//------------------------------// // The Prodigal Daughter // Story: If Solaris had a Text-to-Speech Device // by Jay David //------------------------------// "Well then, if your spat is dealt with for the time being, was there anything else you wished to discuss, Highness?" Flash asked. "OH, DON'T BE TOO SURE, LAD. DISCORD AND ME WILL BE AT EACH OTHER'S THROATS AGAIN SOON ENOUGH. WE CAN'T EVER REALLY GROW OUT OF THAT." Discord shrugged. "Honestly, it'd be weirder for me if we were ever buddy-buddy like that." "Indeed. An odd situation if ever there was one." All turned to the new voice that had caught them off-guard. To the surprise of all of them, they saw that it was Luna, approaching the three of them with her usual regality. Flash immediately bowed to her, but it was Solaris who addressed her. "WELL NOW. NICE TO KNOW ONE OF MY CHILDREN ISN'T WILLING TO JUST ABANDON ME DOWN HERE." Luna clearly seemed to restrain herself from frowning, instead putting on a smile for him. "Apologies for my absence earlier, Father. But yes, we felt it was appropriate that at least one of us be here." As soon as she was close enough, Flash spoke to her, albeit in a hushed tone. "I'm assuming you lost a wager of some sort?" Luna, in a similar manner, leaned over to him, keeping her voice low so as to not be heard by her parent. "Rock, paper, scissors. Tia was always better at it." Flash blinked, looked down to his own hooves for a moment, then to hers, before looking to her with confusion. "But...how would you...?" Unfortunately, he was unable to finish, as Discord suddenly sauntered over with his usual swagger. "Far be it from me to interrupt, but since old boney back there has another pony to talk to, I'll take my leave for now. Goodness knows I'm late enough for my usual afternoon tea with Fluttershy as it is." He raised his hand, ready to snap, before winking to them. "Toodles!" With that, he snapped, teleporting himself away from the scene, leaving only the three ponies behind. Luna, shaking her head to this, trotted over to her father. "I hope you've been kept abreast of things?" "INDEED. AND I'M GLAD IT WAS YOU WHO CAME DOWN HERE LUNA. I WISH TO DISCUSS YOUR...DIFFICULT TIME." Luna's face grew wary, and she glanced over to Flash, who suddenly started to look quite guilty. "I'm sorry, Princess. I'd assumed you and your sister had already talked to him about it." Briefly, it looked as if Luna was annoyed at the situation. But her mood soon relaxed, and she gave a slow nod before patting Flash on the shoulder. "No...its is fine. In truth, I should have told him." "YOU'RE DANGED RIGHT YOU SHOULD'VE. EXPLAIN YOURSELF, DAUGHTER." Looking to her father, Luna's face was stern, and she stepped forward. "A thousand years ago, my reign was...a lonely one. The night had few when compared to the day of Celestia. I grew angry over the love she had, all while I was ignored." She winced at remembering those unhappy days. "I lashed out, gave in to the darker thoughts. Before I could stop myself, terrible powers were wielded against my own sister, and I had become a monster. A being feared by all for generations to come." A small smile came to her. "Were it not for the efforts of Twilight and her friends, it is likely that a nightmare is what I would still be today." "IT PROBABLY GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT THIS IS A DISAPPOINTING THING FOR ME TO HEAR." "Of course," Luna conceded. "...BUT I AM ALSO GLAD THAT YOU ARE AGAIN YOURSELF, LUNA. WHOLE AND FREE OF DARK INFLUENCE. NOT MANY CAN CLAIM THAT FOR THEMSELVES AFTER SUCH AN EXPERIENCE." Luna looked to him with surprise. "I...you catch me off-guard, Father. I expected you to be enraged by this news." "IN TRUTH, I WAS, AT FIRST. BUT, LOATHE I MAY BE TO CONCEDE IT, MY TALK WITH DISCORD HAS TAUGHT ME MUCH. NAMELY, HOW ONE CAN INDEED CHANGE FOR THE BETTER AFTER TERRIBLE TIMES. AND IT SEEMS SUCH WAS THE CASE WITH YOU, LUNA. YOU STRAYED, YOU GAVE IN TO THE WORST PARTS OF YOUR NATURE, YET YOU EMERGED THE OTHER SIDE, SHINING AS YOU ONCE DID. THERE ARE FEW ACCOMPLISHMENTS GREATER THAN TO RAISE HIGHER THAN WE WERE, AND ALL I FEEL IS GLAD THAT YOU NO LONGER LINGER IN THE DARK." Luna looked quite touched by her father's words, as a small smile came to her. "Well...not too far from the dark. I am a mare of the night after all." "YOU ARE. AND FROM WHAT I HEAR, PONYKIND HAS COME TO LOVE YOU A GREAT DEAL IN THE BRIEF TIME YOU'VE HAD UPON YOUR THRONE COMPARED TO CELESTIA. IF THAT IS NOT A TESTAMENT TO YOUR QUALITY, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS." "...Thank you, Father. Your words are...to be blunt, far kinder than I'd have expected." "WELL...PERHAPS OLD AGE HAS SOFTENED ME SOMEWHAT. Luna's smile grew. "It is not an unwelcome change, I can assure you." It was a touching moment between them, as evidenced by how glad Flash seemed to be to witness it. Unfortunately, the mood was spoiled slightly by the sudden reappearance of Discord, who emerged in his usual manner before slumping his shoulders and pouting like a child. "Well, that was a wasted trip!" Luna raised an eyebrow to him. "No joy with your tea, Discord?" Discord sighed. "Alas, no. Seems Fluttershy already had a prior engagement. Goody two-shoes Twilight was there with her instead. So, after bidding her farewell and letting her know where I'd be for the day if she changed her mind, I decided to come back." There was a silence as Luna and Flash glanced to one another. "You...told them both where you'd be?" the latter asked. "Yes," Discord answered. "So...Twilight now knows of exactly who is down here?" Luna added. Discord frowned. "Yes? What's your point?" The point in question was soon to be answered in full, for at that very moment there was a noise being heard by all of them. Far away, yet growing louder with every passing moment. It was hoofsteps, and all turned to the great doors of the chamber. Before long, they burst open, and a lavender blur sped past the three and went straight for Solaris. Now, hovering excitedly in front of the old king's face, was Twilight, with an absolutely massive grin upon her face. "Tell. Me. Everything!" To this, Flash cleared his throat. "Um, King Solaris? Allow me to introduce...Princess Twilight Sparkle. "...HELLO."