Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Test dummy

Chapter 36

Dana sat down and exhaled. Moving all of her stuff from Bluetail's to her new house was hard work, even with the Captain's help.

She looked around her new home. It was bare, but she would fix that after a few trips to the furniture store. She slowly stood and walked over to the side window that faced Lance's house.

She sighed, she didn't like the idea of her son living on his own. Especially with friends and his fiancee.

She finally accepted the fact that her son loves a horse, mostly because she had fallen for one herself.

She turned for the door and left her house. She walked across her lawn and over to Lance's house. She walked up the door and didn't even bother with knocking this time. She just walked in.

When she stepped inside, she could smell what could only be marijuana. She shook her head, she didn't like the idea that her son was living in this kind of environment. She walked into the living room and looked at the couch.

On the couch was Lance, but also on the couch was that one horse, the one he's going to marry. He had his wings wrapped around her, and was holding her extremely close. To close for Dana to be comfortable.

She didn't like the sight of her son being so close to a girl, especially not in an embrace. As she walked over to split them up, something hit her. Not physical, but mentally.

She can't always be on him about his life choices, he wasn't her little boy anymore. He has the right to live his life the way he wants.

Dana sighed and sat down on her haunches. She knew that one day she would have to let him go, but she just thought he would want to live at home. Looks like he wanted to leave home instead.

She smiled, it looks like hes doing well for himself. A house of his own, a soon to be wife, friends, and he always seems happy now.

She stood and went for the door, time to let Lance be his own person.


Seth walked out of his house and smiled, today was going to be great. All he had to do was find where they had left Zorrow and then take him to see Big Mac.

He walked to the hill that he and Greg had dropped him down. Upon looking around the base of the hill, he saw a white lump by a tree. He walked over laughing, "So, how was your night Zorrow?"

He heard him mumble. He moved him onto his back and smirked.

Zorrow glared up at him, "Fuck you man."

Seth smiled, "No thanks, I'm good."

Zorrow rolled his eyes, "Just take me home dude."

Seth grinned, "Nah, I was thinking about taking you to see Big Mac, how does that sound?"

Zorrow's eyes widened, "Dude, don't play around!"

Seth chuckled, "I'm not playing around. I'm seriously about to take you to see Big Mac." He said as he lifted Zorrow up on his back.

He could feel him start to struggle in his cast, "NO! NO! Dude, don't you fucking dare!"

Seth began to hum the song by Linkin Park, 'What I've Done' and continued down the dirt road.


I splashed some water in my face, trying to wake up. I didn't mean to fall asleep on the couch, so I just wasted three hours of my day. Me and Rainbow Dash are suppose to go and practice together. What? I can't just be friends with her?

I almost missed it, but luckily, I have another thirty minutes before I'm suppose to go meet her.

I quickly pull on my goggles on and dashed out of the house. Flying full speed towards Rainbow Dash's house.

After a good fifteen minutes of flying, I landed on her door step. I reached up and knocked on the door.

The door opened quickly, too quickly. Rainbow Dash walked out and grinned, "Ready for some training Lance?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just go easy on me. I'm not as good as you are."

She smiled proudly, "Got that right. Follow me." She jumped into the air and began flying north.

I quickly jumped into the air and followed her. We flew for a few minutes until coming upon a area with an open sky and clear ground.

She waved her hoof out over the area, "Welcome to my training grounds. I always come here to work on my tricks."

I looked around and nodded, "Nice."

She smiled, "Now, to start this off. We will both do individual training, then later, we'll train together."

I grinned, "Sounds good to me."

She flew off on her own, leaving me there to try and think of a way to practice.

I shrugged and decided to try to do a barrel roll. I flew forward and began to pick up speed. When I felt like I was going fast enough, I twisted my front forwards, causing me to spin. I felt my self spinning forwards, a good sign. Now to stop myself. How do I do that?

I tried to pull my self out of the barrel roll, but ended up spinning side ways. Finally, I was able to stop spinning. As I hoovered in place, I held my stomach. I feel like throwing up.

From behind me, I could hear Rainbow Dash laughing. I turned to see her holding her stomach laughing.

I felt my cheeks turn red from embarrassment, "I meant to do that."

She stopped laughing and smirked, "Of course you did Lance."

I turned away from her, I was going to be stupid and try this again. I'm sure if I just try hard enough, I can do it.

I fly forward again, picking up speed. As I twist my body, I feel myself doing a barrel roll. Now, if I can stop myself from spinning, I will have this trick down. Sadly, when I tried to stop, the same thing happened like last time.

When I came to a stop, I held on to my stomach. I think I'm going to pass out. I began to descend to the ground, feeling nauseous. Once my hoofs where back on the ground, I began to feel a little better.

Rainbow Dash landed next to me laughing, "You can't do any tricks can ya?"

I sighed, it was true. I don't think I can do any of the tricks she can, "So."

She slugged my arm playfully, "Its okay, not everypony can be half as cool as I am."

I looked at her and chuckled, gotta love her boasting, "I think I can vouch for that."

She grinned, "Oh, so you think I'm cool?"

I shrugged, "Well, you are cool, and awesome."

A happy smile began to form on her face, "Yeah, I'm pretty awesome."

I nodded, "I agree with that. How about you show me a trick."

She smiled, "I got one. But I'll need your help."

I sighed, "Sure, I'll help."

She grinned, "This is a new one, so this is more of a test."

I nodded, "Alright, what do I need to do?"

She pointed up in the sky, "Go up there and just hoover in place."

I began lifting up, "Sounds easy."

She smiled, "It is."

I flew up till I was pretty high up in the air, I looked towards Rainbow Dash to see that she was angling herself with me.

She screamed out, "Ready Lance?"

I yelled back, "I guess."

She started flying straight at me, picking up speed as she went. As she neared me, I began to have second thoughts about this. Before I could change my mind, she tucked her wings in and rolled up into a ball. My eyes widened, I know what she's doing. She slammed into me, sending me straight to the ground.

As I speed towards the ground, I rolled my eyes. She just did a pinball type move on me. I slammed into the ground, but this time I barely felt it.

I lay there looking up at her, she was laughing her head off. I couldn't help but smile. I just realized that I make a pretty good test dummy. I was always the one to try out everything back on earth, and well, I guess its the same here. Its always fun to be the one to get to test out new things, even if they hurt.

When I stood, she landed next to me. "I'm sorry, but I've always wanted to try that move out, but it requires two Pegasus."

I chucked, "That was actually kind of fun. Any other moves you want to have me test?"

Her eye brighten up at my words, "I have so many moves I've wanted to try, but they all need two Pegasus."

I smiled, "Well, what are we waiting for? Lets get to testing."

Several hours later.

I stumbled into my house and up the stairs. That had been fun. Rainbow Dash had so many tricks and moves to test. I don't care if I sprang my front left leg, it was still awesome.

I walked into my room and looked at my self in the mirror. I was covered in bruises and small cuts. I smiled, reminded me of the times me and my friends would do parkour, I would always come home covered in bruises.

I pulled off my goggles and tossed them on the desk. Next I pulled off the small cape like thing on my back and put it on a chair. Finally, I pulled off the leg bands and the tight suit.

As I removed the tight black suit, I looked up at the mirror and saw something on my flank. I pulled the suit off and looked at my flank. What I saw made me slam my hoof into my face. I had a cutie mark, but that's not why I facehoofed. What it was is what made me. It was a circle with yellow and black in it, it was the symbol that represented a test dummy. I slammed my hoof into my face a few more times. That is just sweet fucking irony right there!

I shouldn't have been praising my ability to be a test dummy all day. I wanted a cool cutie mark. Like a lighting bolt or something along those lines, not a symbol that means I'm a freaking test dummy!

I sighed, I'm so going to get made fun of for this one. I shook my head and picked up a book off of the desk, 'Equestria myths' and climbed into bed. I opened the book and tried to concentrate on it, but my mind kept traveling back to the fact that my special talent was being a test dummy.