, catching the thestral starring daggers at his bare skull. Rainbow heard Fluttershy use that voice only once before, it was a tone she reserved specifically for ponies who had found themselves on the thestral's bad side. And, judging by the serious look in her eyes as she studied the picture, Skeletor had unknowingly found himself in Fluttershy's bad graces. While Fluttershy looked at the sketch of Skeletor intently, Rainbow's attention eventually fell on Pinkie Pie as she started doodling on her paper. Pinkie Pie had taken the opportunity to add eyes and a mustache onto Skeletor, while also adding a small crown on top of his hood with a matching one on his staff. he snickered as she wrote "skull siblings" above Skeletor and his scepter, taking the time to circle it with a speech ballon that led to both of the skulls. "Also, I just want to stress one last important detail before we get there," Twilight said, bringing everypony away from their papers as she spoke once more. "Skeletor and Cadence agreed to keep the Empire's displacement a secret for the time being. I'm not asking anypony to lie," Rainbow could hear a huff from Applejack at that comment. "Just don't mention what year it is. Otherwise, if ponies ask about the princesses being safe or where they are, you can be honest. Just, maybe don't mention that they live in Canterlot. The crystal ponies think that Princess Celestia and Luna are recovering in Dream Valley." "Oh, you mean where Princess Celestia and Luna first settled down in Equestria, right?" Pinkie Pie asked, receiving a few curious glances from the other mares. "... What? Doesn't everypony know that?" "That... no," Twilight eventually answered. "That's part of the erased history of Equestria. How do you know about it?" "That's what my mom told me, I just figured everypony knew that. Nopony else learned that in school?" She asked, earning a collective "no" from the other mares. "Huh... Homeschooling wins again," Pinkie shrugged, returning to her doodles. "... Anyway," Twilight said, moving back to her previous point. "If anypony asks, keep your answers about Dream Valley brief. And if anypony asks about their family outside of the Empire... just offer them your prayers," Twilight advised them as she heard a knock from the window. The pegasus guard outside waved her hoof three times, giving them a thirty-minute warning as she flew up to relieve the pegasi up front. "Alright everypony, get your bags ready. We're almost there," Twilight announced, gathering her papers back up as she trotted to her luggage. Applejack hurriedly trotted back to her corner of the carriage, throwing on a thick green jacket as she gathered her other belongings in a bag. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both casually trotted to their own spots, taking the time to sort everything as they quietly gossiped about what they were going to do in the Crystal Empire. Rainbow Dash was about to fly over to her own space when she suddenly heard a quiet mutter from her thestral friend. "Say something Flutters?" "Just... Nothing, Rainbow," Fluttershy replied, turning her attention back to the sketch of Skeletor with a scowl. "Hey... Uh... J-just remember, Flutters, we're not coming here to fight him, right?" Rainbow reminded her, earning a light nod from the thestral as Fluttershy trotted to her bags. Huh, so that's what that feels like, Rainbow thought to herself as she finally flew back to her belongings. Thirty minutes passed by in the blink of an eye, as each mare finished packing their bags and hugged the walls of the carriage. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity hugged the right side, peaking out of the window as the Crystal Empire came into view. The towering crystal spires glistened in the aura of the Empire's shield, glittering with Cadence's magic as the light bounced off of the buildings and streets. Rainbow could see a crowd of crystal ponies in the small streets below, hugging the clear road that the Empire's guards had organized for the many carriages that were coming in behind Rainbow and the others. As the carriages cleared the barrier and started their gradual descent, Rainbow could hear trumpets ring out below, earning a gasp from Pinkie Pie as she bounced in place. "Double-bellll!" She squealed, listing to the flugelhorns intently as she pressed her ear against the glass. "Oh, my word! Look at that!' Rarity pointed with a hoof. "That tower over there looks just like the Tower of Prance! And look over there! I think that's the palace we're landing at! Oh, this is... This is better than I could have possibly imagined." As Pinkie Pie and Rarity took in the sights and sounds of the streets below, Rainbow dash scanned the colorful blobs below, eventually finding the familiar pink and white coats of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. It wasn't hard to find Skeletor after that, standing right next to the royal couple with his scepter in hand. He towered over the royal couple and the other ponies around him, casting a long shadow down the road that fell over the ponies like a shady tree. As she stared at the blue behemoth, she noticed him turn towards Cadence to say something, earning a nod from the princess as they spoke. Shining joined the conversation as well, nestling his wife's neck as he said something else. The topic of their conversation soon became apparent as Rainbow and the others noticed another barrier form inside of Cadence's spell, allowing the princess to remove her spell as Shining Armor filled in for her. The transition was almost seamless, keeping the Empire completely safe from the harsh elements outside of the Empire's barrier. Rainbow briefly admired the shield as it slowly grew to the same size as Cadence's, eventually pulling her attention back to the three below as Cadence gave an order to one of the thestrals. The thestral nodded in agreement before flying further down the road, holding two control lights in his hooves as he prepared to guide the guards to the landing zone. The carriage landed with a gentle thud as the pegasi up front galloped down the clear road, slowing down to a gentle trot as they came closer to the crystal pony palace. Rainbow watched the sea of colorful faces, seeing the curious and concerned expressions as they passed by. It felt a little odd that nopony was cheering or waving as they passed, but what really caught her attention were the ages of the ponies. Big, tall, old, and older, there wasn't a single young face in the crowd. Rainbow Dash was about to call out to the others and ask them if they thought anything was off, but was interrupted by Pinkie Pie as she gave a loud gasp. "No way! Lardy Bread’s Bread! That's my lots and lots and lots and lots of great aunt's name! Oh! Can we stop by there? Can we, can we! Pleeeaaase!" She pleaded, causing Twilight to sigh. "Pinkie, I understand how exciting this must be for you, but even if you found some of your ancestors here, you couldn't tell them that you're related to them." "I know... But bakery!" She whined, trotting in place as the carriage slowed to a crawl. "I promise, I won't tell anyway who I am! Just five minutes, pleeease." "I... We're almost there, after we get to the castle, you can go there later. Is that okay with you?" "Yeperonie!" Pinkie Pie easily agreed, as she trotted to the back and grabbed her bags. "It's showtime everypony!" "You can leave your bags, Pinkie, the guards will be bringing them to the castle for us," Twilight said, earning a polite shake from Pinkie. "Sorry! But I'm keepin' this foal on me at all times," she said, giving the bag a loving pat as she put it on her back. "What's in there anyway?" Rainbow decided to ask. "Oh, just the necessities. Tooth brush, tooth paste, baseball bat, bludgeon," she listed off, giving the bag a good shake as metal and wood rattled inside. "Anything that I need in case you know who shows up." "Ya really think that old stallion's kickin'?" Applejack asked as she fixed her winter hat. "Better safe than sorry~," Pinkie replied, leaping out of the carriage as it came to a final stop. Rarity was the first to follow her out, taking in the sights around her as she poked her head out the door. "It's... beautiful." Rarity's eyes lit up as she stepped outside, a gleeful smile decorating her muzzle as her head lifted up. "I've never seen anything like it." As the other mares followed the unicorn outside, they couldn't help but share her genuine awe as they looked around. Even the smallest and most mundane buildings seemed sparkle in the light. Rainbow Dash was briefly taken aback by the true beauty of the Empire. She had expected to stumble upon some frozen ruins of a fallen kingdom, a land that had been swallowed by time and overrun with wild animals and monsters. But the Empire was unlike any of the lost civilizations she had read about. Aside from a few buildings and some cracked roads, she couldn't see any sign that the Empire was in disrepair. But, when her eyes finally fell back on the crystal ponies, it was evident that they were just managing to get by. Their thick fur coats hid their half-filled bellies, and their distrustful gaze was less than inviting. They were all strangers in a forgotten Empire, and it felt like they were less than welcomed, especially when Rainbow heard their mutterings. "Is that a ruva?" "Another thestral? Why's she yellow?" "Why aren't Princess Celestia and Princes Luna here instead?" She could only catch a few hints of their questions as she trotted by, and eventually she couldn't hear anything when Twilight raced past her yelling, "Shining! Cadence!" To the Equestrian royals. The leader of the Elements gleefully galloped to the royal pair as they met her halfway, embracing the smaller unicorn in a group hug as they exchanged pleasantries. It was a nice touching scene, until Rainbow and the other mares noticed the looming shadow of the blue giant. Whatever confidence Fluttershy had before had vanished when she came face to skull with Skeletor, as she hid behind Rainbow Dash and tried to conceal her fidgeting wings. Of course, their thestral friend wasn't the only one who was struck with silence when they saw him. Applejack and Rarity both did their best to keep calm as they watched him, marching up to Rainbow's side as they all tried to hide any reactions. Even Pinkie Pie was oddly quiet when she finally caught a glimpse of the lumbering giant, joining the others in their silent gawking as she stepped by Applejack's side. Twilight was the last to notice the blue behemoth, breaking off from her hug with the royal pair as Skeletor loomed over them. Rainbow couldn't see the purple mare's reaction from behind her, but her shaky voice betrayed any brave face that the unicorn tried to pull. "Uh... Hi there?" "Hello Miss Sparkle. I've heard a lot about you and your friends," he said with a quiet and ear grating voice. "It's nice to finally meet you all." Applejack was the first pony to waddle up to Twilight's side, her jacket rubbing against her legs and barrel with an annoying squeak as she tried to stay calm. After the other mares quickly trotted forward to join Twilight and the farm mare, a green mare with a braided mane cleared her throat to grab their attention. "May I have the pleasure of introducing, Princess Cadence, the descendant of Princess Amore and rightful heiress to the Empire's throne, her husband, Prince Shining Armor who also holds the throne of the Empire," she stated, finally turning to the demon as she adopted a warmer tone. "And lastly, Skeletor, former lord of the Crystal Empire, Slayer of Sombra, and Duke of the Humble Brag estate." "Oh, uh... Hi again," Twilight nervously repeated herself as she introduced herself and the others. "I'm Twilight, and this is Applejack, Rarity Belle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. It's nice to meet you, Skeletor." Skeletor spared the green mare a glance when Twilight finished, earning a nod from her before he stepped forward. "It's wonderful to meet you all too. Your brother and Cadence have told me a lot about you all." "Mostly good things," Shining joked, earning a dismissive eye roll from a small brown coated stallion behind them. "It's great to see you all again. I know guys all must be pretty tired, but lunch should be ready in a bit at the Crystal Castle. Would you want to join us?" "Oh, absolutely, your highness," Rarity readily replied for the group. "Oh, I can't wait to try some of the Empire's delicacies. What will we be having?" "Crystal berry jelly," the brown stallion piped up, causing the blue stallion next to him to clear his throat. "Of course, we also have some other dishes for our honored guests. Only the best for the new bearers of the Elements. I hope you can pardon Avid Value's blunt reply. In the meantime, how would you like for me to arrange a tour for you all at the Crystal Castle?" "Oh! Can we get a tour of the town too!" Pinkie Pie happily asked as she raised her hoof. "Perhaps we can arrange something tomorrow. Your majesties, are you ready to head back now?" "I'll stay back and check up with the Canterlot guard," Shining Armor said, giving his wife a quick nuzzle as he pecked her on the cheek. "I'll be back at the castle in a bit. See you then, everypony." "See you later, Shiny," Cadence replied as the white unicorn quickly trotted off with several crystal guards. "I hope you girls don't mind trotting too much. The Crystal Castle has a lot of stairs." "A lot is an understatement," Skeletor joked, following Cadence and the crystal ponies as they trotted back to the Crystal Castle. "Well what would you call it?" "It has too many. There are stairs at the entrance, stairs in the halls, the walls, hidden staircases, stairs up towers. Not to mention they're all made for pony hooves. It's a nightmare walking up and down steep steps all day." "Huh, I thought you'd be used to them by now." "Hardly. If I never see another staircase again, it'll be too soon." "Pssh. You say the weirdest things sometimes, you know that?" "In my defense, I'm the weirdest thing you've ever seen. I might as well say the weirdest things too, princess," Skeletor joked, causing Pinkie Pie to stifle a giggle. "I already told you, you can just call me Cadence." "Ah, right, sorry. It's just been so long since we've been able to talk outside of... well, I guess work. Not really sure what to call it." "Well, you could always join us at the royal dining table, you know." "Maybe for today. But only if you don't mind me interrupting time with your sister-in-law." "Of course not, that wouldn't be a problem at all. Right, Twilight?" Cadence asked, stirring the bespectacled mare out of her daze. "Oh! Yeah, of course. It'd be great to get to know you better, Skeletor." "Wonderful. I have so much I want to talk about. I heard you studied some soul magic back in Canterlot. I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about it." "Soul magic? Th-I don't think that's something I can really talk about." "It's okay, Twilight," Cadence consoled, slowing down her trot so she could stand next to her sister-in-law. "You can trust Skeletor. We need to talk about a few... problems that have happened recently. We'll talk about it after lunch, though." "But Cadence, soul magic has a direct link to... well..." She trailed off, letting her eyes fall back on Skeletor as he walked slightly ahead. "Dark magic," she whispered. "I know, Twilight. But trust me, everything will make sense later." "... Alright," Twilight finally replied as Cadence trotted back ahead of the pack to match Skeletor's pace. Skeletor muttered something to Cadence up ahead, earning a light nod from the alicorn as she whispered something back. Rainbow couldn't hear a word spoken between the two, only catching the word "human" as Skeletor spoke. The rest of the group quietly trotted behind them and the crystal ponies, until Rarity tried to break the ice with the demon. "I uh... I must say, I love your cloak, sir. It's very dashing." "Ah, thank you, Miss... I'm sorry, Belle, right?" "Oh, Rarity will do just fine, sir," Rarity answered, taking another moment to marvel at Skeletor's clothes. "I must say, the sateen is a very nice color. Where on did you get it?" "It's nothing fancy. It was just something I picked up from the Mattress Kingdom." "Really? I've never heard of the Mattress Kingdom before? What's it like?" "Nothing special, my friend Tuvar used to work there. They were getting rid of some extra inventory and I decided to use it." "Use... You wouldn't happen to sew, would you, Lord Skeletor?" "You can call me Skeletor. I'm not a lord anymore... right, Emerald?" "You are, now that you're the Duke of the Humble Brag's estate, even if the fief and manor aren't prepared yet," the green mare answered. "Wouldn't it be 'duke' Skeletor then?" The bone head asked. "Duke would also suffice, but lord is a more generic term for anypony, or creature in your case, who holds a noble title." "Besides, everypony is already used to calling you 'Lord' Skeletor," the brown stallion added on, earning a nod from Skeletor. "Huh, I guess that makes sense," Skeletor said, turning his attention back to Rarity as he continued. "And I didn't really do much. It was mostly hot glue, velcro, and some ladder stitches. The rest of it already came with the hood and other accessories. I just needed something that matched the color for the full cape." "Oh, did you have a tailor make them, then?" "Nye-Hah! I wish," Skeletor laughed, catching them all off guard with his loud and shrill shrill cackle. Thankfully, the skull faced demon didn't catch their reactions as he looked ahead, ignorant of the painful looks the Elements had given him. "Ah, no. It was all bought online. I only added the cape later, and then bought this after my other staff broke," he said, holding his scepter a bit higher to show it off. "Oh... I'm... Glad you could find a replacement," Rarity awkwardly replied, giving a faint chuckle as she stared at the hollow eyes of the staff. "It's... It matches your unique aesthetic." "Nye-Heh. 'aesthetic'. Yeah, I guess you could say that," he laughed, pulling the corner of his hood a bit closer to his skull. "It's uh... grown on me, at this point. Although I wouldn't mind something like a pair of pants. But the Empire is low on any extra materials and—" "Oh! I brought some sample sheets with me if you'd like to take a look," Rarity eagerly interrupted, pulling out the sketch of Skeletor she had along with a pencil. "I happen to be something of a designer back home. I'm sure I could make something nice to go along with you cloak. Maybe something in a lighter shade of purple?" "I uh... Thank you, that would actually be quite nice." "Oh, it's the least I could do, my lord. Consider it a gift for restoring my ancestor's home." "Ancestor? You had relatives from the Empire?" "Yes, from my mother's side. We actually come from a long line of ruva nobles. Oh, it'll be wonderful to trot around and look at the Ruva Kingdom!" "Unfortunately, I don't believe that will be possible, Miss Belle," the blue stallion interjected. "The Ruva Kingdom is a week's trot by hoof, and it's unfortunately far away from the Empire's current barrier. I'm afraid it will be another year or so until the shield may grow large enough to cover the other kingdoms again." "Ah, I see," Rarity said with a dejected tone, tucking her paper and pencil away as she finished a rough sketch. "Well, I suppose I'll be able to bring Sweetie Belle and my parents by then. We can make it a family trip." "Only if it's safe by then," Cadence added on. "We've still got a lot of rebuilding to do before then. But, we can talk about all of that later. I'd love to hear about what you've all been up to since the wedding," she said, turning her attention to Twilight as she continued. "I heard you've been studying chaos theory lately." "Oh, yeah, but it hasn't been too helpful. I was hoping it could teach me more about the petrification spell on Eris, since everything that happened prior to and after her release should have theoretically broken the Element's enchantment on her. For instance, during the Canterlot invasion," Twilight said, falling into a long and convoluted explanation about the Elements and their reaction to the goddess of chaos. Rainbow tuned Twilight out as she trotted forward, her eyes resting firmly on Skeletor's broad back. In just five minutes, Skeletor had shattered all of her expectations of the demonic dictator. He didn't have an intimidating voice, didn't go on some long tangent about eternal whatever or something, and he was making jokes with a pretty pink princess. Still, Rainbow wasn't willing to drop her guard around the gruesome ghoul just yet. She'd be sure to keep a close eye on Skeletor during their visit. Sadly, Rainbow and the others weren't the only ponies keeping an eye on the undead duke. Resting comfortably in a far-off castle in the Ruva Kingdom, Sombra watched the rainbow maned mare and her companions closely as they trotted through the streets of the Empire. The scarlet stallion sat comfortably in Lord Dispel's throne, resting on whatever pillows and blankets he found that had survived the Empire's displacement. He took a deep breath as he lazily glanced at the chamber pot next to him, watching as the pot slowly filled with Cannon Fodder's blood. Nodding to himself, Sombra tore the small tube out of his foreleg and healed the cut with a simple spell. Casting magic was less bothersome than he initially expected, thanks to the power offered by Princess Amore's severed horn. While the old alicorn had managed to tap into the Empire's positive emotions to fuel his power, Sombra was able to take the Empire's abundant fear and use it for his own desires. At first, Sombra thought that the distance between the Empire and the Ruva Kingdom wouldn't allow him to easily latch onto their fear from so far away. But, to his delight, it was surprisingly easy to use the general's own internal turmoil as a source of power. He didn't expect the stallion to remain so coherent in his mind, but it was a small miracle for King Sombra that he could use the general even after he had served his initial purpose. And, in a delightful twist of fate, Sombra didn't even need to do anything to torment him. The new alicorn and her whorse had essentially done the job for him. Princess Cadence and her concubine had spoken highly of the "new Elements bearers," listing off their deeds with pride as they recounted the recent history of Equestria. It was surprising to learn that, not only had the royal sisters waged war against each other, but the spirit of Eris had even managed to shortly escape her stone prison. Their recounts of the Element's achievements had thrown Cannon Fodder into a deep spiral, as the true fate of the Empire revealed itself to the general. Not only had the Empire been forgotten, not only had all their friends and family outside the Empire died long ago, but even the alicorn sisters had fallen from grace. The truth was worse than any lie Sombra could have conjured, and the general had no way to cope with his sudden revelations. Still, while Sombra reveled in Cannon Fodder's grief, he couldn't help but think more critically of the princess' words. If the Element's power was not eternal, and if Princess Luna and Eris could escape banishment, then how long would it be until Grogar and his demons would eventually return as well? And, if the Demon Lord’s return was inevitable, then did he still need Sombra's help? If the old goat knew that he could possibly wait out the spell that confided him and the others to Tartarus, then what use would Sombra be to him? If Sombra wasn't fast enough, then Grogar and his armies would take over Terra before he could even conquer Equestria, let alone the Crystal Empire. He'd be no match against any of his generals, like Tirek or Erebus, or Faust forbid Lavana. Not only would he need to contend with Princess Celestia and Luna, along with Skeletor, Princess Cadence, and the new Element bearers, but he would also need to devise a plan to fight Grogar and his minions as well. He couldn't be hasty and fly into battle unprepared, but he also didn't have the luxury of time on his hooves either. He would need to move quickly, and strike the Elements and Skeletor before Princess Celestia and Luna could come to the Empire. He would also need to do it before the Equestrians returned to Canterlot, or else Twilight and the others have time to prepare a better plan than the one Skeletor had cobbled together. Stopping at the pit that laid directly outside Dispel's castle, Sombra poured the general's blood along the rim of the pit, completing the crimson circle that he had started earlier. While he wouldn't have the time to summon as many demons as he initially wanted, it would be just enough to occupy the Equestrian guards. The unicorns from Canterlot would be the biggest issue, but even a thousand years of experience couldn't prepare them for the monsters that they would soon face. Sombra stared as the snow around the pit as it began to bubble and boil, steam rising from the ground as the crystals beneath began to glow with a crimson hue. The sound of rattling clattered from the hole as he felt the ground tremble, with the hollow wail of a foal piercing the air. A smile split his muzzle as he trotted back to the castle, letting the first of his soldiers make their way back up from the depths below. He would make sure that Celestia's precious pupil and niece would never leave the Empire alive.