The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

King of Knights: Part 1

Unknown World

Aqua pov

         I went through the portal like Hollow suggested. So me, John, and Sans have to find the last Void Kings we need separately. Hope things go well for them. I find myself in front of a castle ...that has some serious evil energy surrounding it. There are a few Giant towers that are glowing red sticking out of the ground around it.  I took a few steps to look around when I suddenly had to jump back to avoid a blue laser. I took to my right and saw this four legged machine looking at me before firing more lasers while making a b-line for me. 

I summon my keyblade. The one master entrusted to me. I used Reflect to send the blast back. It hit its eye and stumbled back with the top portion spinning. I quickly closed the distance and attacked its legs. Destroying them.

After its legs were gone I saw it stop spinning before it started to charge another blast. I jump back and prepare to use Reflect again when someone shoots the machine in its eye/cannon. A big blast of blue energy from the shot exploded. The machine went still before blowing up itself. I looked behind me to see someone holding a bow. That was an arrow.

3rd pov AN: just trying a different viewpoint with Aqua. Don't know if I'm keeping it though.

Aqua looked at this stranger that helped her. He was almost a head smaller than her. He wore a blue tunic with tan pants and brown boots. He also had a hooded cape on him with the cape on. He put the bow on his back, with Aqua noticing he had a blue kite shield and a sword. She noticed quickly that the sword ...had a strong power in it.

“Hey. Thanks for the help. I'm Aqua. Who are you?” She asked.

He lowered his hood and revealed his light brown hair. He had pointy ears and blue eyes. “I'm Link.” He said.

“What were those things?” Aqua asked. Referring to the machines from before.

“Guardians. They were supposed to protect this land, but Calamity Ganon took control of them. It was a slaughter. The soldiers didn't stand a chance.” He said.

“Calamity Ganon?” She asked. Link pointed at the castle.

“He has been trapped there by Zelda for over a hundred years. Keeping him from destroying Hyrule.” Link said.

“A hundred years? You are clearly strong. Does the species of this world have that long of a life span? And if so. Why did it take you so long to fight?” She asked.

“Some species do, like the Zora, an Aquatic species, but ...I'm a different case.” Link said, looking down. “I ...was heavily injured in the battle against Calamity Ganon and the Guardians. Zelda took me to a special chamber to heal my wounds. It would put me in stasis while I heal. Unfortunately the process not only took a hundred years, but I lost my memories as well.”

Aqua was shocked to hear that. “So when you woke up, you not only had to regain your memories, but your strength as well right?”

“Yes. My Sword. The Sword That Seals The Darkness was sealed and I needed to regain most of my strength to wield it again.” He said. 

As they talked while progressing towards the castle a group of silver monsters attacked. Before Aqua could summon her keyblade Link had already drawn his sword and cut down two of them. ‘He’s fast!’ Aqua thought. The last two jumped at Link. Only for him to snap his fingers at them and for them to get fried with lightning. Then fell dead. Burnt to a crisp from the Lightning. “Whoa. Impressive.” She said,

“Bokoblins aren't that tough. They can be annoying in groups, but if you want a real fight try facing Lynels. Red mane ones are the easiest,but are still pretty tough. The real challenge is the white and silver mane ones.” Link said. He described them a bit more on that they not only were resistant against most in not all elemental type attacks, but could shoot massive fire blasts out of their mouths. Coupled with their speed and skill they do sound like challenging opponents. 

They later found themselves in front of the castle. Having faced a few more Guardians on the way. Aqua was able to get a better feel for them. Handling the last one with ease. 

Aqua looked over the castle. The evil was one of the darkest she has seen. Pools of Malice were everywhere. She can even see flying versions of the Guardians scouting the castle. As well as Turret ones.

Link previously showed her that some pools of Malice have a weak point in the form of an eye connected to them. Destroying it will temporarily get rid of  the pool it was connected to. Not all of them have one though. Some also have mouths that let out cursed skulls of different monsters. The mouths will only go away when the eye is destroyed.

The massive iron gates stood before them. Aqua was sure she could push them open. Being a Keyblade Master as well as the training from Hollow helps make something like this look easy, but before she could do that she sees Link pull out a device and aim at the doors. A yellow ball shot out of the device and hit the door. Link then pulled the door open with little effort.

“What is that?” Aqua asked.

Link held it out. “It's called a Sheikah Slate. An ancient artifact from an old race long ago. It's been with me since I awoke. Runes have been added to it to allow different effects to be done. It can create two kinds of bombs depending on what I might need at the time. Can use magnetic energy like with the gates to move metal objects no matter their weight. Can stop objects or even living beings in time for a short period. While frozen I can build up kinetic energy in objects by hitting them and when the time is up and they're not frozen. They get sent flying. For living things the damage just stacks up.” He said. This device sounds useful.

He examined it a bit more. “With the Cryonis rune I can create pillars of ice in any water surface to either help cross a body of water or get something that's floating out of the water. I can even destroy either old pillars or even ice elemental attacks heading for me. It is also capable of taking pictures and storing info on items or enemies.” 

“That device can do a lot. Anything else I should know?” Aqua asked. 

Link smirks and holds out the slate. A blue dome forms away from where he is pointing. When it goes away. In its place was a strange looking motorcycle. It looked like a metal unicorn with two wheels where its front and back legs should be. “This is the Master Cycle Zero. I acquired it from a challenge involving the same people that made the Slate. Hope on. This will help us avoid the flyers.” He said as he got on. 

She got on and held on to the back of the cycle. He drove off dodging the spotlight from the flying Guardians and avoiding the broken stationary one. They soon came across a pool of malice that was blocking the path. Link noticed an eye on the other side. Aqua Asked him to wait here while she jumped and ran on the wall to their left and jumped towards the other side. The eye opened up and looked at her. She waved a little before burning it to ashes with a Fira spell. The pool disappears and Link drives up on the MCZ. “Nice work.”

“No problem.”

They continue until they come across a tower with two Guardian Turrets on both sides of the gate. They locked on and started charging their attack. Link jumped off the bike till he was a few meters in the air. The turrets locked on him and fired at the same time. Link pulled out his shield and deflected both at the same time back at each one respectively. The shots went right through them and they exploded. Link landed on the ground ok and came back to Aqua. “Bike won't help us up ahead. After this it's just one more gate house and then straight to where Ganon is.” He said as Aqua got off the bike and he desummons it.

They entered the Gate House and looked around. An open circular area. Aqua looked up and saw a concealed eye and a….mouth with sharp teeth? “Malice mouth above us.” She said, 

Link looked up and nodded. “Ok. The eye should open when the fight starts. You take care of it quickly or we'll have cursed skulls after us while I-” he was interrupted by a large monster falling on the ground in front of them. Its lower body was that of a horse, with the torso of a buff man, and the head of a lion. It had brutal looking weapons in the form of a sword and bladed shield. Aqua could see a huge bow on its back. Mane was White. It roared with enough force to send a blast of wind at them. Link was unfaced. “-while I take care of the Lynel.” He said drawing his Master Sword and Hylian Shield.

Aqua nodded and jumped up to the next level while Link faced the Lynel. She saw the eye was open and used a quick Fire spell. Although she destroyed it, the mouth already sent out a skull. She made short work of it with a quick swipe of her Keyblade. She looks to see him already done. “What took you?” He asked.

“I… how did you?” She asked.

“I've faced hordes of not only Lynels but other monsters at once, and I didn't even have my shield then.” He said. “Come on. Not too far now.”

They continued onwards. Using Links bike to make the trip quickly. They soon came across the entrance to the central tower. They can feel the evil at its strongest from this distance. “He's right in there.” Link said.

“This Evil… it reminds me a lot of someone from my own past.” Aqua said, remembering Xehanort, and what they did to her and her friends.
“Stop him here, and Hyrule is free from his hundred year terror. My friends are waiting for the chance to weaken him.” Link said as he pointed to four giant animal like structures in the distance with a red light pointing towards the tower. An Elephant, a bird, a lizard, and a camel. 

“RIght then.” Aqua said with a nod. In one hand was Master Keeper, and in the other a sword of Void formed. “Never thought I’d make use of dual weapon fighting.”

“Always good to have backup styles to use. Sword and shield, single sword, greatsword, spear. Having multiple helps you stay ready.” Link said. “Let's go.”

They walk towards the center of the room. Looking up was a mass of Malice. A huge sack of malice hanging from it. A bright light showers from it. A few seconds later they start hearing something. A voice.

“...k. ..nk. Link. I'm sorry… But my power isn't strong enough… I can't hold him.” A female voice said as the sack started to move. A blue beam of energy shoots out blasting the room around them and it hits the floor cracking it. Smoke comes off the sack. It burst as...something huge comes out and falls on the floor. The floor gives and all three of them, the creature, Link, and Aqua fall.

Reacting fast, Aqua disbanded the Void sword, and took a breath. She tossed Master Keeper far above her, the tinkle shining showed it shifted into a glider, and what came down was a thin, sharp bike based glider built more for speed and attacks than defence. Unlike her friend Terras. She grabbed on, and caught Link. “Come on, this isn’t over yet.” She said, driving downwards to catch up with the falling Creature.

They followed it to a large cavern. It looks around before looking up at them. It's three yellow eyes and red mane. It has two arms with one giant and the other skinny. It has a long body with centipede-like legs. Three long appendages with a weapon on them. A sword, a spear, and an axe. On the end of the large arm. Was a huge red sword. 

“How should we take it on?” Aqua asked, bringing them both to ground level and getting off the glider as she Disbanded it, bringing back Master Keeper.

Link just smirked. “Just look up first.”

She did. She saw a bright light shining from the hole they fell from. Suddenly the creature was assaulted by a massive storm of laser pummeling it as it screams in pain. When it was over and the smoke cleared they saw it lying on the ground.

“...It’s never that easy.” She said, keeping Master Keeper ready.

“You're right. Because that wasn't meant to kill it.” Link said as he walked forward a bit. The creature Spurs and gets up. Looking right at link. He takes out his shield and then his Master Sword. The blade suddenly glowing with a powerful light. “Just to make it a bit easier.”

“Fair enough.” Aqua said, charging up her Shotlock.

The creature. Calamity Ganon. Swung the red sword sending waves of fire at them. Link quickly moves around the fire and strikes with his sword. Cutting into it. It roars before stabbing at Aqua with its spear.

“Gah!” Aqua cried, blood starting to pour, but her Shotlock was charged. The magic activating the unleashed a volley of Rainbow colors towards the attacking spear, shattering it on impact as the remaining color streaks all hit its other weapons. The Axe was heavily cracked and the sword chipped, but its red sword seemed unaffected. Hitting the ground she used a Hi-potion fast before dodging another one of its fire swings. “I hate pyromancy…” She muttered.

It starts crawling on the wall of the cavern. Going around before swinging its red sword. Only instead of fire it sent tornados at them. Link used the wind to bring out his glider and safely glint the air.

Seeing the creature ready to swing again, Aqua shot out Chains of Light and wrapped them around the sword, and she noticed where the weapon and the Creature were fused. “Link! Can you slice it off?!” She said, trying to keep the behemoth from attacking.

“I'll try.” He holds the sword to the side and swings. Sending a blade beam out of it. Before it connected the chipped sword it had blocked it. They then noticed another weapon on it. A laser canon like the Guardians she saw when she arrived. It began firing blue energy shots at them.

“Two can play at that game.” Aqua grunted, jumping into the air and aiming her Keyblade, rather than a simple beam of light, a large circle of magic appeared both under her and at her Keyblades tip. “Light's Wrath!” She called out, shooting a massive blast of light into its cannon.

The blast destroyed the cannon and made Ganon fall off the wall. It looked at them and roared. Its entire body suddenly glowing as red as its sword. While the damage on its main body stayed, its weapon appendages healed. 

“Dang it.” Aqua hissed. “It has to have a core inside it that’s repairing its weapons… by why not the body?” Aqua questioned. “That should be more than its primary heal over its weapons.”

“It's not fully conscious yet.” Link said. “If Ganon was he would definitely heal all of it, but this thing just healed the weapons. That's good. We can kill it before it wakes fully up.” Link said. He ran up and dodged a sword swing by jumping backwards with a flip. As he hit the ground Aqua saw him suddenly move much faster and cut Ganon’s body over a dozen times before jumping away. He snapped his fingers, causing a massive lightning bolt to slam into it. The eclecticity both dimmed the red glow and stunning it.

“Wow… gonna need to learn that… but first.” Aqua said, looking quickly for a deep enough crack in its body. Finding it, she grinned. “If only Terra was here to see this.” She said, raising her Keyblade up, spinning it around, but it’s tip stayed still as it’s body stretched out, elongating and thinning. With a quick stop, the whole thing sprung up into a drill formation. Aqua jumped into the air again. “Impact!” She yelled, suddenly rushing in fast and slamming into the crack, an explosion caused a massive hole in the creature's side to open up. Aqua jumped back to safety before collapsing. “Darn it… I used way too much Magic in that…”

“Aqua!” She looked up to see Ganon firing a blast of blue energy from its third eye. Before she could move Link appeared in front of her with his shield raised. At first she thought he was going to block it, but instead. When the blast was close enough Link parried it back into Ganon's eye. Causing it to roar in pain as its eye was destroyed. “You ok?” He asked.

“I used up too much magic in that last attack. But I might have a work around, though temporary.” She said, taking out her Wayfinder. “I’ll be able to fight for about five more minutes using this, once the magic stops I’ll be vulnerable again.”

“Five minutes is more than enough. He’s on his last limb.” Link said seeing Ganon staggered a bit from its wounds.

Nodding, Aqua clutched the Wayfinder. “Ventus… Terra… I’ll find you soon.” She said, it’s bright glow filling her with magic as she felt strength to get back up. Something was different though, she felt a link with two, not just one. She felt Ventus and Terra together with her. In her right hand was Master Keeper, in the other, an ethereal version of Terra’s Keyblade, and floating behind her, an ethereal version of Ventus’s. “Terra… Ven… Heh.” Aqua smiled. “Let’s end this.”

They both charged. Link uses his master sword to injure Ganon when he could. With Aqua using the combined powers of her friends to destroy the red sword finally. Link then plunged the Master Sword into its head. After pulling it out and jumping back. They watched the creature twitch and stumble before red lights shine out of it and blowing up. They watched the malice in the air leave through the hole. They thought it was over before a light started to cover them both. Aqua sense that they were being pulled somewhere.

When the light faded. They were out of the castle and in a large field. A voice was heard, but that wasn't what caught them. The massive amounts of malice and evil they sensed.

“It's not over.” Link said.

“I have at most three minutes… think we can win?” Aqua asked.

They turned around to see a massive cloud of malice. Bigger than the castle. As it settled Aqua saw a giant four legged creature that radiated evil and rage. 

“Something is horribly wrong.” The voice said. “Someone, or something has done something to Ganon. The beast form is here, but..” 

Aqua was confused. Then she saw Link looking at something below the creature. She couldn't make it out yet.

“What is this evil?”

“Demise.” Link said.

A tall figure was shown. Coal back skin. Flaming hair. Eyes that held nothing but hate, evil and hate that made Xehanort look passive. 

“How long has this darkness festered within them?” Aqua asked.

“I've never met him myself, but a past incarnation of mine slain him.” Link said. “I can't remember much, surprised I remember anything to be honest, but he has a massive hatred towards the gods.”

“A hatred...of gods?” Aqua questioned.

“There's a thing here. As for Ganon… Ganon is supposed to be Demise’s reincarnation. So why are both here?” Link wondered. “This doesn't bode well.” 

“... I have an idea. But it’s impossible without a Keyblade.”

“Someone else must be at work here. We’ll worry about who later.” Link said as he turned back to their opponents. “I'll take Demise. Ganon will rampage through Hyrule if left unchecked. Can you take him?” He asked.

“I’ve got three minutes still before this wears off.” Aqua said, readying her Keyblade as the Ethereal versions of her Friends Keyblades did the same.

“Ok. Careful though. Doubt it will be easy.” Link said as he pulled his sword and shield out. “Go. Ganon is making its move. I'll handle Demise on my own.”
Ganon let out a roar as it started walking, or stomping away. Most likely heading towards a population to destroy. It's third eye shot out a powerful laser that charred  the ground.

Aqua rushed in front of the beam, right as she fell into it’s light she cast Barrier, the beam getting blocked long enough to make Ganon stop, and she used Payback Fang, wacking with all three weapons upside Ganons chin.

She looked to… No damage. The Malice covering him is too strong. She is also still exhausted from the earlier fight. She dodged a smaller laser compared to before but faster that was aimed at her.

Needing a plan, Aqua cast Mega Flare, followed by activating Ghost Drive. She flew around Ganon attacking when she could. Turns out he can shoot lasers out of his skin. Thankfully Ghost Drive with its speed and afterimages made dodging them easier. Still though she was having a hard time even damaging this giant malice covered boar. She dodged a few more find herself back at the front of Ganon. With a huge laser firing off right at her. Blasting her into the ground.

“Gah!” She gasped, the pain far greater than she imagined. Grunting as she got up, she clenched her Keyblade. In the other hand, forming the Void Sword. “I… Am… Master Aqua. And you will not… Defeat me!”

“You are a kind soul aren't you?” A female voice said.

“I will fight on. Even as my body decays on me, my weapons shatter and my mind is long since gone. I trust, in the power of my heart. In the power my friends give me.” Aqua said, standing up properly, Master Keeper with the ethereal Earthshaker hovering just over it, and wielding her void sword backhanded, like Ventus, as his ethereal Keyblade floated above it. “I’ve lost it all once before. I will regain it all and then some.”

“Then there is hope.” The voice said before a light shone from above her. She looked up to see a silver bow floating down in front of her. “Behold. The Bow of Light.” She can sense the light radiating off it. It was massive. “ With your self currently exhausted you can’t harm Ganon. If you weren’t you would be able to. So take this sacred bow. I’ll help how I can. I’ll use my powers to reveal and open weak spots to aim at. You must hurry. Demise is much more powerful than Ganon. Link will need help.”  The voice said.

Nodding, Aqua took the bow, readying it, but the arrow was Master Keeper. “Master Eraqus used to teach me about shifting my Keyblades physical form. But I won’t need to, I’ll just need it to hit you.” She said, aiming at Ganon and drawing back.

“While the power will be stronger thanks to your weapon. It’ll take more than one hit to bring him down. You need to be quick.” The voice said. Ganon was moving again. “You need to aim carefully while being on the move. Don’t worry, I have help coming.” Aqua heard a noise behind. She looked behind to see a majestic white horse. “He will help you in this battle.”

"Every little girl's dream." She smirked, jumping up onto the horse, the horse giving its own battle cry as it dodged Ganon, Aqua shooting her first 'arrow' at him, striking an arm.

She saw it did hurt Ganon, but not as much as she'd hoped. Suddenly a few spots on his side glowed with light. “I have weakened Ganon in these areas. Strike now.” The voice said.

Shooting arrows of Light, Aqua did just that. Ganon roars in pain as the areas explode in light from the arrows. It keeps moving but noticeably a bit slower. “I have revealed more areas on his other side. Ride quickly.” She said. Need to ask her name soon.

Shooting more, Aqua loaded the Ethereal Earthshaker intotneh bow, shooting it off into the final weak point. Ganon is much slower now from the attacks, but is still moving. A glow appears on his forehead. Bigger than the others. 

“Hit this final one to reveal Ganon's light weakness. Be careful though. Once it's revealed it can fire blast much stronger and faster than before.” She said.

Nodding, Aqua loaded Ventus's ethereal Keyblade, and charged in close, and fired.

The arrow keyblade struck. The blast stunned Ganon. Forcing him to fall. Aqua rode in front of him. She saw he wasn't moving but didn't let her guard down. Ganon's head then opens up. Revealing a Giant Malice eye. It looked around before focusing on her. She started riding away quickly. It then started to charge a blast. Very quickly. She and the horse barely dodged it. The blast traveled before destroying a massive Volcano mountain. The lizard thing she saw from before sent flying before it crashed into the ground. 

“No! The Goron’s. Their home. You have to stop him!” The voice pleads. The eye then starts glowing as well. It looked confused. “Now! I can't hold this for long. Strike it with what you have left!” 

Loading her void sword, she took aim at Ganon, taking a breath. "Terra. Ven… John, give me strength." She said, her void sword giving off a glow before she fired it off like an arrow.

The arrow struck. Dead silence follows. Then Ganon starts glowing as malice comes off him. What's left is the evil that once floated around the castle. Still alive. Aqua was confused on what to do next. When a bright light appears before her. When the light fades a bit. She sees a girl. She has a white dress on with light brown hair. The girl looks at Ganon. Who roars at her and charges her. Before Aqua could move to help. The girl held out her hand and a massive amount of light appeared. She sees Three triangles appear as Calamity Ganon roars in anger and pain before disappearing. 

The girl turns to Aqua. “Thank you for help.” It was the voice she had been hearing.

"Who… are you?" Aqua asked.

“My name is Zelda.” Zelda said. “I thank you for helping Link in this fight.”

"What are you?"

“I was the princess of Hyrule around a hundred years ago. I was destined to awaken a power within me to seal Ganon away, but nothing I tried worked. I did everything I could but was getting nowhere. I… Was starting to think I was just a failure. Then Ganon attacked. Death left and right everywhere. Link was about to die protecting me, when something inside me snapped. I awoke my powers and saved him, but link was critically injured. You probably heard the results of what happens next from Link. I stayed here at the castle for a hundred years. Using my powers to keep Ganon himself trapped till Link can recover and stop him. So again. Thank you for helping him.” Zelda said.

"My pleasure." Aqua said. "Time to end this once and for all?"

“Yes. Link is still fighting Demise, but Demise’s power. The former Demon King is much stronger than Ganon. I believe in Link, but Demise. Please hurry bef-” she was interrupted by the ground shaking violently. Calamity Ganon was back. Floating in the air. Only this time it turns towards where Link was fighting Demise before rushing there. “Oh no. We have to hurry!” Zelda said as she and Aqua hopped on the horse and rode as quickly as they could(not like that sickos).

a couple minutes ago after Aqua left

Aqua had just gone after Ganon. Leaving Link to face Demise. Link frowned. ‘This won’t be easy. Demise from what I can tell is stronger than Ganon in terms of power. Ganon is slow and a big target. Although that’s why Demise is much more dangerous. He has speed and actual technique.’ Link gripped his hand on the master sword. ‘But I have to fight. Aqua is exhausted from Ganon before. She wouldn’t have lasted long enough for me to defeat Ganon against Demise. I have to stop him.’ 

Demise looked at link. He didn’t react at first. Then he laughed. “Hahahaha! So ‘he’ wanted me to be here. Against you? The reincarnation of the one who defeated me. Hahaha. I will replay in blood the defeat your past self caused me.” He said as he held his sword to the side.

Link charged forward as Demise walked forward. They got closer and closer. Before they struck. Their swords colliding. The force sent a shockwave from them. They held their blades against each other for a second. Link then jumped back and backflips into the air before quickly drawing his Royal Bow and shooting a few bomb arrows at Demise.

Demise brought up his unarmed hand and made a motion, causing the arrows to fly completely around Demise as he seemed to control the air as he continued moving forward. “Firecrackers on sticks won’t do anything Hylian.” Demise growled as he dashed forward and swung his sword down onto Link.

Link grits his teeth and blocks with the Hylian Shield. The force cracks the ground. He pushes back and swings the Master Sword towards Demise’s side.

A black mist appeared near his unarmed hand as another blade solidified in it as he blocked the strike against him. “Come on, is that the best the Wild Hero can do?”” He taunted. He then slammed his fist into Link's gut, sending him flying.

Link recovered after a second and charged his Master Sword and sent out a blade beam back at Demise. “Not even close!” Link yelled.

Demise brought up his sword and blocked the blade beam, darkness coating his sword as it seemed to dissipate the blade beam. “Ah, there’s some of that old power. Show me more!” He challenged as he swung his sword, sending out his own darkness blade beam towards Link

Link dodged the beam and sent out two more before charging forward. He put his shield on his back and two handed the Master Sword as it glowed with light. ‘I have to focus. My shield will only slow me down against his sword.’ He thought as he charged.

Demise dodged one blade beam and parried the other as he took a step forward and swung his blade, trying to meet Link's charge before he could react.

They collided again. Their swords collided a couple more times with light and darkness flashing from their respective blades. Link jumped up and slammed his sword onto Demise’s blade who pushed back. Link was in the air again before he took his bow out again and fired a shock arrow. Not seeing Demise smirk.

"Thanks." He said as he blocked the shock arrow, lightning arcing across his blade as darkness seemed to envelope the lightning as he redirected the black lightning back at Link.

Link couldn’t block because he didn’t have his shield out. Mentally kicking himself for that. The attack hit and he felt a lot of pain from the lighting and darkness. He fell from the air and rolled on the ground. He pushes himself back up and looks at Demise. ‘What was that. Wait. I remember now. A Skyward Strike. Demise and my original self used this variation of it in that realm. My past self couldn’t use the original because of the immense darkness Demise flooded the area with. They compensated with the powerful lighting.’ He pushes himself to his feet and brings his shield back out.

Link charges again. Demise swung again. Only for Link to quickly side step the Strike. Reflexes kicking in and as fast as he can he starts a flurry of strikes. Only for Demise to prove to be just as fast and parry all of them before kicking him. Link was barely able to block with his shield as he was sent back ten feet.

Demise laughed. “You're strong, but you're nothing compared to your original.” Demise said as he stomped onto the ground, a wave of darkness rushing towards Link. “But you're probably slowly remembering your past incarnations as we fight

Link blocked the darkness wave. It pushes him back. Link breathes heavily before standing straight. “Ya. I guess you can say that.” Link raises his sword. He focuses. The glow from the Master Sword grows brighter. Before a great flame of light surrounds both link and the sword. His eyes snapped open. “TAKE THIS! SKYWARD STRIKE!!” He sends a powerful wave of light that Demise blocks with his sword covered in darkness, but is pushed back by the force.

”And here I thought this was going to be easy.” Demise chuckled, rolling his shoulders as he got into a proper fighting pose. “But this only makes it more fun to crush you.” He growled as he swung his sword down and into the ground, pulling it out as a trail of stalagmites rushed towards Link.

Link, covered in flames of light, dashes forward. He jumps from one stalagmite to another making his way towards Demise. He jumps off them and over Demise. Then charges towards him. Demise smirks before covering himself in flames of Darkness and collides with link. Their sword swings causing bigger and bigger shockwaves as the ground beneath them cracks and splits. Demise parried a swing and swung his unarmed hand towards link. Link spins and parries with the shield and cuts Demise with the Master Sword. He responded by swinging his sword and cuts Link. Both jump back a few meters. Both cut across their torsos.

Demise growled and checked his chest wound, seeing how deep the hit was. “Yet again, the Power of Light arrives…” The god growled in anger, hating that accursed light as he raised a hand, dark tentacles came up and lashed out at Link before he charged forward.

Link dodges the tentacles and jumps out of Demise’s reach. Link aims at the tentacles and snaps his fingers. Causing a massive blast of lighting mixed with light to incinerate the tentacles before sending an empowered blade beam at Demise.

Demise infused his blade with Darkness as he blocked the empowered blade beam. “Damn your accursed light…” He growled as he tried to push back against the empowered Blade Beam.

Link lands on the ground and crouches. Pulls out the Royal Bow again and aims his strongest arrow. An Ancient Arrow. Against even Lynels these arrows eliminate them in one shot confiding them to oblivion. It won’t kill Demise, but. He fired the arrow as it collided and exploded. The blast allows the empowered blade beam to land. Demise screams in rage as he is engulfed. Smoke covers the area as the light from Link dies down. He breathes heavily as he watches. 

“Can’t let my guard down. Not until I’m sure.” He says. The smoke clears. Demise is still standing. Wounded badly but standing.

You think...that could stop me?” Demise growled, panting from the explosion that managed to injure him.

Demise then suddenly turns his head towards his right. He sensed something. He then smiles. And laughs. “HAHAHAHA! Well it seems that Ganon failed. Good.” 

‘Wait. Why is that a good thing? What is he up to?’ Link thought.

Demise raises his left hand into the air. Link looked at where he was looking, and was shocked. The dark energy that Dark Beat Ganon was made of was flying towards Demise. 

Demise laughs as Malice covers him. The storm of darkness grew around him as Link plunged the Master Sword into the ground to keep himself stable.

As the Malice and Darkness subsides Link widens his eyes at the site.

Demise was covered in the Guardian like armor. Had four limbs that had a spear, Greatsword, and two swords made of Guardian energy. His regular sword was now a red ethereal sword that radiates intense heat. His left hand had a Guardian eye on its palm. Most likely means he can fire energy beams from it.

Ah, that’s better.” Demise said with a grin, as he lifted the hand with the Guardian eye and fired a beam of energy at Link.

Link blocks it but is pushed back. He looks back at Demise with a grim look.

on horseback headed there

Aqua is on the white horse with Zelda riding as fast as they can. She is exhausted from the Battle with Ganon but she has to hurry. If Demise absorbs Calamity Ganon it won’t end well. Zelda is worried as well.

“We must hurry. Link has a chance to defeat Demise, but if Calamity Ganon and Demise combine I don’t know if Link can win.” Zelda says. Worried for Link.

“I’m honestly not sure how much help I’ll provide. The battle with Ganon is taking its toll. I’ll do everything I can to help.” Aqua said as they headed towards the battle.

“Let’s hope it’s enough to help Link…” Zelda mutered

They continued to ride. Hoping things were going well and Link would prevail. They can hear the battle still going as they got closer. 

Demise’s evil laughter. The sounds of lasers. The loud explosions. It didn't sound good.

As they got over the next hill to see the battle. Zelda gasped. Demise, covered in the power of Calamity Ganon, held Link by the throat, with two limbs that had a guardian spear and sword attached to them pointed at Link. The master sword on the ground a few yards away. “Come on now Hero. Is that the best you can do?” Demise said as he laughed.

Aqua couldn’t believe what she saw. Demise had somehow merged with Calamity Ganon. Becoming far stronger as Calamity Demise. She held her keyblade, drained as she was, and prepared for a fight. 

Hoping that everyone gets out of this.

watching from a distance.

A figure watches on in a cloak concealing their body. With the only note being the shape of a woman. She put a blue arm with black veins against her chin and smirked. “I guess it’s time I start taking the board. It’s been far too long and I’m way too bored.”